《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Exploiting The System.


( Third person perspective )

As Izuku was looking at the text bubble floating in his field of view, two people wearing black suits, entered the room he was in.

"Looks like you're awake now. " Said the blond guy in the suit.

" Who are you people? " Asked Izuku.

" I'm sorry if we surprised you. We are from the inspectors from the hero organization. " The Blond said.

" Why are the inspectors here to see me ? " Izuku said.

--------------( )--------------

( Izuku's point of view.)

"What!!! I was asleep for three days!" I said. " What about Bakugou and the girl he helped? Are they safe? " I added.

" They are safe, but the girl, she is currently in deep trauma and is planning on leaving the country. Hopefully she can recover." He said.

" Well, at least they are safe. " I said.

" And as for Rin and the other two survivors..... " He was speaking, but I cut him off.

" It's ok, that's enough. " I said. The scenes of Rin running away flashed through my mind.

" Although you all were just kids who broke the rules and entered the gate without a licence, for a massacre this big to occur, even though we checked the gate's rank earlier to be a D-rank. When the pro's arrived at the room everyone mentioned, all the statues were gone. And only you found lying on top of an altar unconscious. Luckily the boss of that dungeon wasn't killed, or you wouldn't be here. " He said.

" That can't be. " I exclaimed.

"We also couldn't believe it. If the survivor's testimonies would have differed by even a little, or if the bodies weren't found, then we would have thought so, but we have a theory. We believe that you are a . " He said.


' ' I said internally.

A person normally would get his/her quirk at the age of 3-4, this was known as ''. But there were some people who would either got their already strong quirks even more enhanced or get completely new powers too. These were known as ' ' .

After saying that, the other guy with black hair passed a mini quirk power detector towards me.

" This is a quirk power detector, it scans the power of a person's quirk and quantifies it. Please place your hand on top of it so that we can check your quirk power. " The guy with black hair said to me.

( Third person perspective )

As Izuku placed his hand on the center jewel of the detector, the man then started testing the power of Izuku and waited or the result to appear on the reciever in his hand.

The reciever showed the number.

' ' the black haired guy thought to himself.

" What's the result? " Izuku asked them.

" I'm sorry, It looks like we suspected you for no reason. " The guy said and they both left.

' ' Izuku said to himself.

[ * *

You have an unread mail. ]

( Izuku's point of view )

After a while I try to stand up but I noticed something strange.

' ' I said to myself.

I stand up and try to touch the floating screen. ' '

" Onii-chan!! "

I heard a loud voice come from the door, I looked there to see my sister, who apparently was crying her eyes out, came rushing towards me and hugged me tightly and started crying again.

" You meanie! Why do you always get so injured. I always tell to stop getting injured, do you know how worried I was. After mom, if even you would leave me, then I dont know what I will do. " She started yelling while tears filled her eyes.


" I'm sorry. " I said while I was starting to get tears in my eyes.

' ' I said to myself.

" You better not get hurt again. If you do, then I'll quit school and find a work instead, so that you don't have to go inside those gates again. " She said to me, wiping her tears away.

" Yeah, I promise. But can I ask how you got here, aren't you supposed to be in school. " I said to her.

" When I got the news about you, I asked the teacher to allow me to come see you. She also allowed one of my friends to accompany me here. She's outside currently. " She replied.

" Okay then you should be heading back. I don't want you to miss school. Don't worry about me now, I'm okay. " I said to her.

" Okay then I'll be leaving. Take care onii-chan, and don't forget about your promise. " She said as she was about to leave.

" I won't. See ya' at home. " I replied to her.

After she left, I was finally free to try what I wanted to do.

I look at the floating screen.

" Open the mailbox. " I said.

[ **

=> Welcome, Player )

Daily quest : preparing to

become strong ]

I clicked on the one saying welcome. Suddenly, I am bombarded with more messages.

[ The system will support the growth of the ]

[ Failing to obey the system's

orders will result in a

corrosponding ]

[ Your have been delivered. ]

' ' I think as I press on the rewards.

[ * *

=> Great spellcaster

The great spellcaster has granted a special spell to you. It ensures that you will always be strong and healthy during your lifetime.

=> Temporary effect :

Any dismembered body parts are .

=> Permanent effect :

All and will be healed, and sleeping will explosively increase

ability. ]

"Whoa there!!!! This is insane. Let's look at the other mail. " I scream as I open the other mail.

[ **

Daily quest : preparing to become strong.

Push-ups (0/100)

Curl-ups (0/100)

Squats (0/100)

Running (0/10km)

Failing to complete the quest will result in a punishment

associated with the quest. ]

' ' I said to myself and fell asleep.

At midnight, I am suddenly awaken from what I believe to be an eartquake. I look around after getting up, only to find myself in a vast desert.

I then hear some rustling behind me, I look back to see a giant centipede behind me.

It had a name written on it's head with red color. Then a message from the system came.

[ * *

[ Penalty quest : ]

Due to failure in completing the daily quest, you have to survive until timer runs out.

Time required : 4 hours.

Time remaining : ]

' ' I was too shocked and started running.

After barely surviving the desert for 4 hours by running from one centipede after another, I hear the message.

[ You have completed the '' quest. ]

" Penalty quest? I really need to take this seriously from now on. " I barely manage to say it before passing out, but I heard something more.

[ Your quest

rewards have arrived.

Would you like to accept?


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