《Killer Bay》Under the Skin
"Hey there, Adalet. I still can't believe what happened with Hannah, her shooting Fredo and everything... Pretty crazy, uh?" Frank says, "hope the kid will be alright, she's a weird geek and all, but I still kinda like her."
"Frank you have a way with words," Adalet rolled her eyes.
"But anyway, no time to dwell on this. Andrea wants to see us in her office asap," he informed her.
In Chief Marquez's office...
"Adalet, as you well know, Inner Chaos has finally been stopped, and we can all breathe a little bit easier. However, our job in Inner City is not done yet. The tensions between the Chinese and Russian communities are as high as ever," Andrea tells the cops, "which is why I need you today. It's the Chinese Festival's celebrations, and I fear the Russians might attack the parade. You'll be assigned to the parade's security. Keep your eyes wide open!"
"Yes ma'am!" Adalet saluted.
"And Frank, you'd better behave this time!" she warned, "I don't want a repeat of your antics during St Patrick's Day!"
"Don't have to worry about that with Adalet around, Chief!" Frank laughed.
At the Chinese Festival's parade...
"Well, I must admit, Adalet, the Chinese know how to party! All those lights, all those sounds!" Frank commented as they walked through the crowd of people waiting for the parade.
"Were here to work, not party, Frank," Adalet reminded him as they reached where the floats were parked.
"I know, I know, we're here to work," he grumbled, "well, let's keep our eyes peeled then. First, one who sees something suspicious tells the other!"
Dean and Hunter began barking as they were passing by a parade float.
"I think they want to look at the float, Frank," Adalet says hopping over the guard rail.
Frank grunts as he moved the guard rail, "but we just got here..."
They entered the lot where the floats for the parade were lined up single file waiting for their chance to go. Adalet and Frank approached the float that Dean and Hunter were so interested in, and froze at the display they saw. The float they were in front of was of a Chinese dragon holding a large drum with its front claws, but strapped to the drum was a human body, but half of his skin was missing. While the cops were petrified of the sight they were looking at, Dean and Hunter began sniffing a crate of fireworks just a few feet away.
"Well, I guess you win, Adalet!" Frank gave a strained laugh, "a half-skinned corpse strung to the first parade float is definitely what I'd call suspicious!"
"Frank, this isn't just any corpse, it's Nikolai Kamarov's body!" Adalet cried seeing the half of the Russian's face that remained.
"Holy... You're right, Adalet," he gasped, "to think Andrea was worried about a Russian attack... Looks like the Chinese took matters into their own hands! What better way to celebrate than parading your enemy's corpse, eh?"
"We'd better go talk to Sue Xiong. After all, she's the de facto leader of the Chinese side," she replied picking up the box of fireworks Dean and Hunter had been so interested in.
"And you want to have a look at those fireworks? Suit yourself," he shrugged, "but you'd better make sure they don't explode in your face, haha!"
Frank stepped aside to call in the murder while Adalet looked into the crate. She dug through the fireworks to see if anything strange was hidden inside of it. Underneath all the firecrackers, she found an old anatomy drawing of a man, his left half had skin while the right only showed his muscles and veins.
"What is a drawing doing in the middle of fireworks? Let's see what it represents..." Frank took the drawing from her, "wait a minute, the man on that drawing's missing half of his skin, just like Kamarov!"
"This drawing must have been forgotten by Kamarov's killer!" Adalet reasoned.
"We're in luck!" he grinned, "let's collect some of the powder that's all over it!"
Adalet grabbed a petri dish and a scraper from her case. She scraped off a layer of the powder from the drawing and into the dish. She snapped on the cover to keep it contained and got a bag out for the drawing.
"Great job collecting that powder from the killer's drawing, Adalet! Let's send it to Yann for analysis!" Frank says taking the sample from her.
Once Roxie had arrived with some backup to take over the crime scene, Adalet and Frank left to go find Sue. They tracked down the Chinese leader to a Temple just a few blocks away from the parade's beginning. They entered the building and found Sue in the room which overlooked the garden.
"Let's be clear, Capt. Adalet," Sue says, "I had nothing to do with Nikolai's death."
"And we're just supposed to take your word for it? We know better than that," Frank snorted.
"What kind of a fool do you take me for? I would have never killed Nikolai on Chinese territory, or tainted our Festival with his body!" she growled, "Nikolai was becoming dangerous. I'm quite happy that he died in agony, but I had nothing to do with it. If I had, you wouldn't know about it. Let me show you my goodwill, Capt. Adalet. Why don't you have a look around? I'm using this temple as my headquarters, and I have nothing to hide."
"Be sure that we're gonna take you up on that invitation, Sue! What do you think, Adalet, want to take a look at the Chinese Temple?" Frank asks his partner.
"You read my mind," Adalet smirked.
Sue left her temple leaving Adalet and Frank to have a look around it in private. The room was designed with traditional Chinese decor and the garden was well maintained. Even with all of this, they still managed to find some things that looked out of place. The first was some hunks of broken jade while the other was a notebook that someone had tried to erase the last entry from it.
"Alright, did you find anything suspicious in the temple, Adalet? Proof that Sue's hiding stuff from us maybe?" Frank asked.
"A notebook and some broken jade," Adalet answered.
"Ah, you found a notebook, perfect! What are those names about, though?" he wondered.
"It looks like something else was also written on this notebook," she mused seeing some erased parts.
"Think you can retrieve it?" he inquired, "and I see you found yourself a puzzle to play with, Adalet! I'll let you take care of it, wouldn't want to deprive you of your fun..."
Adalet took a look at the notebook first. She dusted the faded page with her carbon powder to see if the words could be retrieved. The erased words began to darken as she dusted over them, and once she had shaken off all the excess she was able to read what had been written.
"So, what did you get from the notebook you found in the Temple, Adalet? Did you figure out what those names are about?" Frank inquired.
"It's called, "Kamarov's List" with a bunch of names crossed out," Adalet answered, "but I don't know who these people are! But Hannah might!"
"What the hell did Kamarov do to these people?!" he wondered nervously, "gotcha. I'll get those names to Hannah so she can tell us more about this."
Frank took the notebook from Adalet thus freeing up her hands. She picked up the broken jade and used her bottle of glue to repair the pieces. It turned out to be a sculpture of a dragon carved from the slab of jade. But someone had spray-painted over top of the mythical creature with orange paint.
"Oh, so that puzzle of yours was actually a sculpture of a dragon. But someone wrote a message on it!" Frank points at the spray-painted message, "the graffiti says... "Chinese scum we'll have your hide!" Oooh, Adalet, I don't like the sound of that! Racial slurs against the Chinese, and talk about having their hide right after Kamarov was found skinned... You're thinking what I'm thinking, Adalet?"
"That it's an attack from the Russians?" Adalet replied.
"Yup, I bet you anything it's an attack from the Russians!" he agrees.
"Well, Kamarov's dead, but there's still his second in command," she recalled.
"You've met him already, haven't you?" he inquired to which he got a nod of confirmation, "let's go have a little chat with him!"
After sending the notebook over to the lab, Adalet and Frank drove over to the Russian bar which Nikolai and Sergei used as a headquarters of sorts. When the cops entered the bar it wasn't hard to find the Russian, he was the only one inside.
"I can't believe you're coming to interrogate me on this day, Capt. Adalet! Kamarov's dead! You should be arresting Sue Xiong right about now!" Sergei spat.
"We're not going to arrest anyone without solid evidence, Sergei," Frank shot back, "now tell us about this graffiti Adalet found in Sue's headquarters..."
"What, that?! That's just retaliation!" he glared, "Sue should be so grateful we didn't skin her like she skinned Nikolai!"
"Yeah," he snorted, "except according to Adalet you weren't that enthusiastic about your boss's way of leading the community, Sergei. Thought he was weak..."
"How convenient than that your boss should die during Chinese celebrations. Perfect opportunity to deflect the blame on your rivals, isn't it, Sergei?" Adalet suggested.
"That's a nice story, copper," Sergei smirked, "but you've got nothing to prove it. Am I glad Nikolai's dead? Sure. The community will be better off with me as leader. But I'm not the killer."
Later at the Station...
"I must say, I expected to get Kamarov on my table sooner or later, but not in such a state! I almost feel sorry for the guy. Getting skinned alive... It must have been a long, painful death until the shock and the blood loss finally killed him," Roxie theorized sadly, "but you know, whoever did this exercised the utmost care. The skin was first cut in the middle of his body, and then carefully removed from the muscles. It's weird but... It's almost as if the killer wanted to keep the skin intact. I'd be interested to know what they intend to do with it!"
"I hope it's not a man-suit. Ugh, just the thought of it..." Frank shivered.
"Cheer up, Frank! At least I got you some info. The cuts were so precise, and the pattern so distinctive, it was easy to deduce the killer's gestures," she explained, "And from the angle in which they perforated the skin, Adalet, I can tell you Kamarov's killer is right-handed!"
"And even though the majority of the world is right-handed, the killer's going to have cuffs on both!" Adalet jokes, "how about that powder we sent you, Yann?"
"It's too bad that the Festival's parade was cut short. My kids were so happy to see it..." Yann sighs, "I hope the festivities start again soon."
"Be glad your kids didn't see Kamarov," Frank grunts massaging his temples, "that ain't a sight I'm getting out of my head anytime soon."
Talking about that, I managed to identify the powder you collected from the killer's drawing! The powder is residue from medication designed to prevent transplant rejection!" Yann reports, "people who have gotten an organ transplant have to take this medication for the rest of their lives. Your killer has had a transplant!"
"Heya, Adalet!" Hannah jumped in before anyone else could, "before we get to business, I just wanted to thank you again for what you did for me and Heather."
Adalet smiled, "it was nothing at all, Hannah, I was happy to help!"
"I'm still having a hard time coping with... with what happened, but that trip to the mountains you got for us really helped turn that page. Thanks again!" she repeated, "but anyway. The notebook you found in the temple is a list of Chinese residents. The people whose names are crossed out were expelled last week!"
"Expelled? But why would Kamarov want to expel people?" Frank wondered out loud.
"You'll have to ask that to the immigration officer in charge of those expulsions. The name will be familiar to you, Adalet. It's Aicha Ben Malek!" Hannah told her.
"Is that the super-angry immigration officer I've heard about, Adalet?" he asked.
"The one and only!" Adalet confirmed.
"Hm, then we're up for an animated chat with her! Let's go!"
The partners left the station and drove over to the area where Aicha was patrolling for the night. Like always it wasn't hard to find the immigration officer, the clicking of her boots could be heard from a mile away.
"You again, Capt. Adalet?!" Aicha glares, "you do realize I'm trying to do my job here! I can't be interrupted every time someone dies!"
"Even with the interruptions, you're getting quite a job done, Ms. Ben Malek. We found the list Kamarov gave you," Adalet held it up, "care to explain?"
"Nikolai Kamarov was just helping me out," she defended, "like any good concerned citizen! I wouldn't be able to do such a good job without people like him!"
"So you allied yourself with a Russian gangster just so you could expel people out of Inner City?! You do realize he was just using you to thin out the Chinese crowd?!" Frank roared.
"All the people he tipped me about were illegal immigrants! I didn't expel anyone who had certified papers!" Aicha cries beginning to sweat heavily, "you may think what you want about me, Capt. Adalet. But I'm just upholding the Law here, same as you. My conscience is clean!"
Later, at the Police Station...
"What a night, Adalet. I thought the noise and fireworks would be the only thing giving me a headache, but I was gravely mistaken! So the Russian leader had half of his skin carved out, and was displayed on one of the floats in the Chinese Festival," Frank sums up for them, "Sue's trying to convince us she's innocent by playing fair, and Sergei seemed a tad too happy to take over the Russian community in Nikolai's place..."
"Let's not forget Aicha," Adalet chimed in, "who allied with Nikolai to expel the Chinese illegal immigrants!"
"Adalet! Where are you?" someone dressed in a dragon suit asks, "I can't see anything!"
Adalet walked over and opened the mouth up, "Ramirez?"
"Adalet," he grinned, "there's something I've got to show you! It's horrible!"
"What the... What are you blabbering about? And what's with the costume?" Frank questioned.
"This is for an undercover mission, I was trying to infiltrate the parade... But I got lost in a back alley and..." Ramirez gulps loudly, "oh, Adalet, I stumbled on that... that room... It's got an operation table and... and it's filled with HUMAN ORGANS!!"
"WHAT?!" Adalet cried, "what kind of organs?"
"The bloody kind! There was... a heart, and... and lungs, and even a s-spine!" he recalled.
"You're thinking what I'm thinking, Adalet?" Frank asks, "first there was the heart from that Chinese girl that we never found... Then there were the lungs missing from Radovan's corpse... And the spine that was ripped from that priest at the Saint Patrick's parade!"
"Kamarov's missing his skin... Could it have also been stolen?" Adalet suggested.
"If his killer is the one who took the skin..." he mused, "oh my God Adalet! You think this all points to the same person? That we have an organ stealer on the loose? This is huge!"
"Adalet, I'll take you to that room!" Ramirez volunteered, "I'm so happy I helped you with your investigation! Follow me!"
The Operating Room...
"Well, I guess your friend was right, Adalet. Between the pictures of our victims on the walls and the blood on the operating table... We've found the organ stealer's den!" Frank declared looking around the horror movie-worthy room, "so what new leads did you find, Adalet?"
"A gun," Adalet reported checking to make sure the safety was on.
"It makes sense, I too would want to come here armed... Let's dust it for fingerprints then!" he replies, "and you also found something broken, of course. I guess it wouldn't be a real investigation without it. Well, let's have you repair it up, see what it gives us."
"Hopefully something useful," she responded looking for her glue.
"Just a piece of advice, Adalet. You'd better slip gloves on if you want to rummage through these operating tools," he smirked, "I'd hate for you to catch some kind of disease!"
Adalet decided to repair the broken device first. She glued together the shards of plastic and metal and held them together to dry. Once the last piece had been glued to the rest, they were able to see what the pieces made up.
"A recorder cassette?! I thought I was the only person still using those!" Frank exclaimed taking it from her, "the sticker on the tape says "Skin Surgery"... This has to belong to our killer! I'll get this tape to the lab!"
The second thing to look at was the gun. Adalet dusted the grip with her brush to see if any fingerprints had been left behind. She managed to retrieve a set of clear prints from the metal and placed the gun in a bag to keep them from smudging.
"Great job lifting those fingerprints off of the gun, Adalet!" Frank praised, "I'll get those to Hannah!"
Adalet handed off the gun to him and took a pair of gloves from her case. After she had slipped them on both her hands, she began looking through the surgical tools. Underneath all of the scalpel, rolls of gauze, surgical masks and scissors she found a paper lantern.
"Alright, I have to admit," Frank confessed, "I didn't expect you to find a paper lantern among those operating tools, Adalet! How the heck did it get here?"
"This is the missing link between this operating room and our crime scene!" Adalet exclaims, "which means it's definitely time for a second look there!"
After they had dropped off all of their lab sample at the station, Adalet and Frank returned to the parade float. Once they had taken another look around the float, they found a bank statement stuck to one of the decorations and a torn piece of paper on the base.
"So what did you find, Adalet? ... Two pieces of paper? Great! One more and we can make a hat!" Frank laughed.
"Frank," Adalet rolled her eyes, "one of them is a bank statement! Take a look."
"Sorry, sorry. Alright," he took the slip of paper, "this one is a bank statement from Kamarov's account, and for rather hefty sums of money! $500,000 in total? I wouldn't say no to some of that! The bank account number is illegible though, think you can decipher it?"
She took it back, "don't see why not!"
"And I guess there's nothing else to do but put these pieces of paper back together..."
Once Adalet had taken a sticky note and a pen out of her case, she took a look at the bank statement. Most of the account numbers had faded away but enough of the numbers and letters remained. She deciphered the missing parts and wrote down the account number on the sticky note then attached it to the statement.
"Great, you've managed to decipher the bank account number! A quick trip to the lab and we'll know who was so generous with Kamarov!" Frank smirked.
He took the bank statement from his partner and Adalet turned to the torn paper. She laid out all the pieces on the base of the float and rearranged them until she had them in the correct order. She then placed pieces of tape over the tears areas before she took a look at the writing.
"Well bite me, Adalet, that torn paper was interesting after all! It's another list of people up for expulsion, but this one looks official..." Frank took the page from her, "Mustafa Ben Malek, Amira Ben Malek, Youssef Ben Malek"... What the... Is this Aicha's family?"
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Now why did Hickory go and punch that Angel? Sure it spooked him, popping up right there at lunch, and yet, it wasn't fear that balled his hand into a fist - Cause wouldn't you? Wouldn't anyone - with a sick Ma at home, Da long dead, buried, all them prayers piling up on bruised knees, unanswered? Hickory was angry, all right. He was fierce, now - cause that Angel didn't show up to give no help, that Angel came by asking for it - with all that power just plain to see, the power to fix the world and all that ails it! And now look what poor Hickory has to do - to save the world? Now how is he supposed to do that when its taking near everything he's got - just to keep them chickens safe, Ma fed, and himself out of trouble - All he wanted was maybe just a dance with May, maybe a bit more, to hold her close? That she's sweet, now, a voice like an angel, but now she's over there lookin at him like he's more than a man. And that's not to say Hickory is bad, not all the time, not ever on purpose - just there are things a man has to - That drinking and fighting ain't wrong just as long as the chores are done proper first, that those parts of life that make it worth living ain't no sin, that loving a lady is proper and Hickory just has so much love to give! And May is special, right, sweet and soft, now she's sophisticated. That she wears her passion like a pearl necklace? That certainly Hickory would notice, naturally - that she's already spoken for, perhaps taken? That ever since Hickory came back, that all she can think about is swallowing - those strange feelings, because it wouldn't do, would it? For a Lady? But certainly she can worship him and still be seen with Weston Covanger? Because Weston needs May, that what happens in the Study is only half the battle, the Men's Business, and he's far too proud to settle for half of anything. That if he wants to move up the ranks of his family, to be more than a Covanger, to become the Covanger? He's going to need a woman in the Kitchen as well - he's going to need May. And if that seems a bit old fashioned? A bit too much like the Wild West? Well the West is starting to get wild again now that everyone starts to Drink. A different take on LitRPG where answers aren't given - they must be earned, discovered and fought for, one at a time. An orator style, a long read, filled with magic buildings, crafting, alchemy, but most of all - This is a story about the human spirit. About understanding what defines a person, their morals, their beliefs, and also faith when everything they understand becomes challenged - changed. So do they. People can change. They will. Just not always for the better, not always - sometimes. Sometimes that's enough. Sometimes that's even everything.
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For the sake of his family, Ren embarked on the popular VRMMORPG, COVENANT, that used real-time in-game currency. But being a mediocre player who only knows how to gather information, he was put in a supporting role. As the game explodes in popularity and every multibillion-dollar company invested in the game, things have turned for the worse for Ren. Due to the amount of information he gathered, the cheats, secrets, quests, and bugs he discovered, he was silent in fear of selling the information to the other guilds. But given a second chance, he went back in time when his father was still alive and COVENANT was just in its starting phase. This time . . . he wouldn’t be that guy on the side who gathered information from day in and day out for ten years. Equipped with the games knowledge he accumulated, he will become . . . an Alchemist! Chrono Mage? Djin Master? Summoner? Necromancer? Chaos Lord? What good are those? Sure they’re powerful and rare classes and sought after by guilds, but it’s the alchemist who forged artifacts and concocts rare items and potions that gets the most coins at the end of the day! It was better than being a blacksmith or a crafter! Plus, he could use all sorts of magic without limit to race and class! It was the ultimate class! And no one even knows it! Thank you for reading MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist novel @ ReadWebNovels.net Read Daily Updated Light Novel, Web Novel, Chinese Novel, Japanese And Korean Novel Online.
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