《Izuku's leveling system. [On Hiatus]》Training to become strong.


( Izuku's point of view)

After I had passed out after coming back from the Desert from the I woke up next morning on the bed.

' ' I said while embarrassed.

I then looked in front of me to see the screen still floating in front of me.

[ You have completed the

Your have arrived.

Will you accept?


" Yes, I accept. " I said after swallowing my saliva.

By this time, I had understood one thing for certain, this 'System ' was no joke. The rewards screen pops up next.

[ * *

You have the following Rewards from the quest.

You can accept rewards individually, or all together.

=> Stat points. +3.

=> Random Box. +1. ]

' ' I think for a while. ' ' I scream in my head.

" Accept all " I yell immediately. Suddenly, a message popped up.

[ * *

=> You recieved 3 .

=> You recieved 1 . ]

" Ok, now for the stats. Umm... ." I said.

(Third person perspective)

At that very moment, a new window popped up in front of him.

[ * *

Name: Izuku midoriya. Level: 1

Job: None. Fatigue: 0

Title: None.

HP: 100/100

MP: 10 /10


Strength: 10. Vitality: 10

Agility: 10. Intelligence: 10

Sense : 10 Luck : 10


Remaining points : 3 ]

Also, there was a picture of me standing with many boxes around me and the word Gear written on it.

" I wonder where I should put my points into. As appointing points into stats is the most important thing in video games. The ones I could understand the most are How strong I am..... How much damage I can take..... How fast I am." Izuku began going on one of his usual geeky ramble.

" But the ones I am least certain about are and Sense being the more confusing of the two. I know from some games that increasing Intelligence in games gives you more MP and allows you to use stronger magic spells. But will increasing it actually make me more smarter? And luck might make me more lucky, but I'm not so sure." Izuku said to himself.


" And I have no clue what increasing sense will do. Well, we only have one way to find out. " Izuku said as he showed a nerdy smile.

" Well now that I am awake, I should do the daily quest. I definitely don't wanna be in that desert again. " Izuku said before removing his top and starting to do push-ups in his hospital room.

' ' Izuku thought while doing the pushup.

After then he did the curl ups, and then the squats in the same room. As for running, he had to ask the doctor to allow him for jogging around the hospital, to which the doctor agreed as he was doing well, and said that they would be discharging him to leave after two weeks .

While completing the 10 km of Running, Izuku recieved a message from the system.

[ **

Fatigue over 70, movement speed reduced by 20%. Fatigue level of 100 will cause you to pass out. ]

" Hmm, I'll have to keep that in mind from now on. " Izuku said while panting heavily, and continued the running, eventually hearing the familiar ping.

[ You have completed the


Your Rewards have arrived.

Will you accept?


" Yes. " Izuku replied quickly.

[ * *

You have the following Rewards from the quest.

You can accept rewards individually, or all together.

=> Complete Status Recovery.

=> Stat points. +3.

=> Random Box. +1. ]

" What does it mean status recovery? Hmm.. Lets see. Accept all. " Izuku said.

He felt a jolt of electricity run through his whole body, it completely took away all the tiredness he was feeling and made him feel completely fresh.

Soon, another message popped up from the system.

[ * *

=> Your , and has been completely healed due to complete status recovery.

=> You recieved 3 Stat points.

=> You recieved 1 Random box. ]

" Oh god! This power is totally amazing. I really need to save up some of these status recovery, it can really save me when I'm in danger." Izuku said as he remembered something.


" Oh right, there was that random Box too. Umm.. Right!. " Izuku said.

Another window popped up in front of him, it had as many boxes that could be fit in it, and a scroll bar tht went down endlessly.

" I seriously don't need to carry anything from now on. " Izuku said with a slight chuckle.

The inventory currently had two things in it. Rin's steel sword and Random Box x2. Izuku selected the two random boxes and read their description.


A box containing one random

object warying from rank E to S. ]

Izuku then proceeded to open both the boxes. One of them had a simple scissors while the other had a pen. Both items being of E rank.

" I guess I can forget about getting something good from them currently. " Izuku said while giving a disappointed look.

" Ok now let's start my theories on the stats " Izuku said with a geeky smile on his face.

First was strength, Izuku first tried to pick up something heavy. He tried lifting the sofa kept near the bed. He was able to pick it up but it required him much effort. Then he put it back.

" OK, now if I want to notice some change, I need to at least increase it by 3 points, that way i will be 30 percent more stronger. " Izuku said as he put 3 points into strength.

After putting 3 points in strength, he then again tried to pick up the same sofa. To his surprise, he was able to lift up the sofa without any stress, but he still needed to use two hands.

" Whoaa!!!! This is just the effect of putting 3 points, what if I put all my points into it. " Izuku had a tempted look on his face. " Noo! Must! Resist! " He said as he stopped himself.

The next thing he tried out was agility, he went outside and set up a timer in his hand and ran 50 meters.

" 5.04 seconds, it's already so much better than high school. " Izuku said. He had got 6.49 seconds during his middle school.

He then added 3 points to his agility, and once again tried to do the same 50 meter run.

" Whoaa!! 3.87 seconds, That's like 46.5 km/he speed (Or 28.9 miles/hr). And this was just 3 points. The UA entrance exam is in 10 months, if I go by 3 points daily, it's roughly around , so multiplying by 3, it turns out a ." Izuku was shocked to know the amount of points he could accumulate before the entrance exam of UA.

" With that many points, just how strong will I be? " Izuku began to drool over imagining the strength he could reach.

" Well then, let's prepare to get stonger. " Izuku said as he went back to the hospital.

" Wait just a moment, today is , that means tomorrow is.. That day. " Izuku said in a slow voice.

To Be Continued

(Author note) : I wanted to tell you all that I'll upload a little less from tomorrow onwards as I have my mid semester exams approaching and I had joined college late because on last 19th, my father passed away.

This novel is just me trying to divert my mind and keep it busy, but if people like it, I'm willing to go on with the novel. I'm what you call an introvert, so I have a hard time talking to others and also I have a lot of work from college to catch up to.

But I promise to update regularly when I get free time. And thanks for reading all the way to the end. Hope you liked the novel.

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