《Killer Bay》Killing Time
"Hello, Adalet! I came by the station to say bye, I'm going back home for a few days!" Amy told her as she fixes the strap of the large duffel bag strapped to her back.
"Oh?" Adalet looked up from her computer, "what's the occasion?"
"It's my big brother's birthday, so we're all gathering at my parents' home. I haven't seen him in ages, I'll have so much to tell him! I'll tell him all about you!" she promised, glancing at her watch, "anyway, I need to go! My train is leaving soon from Grand Central Station. It's the oldest train station in Pacific Bay, you know?"
"Well then," she logs off from her work, "I guess it's a sight to see, I'll drop you off."
"Oh, you want to accompany me to the station? Thanks, Adalet! That's really kind of you," she beams, "we should get there early, so you'll have time to look around. You'll see, Grand Central Station is breathtakingly beautiful! I just hope this time we won't stumble on a dead body, haha!"
Grand Central Station...
"I knew I should have never made that joke about stumbling on a corpse!" Amy groaned as they stared up at the body tied to the station's clock, "that poor man, what a horrible way to die, tied to a clock to hear your last seconds tick away!"
"At least this creative staging is giving us an important clue: the time of death! The clock clearly broke at 11:05 pm!" Adalet pointed to the needles frozen in place.
"And you know... The victim's face looks vaguely familiar... Like I've seen him in a newspaper or something..." she hums as she concentrated, "a newspaper, that's it! Adalet, that man is Vito Pioni! He's the editor-in-chief of the Daily Dawn newspaper! This is huge! This case is going to be big and there's no way I'll leave you in the lurch, Adalet! I'm... I'm staying to help you investigate!"
"Are you sure? What about your brother's birthday?" she says knowing how important it must be.
"I know my brother will understand. He knows that duty always comes first," she replied, "anyway. Let's have a look at the clues you've already found! The newspaper rack... Good idea, whoever did this might have some grudge against the media. Let's search through it!"
"I'm more interested in this thing though," she said as she held up the broken pieces of some sort of device.
"And I'm sure the broken electrical device you found will tell us something," she states, "as soon as you're done piecing it back together! Let me just get rid of my luggage!"
As Amy headed back outside to put her bags in the car, Adalet began gluing back together the broken device. The pieces were rather large so it didn't take much to put them back into place. As her partner returned, she glued the last pieces of the device and tried the power button.
"Well done, Adalet! So that broken electrical device you found at the crime scene is actually a GPS system," Amy remarks.
"It was broken at exactly 11:05 pm - the time of the murder!" Adalet stated seeing the time stamp in the top corner.
"So this means this GPS must belong to the killer!" she deduced, "and it's indicating Little Italy as their starting point!"
"Which means we'd better go investigate there!" she decided, "and while we investigate Little Italy, Hannah can work on the GPS to get more information out of it!"
"I'll get it to the lab!" she promised.
Once Amy had taken the device from her, Adalet turned to the magazine rack. She sifted through the messy mix of magazines, newspapers and brochures until she found one that caught her attention. It was the most recent Daily Dawn, published just the day before, with the front-page article displayed.
"Oh, you found yesterday's edition of the Daily Dawn in the newspaper rack. What's on the front page?" Amy asks.
"The interview was about immigrants... That sounds familiar..." Adalet looked at the picture accompanying the article, "Hey, we know the woman in the photo! It's Aicha Ben Malek, the immigration officer we met while investigating the murder of Ling Zhang."
"So Aicha made the front page of our victim's newspaper yesterday? And Vito Pioni did the interview?!" she exclaimed, "we'd better go talk to her about this!"
Once the body and the GPS had been picked up by Roxie, Adalet and Amy drove around Inner City looking for Aicha. It didn't take them long to find the immigration officer walking along the sidewalk of the city. They parked just in front of her and got out of the car to speak with her.
"If it isn't Pacific Bay's finest. Are you here to defend illegal immigrants again?" Aicha asks "because I really don't have tim-"
"It's always a pleasure, Ms. Ben Malek," Adalet held back an eye-roll, "we're actually investigating the murder of Vito Pioni, editor of the Daily Dawn. We found this article..."
"What?! Vito's dead? What... What terrible news. He was a good man. Civic-minded. Honourable. Strong manly shoulders..." she was clearly shocked, "we were on the same page about the immigrants infesting this city. Refusing to integrate. Refusing to change!"
"Don't you think his paper exaggerates a little?" Amy questioned, "yesterday's edition claims that you said the illegal immigrants are responsible for climate change!"
"Uh... Well, I must have said it," Aicha sweated, "Vito would never lie about anything! His papers are the only ones telling the truth about immigration. He was perfect!"
Adalet and Amy left the immigration officer and headed over to Little Italy. They searched around a small cafe in the plaza and found some clues that looked to be related to their case. The first was a cell phone that had the Daily Dawn logo as its lock screen, and the second was a briefcase with "V.P" stitched into the letter with golden thread.
"I feel like I'm on a Roman holiday! If we weren't hunting for a cold-blooded murderer, I could sit in a cafe all day here," Amy declared, "maybe just one little biscotti..."
"I think you should keep your eyes on the job and off the Italian treats," Adalet teases.
"You're right," she blushed, "thank God one of us stays professional! Those clues you dug up are definitely connected to the victim. The mobile phone's background shows the Daily Dawn logo! It's locked, but I'm sure it won't be a problem for you!"
"And I think this briefcase could be the victim's as well," she says showing her the embroidered leather, "it has his initials embossed on it, "V.P." for Vito Pioni."
She nodded in agreement, "let's have a look inside!"
Adalet took the victim's cell phone first and hooked it up to her own. She used the passcode hacking program she had to unlock the device for analysis.
"I wish I had your skills, Adalet! You set the bar pretty high unlocking the victim's phone so fast. Great job!" Amy praised, "I'll get this phone to Hannah for you, she'll have it analyzed in no time at all!"
Handing the cell phone to Amy, Adalet was then able to go look into the briefcase. She opened the latch and looked through all the important documents inside. Most were just newspaper drafts and contracts, but she did find an old photo that didn't look like it would have ties to a news article.
"What is that picture you found in Vito's briefcase, Adalet? It's all yellow, it must be pretty old..." Amy reasoned.
"The photo clearly shows our victim!" Adalet pointed to the man on the right.
"But who is the other man in the picture?" she wondered.
"Not sure..." she mused pulling out her phone, "we should compare this picture with our police files, see if this man has a record."
Adalet took a picture of the photo and uploaded it to their database. She ran it through a comparison program to find the person who best matched the man. She got a name for the man in the photo, along with a long list of charges and information about him.
"So the man standing with Vito in that photograph is Eddie Moretti!" Adalet reported, "according to his police file, Mr. Moretti used to be the head of the mafia in Little Italy... Until Chief Marquez shut down the whole operation a few years ago."
"Why was our victim associating with the mafia?" Amy questioned, "we'd better go have a talk with Mr. Moretti!"
It wasn't too hard for Adalet and Amy to find the ex-Mafia man in Little Italy. The man had listed a small shop as his place of work on his file, and the cops found him outside setting up a display along the sidewalk. Adalet introduced themselves to him and the man grinned brightly.
"It is an honour to meet you, Capt. Adalet," Eddie beams as he shook her hand, "the police's tireless work keeps our streets safe for our women and children. I have much respect."
"Mr. Moretti, we found an old photograph of you and the late Mr. Vito Pioni together. What was your relationship with the victim?" Adalet inquiries.
"Ah, Vito... We grew up together on the streets of Little Italy. He was my blood brother, my familia," he sighs, "it pains me to see him end in such a disrespectful manner."
"So Vito Pioni was close friends with a mafia boss?" Amy asks.
"Mafia?!" Eddie also spoke with his hands as he sighed once again, "you pain me, child. Have I not been accommodating? There's no more mafia in Little Italy. I am a humble businessman."
"Forgive me. What kind of business are you in?" she inquired.
"Just business, Signora. None of yours. And it was none of Vito's either," he adds mysteriously.
Autopsy Victim's Body...
"Well Adalet, I'll tell you one thing: this guy definitely missed his train! I mean I've heard of clocking-off but this is ridiculous!" Roxie jokes with a loud laugh.
"Oh Roxie, please don't," Amy pleaded, "I'm not going to be able to check my watch again without feeling queasy!"
"Okay okay. So, someone really had it out for Vito Pioni. He was tied to the clock with a rope around his neck at 11 pm," she explained, "the rope was then tied to the hands of the clock, and as the minutes ticked by, the rope got tighter and tighter around his neck, strangling him to death
"So the clock really is the murder weapon?! What twisted mind could come up with this?" the rookie wondered.
"Meh - I've dreamt up worse," shrugged the coroner, "but I also found some oil on Vito's neck. Not just any oil - it's pasta oil from lasagna slices. It was all over the rope too."
"That means the killer ate lasagna before they killed Pioni!" she said pulling out her notebook, "I'll make a note of it, Adalet!"
Since they now had the first piece of their killer's profile, Adalet and Amy thanked Roxie as they left the morgue. They walked across the station to Hannah's lab to see what she could find from the GPS and the victim's cell phone.
"Adalet, that GPS system you brought me was pretty beat up, but I think the info I gathered will please you," Hannah boosts, "as you noticed, the GPS had recorded the last trip the killer took, from Little Italy to Grand Central Station. I analyzed the speed of the vehicle, the usual routes taken, trying to figure out what kind of car the killer drove. But something wasn't right. Then I got it! The killer wasn't driving a car at all. They were driving a scooter!"
"A scooter?" Adalet cocked her head.
"Good luck Adalet, chasing down a killer on a scooter sure as hell won't be as easy as pizza pie!" she laughed.
She chuckled at the joke, "how about our victim's cell phone?"
"Your victim's mobile phone was filled with dirt on pretty much everyone in town, Adalet! He also seems to have been addicted to that game with all the sweets... Who knew?" she snorted, "anyway, the last thing Vito did was write a memo to himself: "Call HR. Have employee N.o 09836 fired. No one talks to me like that!"
"Could you find out who the number belongs to?" she inquired.
"The thing is... I know that employee number..." she bit her lip, "... It belongs to my girlfriend, Heather."
"Vito wanted to fire your girlfriend?!" Amy gasped.
"I guess so. She writes the fashion column at the Daily Dawn. And I really don't know why Vito would want to fire her. She loves that job!" Hannah replies.
"Hm," she hummed, "we'd better have a talk with Heather about this. Thank you, Hannah!"
" Wait! What?!" she demanded, "you're not seriously going to suspect Heather, are you? She's my girlfriend! She couldn't have done this!"
"I understand you're upset Hannah, but we have to follow up every lead. This is no time to bend the rules," she tried to reason.
"And how many times have I broken the rules to help solve a case?!" she spat, "fine. Go. Talk to Heather. You won't find out anything, she's as innocent as any of us!"
They called Heather into the station and brought the fashion columnist to their interrogation room to talk privately.
"Great to see you again, Adalet. But I'm a bit confused... Why have you brought me here?" Heather asks looking around the interrogation room.
"We need to ask you about Vito Pioni," Adalet answered taking one of the empty seats, "he's been murdered and one of the last things he did was to remind himself to have you fired..."
"He was going to fire me? All I did was talk to him!" she defended, "he was such a sleaze, made my skin crawl!"
"What were you talking to Vito about?" inquired Amy.
"He was going to publish a story about Hannah! All about how she's a computer hacker former anarchist turned lesbian police officer! You know, quality journalism!" Heather said the last bit in a mocking tone, "I went to him and begged him to reconsider this, but he refused! Inner City is a better place without that scum publishing trash about everyone!"
Later on, at the station...
"Well, my brother just messaged me. He's not mad, and he'll even send me some cookies by the post!" Amy cheered as she was checking her phone, "I'm a little sad not to go home, but I'm really happy I was able to stay here and assist you in this investigation, Adalet. So what do we know?"
"Whoever killed Vito Pioni is a big fan of lasagna, and they also drive a scooter," Adalet answered updating their case file.
"That Aicha Ben Malek continues to be a real pleasure to talk to. I wonder what her problem is? Maybe she just needs some love," she suggested, "then there's Eddie Moretti, the victim's old friend, who used to rule over Little Italy as a mafia boss. Vito had interesting relations."
"And Hannah's girlfriend, Heather, is somehow mixed in all of this," she added, "since our victim was planning to fire her from his newspaper before he died!"
"Adalet, there you are! Drop everything! There's a new top priority!" Andrea told.
"Chief, what's going on?" Adalet sked.
"Hannah's disappeared!! She's taken her laptop, her Battlestar War figurines and her cigarettes!" she listed off, "she's gone!!"
"Oh dear!!," Amy cried, "but... But why would she do that? Has she quit the police because her girlfriend is a suspect?!"
"Maybe she's gone to solve the case herself..." Adalet pondered, "she was really angry to hear Heather was going to be interrogated!"
"Actually, my worry is that Hannah might have taken it upon herself to do something about Inner Chaos. I know she was taking Fredo's return personally," Andrea sighed folding her arms, "Adalet, I'm officially asking you to put your investigation on stand-by. Go to the Inner Chaos's headquarters and try to find what Hannah is up to!"
Anarchist Hangout...
"Well, Hannah isn't here... Actually, nobody is," Amy says looking around the dusty room, "I'm kind of glad about it, Adalet. This place really creeps me out! But as always you've kept your cool and found some clues! Like this check for $1000 from Fredo Mancini, the leader of Inner Chaos!"
"$1000 is a hefty sum of money. Who could he write such a check to, Amy?" Adalet questioned, "the recipient is illegible..."
"But I'm sure you'll be able to decipher it!" she responded, "as for that torn photograph, whoever tore it up is hiding something... But they haven't counted on your skills!"
"Amy, does this look familiar to you?" she asks holding up the notebook she'd found.
"Oh my God, you did find something of Hannah's! The symbol from her necklace is drawn on that notebook!" she confirmed, "this notebook could tell us where Hannah's gone, but she tore the last page off... I'll get the dusting kit!"
While Amy tried to dust the missing parts of Hannah's notebook, Adalet decided to look at the check first. Most of the numbers had been erased slightly, but there were still enough parts left behind to figure out what they had been. She wrote down the first two letters followed by the string of numbers onto a sticky note and stuck it to the check.
"Hm, what you've deciphered on Fredo's check isn't a name, but a number! So we still don't know who that check was for..." Amy frowns as she saw the repaired check, "and with Hannah gone... I really hope someone back at the station will be able to figure out who this number refers to!"
While Amy continued to work on the notebook, Adalet began taping up the photo she had found. She aligned the pieces on the table and placed strips of tape on the parts to tape them together. The photo looked to be from a recent protest and one of the men in the crowd stood out from the rest.
"The photo is from a protest... And the sign in the middle says "Smash the media"... Whoever is holding it clearly hates newspapers," Adalet guessed, "and someone who hates the media this much would have a pretty solid reason to hurt the biggest media man in town!"
"You're right," Amy agreed, "let's get this to the lab and see if someone can figure out who's the man in the picture!"
"And look, you've managed to retrieve what Hannah wrote on her notebook, Amy!" she cheered.
"And look, she wrote: "Heather is innocent". Hannah did leave because Heather is a suspect!" the rookie sighed.
"What else did she write?" she inquired.
"New lead: Pasta restaurant, Little Italy". Looks like she's trying to catch the killer too!" she said handing her the notebook.
"Time to go back to Little Italy, Amy!"
After dropping the photo and check off at the lab for someone to take a look at, Adalet and Amy drove back out to the Little Italy plaza. They took a closer look at the tables of the cafe and a sketchbook with drawings of a body tied to a clock, the pages stained with rings of a brown liquid. Just a few feet from where that had been they found a torn card. And finally, they picked up a yellow cookbook with a picture of Eddie Moretti on the cover dressed in an apron and chef's hat.
"Adalet, you really outdid yourself finding all those clues!" Amy grins.
"This sketchpad has drawings that look exactly like our murder scene!" Adalet says looking at the clock and body, "which means this sketchpad belongs to Vito's killer! It's covered in brown stains..."
"Do you think you could collect a sample of it? And what about this cute card?" she questioned, "it's so sad to see it all torn up... But I'm sure you'll piece it back up in a flash!"
"How about this?" she held up the cookbook.
"Holy Moly, that cookbook you found was written by Eddie Moretti! Times really must be tough for the ex-mafia boss! But what does the faded note on the front say, Adalet?" she wondered.
- In Serial222 Chapters
Origin Point
Arc 1 - Azzarath:Origin Point begins with a celebration of the arrival of an Immortal, male kitsune. Whereupon he begins to spin the tale of his origins to a gathered crowd well into such a celebration. The story he weaves begins upon his first world, our Earth, where his first body is dying from something incurable. He is then transferred into a game-like world, and gains a new body that is far stronger. However, this game-like world has its own secrets, which causes the MC to be summoned to a new world. It is here, in this new world, where his personality really comes forth, shaking the world to its very core.Arc 2 - Terra:The story continues with the kitsune's new audience, an army of monsters, as they journey from the forests of Nu'Bai and onwards towards the Lichdom known solely as Necropolis. Whereupon they learn of how he conquered worlds within an area known only as The Abyss. There, his past self meets new creatures and annoyances, as he and his continue to grow ever closer to obtaining their world called Terra. Arc 3 - Abyss:War. The end result in a conflict of words which fall upon deafened ears of those who could not come to an understanding; an agreement. Instead, they must fight one another so that one must come out on top in order to shout to the heavens, "I am right; you are wrong!" Thus is the same in this installment within the series of Origin Point, but instead of outright war, the Ageless speaks to a new audience of Gods, Goddesses, Immortals, and their children of how his past self had to venture into the tutorial world known as Terra where he must fight a War of Attrition. This is so, as he must draw out the God reigning over their world so that he may fight and conquer this deity in order to regain what he desires most. His world. His Terra.Special Thanks to Christian Bentulan for creating the covers for Origin Point.https://www.facebook.com/coversbychristian/___________________________________________________________Origin Point was inspired by the games Everquest and D&D, along with the book series Dragonlance, and the light novel Overlord.This story is a dark fantasy full of torturous experiences. It is not for everyone, but it is tempered with some fluff.
8 481 - In Serial29 Chapters
Guardians of Midgard: The Legend Begins
Synopsis: The final day of the school year could not have ended any worse for Eddie Ferguson. His world will forever be changed for the worse when he was ambushed and abducted by goblins and a powerful sorcerer that has put parts of Michigan under a hypnotic and slumber spell. Cassandra and Woden the Wanderer; a famous ancient wizard from the old ages rescues Eddie. Not too long afterwards, Eddie learns that his mother is more than just a normal widowed homemaker and that he carries within himself one of the Six Elder Dragons. Blackhaven, an evil rogue guild pursues Eddie throughout the universe of the world tree Yggdrasil. They are a faction that is tracking and hunting elder dragons. They will never stop and use any means necessary to achieve their goal. To survive, Eddie must endure hardship and many obstacles. Concepts: The book series is influenced by and based off the Naruto manga (Japanese comic) written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto set in an Alternate Universe set in a Norse Mythology, European Mythology and Modern Age crossover fantasy. The setting is from a crossover between Norse and European mythology. Other concepts? The series will be the third or fourth generation between tales of Orcs versus Humans, started nearly a century ago by author J.R.R. Tolkien.
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Book of Fates: The Forgotten Shores of Ferax
‘Book of Fates is an epic fantasy serial we publish weekly on www.bookoffates.com website and here. But there’s a twist! Each new chapter ends with a poll. You, the reader, get to vote between three options for how the story continues the following week. Have fun & vote responsibly!
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Lucy Heartfillia is the type of girl that people don't notice. She likes it that way. She had her friends and didn't get unwanted attention. But one day when the playboy jock, Natsu Dragneel, makes a bet with her. She doesn't pay much attention to it but Natsu makes sure she does. He starts to hang around her like crazy. What happens when Lucy finds out Natsu might not be all bad?
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Broken Emperor
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My Taboo Disease
Hi all, this is my my experienced living with a rare sexual dysfunction. It's called Congenital Neuroproliferative Provoked Vestibuledanyia.I discovered it when I was 12 and couldn't insert a tampon-but I kept it a secret for 8 grueling years. Now, after 3 years of misdiagnosis I'm finally on my way to recovery. The road was long and bumpy, but I plan on making it out in the end.
8 164