《I Will Become A Proper Villainess (DROP)》Dispensable


Monet rubs her legs while resting in the stone bench.

"Tired?" Ian grins and looks at her.

Monet smiles.

"Not tired. Just having a little break."

Ian gives her bottled water and sits next to her.

They watch as the children play around.

"The one who wants to harass you is my cousin Aya."

Monet looks at Ian.

"That comes out of nowhere." She squints her eyes and puts her hand behind his back next playing with his hair.


Ian looks at her suave grin.

"Once again, I want to apologize for what happened."

"Nono. If you keep apologizing for her. I will feel like you are covering for her."

Monet moves her lips to say I-hate-it without words coming out her mouth.

Ian nods.

"I am not covering for her. Nor do I want you to forgive her."

"Good." Monet sits properly removing her hand on him.

She looks at him.

"Cause baby, I won't forgive her for you."

She stands up as if she's never been tired and walked back to Isaac's side.

"Isaac, Let's take a picture." Monet smiles.

"Yes Mom!"

Isaac runs and holds her hand.

Ian grins.

"Do you two need a non professional cameraman? Someone who can warm the bed and pay for all the bills?"

Monet smiles.

"My~~ I think we can try it for a trial period."

Isaac pouts.

"What do you two mean?"

Monet and Ian laugh at him.


"The field trip is successful. Good job husband." Monet smiles.

They return from the field trip and Isaac is sleeping on Ian's arms.

Ian smiles.

"Isaac has never been this happy when playing with me. It's more meaningful because we are with you."

"My~ A sweet talker. Flattery will get you nowhere but in bed."

Monet smiles and kisses Isaac's cheek then she kisses Ian's lips.

"Put the baby to his bed."

"Then we can make babies?" Ian laughs when Monet hits his shoulder and leaves.

Isaac wakes up while Ian is putting a nightwear to him.


"Sleep more. I am just changing your clothes."

"Um….Daddy, I am really happy."

"Really, that's good then. I'm glad."

Isaac nods.

"I know Daddy is busy. I don't blame you Daddy. So even if you can't come next time,I will understand."

"Baby, There's a lot of times where Daddy can't go with you but I will find time to be part of your special days as much as I can. So please don't get tired of inviting me."


Isaac paused and hugs Ian.

"Okay. I just thought It will burden you."

"I know. You are a very sensible boy. And I am proud of you."

"I love you Dad."

"I love you too Isaac. Sleep tight."

Ian smiles when he comes back from their bed.

He grabs the sleeping Monet and hugs her.

"Ah? What makes you so happy?"

Ian shakes his head.

"Just want to cuddle."

"Oh…" Monet leans her body to him.

"Good night Husband."

"Hmmm...I still need to change clothes." He said feeling a bit reluctant to leave the warm embrace.

Monet shakes her head and pushes him.


"This is the part where you say, 'Darling, it's fine.'"

Monet laughs at Ian's comical expression.

"No." But she still says the resounding 'No.'

Ian sighs and stood up

When he looks back Monet is staring seriously at him.


"How are you and your secretary?"

Ian flinched.

"W-what about her?"

"Heh." Monet sneers.

Aside from sneer, her eyes that are turning cold, scare Ian.

"Nothing. There's nothing." Ian said. He sits down on the bed and looks at Monet.

"Then what is that evasive looking away and the stutter?" Monet lips twitch. "If you are cheating on --"

"No! What cheating? Am I that type of person?"

"Everyone can cheat. But not everyone looks and acts like a cheater."

"What is this about cheating? There is nothing like that. Not at all." Ian said,he's staring at Monet.

Monet looks away.

"Good night."

That is the coldest good night he has ever heard.

Ian needs to come clean. Even he is not an expert in wooing a woman.

His emergency bells are ringing on top of his head.

In the first place, why did his wife ask about his secretary?

Does that mean that she knows what is happening inside the company?

And she is testing his loyalty?

Women tend to make their own problems.

Maybe she is thinking if he tells her the rumour and brush it off as nothing, she will feel relieved and not dwell on it?

Or maybe she is thinking that if he doesn't tell and act suspicious, it will be the truth?

He heard lots of coworkers listening to fortune tellers and love signs.

What the hell are the SIGNS?

"Wait, listen. I will come clean to you." Ian started.

Monet eyes open wide.

She looks bewildered.

"I….There is something going on." Ian said.


He will use the card, play it safe and be honest.

He is constructing words after words inside of his head that he didn't notice his wife's expression.

'No….It is happening...The plot is going back to the way it should be…..'

Monet felt her heart's throbbing.


Monet covers his mouth.

"I can't hear it. No. I don't want to hear it."

Monet sadly said.

Ian frowns

'Honest card fails?'

"It's not even a year. But I understand. A beautiful woman should not dwell in jealousy and hatred."

"Yes. Yes." Ian smiles.

"So we will divorce peacefully."

"Wait, what? No!"

Ian raised a brow.

"What is wrong with you? Why is everyone thinking I will cheat? I don't have a woman after Isaac's mom died for so many years! Years, baby. Why would I cheat and go out with a woman now that I am married? Did you think of these words thoroughly before you speak them?" Ian angrily said.

Monet flinched hearing Ian's angry words.

She assumes because of the plot. How can she not feel insecure?

In Ian's defense, he doesn't know that plot. He is just a man who just got married and everyone is questioning his loyalty and his dignity as a fine husband.

"Is all the men in your life that get attached with a woman have a relationship with them? I don't know where you are getting this? Is my own words not good enough for my wife? Then what is? Divo--You will divorce me just like that?"

Monet sucks cold air.

She looks fearfully at Ian.

Ian saw Monet's scared expression and slowly calmed himself.

He sits on the bed and looks at Monet.

Monet crawls near him and hugs his arm.

"I'm sorry."


"You said….there is something going on...and...I am sorry."

Ian softly sighs and holds her hand.

"Given that I made a poor choice of words, but baby, you have to let me finish before you judge me being a husband worthy of divorce. We are married. Is marriage that dispensable now that you can easily discard it if it turns out it is not what you want it to be?"

Monet shakes her head.

"I just….It went to my head. I'm thinking too much and I am sorry for hurting you."

"In the office, Everyone thinks Helen and I have a relationship."


"I don't understand why. But I already ask Harry to promote her and transfer her to our base abroad. It's a good opportunity. And she will get a good salary."

"She will not go." Monet knows what type of daughter Helen is.

She will not be able to go away from her parents.

"She already accepted it." Ian smiles.

"What?" Monet is shocked.

"In the first place, why would you think she will decline? Do you know her so well?" He chuckles and kisses her head.

"Okay. Now. Enough about her. "

"Wait. Why? How can she left her parents?"

"Baby, that's her problem. And besides, there is a program in our company that if she worked there for 5 years, she can take her immediate family to stay with her abroad. That is a better life? Right?"

Ian smiles.

"So, let's talk more about us."

"How...How would…"

Ian frowns.

"Why are you so concerned about her? I mean, why does everyone seem to care too much about her. She is just an ordinary person."

Monet gasps heavily.

"Right. "

Helen Asin is an ordinary girl who is tough inside. An ordinary, lovable girl.

But compared to elangant, rich ladies, she is still lacking.

The selling point of the story is Helen's simplicity and how a lot of people can relate to her.

But is Helen really enough to satisfy a man like Ian?

Ian frowns and kisses her hand.

"I am not yet forgiven? I am a loyal husband. I never have any relationship with anyone else. I swear."

Monet looks at him and giggles.

She sits on the bed pulling her knees up.

"I guess I misunderstand you so much."

Ian grins

"Really, what would I do with you?" He sighs exaggeratedly.

Monet giggles.

"Should I punish you?" Ian asked, squinting his eyes.

Monet shakes her head.

"No~." She grins

"You go and change clothes. I am tired. Good night husband."

"........Okay. Good night."

Monet smiles looking at Ian before he closed the bathroom door.

She sighs heavily.

"What is happening~~"

She is happy that the MC will be going away.

It means the novel's plot is cancelled!

She should be happy.

But there is a plot in the story where Ian and Isaac almost died.

And It was a plot that never comes to light what really happened.

Only Helen understands the culprit's message and saved them.

Lots of people ask her how she understands the culprit but she refuses to talk.

The police even suspected it was her or she is an accomplice but Ian and Isaac talk her out of it and it was just something the MC needs to know how she did it.

Ian respected her reason not to talk.

If it was her.

Would she understand?

Is it something only the chosen one can understand?

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