《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》She is Everything and So Much More



She is magnificent. Always has been since we were young. Of course, she does not remember any of that. I made sure of it. She has no idea who she really is, or how much power she has. Just as powerful as I am, and she has always been mine.

Her full powers will come to her on her twenty first birthday, which will be here soon. She will be feeling the power building within her, along with the sexual enthronement growing inside of her. I am looking forward to what is to come, and real soon.

"You should close your mouth; you'll catch some flies with it open like that." I tell her, as I fight the urge to stick something else in that sweet mouth of hers.

"I want you with me every day. To be in my possession for as long as I like." Sighing to seem bored, instead of thinking about how that will be forever. Looking forward to it.

"So, I give you me, and in return you allow my brother to live?" I fight the smile that wants to escape and give her a nod.

"What will I have to do exactly?" Before I can give her an answer she continues with "what could you possibly want me for? I'm nothing special."

It takes all my will not to growl at her for saying such things. For she has never been nothing. She is the most amazing, and perfect creature to have ever been born. She is the perfect person in my eyes, she always has been.

I must remind myself that she does not know all of this. She does not remember what or even who she truly is. She has no idea what we are together, nor does she understand what will happen in our future. She is about to when I get my way. Believe me I will get my way, and I will have her soon.

"You will find out soon enough." I bite out.

Her eyebrows draw together in confusion. I clarify "you will know when I want you to. For now."

I stand and walk towards her. Leaning against my desk, I cross my arms over my chest, and stare her down, "all you need to know is you come with me, become mine, he lives."

Piercing my eyes in the direction of her brother, who is still laying on my office floor bleeding out, I am positive she will concede. After all I can heal him, but he does not deserve such leniency.


I want to wait until she signs on the dotted line before I allow her friend, who I am sure she will call after this to come and take care of him. She is not just signing but giving her blood in a blood oath on it. In our world that way she becomes mine for good. There will be no way out for her. No loop holes. She will have to turn to me for everything, as it should be.

She looks at me with hate in her eyes, then down at her brother. There are only mere moments until she agrees I can see it in her eyes, but then the hate in her eyes morphs into pissed as Hell. My cock immediately grows. She is so sexy with that look on her face.

"How dare you!" She growls in outrage.

She jumps up from the floor, and marches toward me. Poking me in the chest she says, "you abuse my brother to the point of him being on precipice of death, laying in a pool of his own blood on the floor."

Pointing to him she looks at me again "and you just expect me to give myself to you? To give my life up, and place it in your hands, when you are the reason for this!"

During the explosive fit, some of her hair has landed in her eyes. It takes all I have not to reach out to place it behind her ear.

"What kind of a girl do you think I am?" As I open my mouth to give my answer she stomps her foot, "more important who do you think you are?"

With a raise of her hand, she continues with, "I understand you're all mighty, powerful male, hear you roar." I give off a laugh at that. "I may not know exactly how powerful, and judging by the size of this building, the men in this room, and your reputation in this city I know you must be very. However, I have more class than you must think. I am not someone for sale. I am NOT an object to own, I am a person. I have rights."

Her breasts are moving up and down with every heaving breath she takes. She is beyond pissed off at this moment. It makes me laugh in my head, imagining what it will be like with her under me soon.

I grab her hand which makes her turn as still as stone. She looks as though she is forgetting how to breathe all together. I step close to her, so close the smell of her shampoo, strawberry with a hint of lavender, hits my nose. I place my cheek against hers, breathe her in, move into the crook of her neck so I can whisper in her ear, "take a breath baby, I wouldn't want you to pass out. We're not done here yet."


Collecting herself she breathes in, snatches her hand out of mine, and takes a step back. To make some space between us. I take one closer to her, the process repeats with her taking one back, me following. The hunter eyeing his prey. When her back is against my office door, I box her in with my hands on each side of her head. She has nowhere to go, nowhere to run or hide.

She tries to turn her head to the side. Ignoring me the only way she can at this moment. Not happening. I take my hand, place it under her chin, and move her face directly facing me. I want her to look at me as I say this. She will listen to me as I speak.

Looking into her jade green eyes, I smile when I have her attention "because I know who you are. I've always known."

"You are caring, and you love your brother. I know you're a person, but one thing I am going to make clear right here and now is this," giving a pause to build the suspense, I feel her heartbeat speed up.

"Do I have your attention?" Her little pink tongue comes out to lick her bottom lip as she nods, too afraid to speak, "good because this is important."

Before I say anything else I bend my head down to touch my lips to hers. Giving into my temptation, and her a taste of what is to come. She intakes a sharp breath, and I can smell her arousal in the air grow. I know I am getting to her because her breathing has picked up. Causing her breasts to move against my chest. Giving me a taste of that sweet friction that I crave like a madman. Looking down, I see her thighs rub together. She is trying to ease the feeling I am causing her.

Giving her the most devilish smile I have I continue "you are and always have been mine. For that reason alone, you will agree to this, you have no choice." I pull back from her to look into her eyes with mine, to be sure she understands.

Backing away from her slowly, my arms return to my sides. I take a step back giving her time to look at me, to mull over all I said. She looks to me for a moment before returning her eyes to her brother on the floor. The look of defeat on her face tells me all I need to know. I have already won.

If I agree to this," she swallows and the motion makes me want to wrap my hand around her neck "you'll allow him to be healed, and let him go home, right?"

I hold her stare with mine for a moment. I do not want to, but if it will make her feel better about the situation, I could give her that. Putting her out of her misery, I give a slight nod and wait for her response.

The tension in the room is unbearable. I can see sweat running along Joshua's brow. He, Tony and Martin know my temper. How bad it is, how much of a sadistic bastard I can become if I do not get my way. Can only imagine what they all must be thinking. About what will happen if she does not agree right now. Of course, I will win either way, I always get what I want. What I want, hell what I own already is her.

She looks up at me, giving a slight nod. My mouth spreads into a smile. Victory is mine, and just like that my men relax. As I start to imagine all the things, I will be doing to that sweet body of hers. First, we must get to the paperwork.

"Wise decision", walking back to my desk I press the button on my phone. Signaling Maria to bring the documents I had written up already for this occasion. We need to get this over with fast so I can begin her training.

To begin arrangements for her coming transition. What a fun week that will be. Feeling her body beneath mine writhing in pleasure. Hear her panting as she digs her nails into my back. Her screaming with each orgasm that comes. Yes, transition is one of the best weeks in our world. I fully intend to enjoy it all.

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