《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Time to Pack for my New Life



As we make it to the front of my building, I look down at my brother. He has been laying against the car door with one arm over his eyes, and the other against his side. He looks horrible, with the bruising, scrapes, and blood all over him. I need to call Liz, get her here to heal him. So, I know he is taken care of before I leave.

My door opens pulling me out of my thoughts, and the vampire, Martin, is standing there with his hand held out to me. I look to my brother, then back to him. He must see the worry in my eyes because he gives a sympathetic smile, "he will be okay, you have my word." I squint my eyes at him, pouting as I cross both arms over my chest.

He laughs out right, "Joshua will grab him, and bring him in. He is just outside calling your friend Liz now. She will be here shortly, and then she can heal him." My eyes widen in shock.

They have her number, what other information do they have? I think to myself before grabbing his hand and hopping out of the car. I refuse to go into the apartment, however until I know my brother is right behind me.

I watch as Joshua hangs up his phone and opens my brother's door. My brother practically falls out of the vehicle headfirst. Before I can make a move in his direction to do what I can to catch him, Martin is kneeling on the curb, holding my brothers head just inches from the ground.

My goodness they are fast. Of course, they are Ellie, they are supernatural's of the paranormal world remember? I roll my eyes at my own absurdness.

I'm amazed as Joshua hauls my brother up with one hand, over his shoulder, and heads for the door. I can't help how my mouth falls open with how strong they all are.

Hearing a throat clear, I'm brought out of my thoughts. Looking to Martin, I see him give me a nod in the direction to my apartment building. Oh right, in my state of surprise I forgot I'm on a time limit to get what belongings I can.

They make their way to the fourth door at the end of the hall, hidden behind the stair well. They know where my apartment is. How could they know? If they know all this, what else do they know?

When I reach Joshua's back, I see he's looking at me over his shoulder. What is he waiting for? He gives me a little smirk, as he looks down at my bag, then to the door. As his eyes make contact with mine again it dawns on me.

He is waiting for me to get my keys to open the door so they can get in. Duh!

Making my way to the front of the door, I begins looking for my apartment keys in my bag. Although, every time I get a handle on them, they would slip through my fingers. The shaking in my hands is making this a lot harder then it has to be.

A hand makes its way around my wrist, making me freeze. "Allow me." Martin snatches the keys rather quickly, and has the door open, with his arm held out before I can blink.

"Ladies first." He insists.

I can see how much he is trying to hide the fact he finds me amusing. I scowl in his direction. Giving a little huff with a thank you. Just because I'm not very happy with the situation does not mean I shouldn't use my manners. It took my parents many years to teach them to me after all.


"Where do you want me to put him?" Joshua asks while lifting his left shoulder a bit in the air, making my brother groan in pain.

"Just on the couch please." I say as I watch as he places him gently on the couch. Why were they being so gentle with him now? Not that I'm not grateful for it.

"Your friend, Liz, should be here in a few minutes. We know she lives just above your apartment, but apparently, she was out doing errands." Martin explains.

"She sounded quite pissed off on the phone." Joshua says as he takes a seat on her worn out chair. Making himself comfortable. Looking to be right at home. I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at the bemouth.

Of course, her best friend is pissed off, a strange man is calling her with information on us. What did he expect? For her to be all gracious and happy about it?

Before I can utter a word, martin chimed says "pack all the things you need there's a good chance you won't be back."

Something in his words makes my heartbeat almost stop beating. I feel like there are hidden meanings in everything he is telling me. I just can't figure out what they could be because I'm too exhausted from this horrid day.

I make my way into my closet size bedroom. My full size mattress sits on the floor. It's worn out and has some holes in it. There's my mediocre desk that had a broken leg, so I had to duct tape it back on, sits at a slant on the opposite side.

My nightstand that is made of an old milk crate sits beside my mattress. Looking down you can see how worn out my carpet is with stains. It doesn't matter to me. All I can see when looking at my room is how I got all these things. They are mine!

The bed I saved my money for months. The milk crate her and Liz stole from a convenient store. They hid in the aisle waiting for the cashier to turn around to refill things, then they emptied the contents on the floor, and made a run for it. They laughed for days thinking of how he yelled after them and cursed them to Hell.

The desk I have had since I was fourteen. It was a gift from my parents for Christmas. Now it was being ripped out of my hands. For what, a powerful man, who thought she was his in some way? Absurd!

I can't dwell on any of this. I have to get as many of my things as I can. I make my way over to my small closet and get my worn out duffle bag. I start to put all my clothes I can fit into it.

I'm almost finished packing everything when I hear the distinct and furious voice of my best friend. I can't help but smirk a little knowing how pissed Liz is about all of this.

When I walk into my living room, I can see her there. She's standing in her punk attire, her right hand is at her side in a fist. While her left hand is waving around dramatically. Her short blonde hair is falling into her eyes as she's making her point.

"You think this is okay, to treat a human being this way. What is wrong with you!" Liz shouts so loud you would think the walls will shake.

Martin opens his mouth to answer her, but she is having none of it. She puts her hand up to stop him, "that was a rhetorical question. Look I know you guys are some of the most powerful supernatural's of our world, and that your boss..."



"What?" She looks back at Joshua with fire in her blue eyes.

"We work with him, and he is our friend. Has been since childhood. Was just correcting your mishap, but please do continue to yell at us if you wish." Joshua gives her a sly smile.

"Fine friend is the most powerful of us all, but it does not give you or him the right to beat someone to a bloody pulp. No matter the circumstances. And it sure as Hell does not give him the right to own a person, such as my best friend!" She crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot. The two signs she is beyond pissed now.

I know that is my cue to step in and try to diffuse the situation. Or else Liz is going to blow. For someone so short, only standing at five feet and three inches, she is a firecracker. Not one you want to implode believe me. It is not pretty.

"Liz, hey sweetie." I try to give her my most convincing smile. Of course, because she knows me so well it does not work. Her arms come to her sides, and you can almost see steam coming out of her ears.

"Look at her, you, you, you big ogre!" She storms right up to Joshua and pokes him with her finger.

"She is distraught, her hair is a mess, she has tear streaks running down her face, and I can see her shaking from here. What did your 'friend' as you so call him", she does some air quotes with her fingers above her head, "do to her?" Her eyes are shooting daggers at this point, and she is practically snarling at him.

"First of all," Martin starts to intervene, but falls silent at Joshua's raised hand.

He gives Liz a smile, and you know he is about to lay into her just as much as she did him.

"Let us see little warlock, he made an agreement with her. She saves her brother, who by the way stole from his casino and couldn't pay any of it back, he gets her." He points at me with an outstretched arm.

Grabbing Liz's finger, he bends it just enough to make her squint, but not enough to really hurt her.

. "So, if you ask for my opinion she got just as good as he is getting. Now if you touch me, or mouth off to me one more time today, I will gladly put you over my shoulder, carry you to that room that is behind your friend there, and show you the proper punishment for your behavior." He gives her a salacious smile, then he bends down to her ear, and whispers something no one else could hear.

Whatever he said, made Liz snatch her hand away so fast, she almost fell over. Joshua caught her in midair, and she immediately looked down to their feet, her face as red as an apple.

Huh, I have never seen that before. He got her to shut up with just a few words.

A throat clearing got us all out of our own thoughts and back to the moment. "I think you need to let Liz go, so she can heal Ellie's brother. That way she won't fight us when we have to leave in fifteen minutes."

Joshua gave one final smirk in Liz's direction, then let her go. She took a step back, still not able to look at him. He grunted to her, and she took that as permission to go to the couch so she could heal my brother. I moved to sit next to her and held her hand. She swallowed down what I can only imagine is a wise remark and started chanting.

Within seconds my brothers' bruises were disappearing, his cuts were slowly healing, and soon all that was left was the blood on his clothes. Placing one hand on his heart to feel the steady beat, I smoothed his tangled hair from his eyes. Giving him a kiss on his forehead I whispered to him that I love him, and I would see him as soon as I can.

I stand up from my spot on the floor, and tell Martin where my luggage was. He grabs it and leaves the apartment I assume to put it in the SUV.

Liz, stands here next to me, neither of us speaking for a moment. I know in a matter of minutes I would be walking out my apartment door, into the unknown, and not knowing when I would see the two most important people in the world to me again.

"Just," I had to swallow the tears that were building in my eyes, "take care of each other." I look at Liz and hug her with all my might. She hugs me back. For a person that does not like to show weakness I am surprised to feel my shoulder growing damp with her silent tears.

"I'll take care of him don't worry about that. Just take care of yourself, and know we love you. We'll be right here waiting for you." We end our embrace, and I kiss her cheek.

"I love you like my sister, always have, always will." I touch her hand once more, look to my brother on the couch, and turn to start walking out the door.

I can hear the footsteps of Joshua behind me, and see Martin standing on the curb beside the SUV, with the back driver's side door open for me. I find all I want to do is run. Run hard and fast, but I know I would not get far. Even if I did, which the chance of that is slim, Kayden would find me. It would only make him happier, being able to hunt his prey.

As I get to the door, Martin raises one corner of his mouth in a slight smile, I think he is trying to give me comfort. I give him one in return, just to show him my gratitude for the sentiment. I get in and buckle up. My door is shut, and the two men hop in the front to their seats.

Before I know it, we are pulling away from the curb, and my apartment. The place that has been my home for the past two years. Now, I am going to a place I have never been before, with a man I barely know, and into a world I do not know much about.

Taking a deep breath in, I exhale it out. Angle my head back against the seat and close my eyes. I do not know what is about to happen, but I am ready for it.

Let us do this, I may not know what is about to happen, but I will give it my all. I will fight and will see my family again. Soon.

Authors Note: Please if you like this chapter vote on it, or leave a comment. =) I would love to hear from you.

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