《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Broken Home


The door slams and the walls shake. A frustrated Yoongi enters, cursing under his breathe, ready to rip himself apart. Too disappointed to cry and too angry to reason. It just wasn't making sense in his mind. How he continued to mess up every time he was with her, caused her to feel that type of way so much so that she doesn't want to be with him anymore.

Before much more could happen Tae, the only other person in the room had noticed his frustrations and has grabbed the boy and holds him. He is much taller than Yoongi so his face rests perfectly in the boy's chest.

"Everything will be okay. It always is" He calmly states. Through out the time Y/n and Yoongi have known each other Tae has been watching from the sideline. He has copped much of Yoongi's jealousy and has soon learned to back down from Y/n because he doesn't like to see Yoongi mad. This also means he has come to realise how much that boy truly loves that girl. How much he wants to care and protect her. This is why he is being much more gentle and kind as he knows how much Yoongi is hurting.

"I don't know Tae. I keep messing up" Yoongi sobs.

"No you don't. Her mind works in strange ways. She's just dealing with a lot and is taking all that emotion out on you" Tae says, his voice deep and soothing.

Yoongi pulls away and wipes his noise with the cuff of his sleeve. He takes one last breathe in and out and slowly begins to calm himself down.

"I'm going to lay down for a bit. I feel as though my body is about to break. Thank you, I really needed that" He exclaims with a half baked smile upon his face. He wasn't fine and Tae knew that. Yoongi then walked away leaving the blue haired boy alone.

Frustration and annoyance was begging to build up within him. He was annoyed with Y/n yet he still felt sympathy towards her but that doesn't change the fact the she is causing Yoongi to feel this way. He wanted to speak with her, only for a short amount of time just know what she is thinking and planning on doing.


I don't answer.


Nope, not answering.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Fine I'm answering.

I slowly move my body. My legs are stiff as if they were sticks and my arms are slouched down to the side of my body.

I open the door reluctantly. I don't know if I can face Yoongi again, not after what I said. To my surprise and relief it was Tae.

"What do you want?" I said it as bluntly as I could. I want him to hate me, it makes everything easier.

He doesn't say anything. Instead he grabs my hand and pulls me down on the couch. We sit next to each, awkwardness lingering in the air. I lay back, my body feels tired. I feel as though I could pass out any second. The physical and mental pain was beginning to get to me.


"What's going on with you?" He says slightly annoyed.

"Nothing, I'm fine" My eyes are blank, I want him to leave. I shouldn't have opened the door.

"You're obviously not fine!" He basically yells yet I don't flinch.

I sit up to face him. He looks so sad, mad as well. So many emotions complied onto one face.

"Listen, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this, Yoongi doesn't deserve this. That's why I'm doing this. I'm sorry for coming into your life."

"What are you talking about!? Why wouldn't we want you in our lives Y/n, we love you so much, please don't do this"

"Stop lying to yourself. You were only around me because you felt guilty, I'm sorry I made you feel that way"

"Y/n we don't feel guilty at all, we just want to look after you" His eyes begin to tear up, I'm hurting him.

"Get out" I say bluntly showing no emotion.

"But no-"

"I said get out!!" I push the boy out the door slamming it shut. The look of hurt, anger and frustration in his eyes as I did so. It doesn't get any easier, maybe one day it will.

I fall to the ground and I hold onto my knees as my heart aches. Tae on the other side rests his head on the door and listens to the poor girl sob. He can't do anything, he doesn't know what to do anymore. He can only hope that she realises that they are here for her and that they do love her.

"Yoongi, what's the plan?" Jimin asks as he sit's next to the boy. His eyes red and his throat is dry.

"I don't know" He says's back probably too quickly.

"What do you mean you don't know? Surely there is something we can come up with"

Frustration begins to build up within Yoongi. "Listen Jimin, I don't know what else-"

Before he could finish what he was saying Tae burst through the door. The handle hitting the wall leaving a mark. He is clearly disheartened and angry, these emotions seem to be raiding off the dorms lately, making everyone feel uneasy and worthless.

"What's wrong with you?" Jimin asks politely hoping to not set him off even further.

"I just saw Y/n"

"And?" Jimin continued, Yoongi too interested in what he has to say.

"She through me out and told me to stop lying to myself and that the only reason we were friends in the first place is because we feel guilty" He exclaimed dropping down next to Yoongi, his arms folded.

"So nothing's changed then" Yoongi spoke.


"How do we get through to her?" Jimin asks.

"I have no idea" Yoongi sighed, sadness growing within his body. He just wanted the girl he loves to come back, sadly he feels as though as each day passes she's growing further and further away.

Constant movement. Clouds scattered across the sky, moving too quickly to see the construct of the buildings we go past. There's chit chat behind me, I'm too out of it to notice what people are saying. I'm on a train, heading to a place in which I haven't been in a very long time.


A place in which I wanted to so desperately forget but here I am now unable to do so. I'm going to visit my hometown.

As I walk off the train immediately I'm welcomed to the smell of the tree's drifting through the air, a scent so familiar and indescribable. I walk along the path, my head held down low. It's a small town, anyone could recognise me and honestly I don't want that.

I continue to walk, memories filling my mind as I do so. Surprisingly they're happy and positive which in this occasion is rare. All is well and good till I find myself standing in front of a large square building. Fences surrounding the premise, and the irritating noise of a bell as a large grouping of people disperse around me. I was at my old school.

Nothing good had come out of this place for me. All I can really remember from my school days is the constant act of shoving and pushing, wrong answers and loneliness. It wasn't a good place, even now staring in front of it is making my heart stop because all I can think of are the bad times.

As Students continue to walk around me I can't help but recognise the teacher that are leaving the classrooms. My old maths teacher, honestly he didn't teach me anything, can't believe the old geezer is still working here. My art teacher, she was a kind women, probably too kind. She looked after me. She knew I had no friends and often was made fun of by the other girls. It was nice to know she cared, didn't really help though. Suddenly before I can do much else she has started walking towards me waving her hand.

"Shit" I say under my breathe and quickly walk away as fast as I could.

"Y/n! Y/n wait" She calls out yet I don't respond and I continue to leave.

I quickly walk down the path pushing past people, my breathing becoming heavy as the anxiety begins to build up. After ten minutes of walking down the same path I find myself once more in a familiar place. One in which I never wanted to visit again. The place in which my life was taken from me. It was the park I had run away to that night. That night my dad had left me behind. I remember that swing, that side, the tunnel in which I hid, the trees, the lamp on the side of the road, everything, I remember everything. It's exactly the same, nothing has changed other then the colours fading.

I sit on the swing, my legs now too long kicking the bark away. This place doesn't make me feel good yet I feel as though I shouldn't leave. I want to go back to that night, the night in which I ran away and stop myself before I do. Maybe then Dad would've taken me with him, maybe we could've lived a happy life, but no that's not what happened. What's done is done and I can't change that. I can't help but cry in this moment, my emotions becoming so overwhelming.

I stand up from the place I was sitting, there one, no two more places I must visit before I leave.

I walk and walk and there it is. My old home, now empty. The fence once white now exposed wood, falling apart. Rubbish scattered around the front yard, no one has been here for a long time. I'm too anxious to go inside, standing here on the road is enough for me.

The curtains are opened and I can see inside. The structure is the same but the decor is gone. I remember standing there with my family. A young girl who had dreams and wanted to be happy. She was different yet that didn't matter. Sadly she died a long time ago along with her family that once was loving and caring.

At this point I don't feel sadness, I feel relief as if I've moved on. My heart isn't beating out of my chest and my brain isn't fuzzy. I feel at piece with myself like I once was. I may not be fully okay but I feel as though I'm slowly getting there.

I take one last look at was once my home and I try to move on. I walk away hoping that tomorrow I wake up a better person.

Before I go home there is one last place I want to go. My legs are becoming tired as I've been walking for hours but it will be worth it.

I walk and walk until I stand in front of what used to be my favourite cafe. I quickly pace inside and I sit at the table where I used to go all the time with my dad. I take a look at the menu and to my luck nothing has changed. I order my too favourite items and as I eat I think for a bit.

I've been unfair to Yoongi. So so unfair, not only to him but the others as well.

Coming here today has made me realise that I don't deserve to be alone anymore. That I need to let go of the past in order to be happy. I may not be able to forgive my parents but I sure hell shouldn't treat the boy I love like shit. I need to go to him and tell him how much I truly love and adore him. I need to hold him tight and tell him I'll never leave his side again. Hopefully they all will forgive me otherwise what else can I do?

I promise I am not dead. I'm so so sorry this is up so late. I had exams for the last week and a half but I'm finally done now yayayaya. More chapters are on its way.

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