《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 3. Shut Judith up. 》


Really? What could this stubborn girl want so much? She was starting to bother him more than the school bullies. He wasn't going to say anything to her. Girls like her are sensitive.

Nice girls tend to cry about everything. A fly may buzz right next to their ear and they cry their eyes out.

He groaned slightly and lifted his face up to see her cheeks puffed out. She was pouting.

'What the hell? She reminds me of my baby sister somehow.' He thought, not escaping that angry little girl stare. She acts like a total baby, yes that must be it. Michael rests his cheek on his palm and stared at her with his usual bored look.

" Um... "

" Are you going to speak? "

He suddenly spoke up, causing (Y/N) to flinch. She nods, her tiny hands becoming a sweaty mess. She rubbed her hands against her pants.

" You're okay, right? I mean... d-did they hurt you? "

That caught him off guard. It was the first time someone was actually worried about him getting hurt. He obviously didn't know how to react to that and instead, he shook his head at the last question.

(Y/N) inspected his face, her hand reached out to move a few of his blonde locks away, but instead, he moved back, avoiding her touch.

" I'm sorry! " She freaked out, knowing that she messed up. Michael is different from other kids. He didn't want anyone near him, (Y/N) can feel it. Why did it feel as if she was getting rejected? The girl shook her head and sighed.

" I was... "

" It's whatever. "

" What makes you smile? "

If she knew that, then she'll surely freak out. He can't just tell her that gutting his pet rats and seeing red made him smile like crazy.

" Nothing. "

" Huh?! What do you mean nothing? How about mom, dad, brother or sister. "

" I don't have a dad or a brother. "

" Oh. Sorry. "

Michael shrugs, wondering when this conversation was going to be over. He barely knew this girl and she was already bombarding him with questions.


He sighed and looked at her, and leaned in closer to her, he made sure he scared her a bit. At least that will give him peace and quiet for just a few seconds.

" Are you done? " His eyes stare into hers in an unusual manner, causing her to blink continuously and gulp. There he goes again, being intimidating.

Before the young girl could answer, the room began to fill up with her classmates just returning from their lunch break. (Y/N) stood up from the chair and walked back to her seat, patiently waiting for the teacher to show up.

The (H/C) turned back to look at Myers one last time. Turns out it was the wrong moment since he had caught her staring. She immediately turned back, her cheeks red in embarrassment.


Ah, finally. It was the end of the day and after listening to the teacher's lectures and doing all of her work, she was exhausted and could go for an hour nap when she got home.

No homework for her or anyone.

How happy can she be?

The girl skipped out of the school building and walked home. In front of her is a familiar face.


She ran towards him and walked alongside him.

It's almost as she forgot what had happened earlier.

" You live near here too? Wow. "

Yes, her again. He can never catch a break from her. Nope, not today. He's doomed for life. He didn't bother to answer her. It was a stupid question. He wouldn't walk home if he didn't live near here.

" So, which one's your house? "

No answer.

Why? Because it was creepy, that's why he didn't answer. Why would she want to know where he lives?

" Mines over there. " (Y/N) pointed far back, it was a little red house decorated with various plants on their porch and front lawn, just three houses down from Michael's. The boy huffed and rubbed his temples, wondering when this girl will leave him alone.

" Don't you have any friends? " He finally asked, irritated at this point.

" Yes, I'm hanging out with one of them right now. " A smile followed soon after, her hand tucking a strand of her own hair behind her ear.


That almost made him a bit soft inside. He wasn't the soft type unless it was for his baby sister, but this girl was different. Yep, she's slowly cracking his tough shell, what the actual fuck.

Michael sighed and glanced at the girl, who continued to smile like an idiot. A tiny grin spreads on his lips. (Y/N) noticed this and cheered, this made the boy next to her flinch.

" You smiled. You should continue to do that. It's actually kind of nice. " He stuffed his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, wanting to ignore the first compliment that he got from a girl.

" Oh, Thanks. "

She began to think that Michael is a kid of few words, well it was obvious since he barely speaks to anyone in school.

" So, Mickey, Halloween is a few weeks away, what are you going to dress up as? I asked my mom to take me shopping for a costume and she thought it was too early. "

He's not Michael anymore, he's Mickey. She should continue calling him that, it's nice.

" A clown, you? "

A clown? That's probably popular among crazy teenagers, but for Michael?

" No clue. "

" How about an angel? " Michael suggests.

" I dressed as that last year. "

And she said she wanted to go shopping? She didn't know what to even dress up as.

They walked together for a bit, both of them kicking pebbles that are on the sidewalk.

" Hey, freak. " Both kids turn back to look at a teenager wearing tight clothing, also, she is showing too much skin. (Y/N) would have covered her eyes, but this unknown girl had called Michael out. At least that's what she was thinking, since (Y/N) had never seen her before.

" Who's this, your girlfriend? "

She's a bully too?

" You finally have someone to masturbate to! " She cheered. (Y/N) didn't know what that meant, but judging by Michael's expression, it wasn't good.

" Hey, aren't you a bit too old to be bullying. I mean if I was you, I wouldn't be picking on kids or anyone, basically. "

Michael immediately looks at the girl next to him in shock and back at his elder sister. Yes, Judith. She had gone to the store and came back to catch her brother talking to a girl.

It was such a shocker, that she had to take a closer look.

Now she was being scolded by a little girl.

" Judith, what are you doing? Go home. " Michael whispers over at her, shooing her away.

She didn't want to go, that little girl needed to be taught a lesson.

" Shut it, freak. " Judith gave him the grocery bag and went up to (Y/N), glaring at her. (Y/N) wasn't scared of the teen, if she told her off once, she could do it again twice.

She was feeling sassy now. Calling her new friend names wasn't nice.

Judith's hand went up to flick her forehead a couple of times. (Y/N) reacted by slapping her hand away.

" Child abuse, you can go to jail for that. Stop bullying kids, you're a grown-up. "

" Shut up, kid. Are you a freak just like Michael here? " Judith laughed, taunting the child more and more with bad words.

" You shut up. Ugly worm. " She stuck her tongue out at the elder girl.

Michael, on the other hand, watched as all of this went on. He grabbed his sister's arm and pushed her back.

" Let's go! " He hissed, getting tired at his sister's immaturity.

" Psh, whatever. " Judith glared at the tiny kid one last time before heading inside her house. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and looked at Michael, who was really embarrassed to even look at her in the face.

" Wow. Is she your sister? "

He nods.

She reached out to pat his back.

" I feel so sorry for you. Anyways, later! " She smiled at him and walked forward and into her home, not too far away from his.

She was ready for her nap, so she went into her room and jumped into her bed, throwing her backpack aside and looking up at the ceiling.

" Such a nice guy. " She yawns.

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