《Obsession 《Michael Myers Fanfic》》《 2. So. . . his name is Michael. 》


His name is Michael Myers.

In lunch, all her classmates could talk about was about the whole Michael and (Y/N) interaction. Yes, the room went silent when the young girl had asked for his name. Everyone looked at her, wondering what business she had with the school's freak.

Yeah, apparently that's what they've been calling Michael all this time, her close friend, Morgan told her a few things about him. Michael was known to be a troublemaker for the longest time, picking fights with kids older or younger than him.

In (Y/N)'s eyes, he was a calm guy, but could maybe explode when provoked.

Chills ran down her spine, an angry Michael would be a very scary thing to witness.

The little girl looked up from her lunch and looked around in search for the 10 year old. When she finally spots him, she looks that he is sitting alone, three kids are behind him, picking on him. Michael didn't bother to do anything to them, the teacher's were already on his ass.

Besides, his mother didn't want another call from the school, she'd warn him before that if that ever happens more than once, then he'd have to go to bed early and not go out on Halloween night.

He couldn't help it, these punks are starting to piss him off and having to deal with their constant teasing was getting annoying.

On the other side of the cafeteria, the 9-year-old got up from her seat, throwing her sandwich in disappointment. Morgan's hazel eyes followed her every move and when she set eyes on the direction (Y/N) was headed, her small hand reached out to grab hers.

" Don't do it. " Morgan tells her.

The (H/C) child looks down. What she plans to do is to stick up for Michael, that wasn't wrong.

" Why not? He's getting picked on. "

Morgan scoffed.

What could Morgan have against Michael? For all she knew, Morgan never talked to the kid.


" Let's be real, those guys over there, you tell them to stop but they don't...you know what will happen to him? "

She shook her head. How was she supposed to know? She never got bullied.

" They'll beat him up and maybe even you. "

(Y/N) looked offended. " Huh?! Me? But I'm a girl! "

What guy hits a girl? She's sweet to everyone and perhaps she could talk to those awful bullies and make them apologize to him.

Telling a teacher also sounds good. Yes, she'll tell a teacher instead!

" Ugh, fine... let me go, I have to go to the restroom, unless you want me to pee here. " Morgan cringed and lets her go. She took that chance to tell the teacher standing by the cafeteria door. (Y/N) caught his attention by tugging on his fancy coat.

She pointed over at Michael and the kids who were bulling him.

" Hey Mr, see those kids, well they are bullying that boy there. I think your job as a teacher is to make this school a better and safe place, so please do something about that. " Her voice was soft, her two small hands clasp together. It was as she was begging him to save Michael. Well she did say please.

Blown away by what this small girl told him, The male teacher gulped. A light chuckle escaped his lips, not believing what his ears have heard. He shook his head and pats her head before going over there and scolding those kids.

The satisfied girl smirks and crossed her hands over her chest.

Michael on the other hand, was real confused. Why did this teacher come to his aid? Now that he saw him, Michael didn't know him as much. Oh well, might as well show his gratitude. He wasn't that much of a talking type of kid, so instead, he sent him a slight nod.


" Don't thank me, kid. Thank that little girl. She scolded me for not doing my job. " The teacher points at her, (Y/N) immediately pretends to look around, her smirk gone.

The teacher soon left his side and Michael was left all confused. Did a random girl just tell a teacher to help him?

But why? Maybe she's just too nice. Even the nicest people in this school didn't bother to do that for him. They were too afraid of either him or the bullies, perhaps of them getting bullied as well.

Was she not afraid of that? Or does she not know she could get bullied as well.

Whatever it was, Michael thought she should begin to worry about herself before it was too late. It's not that he isn't thankful, more like if she continues her way of being the good girl or the angel of this school, then she'll get trampled over by kids who like to take advantage of everyone.

Was he worried about her? He wasn't sure. He just met her.

Poor little fool.

He got up and went to use the restroom. On his way out, he decided to take a drink from the water fountain.

(Y/N) didn't really see him, but she took a quick drink from the fountain right next to the one he was using. Both kids raised their head at the same time, and flinched when they saw each other.

They didn't expect this.

" I-I saw that... I mean... I wanted to help. "

Michael stayed quiet, looking at the girl in front of him suspiciously. An awkward silence soon followed, which (Y/N) decided to break.

She played with her fingers as she began to stutter.

" I'm rude, y-you told me your name, yet I-I didn't tell you mine. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). " She waved at him. Giving him a handshake would probably result on him not wanting to touch her, so she didn't bother to do that.

A smile formed on her lips following her introduction.

He didn't smile or even waved back.


The two children looked around, the atmosphere was intense.

Michael cringed and stood there, his eyes going from the classroom's door to the girl's face. Oh how he wanted to walk away and that's exactly what he did.

He needed to be alone, no, he wanted to be alone. He wasn't comfortable at all when she was around, and didn't exactly knew what her intentions are.

It was weird for a girl to just go through his stuff, wanting to know his name, saving him from the daily lunch bullying and talking to him after.

Well at least now he knew the angel's name. (Y/N). It suits her since she's a bit annoying.

If he had to be honest, she was straight up annoying at times and sometimes might even go as far as trying hard.

Like he said before, she should start thinking about himself.


" Did he just- He left! " (Y/N) looked back to see him enter the classroom, leaving her standing. She laughed slightly and then pouts. All she wanted from him is a smile and maybe even a 'thank you' from earlier.

" He's mean. " She shook her head and looked at the random clock in the hallway. 5 minutes until lunch was over.

She puts a determined look in her face and walks into the classroom as well, Michael was there, his head laying on his desk.

" I wasn't done talking. " She puffed her cheeks and walked over to him, seating in the desk in front and turning back.

As that happened, she swore she heard him groan slightly.

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