《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》A Girl


I wake up quite early this morning. As I open my eyes I'm reminded of the night before. Instantly my cheeks go red and my stomach fills with butterflies. I feel so happy, it's hard to put into words as I've never really experienced it before, love that is. That feeling of knowing that someone cares about me enough to show and express it. It will probably take time to get used to this feeling.

I quickly hop out of bed and get ready for day. Sadly I'm working so I can't spend my morning with Yoongi. As I arrive at the place I work I quickly sit down and await for my students to arrive. When they do I teach my class as I would normally. I pack up my stuff and as I'm about to leave one of my students stops me.

"Miss Y/n, you seem quite happy today"

"Oh do I really? I didn't notice"

"Something good must've happened to you, what was it?"

"Oh it was nothing that important" My cheeks go red at the sudden thought of Yoongi popping into my mind.

"Hmm I don't believe you. I bet it has something to do with that boy who is always here. But I won't annoy you about it I guess. I'll see you next time, thank you for another great lesson!" The girl quietly runs off taking all her books as she does so. This is the first time I have been asked why I look so happy. It feels nice to know that it's showing.

As I leave the building I see a familiar figure standing amongst the students. I know exactly who it is. I run up to him and wrap my arms around his body.

"Hello Yoongi" I happily say in a quiet voice.

"Hello gorgeous, how was your day?"

"It was fine, I'm glad that I'm here with you now though"

"Meet to" He grabs my hand and pulls me along.

"Where are we going?"

"For a walk, I want to spend time with you before the day ends"

"Ah is it a date?" I ask jokingly.



"Yep, lets go" This is the first date I've ever been on.

We walk along the path that leads away from the place I work. It looks as though we are heading towards a large park that I've never really been to before. I've heard that lots of couples spend time there. I think today is perfect to go to the park. The sun is out and it's isn't too cold anymore. The flowers are beginning to bloom which makes everything look so beautiful and colourful. It was only making me feel so much happier.

As we are walking along I see an ice cream truck. I haven't eaten much all day so thought of having Ice cream makes me really excited.

"Yoongi, can we get ice cream?" I point to the truck hoping that he will say yes.


"Of course we can"

The two of us happily walk over and buy two chocolate ice creams.

"Ah thank you!"

We continue to walk around the park. Holding hands, doing couple things and eat our ice creams. We walk past a pond that has ducks swimming in it. I happily bend down to have a closer look. They all look so cute swimming together and waddling on the ground.

"Do you like ducks?" Yoongi asks bending down next to me.

I nod my head. "Yeah I think they are really cute. Ah but I wish I had some bread to feed them" I say pouting.

"Next time we can bring some" Yoongi says

"Okay, sounds good" I stand back up holding out my hand. Yoongi grabs a hold of it and we continue to walk.

"You know I'm really thankful to have you in my life. I know we haven't been dating for 24 hours yet but already I'm the happiest I've been in a long time"

"I'm really happy as well Yoongi. Thank you." I feel shy to say it, but it's true.

We swing our arms like children would. Both of us having trouble containing our emotions.

"Last night I was really nervous. I woke up to the boys on top of me telling me how excited they were that I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend but that only made me more anxious"

"Why were you so nervous? It just me, there's nothing to be anxious about"

"That's the thing, it's you. If I'm honest Y/n I actually have had a crush on you for quite a while now and I didn't know what I was going to do if you said no" He scratches the bag of his head as he says this.

"R-really? I liked you for quite a while too actually" I say shly.

"I guess I had nothing to be anxious about then"

The two of us continue to walk around, not really doing much. Talking, holding hands, eating. Life is good, I'm good I think. Lets hope this happiness lasts awhile. Who knows when it may start to go down again. If I really think about it, I'm like a battery. When my energy is at it's peak I am happy, energetic even. As life goes by and I become worn out I begin to run out of energy. That is when things begin to take a turn for the worst. My mood becomes black, distant. Everything becomes hard, waking up becomes hard, life becomes hard. Until I recharge that is how things will stay and there is nothing I can do about it. Trust me I've tried. Maybe Yoongi being more intimate with me my energy may last longer.

"Y/n you okay? You seem lost in thought"

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking about something..."

"Hmm okay." He looks at the sky. The sun is beginning to set. The colours orange, yellow and red fill the sky. So beautiful. "Come on. Lets head back to my dorm. It getting late" I nod my head and we head back.


Today has been absolutely amazing. Even though we really didn't do much, it was fun. I like having a boyfriend.

In no time at all we reach the door to his dorm but before we enter he stops me.

With a smile on his face, he speaks. "Listen the boys are really excited about the fact we are dating. So they may be all over you and it may be a little hard to handle"

"I should be fine. It's just the boys"

"Just warning you"

Yoongi slowly opens the door and the two of us enter. Six faces await eagerly and at the sight of us instantly they jump up.

"THE COUPLE IS HOME" Jungkook screams at the top of his lungs. As he does so Tae and Jimin wrap their arms around my body and jump up and down causing me to almost fall to the ground. If it couldn't get anymore insane as they do so Hobi and Namjoon wrap their arms around Yoongi's body and pull him over to me. Jin stands there laughing to himself, watching the chaos unfold in front of him.

As Jimin and Tae let go of me I am pushed onto Yoongi. I feel so embarrassed but extremely happy at the same time. To hide my red face I bury it into Yoongi's chest and hold onto his jumper.

"Guyssss You're embarrassing Y/n. Stop it" Yoongi whines as he holds onto my body pulling me closer.

"Aishhh look at how cute they are being, tell them to stop Jin Hyung"

"Now why would I do that Jimin?"

"Jimin is right Jin Hyung, It's making me jealous!"

"Find yourself a lover then Tae"

"I can't, no one loves me Jungkook"

"But I love you"

"Okay everyone be quiet!" Namjoon steps up and instantly everyone has calmed down and the room goes silent.

"Come on everyone lets eat dinner together in order to celebrate Y/n and Yoongi finally getting together" Hobi says pulling the two of over to the large table.

"Jin Hyung has prepared a bunch of food for us all" Jungkook says as he sits down.

"Awwww thank you all so much" I say as I sit down pulling Yoongi with me.

"Ahhh they are so cute!" Jimin says as his cheeks go pink.

"Alright we get it Jimin they are cute. Let's forget about that for now and enjoy the food I made for you all"

As we enjoy the meal Jin made for us I look at all the boy's faces. They all look as though they want to say something. I decide to speak up as my curiosity gets the best of me.

"Is there something wrong? You all look as though you have something to say"

"How did you know Y/n?" Hobi says in shock.

"She's Y/n of course she would know something is up" Jungkook says smiling.

Jin speaks up. "Well the boys and I have been thinking about it. We all are really close to you now and feel as though we can trust you. So we all decided that we would give you a key to our dorm so you can come over anytime you like"

I'm ecstatic to the idea. "Wow really?!! Thank you all so much!" As I say this I shake Yoongi's arm as if I was a young child who is overly excited.

"Aye do you want to rip my arm off?"

"Sorry I'm just so excited"

Later that night I head to Yoongi's room saying good night to all of the boys. I lay on his bed and await for him to come.

"Ah Yoongi Hyung before you go" Tae is calling him.

"What is it Tae?"

"Y/n looks as though she is doing really well. This is the most I've seen her smile"

"Yeah, I'm glad she's happy"

His face changes fairly quickly. "It's just who knows how long this will last. Make sure you keep looking after her, okay?"

"I will Tae"

"Okay, just thought I would remind you. Good night"

"Night" Yoongi walks away a little agitated about what Tae has just said to him. He tries not to think about it too much and erases it from his mind for now.

"Yoongiiiii come and cuddle with me" I cry, reaching my arms out.

"Okay, okay I'm coming" Yoongi jumps onto the bed wrapping his arms around Y/n, holding her tightly.

"I like it when you cuddle me, I feel safe"

"Then I will cuddle you forever"

We both smile uncontrollably. "Come on let's watch a movie, I can't just cuddle with you all night"

"Fine, fine. What do you want to watch?"

"Hmm how about...... A Dogs Purpose"

"Ooooo good choice"

For the rest of the night we just watch movies and cuddle. As I become more and more tired and the energy leaves my body I can already feel my mood become lower and lower. I end up falling asleep on Yoongi's chest. The day has come to an end.

Yoongi lays there and plays with Y/n's hair. She lays quietly on his chest, snores softly escaping her nose. Her breathing stable as her chest moves up and down at a slow pace. He is fully entranced by this girl. A girl he met in the rain accidentally. Someone who he thought he would have little to do with but alas here he is. In love with someone who doesn't love them self. He holds her hand and plays with her fingers, intertwining his with hers. He too falls asleep, his mind calm but still lingering thoughts remain. He can't help but worry about her, the girl he loves.

Can you tell I love the idea of holding hands and cuddling? Because this is what this chapter basically is.

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