《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》I Love You


You need to get up Y/n.

1.... 2....3... NOW!

I try to get up but my body is numb. Blood rushing to my head as the sudden outburst and lack of energy is making me nauseated to the point where I feel as though I will pass out if I move again. I think I'm sick, like sick sick. Looks as though bed is where I will be all day today. Nothing I can do about it I guess. Before I fall back asleep I need to ring where I work. I'd be bad if I didn't turn up without a word.

After I finish calling work I should've called Yoongi to tell him what was wrong with me. Unfortunately the headache that was slowly forming and the struggle to breathe was over taking me so instead I fell asleep hoping by the time I wake up I would be fine.

I'm coming over is that okay?

Are you feeling okay?


"Jimin! Jimin!" Yoongi paces around the boys dorm. Phone in one hand and the other rests on top of his head. Frustrated and nervous he continues to message Y/n but still there is no answer.

"Calm down Yoongi, I'm sure she's fine"

"Why isn't she answering me then!"

"She's probably busy Yoongi"

"But still what if something happened?"

"Yoongi calm down please!"

"It's been hours now though!"

Jimin sits there just as frustrated as Yoongi is, not knowing what to say or how to calm him down. After some thinking he stands up and grabs a frazzled Yoongi who now has anxiety pouring out of his eyes instead of tears. He holds his hands tightly calming the boy down. "Come on I'm sure she is fine. There must be a reason why she isn't answering, maybe she's asleep or at work or something"

"What if she tried something again. Last time she didn't answer me she almost jumped off a bridge Jimin, I can't let that happened again" Jimin's eyes turn sad and he is unsure on what to say.

"What's going on here. What happened to Y/n?" A concerned Tae walks into the room.

"I-It's nothing Tae. Don't worry" Yoongi's eyes quickly turn mad. Lately around Tae I've been more cold towards, just the way he's been acting around Y/n has rubbed me the wrong way. But still I wont say anything about it because we are still friends, and I don't want to lose him over a girl however things do need to change. He has to realise Y/n is my girlfriend not his.

"Clearly something is wrong Yoongi otherwise you wouldn't be like this"

"It's okay Tae, it's nothing you have to be worried about" Jimin says clearly feeling the awkwardness of the situation he is in.


"Ah I'm worried now, I'll go see her just to see if she's okay" Yoongi quickly walks over to Tae grabbing his arm before he can walk out the door.

"No you won't"

"Why not? I'm worried about her Yoongi"

"Because she's my girlfriend not yours"

Yoongi pushes Tae out of the way and leaves the dorm not saying anything more.

"Come on Tae, don't make Yoongi mad"

"Sorry Jimin I just care about her too, you know?"

"We all do but Y/n is special to Yoongi. He cares about her on much deeper level. A level that we will never and can never be on. Please remember that"

A disheartened Yoongi quickly makes his way to Y/n's apartment. Worried about what he may find and angry about the conversation he just had with Tae.

He quietly opens the door to find that Y/n isn't there, at least not in the kitchen or on the couch.

"Y/n are you home?" He swiftly searches the apartment finally making his way to her room.

"Y/n are you in here?..... Y/N!" As Yoongi enters the bedroom Y/n lays there on her bed barley breathing and her face is pale.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Yoongi rushes over lifting up her body and proceeds to put his head to her chest to try and hear a heartbeat.

"Uhhhhh Y-Yoongi what are you doing? Put me down before I throw up on you"

As soon as he hears her voice he hugs her tightly and put's her down gently.

"Sorry... I thought something happened to you. You weren't answering my messages and I got worried"

"No I'm sorry. I've been sick all day and have just been sleeping but that's no excuse I should have at least messaged you"

Yoongi put's his hand to her forehead to feel her temperature. "Y/n you're burning up, have you had anything to eat? Any medicine?"

*Cough* *cough* "No I haven't. I can barley move"

Instantly Yoongi goes into protective boyfriend mode. "I'll be right back. I'll go buy you some medicine and food. I make you better in no time, don't move while I'm gone"

"You don't have to Yoongi, I'll be fine....." Without saying anything more Yoongi quickly leaves the room and Y/n's apartment.

"Thank you Yoongi" Y/n quietly whispers with a soft smile on her face.

As ten minutes or so pass Yoongi finally makes his way back to Y/n's apartment to find she isn't in her room. Instead she lays beside the toilet, head and body on the cold tiles. Her body weak and fragile. At the sight of this Yoongi quickly drops everything he has bought and quickly runs over to her.

"Y/n are you okay?" He lifts her body up so she is resting on him and not the floor.


"I-I'm okay. I didn't want to vomit in my bed so I tried my best to get to the bathroom"

"It's okay, It's okay I'm here now. Just rest on me" He swiftly picks Y/n up and carries her to the bedroom and gently places her back in bed. After he tucks her in he grabs all of her hair and put's it in a bun so it isn't her face anymore. After that he makes his way to the bathroom and grabs a hot tea towel and gently washes her face hoping that it would make her feel better.

"T-Thank you Yoongi"

"Shh don't say anything" After washing her face he grabs the medicine and gives it to her.

"I'll be right back. I'm just going to make you soup. It should start to give you some energy back and your body should start to fix itself"

Yoongi goes to the kitchen and begins to make a dish Jin taught him how to cook when Hobi was really sick that one time. He fills the dish with lot's of vegetables and meat hoping that it will maker her feel better.

"Here you go" Y/n tries to sit up but Yoongi instantly stops her.

"Don't, I'll help you up" Her holds her back gently trying to not shake her body so she isn't sick again.

"Here you go, careful it's very hot" He gently blows on the soup and feeds it to Y/n being careful to not spill any.

"Do you like it?"

"It's delicious Yoongi"

As yoongi continues to feed Y/n her phone buzzes.

"Who's that Y/n?"

"Oh, it's Tae"

Instantly Yoongi's face turns sour. "What did he say?"

"He want's to know if I'm okay. Why do you sound so blunt? Did something happen with you two?"

"He's just been getting on my nerves lately"

"I noticed that. At my party you seemed really tense when he gave me my present. Why is he making you so anxious?"

"Just because"

"You can trust me Yoongi. I won't get mad, I just want to know"

"Because....." Yoongi's eye's shift and face the ground as he is unable to look her in the eye. "Because I'm afraid that he's going to try and take you away from me. He so much more handsome and funny and young and could probably look after you better than I ever could"

"Y-Yoongi. Don't think like that, you're my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend. I care about you, no one could ever take me off you. I fell for your kindness, your smile, your heart not Tae's. I love you Yoongi, no one else"

"You love me?" His eyes slowly rise as he finally has the courage to look at her.

"Of course I love you. I love you more than you could ever know and no one can ever take me away from you" I smile emerges from the two of them. A happiness growing inside of Yoongi, something he can't explain.

"I feel stupid now"

"You should. I can't believe you would think that I would leave you for Tae. I could never do that, I care about you too much, the necklace you gave me is a symbol of that"

"Still I'm mad at him. I can't help it, I get jealous easily"

"It's okay, just know that I won't ever leave you." *Cough* *Cough*

"Okay no more talking now. Just continue to rest, try to go to sleep" He kisses Y/n on the forehead and tucks her back in so she is comfortable.

"I'll come and check on you later."

"Thank you Yoongi"

As Y/n is asleep for the next few hours Yoongi sits quietly by himself in her apartment. He tries his best to not be loud so Y/n can rest. He cleans everything up and slowly becomes bored every once and a while. Still he doesn't want to leave, not until she is better. As night time approaches Y/n makes her way out of bed still feeling like crap. She quietly leaves her room to find yoongi laying on the couch with her computer on top of him watching a movie.

"What are you watching?"

"Hey! You should be in bed"

"I was but I don't want to sleep anymore, I want to lay with you"

"Okay, okay, come over here" Yoongi reaches his arms out and Y/n sits down on his lap. He wraps his arms around her tightly making sure she is comfortable.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better thanks to you"

"I'm glad but still take tomorrow off work just in case"

"Okay, Okay I will"

As the two of them continue to cuddle on the couch they are interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who could that be?" Both seem confused and unsure to who it could be.

"You stay here Y/n, I'll answer it"

As yoongi slowly opens the door he is welcomed to a familiar face. One in which he didn't want to see, not now at least. As anger boiled inside in he managed to get out one word. It didn't sound like much but it had a lot of built up annoyance behind it.


I know it seems as though the last two chapters or so have been filler but trust me I have something big coming soon and I wanted to build it up I guess. I hope you like it!

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