《I Will Become A Proper Villainess (DROP)》Vacation


Isaac looks at Eric and Eric looks at him.

Eric wipes his eyes and gives him a tetra pack juice that Isaac took and drink.

No one is talking but they are in sychronized harmony.





"Ehhh? So you don't know that everyone thinks of your relationship with Ms. Helen is strange?" Harry came to give the list of guards he found.

Ian shakes his head.

"Why would they think I am having an affair? I go home earlier than before? I have a beautiful wife and I am not talking to Ms. Helen if it is not for work? What triggers them?" Ian really doesn't know how that kind of nonesense spreads.

"Don't tell, Monet. She already is jealous of Helen from the start. I am still having trouble with Aya. And now this."

"I think Monet is already thinking of divorcing you." Harry laughs.

Ian frowns.

"Hey...That is a scary joke. Knock on wood."


"Do it. If we broke up just because you didn't knock on wood, what would you do?"

"I don't know. Hit you with a wood?" Harry shakes his head and went to the wood cabinet.



"Anyways, she is pretty."

"Of course. She is going prettier as days goes by." Ian said blushing a bit.

"I am talking about your secretary." Harry chuckles. "I don't believe this foolish guy."

"Tsk." He looks away and look at the papers in front of him.

After a while he put it down.

"Why are they good looking?" He frowns.

Harry who is drinking water spruts it out.

Then he glares at Ian.


"....I hate it. Find someone who are less good looking."

"Are you for real? They are not that good looking. Open your eyes, bastard!"


"Monet will be spending time with them. What if they become attach with my wife? Find older guys."

"Not good looking and older guys. Are we looking for a guard of a grandpa?"

"Can't you do it? You are good. You can find exactly what I am looking for."

"No. You are being an awful stupid guy with a huge ego. Pick from these papers. I guarantee they are top notch and professional. And they are married!"

"Even if they are married there is a possibility of them falling for my wife."

"Do you want me to hit you?"







"Hi." Harry looks at Helen.

Helen blushes.

"H-hello, Sir."

"Did you find it hard working here?"

"No. I find it very easy and fulfilling, Sir."

"I see. Then do your best, okay." Harry said.

"Yes sir. Thank you."





"You look happy." Ian said at Isaac after the kid kisses him.

They are driving home.

"We are going in a field trip. I want Mommy to come with me."

Ian looks at Isaac.

"How about Daddy?"

"Daddy is busy."

"I may not be busy. When is that?"

"A week from now. We will go and feed tigers. We will see ostrich and beat alligators."

"Beat alligators?"

Ian laughs.

Isaac laughs too.

"I just want to try saying that. My classmate shouted he beat up an Elephant. Everyone laughs at him but I think he is cool."

"Is that your new friend?"

"No. Eric said that the one who shouted is an attention seeker and a waste of space. He is kind of savage."

"Well, yeah he is."

"Daddy, are you free? You didn't answer anymore."



"I knew it. I'm glad I have a Mommy now. Good job, Daddy."

Ian wryly smile.





"Oh! Safari? Cool. I haven't been in a zoo before. I will go of course." Monet happily kiss the kid who excitedly tell him what they saw in the video clip.

"I will feed a tiger and then I will talk to some birds."

"I want to pose with a cute animals!" Monet said.

The two went to search in their phone about the zoo*** safari.

Sadly, Ian is left behind.

"Hey, we are eating."

"Mommy, where will we eat lunch?"

"Maybe there's restaurant there. We will have all day to play."

"Im so excited. I hope it comes sooner!" Isaac said and smiles happily.

"Me too."

"I said, eat."

Monet and Isaac looks at frowning Ian.

Monet pouts and kicks him under the table.

Ian ignores her and ate.

Monet and Isaac looks at each other and then they smile.

Monet stood up with Isaac.

The two went at Ian's both sides and kisses his cheek.

"This grumpy old man. Are you jealous?"

"Daddy, I am not happy that you are not going with us. But I won't show it because I am old now and I can't let Daddy feel burden."

Ian snorts.

"You sounds like you are having fun not including me at all."

Monet hugs him.

"Sweetie, we know you are busy. We just don't want you to feel burden. Why are you so cute?"

"Heh." Ian looks away.

Isaac frowns.

He sits on Ian's lap.

"Okay. We won't go. I decided that If Dad can't go. Isaac and Mommy can't go."

"Ehh? But I want to ride a horse." Monet pouts.


"Tsk. You two are not so convincing.

Fine.. I will forgive you if you invite daddy."


"What? I will find a way to go. It is your first field trip with your whole family."


Monet frowns

"You will really? If you lied I will hit you."

"I am not lying! I will come. For sure."

"Yehey! I am so happy. I love you Daddy."

Monet smiles too.

"I love you, Sweetie."

"So what should we do there?" Ian asks.

"First, we should watch the alligators kill each other.........."





Monet looks at the saddened Isaac.

She rubs his head.

"Let's go?"

"Daddy is very busy?"


"He tried." Isaac smiles. "I am happy cause I know he tried."

"Yeah. Don't worry. We will have a lot of fun so we can tell Daddy everything."


The two hold hands.

Ian sigh when he saw the bus coming.

"That took you so long." Ian said smiling.

Isaac happily run to tackle him.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" Monet pouts.

"There's no signal here. Let's go inside?" Ian took Monet's hand and Isaac hand.

"You two thought I won't come right?"

"We believe in you." Monet said.

"Me too, Daddy. I believe in you." Isaac said nodding his head.

Ian snorts.




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