《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Surprise


Yoongi sits there quietly, hands on his knees and unsure on what to say. The other six boys sit there as well discussing, arguing and debating amongst themselves. What they are so inclined about? Y/n's birthday that is approaching in the next few days and so far none of them have come up with a plan on how to celebrate it.

"Okay, okay how about we preform for her?"

"That's stupid Hobi"

"I don't see you coming up with any ideas Jimin!"

"Calm down you two, we won't get anywhere fighting" Namjoon speaks up calming the boys down.

"Well we all know what we are giving her as gifts. I don't understand why we are stressing out so much" Jungkook says sighing.

"Guys I think we're over thinking it. I know we all wan't it to be special for Y/n but remember we don't want to do anything too crazy. How about we just have our own little party here just with the eight of us"

"Tae is right. What do you think about that Yoongi?"

"Uhm I guess that's fine Jin"

"Why, what's wrong with our plan?"

"I-I just want to do something personal with her. She is my girlfriend now and I want her to feel special, loved , you know what I mean?"

"I have an idea!" Jimin exclaims jumping out of chair causing the whole room to go silent.

I lay there on the couch. I've been feeling down a lot lately and I'm not sure why. It's like a wave, a big wave that hits whenever it feels like. It takes me down and I lose the motivation to function like a proper human being which then leads to other things. If I'm honest I don't remember the last time I had something to eat. I'm losing the desire to look after myself again. Just making it through each day as if it were a task. Something that I just needed to do but didn't want to. On this day in particular I feel as though I forgetting something and I'm not sure what. This feeling is just adding to the uncertainty of it all.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

Suddenly I begin to feel the tiniest better as Yoongi has texted me. Perfect timing.

Y/nnnnnnn can I ask you favour?

Yes, is there something wrong?

I need you to come to me please


Yessss I miss you

On my way

Texts like this from Yoongi always seem to make me feel better. I truly am lucky to have him in my life but honestly do I deserve him, probably not. No I definitely don't deserve him. He's so kind and talented and funny, yeah I don't deserve him.

I climb out of my bed and make my way to the boy's dorm. I still have something on my mind, something I'm forgetting. It's like an itch, it won't go away unless I scratch it or in this case figure out what I'm forgetting.


I reach the door to the boys dorm and to my surprise it's unlocked. That's strange and very irresponsible, what if someone were to break in. As I continue to open the door the room is pitch black. I can't see a thing, not even my hand in front of me.

"Hello!? Yoongi are you there? Boys?? This is scary, I don't like the dark" No reply.

I continue to walk around the room hoping that I will find the light switch and then....


As the lights go on all seven boys stand in front of me. Streamers, balloons, confetti, party hats, everything. The sight of it brings tears to my eyes. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday.

"Thank you all so much" As I say this I run to the boys wrapping my arms around them all. I then wrap my arms around Yoongi kissing him on the cheek making my face go warm at the touch of his skin.

"Y/n! Y/n! We all got you gifts" Jungkook states even more excited then I am.

"Aww you guys didn't have to get me anything"

"But we wanted to" Tae says from behind me.

"Come on let's open them" Yoongi hauls me over to the couch and grabs a hold of my waist pulling me down so I am seated on his lap.

"Open mine first!" Namjoon hands me over a large box wrapped in beautiful floral wrapping paper.

"I know you've been getting into music a lot more lately so I thought you would like this" I unwrap the large box and inside is expensive music equipment.

"I c-can't take this. It's too expensive"

"Of course you can have it. Don't worry about the price"

"Thank you so much Namjoon. I promise I will put it to good use."

"Open mine next Y/n! This is from Jungkook and I" I open the gift that is from Jimin and Jungkook. It isn't a big as Namjoon's but it definitely has some weight to it. I open the box and inside I the newest gaming console. My eyes widen to the sight of it.

"Now you can play games with us and verse us online"

"Thank you so much you two!" I say with the biggest smile.

"Here open mine next" Hobi hands me two boxes. Much smaller and lighter than the others. I open the first box and inside is a pair of expensive headphones. I open the next and it's full of gift cards for all of the most popular chocolate and sweets stores around Seoul.

"I remembered from that day Yoongi, you and I went shopping. You were eyeing off those headphones and how could I forget about your love for everything sweet"

"I really love it! Thank you Hobi"

"Mine next!" Jin practically shouts. He doesn't hand me a box just something that it wrapped. I unravel it and inside is a beautiful cook book that looks hand made.


"Here are all my favourite recipes and dishes. I thought it would be nice for you to have because you seem to enjoy my cooking and that you always never have food in your apartment"

"Thank you Jin. I think it's amazing!"

"Mine next!" Tae yells almost throwing his gift at me. I open the small box and inside is a jar full of notes.

"What's this?" I ask a little confused.

"Inside are notes I wrote for you. If you are ever feeling down or depressed you can open one of these notes and hopefully it will make you feel better"

"Aww that's so sweet Tae. Thank you" As I say this I feel Yoongi's grip tighten as if he's anxious or nervous about something. Tae's eyes shift slightly as if he was avoiding eye contact with Yoongi. Both boys always seem to be on edge lately around each other, strange.

"Last but not least is Yoongi's" Namjoon examines bringing Yoongi back to reality.

"You okay?" I quietly ask.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Here you go" He hands me a small fancy looking box. As he does so he rests his face in the crook of my neck and his grip around my waist tightens.

I open the box and inside is beautiful. It's that necklace that I saw in the store that day. The pretty silver one with my birthstone in the middle of the star pendent.

"I-I love it Yoongi" He takes the necklace from my hand and put's it around my neck. As he does so he pecks my skin sending shivers down my spin.

"I have a matching bracelet. Now we both won't ever be alone, we will have each other always" As he says this he shakes his wrist and his bracelet in front of me.

"Cuteeeeee" All the boys say together.

"Thank you all so much. I love everything. I really don't deserve you all" As I say this tears begin to fall from my eyes. Emotions overtaking me.

"Don't cry Y/n"

"S-sorry Yoongi. I've just never experienced this before. I'm so thankful, you don't understand how much you all make me happy" Yoongi pulls me around so I'm facing him.

"You deserve this. You deserve so much more Y/n. We all love seeing you happy and having fun, smiling, laughing, everything. We love it all. I of course more than the others put that's only natural" He wipes the tears away from my eyes and kisses the tip of my nose.

"Come on let's have cake!" Jungkook shouts.

We all stand up and walk to the bench where the cake is located. Jin lights the candles and Jimin starts the singing off.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Y/n. Happy Birthday to you!!" All seven of the boys clap and cheer as I blow out the candles.

I get handed a knife but honestly I'm a little hesitant at first. Sharp objects and I clearly don't mix. Yoongi senses the uneasy aura and hold my hand helping me cut through.

"If the knife is dirty you have kiss the closest boy!" Jungkook says with a large smile on his face.

As I lift out the knife it's clearly dirty.

"Okay who shall I kiss?" Yoongi looks at me funny and the boy's go silent.

"I'm joking, I'm joking. Come here Yoongi" Yoongi smiles and bends down locking his lips with mine.

"Ahhhh cuteeee stop it!" All the boys say in a girlish tone.

I hand out piece of cake to everyone. Jungkook and I are the only ones who go for thirds making the rest of the boys laugh.

Later that night after the day is over and I have thanked the boys once more Yoongi and I go back to my apartment. We lay on the couch together watching my favourite shows and of course eating more sweets. I lay next to him cuddled real close with a large comfy blanket on top of us both.

"Did you have a good day Y/n?"

"It was amazing. I love every gift and the food ah how can I even explain how much I loved the food. Just everything, I loved it all. It was the best birthday I've ever had"

"I'm glad you had a good day but I still have one more gift for you"

"You do? What else good you possibly do or give me? I have everything I could ever want"

"I want to show you a song I've been working on" He stands up in front of me getting into a comfortable position. "Don't make fun of me, it isn't finished yet"

I sit up excited to hear what Yoongi has to show me. He is silent for a few seconds but then he begins. Instantly I fall in love with every word, every beat. His voice soft and it isn't aggressive rather mellow and kind. Like he's rapping for someone, to someone, me, it's about me.

As he finishes he sit's back down. My face in complete shock and awe from how much I loved it.

"Was that about me?" I quietly ask, barley managing to make out words.

"Yeah, that obvious huh?" Before he can continue to speak I latch my arms around his neck pulling him close, my emotions have seemed to overtake me once more. I just want to love this boy forever, keep him close and I wan't him to do the same. I can't put it into words properly as this feeling is so strange but I don't want it to go away.

With soft eyes and I quiet voice I say "Thank you Yoongi".

Is anyone else freaking out about the Persona Comeback trailer because I am. Namjoon looks so beautiful and the song is a bop. Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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