《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Concert


Tonight is the last chance I have to go to one of the boy's shows. I promised that I would go so here I am, standing in front of an outfit in which I choose two hours ago. Back then it seemed amazing but now I'm second guessing myself.

I put it on hoping that it might help me with my decision. It's a long sleeve checkered shirt with a short black dress over the top. I have the added edition of black tights that have imprints of roses across them and high top converse. I stare at myself in the mirror. "Should I wear this?" I say to myself. I guess I have to now, I think we have to go soon. I quickly walk into the bathroom and throw some makeup on and I put my hair in bun. Honestly I don't look bad but due to the lack of self esteem I have, I can't help but be anxious.

"Y/n are you ready to go?..... Wow, you look beautiful"

My cheeks go red because of Yoongi's sudden comment.

"Ah thank you" I say smiling.

"What's taking you both so long?.... Aish Y/n we can't have you leaving the dorms looking that good, someone will snatch you away from Yoongi" Jimin suddenly exclaims.

"You can rest assure I will never let anyone take Y/n off me"

"You never know, I might try"

"Park Jimin you stay away from my girlfriend" A jealous Yoongi suddenly arises. I'm not going to lie, I like seeing him like this. Fighting for me that is. I can't help but giggle at the situation.

"Come on you two, let's not fight" I pull Yoongi away by his hand. A quiet Jimin follows behind us.

At the front of the boy's dorms a large black van is waiting for us. We all hop in and I'm squished between Yoongi and Tae.

"Okay Y/n. The actual performances don't start for a few hours. I know this may seem awkward but when we get closer to the site we are going to need you to hide. I know the windows are tinted but you never know what could happen. Army's may run up to the van and look in or someone might try to get in. So stay close to Yoongi Hyung, he will cover you till me get there. Although we aren't going through the front, when we arrive there we will all cover you with our bodies. I know this might seem like a pain but if you two want to keep your relationship a secret then this is what is necessary"

"I understand Namjoon, thank you"

We all sit in the van and arrive at our destination. I wasn't spotted thanks to the boy's efforts. Inside the building there is staff absolutely everywhere, it's crazy. I hold Yoongi's hand tightly as we walk to where they're mean't to get ready.


It's amazing the amount of idols I've seen in the 10 minutes I've been here. All in which greet the boys and I, it doesn't feel real. All these people that I only see on the computer screen or hear through my earphones, so surreal, so overwhelming.

"Y/n you okay? You look kinda pale" Hoseok asks, grabbing the attention of the others around me.

"Ah yeah. I'm fine just wow, so many famous people here" I feel flustered, my heart going a million miles per hour. Yoongi arm moves from my hand to around my waist, he holds me tight.

"It's alright, don't worry. We will be in our room soon" The boys continue to guide me.

We enter the room and thankfully there isn't a lot of people in here. Yoongi sits me down on the couch and hands me a bottle of water.

"Sorry, I'm not sure what overcame me" I say putting the bottle in my mouth.

"Are you feeling better?" Tae asks sitting next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me"

"We are going to get our hair and make up done. Feel free to do anything, just stay in here" Jin states.

"If you feel light headed or anything come straight to any of us"

"I will, thank you Jungkook"

"I'll just be over there Y/n" Yoongi says pointing to the chair across the room.

"Go, go. I'll be fine" He gives me a wave and the rest of the boys disperse.

During this time I just sit there by myself, I put my earphones in as honestly it was kinda boring watching them all get ready.

I start to day dream a little, forgetting where I am. So much so that I don't notice the short figure standing in front of me.

"Excuse me... Excuse me miss Y/n" I snap out of my daze and I notice the girl standing in front of me. She's a short little thing with long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She has bags around her waist filled with make up and hair clips pinned to the seam of her jumper.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there" I say politely, I think she's older than me.

"You're Yoongi's girlfriend right? He's been talking about you none stop these past few days. Honesty It's been driving us all mad. Y/n this and Y/n that." She says laughing, she has a pretty smile.

"Oh I'm sorry" I say a little embarrassed.

"It's not a problem really, it's nice to see that at least one of the boys is in love." I smile at her comment, in love, yeah we're in love. "My name is Eun-bi. I'm a make up and hair stylist, I've been with the boys for about three years now"

"Wow that's quite a long time"

"Yeah, I love my job though even if they can all be pains sometimes" I laugh at her comment once more, she's quite funny.


"Sorry this is so sudden but I was wondering if I could do your make up and hair. Only if you want to of course, it's just you looked kinda bored and lonely by yourself"

"Oh I'd love you to, if it's not an issue"

"Not at all" She says grabbing my hand and sitting me down in one of the chairs. A large mirror sits in front of me with bright lights and lots and lots of makeup, more than you could imagine.

"Do you mind what I do?" She asks standing from behind me.

"Do whatever you like. As you can see I'm not very good at making myself look good"

"Nonsense. You're so beautiful, I can see why Yoongi fell for you"

For about 30 mins Eun-bi does my hair and makeup. Honestly it was relaxing having someone look after me like this. It was a fun experience as well as I've never done this before not to mention she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

"Keep your eyes closed, I want it to be a surprise" She says covering my eyes. "Okay open in 3....2....1"

I look in the mirror and I look amazing. It's the best my face has ever looked, words can't explain how confident I feel right now.

"W-wow, you did that? I look so beautiful, I mean wow. Thank you so much"

"I didn't do much, you're already so beautiful"

"Really, thank you Eun-bi. I love it"

"Eun-bi, Y/n, what are you two doing.... Wow, Yoongi Hyung! Come look at your girlfriend" Jungkook yells causing everyone's head to turn.

Yoongi quickly walks over without a second thought. "Woah, you look amazing Y/n" Yoongi's eyes widen at the sight of me causing my heart to beat faster.

"Ah thank you" I say shyly.

"Y/n I think I love you" Jimin jokingly says.

"Aish stay away Jimin, you've been really getting on my nerves tonight"

"Sorry, sorry. I was joking"

"Come you two, we will be on soon" Jin says so bluntly.

"Alright we're coming" Yoongi says pulling me up from the chair.

"One second Yoongi" I quickly say.

I turn to Eun-bi who still stands at the table cleaning up the make up and hair products she had used. "Um Eun-bi I was wondering if I could have your number. Maybe we could go get lunch some time" I say it shyly, I've never done this before.

"Of course, I was going to ask you before Jungkook came and disturbed us"

"Ah really? Thank you" I say smiling. Maybe this is the start of a new friendship.

"Come on Y/n" Jin yells once more.

I wave her goodbye and I join the boys to the side of the stage. Lights, people, the crowd, the music, "wow" is all I could say.

We then wait patiently for a few minutes for the boys to be called.

"Alright Bts please get ready" One of the staff members says.

"Good luck" I say to them all.

All seven of them walk onto stage, the crowd cheering instantly. It makes my heart race at the sight of it. The music begins and Jimin opens the song. Their voices, their moves honestly it was driving me crazy. I wanted to start dancing and singing as well but god knows my anxiety wasn't going to let me do that.

Yoongi then begins to rap, he look so cool on stage. His presence, one could not explain it. My heart felt as though it was in my throat and I couldn't stop moving my feet. I can't believe that was my boyfriend out there, everyone screaming and cheering for him, crazy.

After a few short minutes they had finished, I can't believe it was over. All seven of them walk off stage, sweaty and exhausted.

"Well done!" I say clapping as they walk over to me.

"Ah thank you Y/n" Each one of them say.

After that we didn't stay for much longer. We quickly headed back to the boy's dorms to celebrate that their album promotions were now over.

"Did you have fun Y/n?" Tae asks. We all sit on the floor, food and alcohol surrounding us.

"I had so much fun! It was amazing" I say probably a bit too enthusiastically.

"I'm glad you liked it" Namjoon says bumping shoulders with me playfully.

I look down at my phone to check the time, 12:37am.

"Oh it's quite late now. I'm going to have a shower and go to bed. Thank you all for such an amazing night"

"See you in the morning, have a good sleep" They all say as I walk off to the bathroom.

I quickly undress myself. I take one more quick look in the mirror of the beautiful makeup and hair style I had on tonight, it's a shame I have to wash it all off.

I hop in the shower, the warm water hitting my back. I stand there quietly humming the song the boy's had preformed tonight when suddenly I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and someones head rest on my shoulder. I turn my body around and I'm welcomed to Yoongi's chest.

"Oh Yoongi. You startled me"

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself" He says looking me up and down. I can feel my cheeks go red as he does so.

"You preformed amazing tonight" I say a little embarrassed.

"Well I had to, you were watching" A smile emerging from his face. Before I can say much more he lips land on mine. Lets just say the shower was filled with something more then just the noise of running water.

Oof this a long chapter. I hope you all enjoy it though 💜💜

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