《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Friends


My leg's are crossed and my back is slouched as I scroll through my phone on Yoongi's bed. I sit waiting for all of the boys to arrive back home. I had come here straight from work and not to my surprise no one was home.

Lately more and more I feel as though I haven't been enjoying teaching which honestly makes me distressed as I worked so hard to get where I am. Maybe I will quit or maybe I wont, time will tell I guess.

As a soft breath leaves my mouth I hear the door suddenly open. I spark up instantly and race down the corridor, sliding as I do so as I only have socks on. I slide right into Yoongi's arms, and my face hit's his chest as I wrap my arms around him.

"Ah hello" Yoongi says, his eyes bright and wide.

"I missed you" I don't move from my position, instead my grip tightens.

"You guys are acting as though you haven't seen each other in days" Hoseok says as he walks past us.

"Gross" Jungkook too comments.

"I'm sorry, what can I say, I missed my boyfriend" I let go of him and fall face first on the couch. "I missed you all actually, I get lonely by myself"

"Where are our hugs then?" Tae abruptly exclaims falling on top of me, air quickly released from my lungs as the impact takes me by surprise.

"This is why you don't get hugs, because you're crushing me" I manage to blurt out hoping he will get off me. "Yoongi help meee"

"Aish Tae get off Y/n" He says sternly pulling the boy up.

"Fineee, I just wanted a cuddle though" he says pouting.

"Yoongi is the only one I hug from now on" I jokingly say grabbing the boys arm, pulling him down next to me.

"Okay, okay enough about hugging. How was work today?" Jin says sitting in front of me.

"It was fine I guess" My voice becomes lifeless like an empty void. "I need something to spark me up, something to make me want to teach again. What? I do not know"

"I'm sure you'll gain that passion again" Jimin now too joins in on the conversation.

"I hope so, I really liked my job actually" I try to hide my true feeling's about the situation as I don't want them to worry, not again. As I finish speaking my phone that is hidden in my pocket receives a notification. I pull it out and read the message I received, my eyes widening as I do so.

Hey Y/n, It's Eun-bi.

I was wondering if you're free tomorrow

we could go and get some lunch together?

I'd love to! I'm free whenever.

Alright! I'll see you at 12:30.


"Who was that Y/n?" Yoongi asks.

"It was Eun-bi. She wants to go to lunch together" I say excitingly, bouncing up and down on the couch.

"Yoongi I can't do this"

"Y/n you will be fine. Try to relax a little" Yoongi states calmly, his voice comforting.

Yoongi and I sit in the car in front of the cafe I'm meant to be meeting Eun-bi. My heart is racing and I feel as though I can't breathe properly. This feeling is terrifying, negative thoughts filling my head. What if she hates me? What if she doesn't turn up? What if she's horrible to me? Just a bunch of what if this and what if that encasing my mind.

"What am I going to talk about?"

"I'm sure you will come up with something. You two seemed pretty close in the dressing room the other night"

"Still, what if?"

"Trust me Y/n. I've known Eun-bi for a long time now, she's a lovely person. She's confident and doesn't shut up so I'm sure you will never run out of things to talk about. I promise you everything will be okay" Cars drive past us swiftly as we continue to not move from our seats. "Look" He says pointing. "There she is now, come on you don't want to keep her waiting"


"No but's. Call me at 2pm and I will come to pick you up, alright?"

I breathe in deeply and breathe out calmly. "Okay, I got this"

I go to get out of the car but before I can Yoongi grabs my wrist. "I love you"

A small smile emerges from my face as he says so. "I love you too"

I wave Yoongi goodbye and smoothly make my way into the cafe. I look around to see if I can see Eun-bi.

"Y/n, over here!" I turn around and I see her waving her arm at me. I sit down across from her and she looks stunning, she's a very beautiful girl.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you made it" She has so much energy in her voice, honestly we might be complete opposites.

"I'm happy I came. You look beautiful today" I manage to say.

"Aww thank you, you're so sweet. You look beautiful as well" Honestly now that I'm here I feel the nerves escape my body, maybe I was just overacting. "Before we continue to talk, what would you like to eat?"

"Oh, can I please have a vanilla milkshake and umm the caesar salad please"

"Good choice, I think I might have the same" She says smiling and waving her hand so the waiter comes over.

"So Y/n, what do you do for a living?"

Conversation sparks between the two of us. "Well currently I'm an english teacher"

"What? No way! You must be super smart to be able to learn another language and than teach it"


"I found an interest in it at a young age I guess, plus I loved watching all those american shows"

"You must teach me sometime. I'm always travelling to America and my english is shocking"

"Of course, I'd love to tell you a few things but I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to continue with my job"

"What, why?"

"I had a few issues I guess at the place I work that put me off wanting to go there but I don't know, I may stay or I may not"

"That's a shame, I hope you do keep your job, from what you just told me it seems as though you really enjoy it"

"Yeah, I think you're right. I have to think about it I guess" My eyes turn to face the ground. This sudden talk about me quitting my job has seemed to be bringing down the mood and I think she can sense it.

"You know Y/n, I have a secret to tell you" Suddenly her eyes become wide and a smile slowly begins to form on her face.

"A secret?"

"Yep but! You have to promise to not tell Yoongi otherwise I may get into trouble"

"Oh okay" I say intrigued, what could it possibly be?

"One night, not too long ago at the BigHit building I walked past one of the rooms in which I thought no one was in but I heard a strange noise coming from inside, so I thought I would investigate. I slowly opened the door to find..... Yoongi writing something, he had a picture of you opened on his phone and he was quietly humming to himself. Honestly it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. You've made Mr Min Yoongi a softy and honestly I love it" She says laughing to herself.

Butterflies fill my stomach and I feel my cheeks go red. "He's so cute" I manage to say.

"Honestly you two make the cutest couple, I'm jealous"

"Thank you" I say letting out a small chuckle. As I say so the food arrives and is placed in front of us.

"Ah this looks amazing" My mouth opens like a child.

After that we eat we continue to talk for a while until it's time for me to go. I see Yoongi arrive and I give her a quick hug and a wave goodbye. I hop in the car and I'm welcomed to a kiss from Yoongi.

"You look pretty happy. I'm guessing it went well?"

"I had so much fun. I hope we go out again soon"

"I told you that you would be fine. You have to stop worrying so much"

"I know, I know. I promise from now on I won't be so anxious about everything"

After that day Eun-bi and I hung out a lot. This is the first time in a while that I've ever had a friend, a real friend other than the boy's of course. It's a nice feeling, a happy feeling.

later that week I walk through the door of the boy's dorms happy and a little energetic.

"Y/n!' Hoseok yell's causing Yoongi's head to perk up.

"Hello everyone" I go to sit down with Yoongi. Hoseok and Jungkook follow shortly behind me.

"What did you do today?" Hoseok asks sitting down next to me.

"I was with Eun-bi"I happily say.

"Y/nnnnn you've been spending so much time with her, please don't forget about us" Jungkook whines.

"I could never forget about you all"

"Don't worry about him Y/n, he's just jealous" Yoongi states resting his head in the crook of my neck.

We continue to talk for a bit. Laughter filling the air as the night goes on. Sadly that doesn't last for too long.

"Sooo Y/n, how's the job situation?" Tae asks out of the blue entering the room. Instantly my heart drops, I don't know what I'm going to do. Should I stay or should I go?

"As of now I'm not sure. It's probably leaning towards me going though" Instantly the boy's eyes drop to the ground and the air becomes silent.

"I really hope you stay Y/n. You love it there, don't let some stupid thing ruin that for you" Jungkook says all high and mighty.

"I don't know. I have by the end of the week to let the school know"

"Please tell us what you decide to do"

"Of course I will Tae" I say faking a small smile.

Later that night Yoongi takes me home. As I walk through the doors I breathe out deeply collapsing on the couch as I do so. Yoongi still stands watching in amusement, a smile slowly beginning to form on his face as he does so.

"What's so funny?" I whine.

"Nothing, nothing" He says with a sarcastic tone.

"Obviously there's something tick toking in your mind"

"Well I was thinking of taking that short break now. I know that I've been very busy these last few weeks sooooo I want to spend more time with you even if it's short."

"Really?!" I snap up from the couch, my eyes becoming bright, energy filling my body. "I'm so happy" I say jumping onto of him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It won't be too long though, maybe only two weeks or so" He says apologetically.

I rest my head on his chest and I close my eyes. "That's okay, every second count's" I softly say, a small breath exhaling from my body. I'm weak for him, so so weak but that's okay, he's weak for me too.

I'm really sorry that these are coming out really slow. I have exams within the next few weeks so I'm stressing out about that but don't worry, I am going to get at least one chapter out each week. Also thank you all for the lovely comments. It's makes me so happy knowing that you are all enjoying it 💜💜💜

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