《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Reassurance


Four large walls. A room complied of nothing but silence and the sound of Yoongi's breathe. He was working on something, perfecting his work for hours, days, weeks, it was almost done yet he wasn't satisfied. He was frustrated with himself. Mad that he wasn't perfect. In his music career everything that he had strived and worked for he had gotten yet when it comes to the women he loves he feels so far away, so much so she looks to be a silhouette in the distance moving further and further, dragged away by his own words and actions.

Yoongi is then awoken from his daze when suddenly Namjoon enters the room, positivity raiding off his smile even if it was put on.

"I'm working" Yoongi states before Namjoon could say a word.

"You've been in here for hours, take a break please"

"I will once I've finished what I'm doing" He further says, not taking his eyes of the screen. Namjoon crossed his arms, he wasn't going to give up.

"Please Yoongi, I want to talk to you. It's important" Namjoon whines.

"Later, I'll be finished soon"

"Nope come on otherwise I'll unplug everything" He exclaims with a smirk on his face, he knows he's won.

"Ugh fine" Yoongi says, slamming his hands on the table as he stands up. "Where are we going?"

In a fast motion Namjoon places one of his arms around the boys shoulder as they leave the room. "For a walk. I want to talk to you"

They both leave the apartment and stroll down the path. Namjoon happily walks, his back straight while Yoongi is slouched as he faces the ground. Both hands sit comfortably in his pockets and the sun burns his pale skin.

"Stop acting as though the world is falling apart" Namjoon states trying to lighten the mood.

"It might as well be" He bluntly states.

Namjoon faces the sky. It's bright blue, the clouds quickly moving, hiding the sun every once in a while. "Why do you say that?"

"You know very well why Namjoon" Yoongi turns to face the tall boy, dark circles growing underneath his eyes.


"I know you want Y/n back but remember she is human, her mind is fragile. She just needs time"

"You don't know that. What if she doesn't come back this time. What if she succeeds in pushing us away. What if she stays unhappy forever. What if one day we turn up at her apartment and find that we were too late, and that she will really be gone for real this time" He practically yells. Namjoon doesn't say a word and lets the boy let go of his emotions and waits for the right moment to speak.

"That won't happen" He calmly states.

"And why's that, huh?"

"Because she loves you too much" Namjoon says with a smile causing Yoongi's face to change. "Y/n loves you so much Yoongi that's why she will come back"

"Namjoon..." Yoongi softly says. "I'm scared. I'm really scared, how can you really be sure?" He sounds out breathe and doesn't know how to argue back.

"Y/n will come back. I promise you Yoongi so please don't destroy yourself before that happens"

"Okay, I'm- I'm sorry"

"Don't apologise. Thing's are tough right now, it'd be worried even more if you were acting fine"

"True I guess"

The two of them continue to walk till they find themselves in a familiar neighbourhood, Y/n's neighbourhood. Yoongi stands in front of her building. He wants to go inside so badly and talk to her and hope that she understands. Instead Namjoon puts his hand on his shoulder and shakes his head. Yoongi understands and looks to the ground. They both walk away sad, disappointed yet Yoongi now has a sense of relief and positivity that things will turn okay, that he just has to be patient and wait for her to come to him as that is the only way. She needs to fight this battle on her own for now, till she's ready to ask for help.

"We got asked to preform at a charity event this weekend. I haven't agreed to do it yet. Do you want to go?" Namjoon asks, his dimples showing.


"If it's for charity we should probably do it"

"I know but still, we want to give our best performance and I don't know if we can do that"

"I'll think about it"

"Let me know soon. I'll also ask the others as well and see what they think" After he finishes speaking and there is a moment of silence between the two when he suddenly out of nowhere begins to smile.

"What's so funny?" Yoongi asks.

"How is it you have a girlfriend and I don't" He laughs, Yoongi to joining in.

"I have no idea myself, it's a miracle honestly"

"It's not a miracle. You're kind, funny, smart, talented and handsome I guess, I just don't understand how I haven't found any one yet" He says a little disheartened.

"I'm sure you will find someone..... I imagine her to be tall and to have long legs. She will be a kind and gentle person that fixes everything you break. She will be there to look after you when you cry in your room, when you feel the pressure of being a leader get to you. She will be there to make you smile when all seems lost. I see her cooking in her pyjamas and singing you're songs in the shower. She will be the love of your life, some one you will want to spend every single day with. Yeah, that's what I imagine your future girlfriend to be like" He say's smiling for the first time in a while.

"You see I was trying to lighten the mood but now you got me feeling all soft Yoongi. I hope what you're saying is true though. I want to be in love just like you are"

"You will one day. How can someone not love you" Yoongi states with a soft smile across his face.

Namjoon smiles as well, noticing the sun setting behind them. "Come on let's go. It's getting late and will begin to get cold soon, we don't want to get sick"

The two of them quickly walk off heading back home. Yoongi is glad that Namjoon pulled him from the studio. He's happy to have him in his life. Thank's to him he can finally look more emphatically towards the future. That things will turn out okay if he just waits, he needs to be patient.

As they both walk through the door they are welcomed to the smell of something delicious as Jin is cooking tonight.

They all sit at the table, Yoongi between both Jimin and Namjoon.

"So where did you to go?" Jimin asks.

"We just went for a walk to clear our minds" Namjoon says.

Before Yoongi can add anything he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. What he saw almost stopped his heart.

Y/n ♡

Can we meet at your special

place please. It's important.

On my way.

My heart was racing as I sent that text. The world around me had stopped. Yoongi, I hope you come. I hope you understand that I'm sorry and that I need you. I need you more than anything in the world, so please, please come.

"Who was that Yoongi?" Jungkook asks, the other boys also interested.

"I need to go"

"Wait Yoongi you haven't eaten your-" Before Hoseok could finish his sentence Yoongi had stood up from the table and left the dorm in a mad dash.

"You think something is wrong?" Tae asks.

"I think he'll be just fine" Namjoon states with a smile leaving the others confused.

Yoongi runs. He runs faster then he's ever ran in his life. The wind blowing against his hair and his eyes becoming watery. He reaches the park, his chest heaving up and down, his throat cold and scratchy.

He scans around the playground and spots a figure on the swing. It was Y/n, he was sure of it. He stood there for a few seconds admiring her figure, tears started to form but he didn't let them fall, not yet. He then started to walk over to her, his heart beating out of his chest.

He was then in front of her. She stood up, the two of them in silence, waiting for each other to speak.

"Y/n..." Yoongi softly spoke.

I know this chapter is short but I want to build up what is coming. Please be patient with me💜

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