《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Melts


I feel my mind awaken. I slowly open my eyes but I have trouble keeping them awake, I want to sleep more. I roll over to get back into a comfortable position and completely forget that Yoongi is laying next to me. I almost roll on top of him but manage to stop myself just in time. I try to open my eyes once more, I see he's still asleep. I look at his mushy face that lays against the pillow, his cheeks squish together and his hair falls across his face softly. His breathing slow and in time. I want to touch his face but I know I shouldn't. He is such a kind person and has done more for me in the past week or so than anyone else has in my entire life. I feel greedy for wanting to keep him all to myself, for wanting him to only think of me, but that won't happen though. I'm asking for too much, I should just be happy that the Min Yoongi someone I adored for so long and thinking that I'd never meet let alone be in the same room as, lay here next to me. I want him to be mine, someone I can hold and spend everyday with for the rest of my life. I sigh softly and close my eyes moving closer towards him, I manoeuvre my way into his arms and lay my head against his chest. It doesn't take me long to drift off back to sleep.

I hear y/n wake up. Her body moving to face me, I want to open my eyes but for some reason I don't. I hear her breathing, it matches mine. I wonder what she is thinking about? Maybe it's about me because I can't stop thinking about her. Long black hair that frames her face perfectly, pale skin that makes her cute freckles stand out, little nose, beautiful almond shaped brown eyes, she also has the cutest little hands that I want to hold all day. She's perfect and it makes me troubled that she doesn't see that. I feel as though there is something she isn't telling me. Something that happened to her, bits of the story that she leaves out. I want to know what it is. I feel her body move again, moving closer towards me. She picks up my arm and places her body against mine so that I'm holding her. I feel her head lay against my chest, I think she has gone back to sleep. I want to lay like this forever. I hold her tightly, I want to protect and look after y/n and I want for her to do the same for me. I'm not sure how I'm going to make that happen but I know I will.

Yoongi lays there holding y/n tightly making sure he doesn't let go. When he finally feels as though he's not going back to sleep he quietly and gently lifts himself out of the bed. As he does this y/n's face slowly falls onto the bed away from his chest, she's still asleep. He tucks her in and lifts her head on the pillow and walks out of the room.

I open my eyes for the second time and Yoongi is not there. I rub my face and run my fingers through my hair. "Yoongi... are you there-" I hear something in the kitchen, a sweet smell finds itself in my room. I slowly climb out of the bed, my body still weak. I walk out into the kitchen rubbing my eyes again and yawn loudly. Yoongi is there making bacon omelettes.


"That smells delicious" I say in my morning voice.

"You're awake. Did you sleep well?"

"Yep! Thanks to you" I walk over to Yoongi, he looks so cool flipping the omelettes like he was a professional chef.

"Where did you get all that food? I thought I had none"

"I walked to the shops quickly to grab a few things. It's sad how empty your fridge is"

"Sorry Yoongs, you didn't have to do that. From now on I'll make sure I'll have heaps of food for you" I smile grabbing out two plates. He places these beautiful omelettes on my plate, it's like something out of a cooking book and the smell is unbelievable. We both sit at my table next to each other.

"This looks delicious!" I dig in straight away almost forgetting to breathe.

"Ah thank you, I'm glad someone appreciates my cooking" Yoongi watches y/n eat. He loves watching her smile, he loves making her smile.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

"Who is that?"

"It's just Tae, we have a practice recording session today"

"Oh, does that mean you have to leave?"

"Not for an hour"

"Oh okay" I say a little disappointed.

"You can come if you want"

"Really? I wont be bothering you?"

"It's fine, it may be a little boring though"

"That doesn't bother me. I'd love to go." I can't stop smiling.

After breakfast I get dressed into a black high wasted skirt with black tights and black boots. I also wear a long black jumper and a black beanie. Black on black on black. I put on a little bit of make up so I don't look like the undead and I go to tell Yoongi that I'm ready to go.

"Yoongi we can leave now"

"Ah okay.... wow"

"Wow what, do I look funny?" I say looking down a little embarrassed.

"No! No you look beautiful"

"Oh thank you" I can feel myself blushing.

"Uh let's go" He says scratching the back of his head. I nod and follow Yoongi out the door.

We arrive at the BigHit building. The other 6 boys stand there together out the front waiting for us.

"You brought y/n Yoongi!" Jimin says running over and hugging me.

"Hello everyone" I say smiling.

"Y/n did Yoongi stay with you last night?" Namjoon asks pushing Jimin aside. I nod my head and the boy's faces light up.

"Just date already!" Jungkook yells.

"Yoongi date y/n!" Jimin yells joining in with Jungkook.

"Be quiet" he say's quietly. He's pretty cute when he's embarrassed.

"That's enough now boys" Namjoon playfully pulls them backwards scaring them a little.

"Okay okay we'll stop... for now"

Jin pulls Yoongi aside while Namjoon continues to tease the other boy's.

"How did thing's go yesterday?"

"It didn't go how I intended it to but I will make things better from now on"

"Alright then and why did you bring her today. You didn't have to"

"I brought her because I wanted to" Yoongi snaps.

"Okay don't get upset. I'm just asking."

After we all finish talking I follow the boys in, we head up the elevator into part of the building Iv'e never seen before.

As we are walking Tae walks next to me, his eyes focus on the bandage that peaks from under my sleeve. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me aside. He tells the boy's to walk on ahead saying he has something to ask me. Honestly I'm a little nervous. He's much taller than I am and has a much more mature face than Yoongi does. A sharp jawline, large lips and perfect eyes, how could someone not fall for him, he looks like a prince. His hair is a greyish colour at the moment and falls perfectly across his face. If my heart wasn't set on Yoongi than I might of fallen for him. He gently holds my wrist turning it over and pulling up my sleeve. I don't move or say anything. He undoes the bandage and runs his fingers across the cuts, scars and bruises, he doesn't say anything for a minute or so. He has a completely different aura and feeling than Yoongi does. He looks up at me and finally speaks.


"Y/n please stop doing this to yourself" his voice deep and calming.

"Ah Tae it's not that simple, if it was then I would stop"

"Isn't it simple though, throw away the blades. Spend more time with the people you love, try to be happy"

"I know you probably don't understand. I have tried before, many times. I just haven't found a reason yet, I need time to be happy, to feel safe and it's not going to be easy. I know it wont be easy, it's never easy"

"Y/n.... it's okay" he wraps his arms around me and brushes the top of my head. It feels different, it feels weird like I shouldn't be doing it. I want to move away but I feel as though I can't.

"Y/n?" It's Yoongi, he looks angry.

He pulls Tae off me and brings me into my chest. "What the fuck Tae?"

"It was nothing seriously Yoongi. Y/n is hurting and I want to help!" His voice raises and it scares me a little.

"It's o-okay Yoongi, it was nothing really. Tae was just asking if I was okay" My voice is shaky.

"I don't care, you shouldn't be hugging him"

"For fuck sake Yoongi" Tae storms off to where the other boys are, angry and annoyed.

"S-sorry Yoongi"

"It's fine y/n. It just ticks me off so much seeing you flirting with the other members"

"I wasn't flirting I swear"

"I don't care" He looks down to my exposed arm. "Did he ask to see?" I nod my head. "Are you fucking joking. What an idiot" He bandages my arm back up making sure not to hurt me. "I want to be the one that looks after you y/n. Not Tae, not Jimin not Namjoon, not any of them okay?"

"Okay" he seems so angry and concerned. I feel protected though, it feels right to go to Yoongi and not so much the other members. I mean I feel safe talking to the others but I'd rather be with Yoongi. I feel as though he understands more.

He holds my hand taking me by surprise, he seems to be doing this a lot. We walk to the recording studio and he sits me down. The others are also in there. Tae sits across from me looking pissed. I have to look away, it makes me anxious.

"Alright let's start now that everyone is here" Jin says breaking the tension that floats through the air.

For the next few hours I sit there and watch. Honestly It was a little boring but interesting at the same time. I didn't say much because I didn't want to distract them. Their voices were so beautiful each different and unique in their own ways. I felt as though I was apart of the music if that makes any sense. When Tae goes into record we make eye contact, his face is stern and I feel uneasy due to what occurred not to long ago. I try to lighten him up by smiling and as I hoped he smiled back. But It was nothing compared to the smile on my face when Yoongi entered the booth. Hearing him rap makes me feel warm inside, a spark of happiness that I cannot explain.

When the boys finish I can't help but clap. "That was amzing" I happily say.

"Thank you y/n" Jungkook says with his adorable bunny smile.

"We are going to go home and rest now, did you want to come y/n?" Tae asks quietly.

"She's going to stay here with me for a bit" Yoongi grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Sorry, I'll stay here. Thank you though"

"Oh okay then"

"See you later y/n!" Hoseok basically yells trying to lighten up the mood.

I Say goodbye and the boys are off. Yoongi and I are alone again.

"Follow me" I follow him down a hallway. Employees quickly rushing past greeting Yoongi and I as they do. We enter a studio. A small room with a large recording system, a piano and small couch in the back not mention a mini fridge that sits hidden in the corner.

"I'm going to work on a few things. You can stay in here if you want or you can go exploring. I already told all of the staff about you so you wouldn't have to worry about them"

"Oh it's okay, I'll just stay in here with you. I'd rather be with you then by myself"

"Alright then, you can sit on the couch if you want, or go on the computer. I also have a tablet you can play with"

"Can I have some paper and a pen?"

"Ah sure, here you go"

"Thank you" I smile.

"Oh also I have food in the fridge back there, have anything you like"

I nod my head and Yoongi begins to work. I start writing down a story, something that I've been thinking about for a while now. I put in my earphones and play one of my playlists called y/n's soft songs. I write and write till I find myself bored of that. I look over at Yoongi and he sit's there quietly working away.

I walk over to the fridge and it's full of food, I take out some chocolate and sprite that occupies me for a while. I then continue to explore the small room. Honestly there isn't much to see. I sit back down on the couch and look over to Yoongi again. He hasn't moved once since he begun. I want his attention but I also don't want to bother him. I feel selfish again and walk over to him. I should make it up to him, for what Tae did. He's probably still mad, yeah that's my excuse.


No answer.


No answer.

I don't think he has noticed me yet. I come up with this crazy plan which honestly I don't know why I'm doing it but for some reason I'm going to. I pull out his chair softly with the little strength I have. I then place myself on his lap. He doesn't react like how I thought he was going to. I thought by now I'd be on the floor having to explain to him how sorry I am but no instead he gets comfortable. He shifts his body still not saying a word. My body melts into his like it's supposed to be there, like two puzzle pieces. I feel my face go red, I'm happy though. I hope he is as well.

Sorry this took so long to get up. I was in Sydney all weekend to see a Stray Kids concert and can I just say all 9 of those boys are so talented. I cried so much when Chan and Felix started crying about coming home to Sydney, it was so emotional and made it very personal. Overall the concert was amazing and if you ever get the chance to see them I highly recommend you go. Anyway who is your Stray Kids bias? Mines Jisung

Here are some crappy photos I took. Changbin in that last photo tho, so cute.

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