《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 4. Afternoon thoughts. 》


All afternoon, his mind didn't think about anything or anyone besides the curious girl from the morning. She had a name, (Y/N). The kindest yet annoying person he's ever met.

He had to admit something. (Y/N) was quite brave for standing up to his immature elder sister. Shocking yet impressive. Another thing was that the young girl was cracking his tough-guy shell. Michael wasn't that much of a tough guy, more like a serious, quiet type.

He even smiled a little at her foolishness. It was amazing how he could smile at another person his age, especially a girl.

He never came in contact with another girl before. Sure, his mother and two sisters are an exception since he's lived with them all his life. It made him nervous, yes.

Michael groans, getting up from his messy, unmade bed and walked out of his room. To his luck, His mother's crippled boyfriend fell asleep on the couch like always and his elder sister was eating dinner.

Mrs. Myers was sitting on a chair, feeding herself and the baby girl. Her head rose up and the warmest smile spreads on her lips at the sight of her only son.

" Oh, Michael! " She whispers at him, the young blond sitting on a chair as well, close to his baby sister and away from Judith.

His pale hand tucks blonde locks away from his hair and he sighs.

" You're done masturbating to that little girlfriend of yours? It's been 10 minutes since mom went to your room and told you dinner was ready. "

Judith laughed, not loud enough to wake that idiot, Ronnie, up.

On the other hand, Deborah Myers rolled her eyes and scolded her eldest daughter for teasing Michael. She did find it a bit strange hearing that her son finally had the guts to talk to a girl.

" A girl? You're talking to a girl? " Deborah asks, getting a spoonful of baby food and feeding it to her baby.

" I just met her. She came up to me first, more like I caught her looking through my papers. " He cringed at this morning's memory and shook his head. Judith didn't believe it, though. Why would that little girl even want to know about her brother?


" What was she looking for, hon? " This was when he just shrugged, he honestly didn't know why she had looked through his papers. He thought he was being accused of stealing something, turns out he was wrong about that.

" I don't know, but she asked me for my name and then from then on, she couldn't stop talking to me. "

Judith snorted and rolled her eyes.

" Now you're making it all up, come clean Michael, you like her. " She wiggled her eyebrows. Lewd moans came out of her mouth. " Oh!~ Baby, you like that!~ Oh, yes!~ " She clapped her hands together lightly, imitating the sound of skin slapping against each other.

Deborah cringed at her actions and ignored her instead, looking back at her son.

Michael didn't feel anything towards her, but she did make him feel soft at one point, but it wasn't anything he'd classify as love. He's just 10 and he clearly can't tell what it was. The only love he knew about was the love his mother has given him growing up.

He growled at Judith, almost smacking his fist against the table.

" I don't! You're just upset she told you off and called you an immature teen and an ugly worm. "

Deborah covered her mouth, soft snorts coming out of her lips, not believing that her eldest daughter was just told off by a little girl.

She wants to meet this girl. NOW!

" Ugh, whatever. " Judith got up from her chair and sets her dishes in the sink. The brunette went off to her room, really angry at how Michael just basically told their mom about the whole incident a few hours ago.

Deborah shook her head in disbelief and grabbed Michael's hand.

" Tell me more about this girl, what's she like? "

" Well... (Y/N) is too kind, talks a lot and is very annoying. She actually saved me from getting teased by three kids by telling a teacher. "


" (Y/N)? Wow, beautiful name. I'm pretty sure she's cute too. " Her other hand reached out to pinch his cheek and boop his nose. Michael laughed at his mother's silly expressions.

" But I'm not lying when I said she came up to me. She didn't leave me alone for a second. She's...weird. " His piercing blue eyes tremble, looking at his mom. She knew that when this happened, it meant that he was actually saying the truth.

" Ah, so you're saying that she started to talk to you? "

Michael nods.

" And she saved you from those bullies? "

Another nod.

" After that, she couldn't stop talking to you? "

" Yeah, It got pretty tiring and then on the way home, she complimented my smile. " He adds, his mom was smiling like an idiot.

" I don't normally assume things, but she probably has a thing for you. "

The blond boy raised an eyebrow, waiting for his mom to explain what she just said in a way he could understand.

" Baby, she might like you. "

The grip on her hand tightened and he looks at her to meet her soft gaze.

" And if you're lucky, you might be her first love. " Deborah sends her son a quick wink.

He groaned, sitting back on the chair, looking up at the cracked ceiling and huffing. As he said before, he didn't know much about love and he didn't feel a thing for her.

" Mom, I don't like her! I just think she's a bit off. "

" Okay, but you might start to like her, who knows? "

Michael slapped his forehead and groans once more.

" Hon, it's fine if you don't like her, things happen like that. But she can end up being your close friend and you can finally have someone to go get candy with on Halloween. Isn't it exciting? "

Now that he thought about it, it can be nice to have a companion and not have to go alone and get candy. Perhaps only the both of them can go around the neighborhood without Judith's supervision.

" I guess. "

" You guess? Anyways, just give that poor girl a chance, from what you've been telling me, it sounds like you're running away from her. Not anyone can come up to you and randomly ask you for your name. "

Michael bit his lip and nods.

" Okay, mom. "

Deborah got up from her chair. She was ready to go to work, so she had to leave the baby with Michael.

She walked over to his side to give him a soft kiss on the forehead. Her two hands cup his chubby cheeks, giving them a squeeze.

" Take care of your sister and finish your dinner, you haven't gotten a bite of it since you came down. Once you're done, put the baby in the crib and go to sleep. "

The boy nods and tightly hugs his mother, inhaling the scent of her perfume and admiring her hair.

" Yes. " She released him, ruffled his hair and walked out of the door. The sound of her vehicle turning on. He heads to the window and sees her car drive off.

He's alone now, Ronnie still asleep and Judith was in her room. That only left Michael and his baby sister in the kitchen. He knew that Ronnie would end up waking up soon, so he went back and ate his food.

He didn't want to deal with him, he really hated his guts.

He's just going to eat his food in peace and take his baby sister to her room, so she wouldn't have to also deal with his shit.

Then, after that, he'll go to sleep.

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