《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Never Ends


"Soooo you and Y/n look to be going strong" Yoongi and Jin stand there, side by side, both hands in the sink, they were washing the dishes together. A task in which Yoongi wanted to avoid yet here he is, unable to say no.

"Yeah we are" A smile quickly forms on the boy's face, his cheeks going red as he says so. At heart Min Yoongi is a soft boy. "I'm staying with her for a few days, I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, It's fine. Honestly I'm happy about it, I got sick of hearing you two having sex all the time" He says the word's so bluntly, so much so it took Yoongi by surprise causing his cheeks to go a different shade of red, a much brighter colour.

"O-oh sorry" He manages to say, his voice stuttering as he says so.

"Grosssssss" Jungkook yells from across the room followed by Jin laughing.

"I'll go get the other stuff ready. Y/n will be here soon, we have to hurry" Yoongi state's, avoiding the situation, water splashing everywhere as his hands quickly lift from the sink.

Yoongi races around the dorm setting the final preparations. "Is everyone almost ready?" He asks from the top of his lungs instantly receiving confirmation back.

"We are all good to go" The other six boy's reply.

In the middle of the lounge room the couches have been moved and instead sit's a large table, paper, pens and other stationary equipment. The boy's sit at either side of the table one by and one and wait for Y/n to arrive.

They sit there patiently talking amongst themselves.

"Yoongi, do you think this will work?" Jimin asks.

"I really hope so"

"Don't worry, it will work" Namjoon adds from across the table.

"She's here" Yoongi quickly get's up to open the door. As it open's Y/n walks in, a large smile is planted on her face but quickly changes to confusion as she see's the boys sitting in front of her.

"What's going on?" I can't help but laugh at the situation. They all look so small, like school boy's honestly.

Yoongi grabs both my hands and begins to play with them. He looks down at the ground and begins to speak. "Well, we were thinking that you could teach us a little bit of english" This takes me by surprise, so much so that I don't know how to react but I'm not opposed to the idea.

"Okay sure"

"Really?" He sounds shocked, his head lifting up quickly as he say's so.

"But you all have to refer to me as Miss Y/n, Okay?"

They all nod in agreeance, large smiles seeded across their faces.

"But that also means no touching Mr Min" I say jokingly shaking off his hands, the boy's below me laughing as I do so because of the shock on Yoongi's face.

I sit down at the head of the table. Yoongi still standing, stunned because of what I did. "Come on, we don't have all day" I state almost strictly grabbing his attention. As he sit's down I am ready to begin my 'lesson'.

"Okay everyone, tell me, what do you already know?"

Instantly Namjoon begins to speak fluently causing the other boys to feel nervous. "Since you're already fluent Namjoon you will be my helper" The boy nods his head and I continue to speak. I hold up the white paper in which I've written a sentence on. It's short and simple, probably too simple, at least that is what you would think.


"Taehyung would you please read this out loud for me?" He nods his head slowly and begins to speak.

"What is the t-time?" The boy stutters but nonetheless it's correct.

"Well done" I say with a large smile.

I write different short sentences for each member, each time progressively getting harder and harder. All though a lot of the time they were struggling they were getting better, it was a nice sight to see. It feels good to know that they are benefiting off me, because of what I'm doing.

As time goes by I thought it could be fun to now play with the boy's, Yoongi in particular. I wanted to make them confused. The Slytherin in me was jumping out and I wasn't mad about it.

"Yoongi would you please repeat after to me" I ask and Yoongi nods his head. He looks so small, so attentive in this situation because I'm the one in control.



"Is the"

"Is the"





Instantly the boy's begin to laugh amongst themselves as Yoongi's cheeks glow a shade of pink.

"Well done Yoongi, I am the better kisser" I say with a smile, my voice is showy with a smidgen of arrogance behind it.

"Okay Jungkook, your turn" I continue with this exercise just like the previous one. Slowly becoming harder and harder each time.

I was having fun, a lot of fun actually just like I used to before everything had happened. I'm feeling less empty about the situation and instead optimistic. I never thought I would use that word or feel that way in my life but alas here I am.

After two or so hours I decide the lesson is over.

"Thank you student's I hope to teach you all again sometime" I say, my eyes smiling and my heart is at ease.

"Thank you Miss Y/n" They all say at once.

Okay teacher mode off, normal Y/n back on.

"So did we convince you?" Hoseoks asks, leaning forward, waiting patiently for my answer. The boy's follow shortly behind him.

I hold my hands together and swing them ever so slightly. "Hmmm I think..... Yes, I will continue to teach"

Instantly the boy's begin to cheer and clap as soon as I say those words. All of them grab a hold of me tightly and celebrate together. I am happy with my decision. I have made the right choice, I hope. I prey that this is the path I am mean't to continue down otherwise what else can I do?

Later that night Yoongi and I head home. With him he has brought a large bag that contain's his clothes and of course music equipment as well. That boy never stops.

As he put's his bag in my room I go and stand next to the counter top, leaning against it while I play on my phone. I'm so entranced by what's on my screen I don't notice the boy coming up to me. In flash of black and white his two hand's have latched around my waist and he has lifted me off the ground. A soft squeal leaves my mouth as he does so.

"Min Yoongi put me down" I say in a somewhat serious tone.

"Now why would I do that?" He begins to spin around. I hold onto him tighter and my face lays in the crook of his neck.


"Yoonggiiii stop it" I say laughing uncontrollably.

"You know you got kind of assertive with me today" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Now what's wrong with that?" I counter back, a smug look upon my face.

"When did I say there was something wrong with that?" Quickly his smile turns into something much more lustful.

For some reason I have an urge of confidence building up within me. I never felt anything like this. I lean down towards is face but instead of touching his lips I aim for his neck, honestly taking the two of us both by surprise. I lift my head back up and what is left are small but very visible purple marks on the side of his neck.

"Now what was that for?" He asks in a deep voice making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"I don't know. I felt like doing it" I say back. He goes to lean in once more but before we can do anything three loud knocks appear from my door.

"Who could that be?" Yoongi asks placing me down gently.

"I'm not sure. I'll go check" I walk to the door, sliding slightly as I do so as I'm wearing socks.

I begin to open the door and I'm welcomed to a person. In front of me stands someone I've never seen before I think. For some reason he look's familiar. Those eyes, have I seen them before?

"Hello, can I help you?" I politely ask.

The man straightens his back and makes direct eye contact with me. This is making me feel uncertain, uncomfortable even and I'm not sure why.

A sigh leaves his mouth he begins to speak. "So you don't remember me then" He looks sad, discouraged even.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask hoping to find an answer. Yoongi behind me begins to walk closer and closer until I can feel the breath on the back of my neck.

For a few moment's there's only silence.

More silence and then there wasn't.

"It's me Y/n. I'm your dad"

Then it clicks, it all clicks. This man I know him, he is my dad, of course he is. Something inside me snapped, like everything I ever was or have been was gone. The tears that begin to form in my eyes don't fall, I don't let them. Instead I slam the door, causing the frame that holds it up to shake. I push Yoongi out of the way and I stand in the middle of the room.

"Y-Y/n it's okay?" Yoongi calmly say's. He too looks as though he was going to cry. He tries to walk closer but I push him away. Instead I scream, I scream loudly.


"Y/n everything will be okay just please calm down"


I'm not crying.

I'm not crying.


"Y/n please stop yelling. I don't like seeing you like this" Yoongi is now in tears, his heart is breaking, the fact he has to see me like this causes him grief.

"You know what? No" I storm past him, leaving my apartment.

"Y-Y/n where are you going?" I don't answer.

I run down the steps and I follow after the man.

"HEY YOU!" I scream. I see him across the road.

He then stands in front of me. He is exactly the man I remember, I can't believe I didn't recognise him. Tall, dark hair and his nose crooked because of when he broke it all those years ago. Every feature was suddenly coming back and the memories I had locked away as well.

That time he pushed me on the swing and I fell off. I cried and cried that he had to carry me home.

That time I got my first A on a test and we went out to get cakes because he was so proud.

He bought me my first guitar.

He encouraged me to be kind.

He told me to good even when other's aren't.

He yelled.

She yelled back.

He left.

He never came back.

He left me alone.

"Y/n please, I'm here to apologise"

"I don't want your fucking apology. I want you to never see me again. You left me with that women. You just left without a word and without me and I thought it was because I wasn't good enough. I blamed myself. I blamed myself for you leaving, for so long I thought I was burden to you and everyone. I hurt myself all the time because I thought I deserved it, that I didn't deserve to have a happy life. And here you are waltzing up to my home as if everything would be fine, are you fucking out of your mind. Never! and I mean never come to see me again" I am fuming. I've never felt this way before, this was a whole another side to me and I hated it.

"If that's what you want then I respect that" He calmly states. By this point Yoongi had arrived. His eyes were red yet mine weren't at all, I was too far gone to cry, I had finally been pushed over the edge.

I walked away. I didn't look back. I went to my apartment and straight to my room. I left Yoongi's bag at the door. I didn't want to speak, I didn't want to breathe, I didn't want to exist.

Yoongi softly knocked on my door. "Y/n please open the door"

"Go away"

"Please Y/n"

"NO, I SAID GO AWAY" and with that he did, Yoongi left. He left my apartment without another word. What I did was wrong, so so wrong but my brain wasn't processing that. Y/n was gone, she had snapped.

Oof here it is. I hope you all like it and thank you all so much for 5000 views 💜💜💜

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