《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Special Place


I slowly open my eyes, I must've fallen asleep. It takes me a few seconds to realise where I am. I'm on the couch with Yoongi's jumper covering my body. Honestly I feel very embarrassed, why is it I always seem to fall asleep when I'm around him. I try to move quietly as Yoongi is still working hard. I grab my phone that sit's on the table and I check the time, it's 10:30pm.

Yoongi spins the chair around, now facing me. He looks exhausted."You fell asleep pretty quickly. You must of been tired. Sorry I should of let you go back with the boys a few hours ago" His voice calming and soft. He doesn't even mention me sitting on my lap not to long ago.

"Oh sorry. It's not your fault. I don't even remember falling asleep" I sit up from the couch leaning backwards, my head hitting the back of the wall.

"Well since you've been here with me for so long come over here, there's something I want to show you" I hop up from the couch and walk over to Yoongi.

"What is it you want to show me?"

"Come here, closer" I shuffle forward but before I can move anymore Yoongi grabs a hold of my waist and pulls me down to his lap. I make a high pitched squeal as this sudden movement takes me by surprise. I am once again seated in the same position I was before. I fill fuzzy, like when a young girl sees her crush.

"Here listen to this" Yoongi places a large pair of headphones on my head and music begins to play. I sit there for a few minutes listening.

"Is this what you have been working on?"

"Yeah. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it? Of course I like it, It's amazing Yoongi!" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

Yoongi shows off his cute gummy smile. "I'm glad you like it but... it's not finished yet"

"It's not finished?"

"It still needs something, I haven't figured out what that is yet. Once it's done though I promise you'll be the first to hear it"

"Ah thank you Yoongi" as I say this I fall backwards off the chair pulling Yoongi with me. I squeal once again and before I know it I'm on the floor with Yoongi laying on top of me. I stop breathing, my heart going a million miles per hour. Yoongi is inches away from my face, his hot breath hitting the side of my cheek. His soft eyes looking at my lips, honestly I'm paralysed and I'm unsure on what to do.

"Uh sorry" Yoongi softly says.

"No, no it's my fault" I softly say back. He still lays on top of me. After about 30 seconds or so he tries to get up and manages to do so. He bends back down and helps me up.

"Thank you" I quietly say.

"Ah it's no problem. Uh I think we should leave now. It's quite late, you must be tired and aren't you working tomorrow?" I nod my head and the two of us leave. It looked like he was going to kiss me but of course my mind got the best of me once again.

I follow Yoongi and I hop into his car. I slowly place my head against the window as Yoongi and I drive off. We drive for a while and completely miss my apartment.

"Huh, Yoongi you missed my stop"

"I want to take you some place first. Is that okay?" I nod my head and Yoongi continues to drive. We drive for a while and stop at a park I think.


"Follow me" and so I do. I follow Yoongi to the middle of the park and he places himself down on a bench. I sit down next to him. I feel as though I could sit here forever. It's calming, the air may be chilly but I'm not cold. He lifts his head up and I'm a little confused to what he is doing.

"What are you doing?" I quietly ask.

"Look" I look up to see that the sky is covered with a blanket of stars. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"It's beautiful Yoongi" Honestly I'm in disbelief.

"I come here often during the night. I like to think and get my mind in order sometimes. I guess It's my special place. No one else knows about it, not even the boys"

I look back at Yoongi and I feel as though I'm going to cry. He brought me to his special place.

"Oh thank you"

"Why are you thanking me? I haven't done anything for you"

"Because.... because you make me feel special, wanted, if that makes any sense"

Yoongi looks over to y/n. Her eyes shinning and her smile bright. He grabs a hold of her head and places it on his shoulder. "I'm glad I make you feel that way".

After 10 minutes or so Yoongi finally takes me home. He says his goodbyes and slowly closes the door. I go straight to bed and it doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

Yoongi arrives back at his dorms and to his surprise some of the boys are still awake. He walks past a sleepy Jungkook who sits there quietly on the couch. His hair messy and his eyes droopy.

"H-hyung can I speak to you for a moment" Jungkook's face turns from sleepy to concerned the moment he stood up.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Ah please don't get upset. I know you really like y/n and I support you fully. I think she's good for you and your good for her"

"Ah thanks Jungkook" Yoongi's face lights up.

"But some of the others aren't" Quickly Yoongi's face differs.

"What do you mean?"

"I- um.. I overheard Jin hyung talking to Tae about y/n. He sounded angry at both you and Tae"

"What did he say?"

"He thinks you shouldn't go to see her for a while. That she's spitting up the team"

"Are you fucking joking?" Yoongi storms off pushing past Jungkook. His eyes filled with hurt and anger. He bursts through Jin's door making a loud bang as the door handle hits the wall. Jin lays there half asleep, his head against the bed board.

"What's the issue Yoongi? It's too late for this, go to bed"

"What's your fucking issue with y/n? She has done nothing wrong to you or any of us!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you know nothing. Jungkook told me about what you said to Tae"

Jin lifts himself up from his bed, his face becoming stern. "It's not like that Yoongi. It's just with the conflict that happened between you and Tae today. I just don't want there to be any more issues between us, for the teams sake" As Jin says this Namjoon and Jungkook stand at the door listening in.

"So you think I shouldn't spend time with her anymore! Abandon her like everyone else has in her life. Leave her lost and alone wondering what the hell she did wrong when in reality it was nothing! You want me to make her feel like she's worthless and nothing just like how I felt just a few years ago. If it wasn't for this team I don't know if I would be here right now alive and happy. I want to be someone she feels safe with, just like BTS is for me, I want to help her just like BTS did for me. I want her to live, I want to help her live and you saying that I shouldn't see her anymore is the equivalent to you guys abandoning me when I needed you the most but you didn't. So I'm going to do the same, I won't abandon her. I know you mean well for the team and I'm thankful for that but I can't leave her, not when she needs me the most" Yoongi begins to cry. He screams his heart out to Jin, everything that comes to mind he blurts out not holding back. His heart basically been ripped out of his chest and thrown at him.


"Y-yoongi I"

"Save it, I don't want to hear it anymore" Yoongi leaves Jin's room pushing his way past Namjoon and Jungkook making his way for the door. Before he can leave Namjoon grabs a hold of his arm.

"Let go..."

"Yoongi please"

"I said let go!" He breaks free from Namjoon grip and leaves not saying another word. Namjoon walks to Jin's door.

"Smooth Jin smooth"

"Namjoon I.... I messed up"

Yoongi gets in his car and goes straight to you. It's 12am and the night has become cold and lonely, the stars have been hidden by a sea of clouds. He walks up to your door and knocks. To his surprise you answer.

You open the door half asleep, hair messy and unaware of your surroundings."Yoongi is that you?"

"Ah yeah, sorry to wake you"

"What's wrong?" You quietly ask.

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Yeah of course" You slowly nod your head almost falling over, your body tired and not functioning properly. Yoongi picks you up and instantly you fall back to sleep in his arms. He softly places you on the bed and lays next to you admiring your face while you sleep. He kisses your cheek and tries to fall asleep next to you, thoughts running through his mind about what happened with Jin.

I wake up in the morning with Yoongi next to me. Honestly I don't remember much of what happened last night but I'm glad he's here. I quickly get out of bed and get ready for work. I walk back into my room to find that Yoongi is now awake.

"I have to go to work now. Tell me what happened when I come home"

Yoongi nods his head, still sleepy. "Have a good day" He happily says. I smile back and leave.

Class today was nothing special. Nothing interesting happened, it was quite boring actually. I grab my things and get ready to go home, honestly I'm looking forward to it as Yoongi is there.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

I look down at my phone, It's Namjoon.

Hey y/n. Is it alright if Jin and I come over

for a bit, we need to ask you somethings.

Yeah that's fine. I just finished work.

Cool, see you in an hour. :)

I'm back at my apartment and Yoongi sits there quietly on my couch watching tv.

"I'm home" I say as I walk through the door.

"Ah y/n I missed you. I was so lonely by myself"

"Sorry Yoongs, next time if you want I'll bring you with me"

"Ah okay, I look forward to it"

"Oh also before I forget Namjoon and Jin are coming over"

Yoongi's face goes blank. "Please tell me your joking"

"Huh why would I be joking?"

Yoongi seems flustered and nervous. "Listen y/n you can't let them know I'm here"

"Why not?" I ask confused. Before he can answer there is a knock at my door.

"Please y/n" Yoongi whispers running into your room. You feel concerned but open the door as if nothing was wrong.

"Hello" You happily say.

"Hey y/n" Namjoon says hugging you tightly. Jin stands beside him not saying a word. His face sad and emotionless.

"Ah please come in" Both boys walk in and sit on the couch.

"Is there something wrong?" You casually ask.

Namjoon speaks up. "Have you seen Yoongi?"

You think back to what Yoongi said. He doesn't want them to know he's here so that is what you intend to do. "No he isn't here. I haven't heard from him since he dropped me home last night"

"Oh okay" Both boys faces drop.

"Why, is there something wrong?"

"Well Jin hyung here messed up last night. He said a few things that he shouldn't have and it made Yoongi upset"

"Oh, what happened?"

Jin finally speaks up. "Tae told me what happened between you, Yoongi and him. It made me concerned for our team. It feels as though you were unintentionally causing conflict between us and I said something to Tae that Yoongi found out about. Something I know now I shouldn't have. I've - we've just all worked so hard to get where we are today and I didn't want something small like you to ruin it. I got scared. I know now that I was wrong to think that, to have such little faith in us all, in you. I'm sorry"

Your face drops to the sudden confession from Jin. To hear such words come out of his mouth makes you feel responsible. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry"

"It's not your fault y/n" Namjoon says trying to comfort you.

"That's all we wanted to say. If you hear from Yoongi please message us or tell him to come home"

You nod your head holding back tears and the two boys leave. As soon as the door shuts Yoongi walks out of your room.

"Can you tell me your side now please" You say, your voice cracking. Yoongi sits next to you, his eyes low and tired. He tells you about the night before, about what Jungkook told him and what he said to Jin. You begin to cry.

"I'm s-sorry. This is my fault"

"It's not your fault y/n. It's mine. Please don't blame yourself"

He quietly comforts you. He helps make the tears go away but the thoughts stay. The both of you fall asleep on the couch still tired from the night before. 20 minutes later you awaken to find Yoongi still asleep. You quietly walk to the bathroom not making a sound.

You're causing conflict. You'll split up BTS. You're hurting them. Disappear. You hurt Jin and Yoongi. You made Yoongi yell at Jin. You don't deserve him, you deserve no one.

You grab the blade, a sensation you haven't felt in a few days now. Your wrists and arm still haven't healed properly so instead you lift up your skirt slicing the side of your thighs. Deeper and deeper. 1 cut, 2 cut, 3 cut 5 cut 10 cut....


Tears escaping your eyes, you turn to see Yoongi standing at the door watching what you just just did to yourself. You can't move or breathe. His face in disbelief.

This chapter sucks, oh well.

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