《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》The Agreement



I am doing everything in my power to remain in control of my traitorous body. My head is spinning, my hands are covered in sweat, knees feel weak, and my heart is beating fast. So fast if it keeps up, I am afraid it may shoot out of my chest and land on the floor. While I am working on this the door clicks open, and in walks miss tall and beautiful with a manila folder in her hand.

She places it down in front of Kayden, looking him up and down with interest she asks him "anything else I can do for you sir?" You would think his attention would be fully on her while she undresses him with her eyes. All the other men in the room have their eyes on either her chest or ass, but he has still got his eyes trained on me.

"That will be all." He gives her a hand motion dismissing her entirely.

She stands her full height and walks out the door. With a pout on her face and a death glare my way. I want to look at her and tell her it is not like I asked for any of this, or that I am enjoying any of the attention.

The door closes, and with the echo of the hinges and the voice of the other men in the room asking if he wants to be alone with me, I jump at least ten feet. While we wait for his answer, I take a good look at the three other men in the room. The quietest one is monstrous. If he were just a normal human, you would think he was on steroids. Knowing he is a supernatural I can only guess he is a werewolf. He has chocolate brown eyes that look almost black, and dark blonde hair.

The man standing beside Kayden, who just asked the question is tall with a lean body. He has reddish brown hair, and light almost unnatural green eyes. I have seen them turn red a few times during the exchange. Meaning he is full vampire. As their emotions change the color of their eyes turn red or completely black.

In the corner of my eye, I can see the asshole who dragged my brother in here. He must be a warlock; besides Kaydence he looks the most human. Normal height with brown hair, and gray eyes. I get the feeling he is the worst out of all in his nature. Since he is the one that snickered at my brother while he was in pain, I may be a little biased on my opinion.

"That will be great Martin, wait just outside the door. You and Joshua will be helping Ellie get her brother home when this is over. Tony, go down to the main floor. I'm leaving you to your own devices in the casino." The two behind him, Martin and Joshua walk past me and out the door. The one he called Tony, looks at my brother with disdain upon his face. He looks up at me giving me a smirk and makes his way out the door.


"Sit." Looking from Kayden to the folder on his desk, I debate with myself whether I should or continue standing so I can attempt to make a run for it.

In a matter of seconds, the decision is no longer mine. Kayden nostrils flare, before he shakes his hand with a word I do not comprehend from his lips. My feet begin to move of their own volition. When I am in front of the chair, he says another word and my body sits. Attempting to move my hands and legs is futile, I look up and try to condone my hatred for him, as my mouth falls open.

"You just used magic on me. You can't do that!"

"Believe I can, since I just did." he gives a smirk while sliding the folder over, placing it in front of me.

"Now I'm going to let your arms loose so you can read over the document. You may ask any questions you may have. Once you sign you may take your brother home. Got it?" His eyes bore into mine until I give my consent.

As my arms are released from the hold he had, I take the folder and look over the document. There are at least ten pages here, in the smallest print imaginable. Glowering up at him, he just tilts his head and laughs. The fucker laughs!

"It basically states how you will do anything I tell you to do. I will be handling your training, as well as your transition. Giving your memories back slowly, so it won't do damage to your mind."

Before he can say anything else I have to ask, "Will I be able to see my brother and best friend Liz?" Besides my brother Keith, Liz is all I have left in this world. She is one year older than me, and a warlock. She shows no fear towards anyone and has quite the mouth on her. Thinking about her makes me wish she were here.

"Yes, despite what you may think, I'm not a complete monster." He could have fooled me.

"Before we go any further, I will tell you there are sexual requirements." He must see me open my mouth to tell him a big fuck you because he puts his hand up to stop me.

"I must tell you it's for your own good." I snort and roll my eyes to that.

He gives a feral grin, that makes my body shake with need. He brings his hands up to his desk, intertwines his fingers together in front of him, and stares into my eyes "warlocks and fae go through what is called transitioning. Where at the age of twenty-one they come into their full powers. You, Ellie Montgomery, have both in your bloodline." Was not expecting that.

"When going into transition, it can either be painful, or pleasurable. How you handle it with what you do during it ultimately decides which you will feel." Sitting back in his chair he does not take his eyes off me.


"Figured since you cannot handle pain..." he raises his hands in the air with a shrug of his shoulder.


Shaking his head with a smile on his lips "yes I know so much about you, Ellie. Figured pleasure would be better for you."

A few minutes pass by with no one speaking. Guess he wants to give me some time to work through all my jumbled thoughts. He gives me a nod toward the folder.

"Read the first page. The rest isn't an issue now." Having no response, I start reading. When I finish, I look down at my brother wondering how much longer he can live with the injuries he has. I must sign this, so I can get him home. I can call Liz; she will take care of him while I am away.

When I look up into Kaydens eyes, he must know I am ready to sign. What he grabs from his top drawer of his desk is not a pen. Looking from him to the knife he holds in his hand, panic sets in. I feel the need to bolt to the door. However, thinking of my brother I remain seated in the chair.

He stands from his chair, slowly walks to the other side to reach me, and I watch as he holds out his hand. What does he want? As he looks down at my hand placed on my knee I get my answer, I slowly place my shaking hand in his, palm up.

"This may sting." The only warning I get before he nicks my palm with the knife. There is a short pain, as I watch the crimson substance make its way down my hand to my wrist, leaking on the floor. He then takes his hand and does the same. He holds my hand within his mixing our blood. He says an incantation I do not understand, places our hands on top of the document, and a feeling of hot desire and power shoots through my body.

The power is so strong, the room lights up for a moment. I find myself toppling over using his body to hold myself up. Within seconds it is back to normal. Did all that just happen? It was not a daydream, was it? He removes our hands. As I look down, I see my name written in our blood.

How did he do that?

He quietly makes his way back to his chair, snatches the document, and places it in a safe behind his desk. He takes the knife, looks me in the eyes, and licks the blood off it. Before placing it in his top drawer of his desk.

"You may take your brother home now. Joshua and martin will escort you." I rise from the chair, but before I can reach for my brother his voice stops me dead in my tracks. "Don't try to run Ellie. I marked you with my blood, so I will be able to find you no matter where you go."

He marked me. Looking down at my hand, sure enough there in crimson blood are the initials K.M.

"You have one hour to say your goodbyes, and pack. Then, Joshua and Martin, will bring you to me."

He presses a button on his phone, and moments later the two scary men that were standing behind his desk earlier come into the office. He talks to them giving them the orders he had just disclosed to me.

I am not really listening though. My head is still spinning with everything I had just learned, and with all that just happened. The big one, guessing Joshua, picks up my brother. Since he said his name while directing him to do so. Martin walks over to my side opening the door for me. He gives me a small smile as I make my way out the door. Making sure I do not touch him in the process.

"Oh, and Ellie..." Stopping cold, I turn to the man that has in a matter of minutes changed my life irrevocably.

He licks his bottom lip, and smiles "I look forward to introducing you fully into our world."

With that I slowly turn to make my way back down the hall. Working my way outside I see a black SUV waiting in front of the building. I can see Joshua in the driver's seat. I make my way over to the vehicle, and martin comes to be by my side, opening the door for me. My brother is there, untied, with his head laying against the window, one arm over his eyes and forehead.

I jump in to take his other hand as I sit back in the seat. Martin tells me to buckle up before he shuts the door and makes his way to the passenger seat in the front. Once he is in, we start to move.

Looking out the window, I lose myself to my thoughts for a while. No one talks which to me is simply fine. Do not think I would be good for conversation now. Laying my head against the window, the last thing I think about before I drift to sleep is what are his plans for me?

Authors Note: Please if you like this chapter give it a vote or comment. =) I would love to hear your thoughts.

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