《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[27] Party Guessed
"No matter how much you run from each other, you will always end up together."
♰ ♰ ♰
Lydia awakes from her nightmare, bed covered in soil as the tears leave her eyes. She shuts her eyes closed, hoping it was all a dream but re-opens them to see the dirt and soil covering her bed.
She rushes out of bed, quickly making her way to Isabel's room as she tried to keep her breathing under control. She pushes the door open and freezes as she sees Peter lay next to Isabel as she slept in her bed peacefully, blissfully unaware.
"Leave her alone." Lydia tearfully forces out, putting on a brave face.
Peter smiles as she speaks, gently dragging his hand down Isabel's cheek just like he used to.
"Unfortunately, I can't. At least, not yet." Peter tells the crying girl. Lydia closes her eyes.
"Are you real?" She whispers, reopening her eyes to see him still there. She tries to tell herself it's just in her mind.
"Interestingly, that question can also be answered, "not yet." I promise everything's going to get back to normal, Lydia." Peter tells her, moving away from Isabel on the bed and moving toward Lydia. "All that you have to do..." He raises his hand, dragging his claws down her cheek in a caress. "...is every single thing I ask."
Peter digs his claws into Lydia's cheek, causing her to yelp in pain. Isabel tosses in her bed at the sound but doesn't awake. Peter takes Lydia's hand and escorts her down the stairs.
"Timing is key here, Lydia. It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call the full moon in March?" He asks, releasing her hand as he reaches the last step.
Lydia looks down at her feet, feeling coldness against them and gasps in horror as she watches worms crawl across her feet. Lydia quickly looks away and holds back her scream as she scrunches her eyes shut in disgust.
"It's called the Worm Moon. They call it that because it's the last full moon of winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed." He tells Lydia, turning to face her and show her his face; covered in worms and dirt. "Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn't it?" He takes her arm, placing it through his as he directs her to her living room.
"But the full moon is on Wednesday... That's my birthday." Lydia shakily tells him.
"Exactly!" Peter breathes out.
Lydia looks out of the French doors to outside to see the party in full swing. She watched as she serves drinks to everyone and her breathing hitches in confusion.
"And Lydia's birthday is always the party of the year, isn't it? Everyone wants to go to this party... so, we're going to make it a very special party." Peter grins.
"And what if I don't?" Lydia quietly mumbles.
She watches as the scene before her turns to one of carnage, blood covering the doors and bodies littering the floor outside. Lydia gasps as she takes in the sight.
"I think it's best that we just make a plan and stick to it. That way, no one gets hurt."
Lydia looks at him in horror before looking back outside, seeing all of the teens from school staring at her through the doors, almost expectantly.
"Why me?" Lydia cries out, Peter smiles at her.
"Because Lydia Martin is not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent... but she is immune."
"Immune to what?" Lydia breathes out, confused.
"Oh, that's right - she hasn't told you, has she? Bet you've felt like the last to know for a long time. Doesn't feel good, does it? You deserve to know everything. It's probably best if I just show you."
Lydia turns to Peter only to see him gone. She breathes heavily as she turns to the kitchen window, the same creature that smashed through the DVD store's windows while she was in the car stares back at her with beady red eyes.
She gasps in horror as she takes it in, it stands and growls at her as it raises its claws to the window tauntingly. Lydia releases a scream as it smashes through the window and jumps toward her.
♰ ♰ ♰
Allison drops Matt off to his house, she returned back to the rave only to find Matt alone and Isabel gone. She pulls up outside his house and stops the car. Matt turns to face Allison.
"So, I wanted to ask you about an incredibly bad idea I had..." He trails off. Allison looks at him confused. "I - uh, kissed Isabel. Well, tried to. She uh, pulled away. I just wanted your opinion on it - as her best friend and everything."
"Don't worry about it." Allison smiles, "She wont be upset about it."
"For real?" He grins, sigh of relief.
"Definitely." Allison confirms. "Isabel isn't that type of person."
"So, what's going on with her and Stiles? Are they, they - together, or-or what?" He stutters out.
"No, not really..." Allison trails off, unsure on the current status of Isabel and Stiles.
"Not really. God, I hate 'not really's.' You never know what to do with 'not really.'" Matt nervously laughs.
"Would you understand if I said it was complicated between them?" Allison further explains.
"Not really." He jokes, causing Allison to laugh. "But, I'll try." He smiles, opening the passenger door to leave.
He gives another smile before heading off to his front door. Allison turns to the side, breathing on the window and sighing as no message is left in the condensation like Scott usually does.
Allison turns back around and notices Matt left his bag and camera in the car. She leans down, grabbing the camera and turning it on. She clicks through the first set of photos, pictures of the lacrosse team and smiles as she sees Scott in some of them. She clicks across again to see Isabel's photo.
Allison frowns, but continues to click forward. Her face drops as every single photo onwards is of Isabel, different days in school, in different classes, even some outside of school, through her window of her bedroom.
She jumps as Matt knocks on the window, his face serious. She tries to hide her fear as Matt tries to open the door, but its locked.
He looks annoyed before looking back up at Allison, and mouths: 'Open the window.' Allison gasps and lowers the window to halfway, scared. Matt chuckles as he stares into her car.
"Forgot my bag."
"Yeah... Yeah..." Allison gives a smile, but it doesn't meet her eyes.
Matt reaches in, but his eyes remain on Allison the whole time. "Some good pictures in there, don't you think?"
"Yeah, the lacrosse ones are amazing. You're really talented. I was-I was- I was really impressed..." Allison breathes out.
"There's a good candid of Isabel in there, too." Matt comments, testing her.
"Really?" Allison asks, playing dumb.
"You can see some of the others, if you'd like. I mean, this-this tiny little screen doesn't really do her justice. But, uh, I could show you some on my computer." Matt invites.
"Oh, I would totally like that, but maybe another night."
"Well, just for a few minutes?" Matt insists, but Allison shakes her head lightly.
"It's getting kind of late..." Allison trails off.
"It's the weekend." Matt chuckles, watching the brunette closely.
"I know, but I- You know, I-"
"And, it's spring break. I mean, you don't have anything going on tomorrow... do you?" Matt continues.
"I really should get going." Allison tensely disagrees.
"You sure?" Matt questions, almost in a whisper.
"I'm sure." Allison nods.
"Okay." Matt chuckles, taking his bag and camera.
Allison quickly pulls off, getting as far away from him as she can.
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles sits at his desk as he flicks through the yearbooks on his desk from 2006. Isabel paces around the room, another yearbook in her hands as she scans through it hopefully.
Noah passes by the room, freezing as he spots Isabel pacing around the room. A smile appears on his face, glad to see the girl back regularly again. He frowns as he spots Stiles flipping through a book and leans into the room.
"Hey, whatcha doing?" He asks his son, before realising Isabel is holding a book too.
"Homework." Stiles answers, not looking up from the book.
Noah gives a small nod, starting to leave before quickly poking his head back round the doorframe.
"It's spring break." Noah tells him confused. His eyes look back up to the girl pacing around the room. "And you have Isabel in your room." Noah continues, giving his son a pointed look.
Stiles freezes at his desk, eyes widening as he remains still; hoping that if he didn't move he couldn't be seen. Isabel raises her head at the sound of her voice and spots Stiles' dad slowly entering the room.
Noah approaches the young girl first, taking the book from her hands and closing it to see; on the front cover. He sighs as he gives the book back.
"What do you think you're doing?" Noah asks, heading over to his son and looking over his shoulder to see him looking at the same thing.
"You know, just satisfying our curiosity." Stiles sheepishly smiles. Noah closes the book and looks between Stiles and Isabel.
"We brought Harris in this morning for questioning." Noah tells the two. "They brought him in." He quietly corrects, looking away. Isabel looks at Stiles sadly as Noah corrects himself.
"And?" Stiles asks, leaning toward his dad.
"And they're working on a warrant to arrest him for the murders." Noah explains.
"For all of them?" Isabel quietly asks, the two Stilinski's turning to the red-head.
"Enough of them." Noah confirms.
"With what proof?" Stiles asks.
"Remember the couple at the trailer? Tire tracks nearby match Harris' car." Stiles shakes his head.
"That's not enough." He comments, re-opening the book and flicking back through it.
Isabel moves to the desk, placing the year book on the desk and watching over Stiles' shoulder. Noah grabs the book and shuts it again.
"Same car was also seen outside the hospital where the pregnant wife was killed." Noah further explains. "It's got some bumper sticker on it, a quote from Einstein." Stiles sits back in his seat as he watches his dad closely.
"Wait, what quote?"
"Something about imagination and knowledge."
"'Imagination is more important than knowledge', yeah. I saw the same car outside the rave."
"Uh, I saw Harris inside the rave." Isabel speaks.
"That means you are both witnesses. You're both gonna have to give statements." Noah tells the two. Isabel nods.
"But what about the concert promoter; Kara? She wasn't in Harris' class, right? I mean, what does Mr Lahey have to do with Harris?"
"It's doesn't matter. The tire tracks put Harris at the site of three murders. That's damning evidence."
"No! It's not enough."
"I thought you hated this guy."
"I don't hate him, alright? He hates me. And you know, if he killed them all, then yeah, lock the psycho up. But there's something missing. There's gotta be something missing."
"Hey. Hey," Noah says, getting Stiles' attention. "You don't have to solve this for me." He quietly says. Stiles looks down at the yearbook again.
"I have to do something." He mumbles, just loud enough for them to hear.
Isabel sighs, leans against the desk and stares at the yearbook. She freezes as she looks across the pages. Stiles notices and looks up to the girl, Noah following his gaze.
"What?" He asks her. Her eyes flicker over to Stiles and his dad.
"Look at the swim team." She tells the two, who's eyes quickly look down at the pages.
"The coach." Stiles realises, looking at the photo.
Noah follows his eyes to the small photo in black and white of Mr. Lahey.
"It's Isaac's dad." Stiles breathes out as the three share looks of realisation.
♰ ♰ ♰
Lydia opens the door to find Stiles stood with a huge present, wide as the doorway. She looks up over the present to see Stiles' head popping up over with an amused Isabel stood next to him.
"Happy birthday!" He grins, looking over to Isabel to see her smiling at his goofiness. He shakes the present as he sees Lydia's shocked face. "Yeah!" He sings.
Isabel manoeuvres around the giant present to enter, only to be stopped at the doorway by Lydia.
"Where were you? You were supposed to come shopping with me this morning and then to Allison's!" She huffs.
"I'm so sorry Lydia, I was with Stiles. We were uh- dealing with something." Isabel sheepishly explains. Lydia raises a brow and looks between the two.
"Listen, I don't want to know what you were 'dealing with'" She frowns, looking over to Stiles and shaking her head. Stiles blushes as he realises what she was thinking. Before he can correct her she continues. "I picked you out a dress, it's on your bed. Chop chop, it's only the party of the year!" She grins, pushing Isabel up the stairs.
Before she continues up she stops and turns back to Lydia. Lydia raises her eyebrows in expectation.
"Happy Birthday, Lyd." Isabel smiles.
Lydia grins at her younger cousin as she continues up the stairway. Isabel rushes into her bedroom, a tight white dress sat on her bed just like Lydia said.
She quickly pulls the dress on, straightening the fabric against her body. She fixes her hair in the mirror and puts on the heels Lydia had left for her. She returns downstairs slowly, making sure not to fall down the steps and makes her way to where she can see Stiles and Scott stood with Allison outside.
"I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here." She hears Scott say as she approaches.
She stands silently next to Stiles, looking around to see hardly anyone had arrived so far.
"Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like, really going." Stiles grins at Allison.
Scott turns to see Isabel and smiles at the red-head as he takes in her appearance, Isabel smiles back.
"Who?" Allison asks, wondering who on earth Stiles knew besides them.
"I met them the other night... Let's just say, they know how to party." Stiles explains, watching as Allison's smile grows on her face, giving a smug smile as he thinks he has saved the night.
He looks at her before following her eyes to see they weren't on him. He jumps as he finally notices Isabel next to him, but blushes after as he takes in the sight of her. Allison watches Stiles with a grin before looking to Scott sadly.
"Wow, you look- uh, Wow." He stumbles causing Isabel to laugh.
"Thank you." She grins, "Now go get this party started." She tells him.
Stiles quickly pulls out his phone and nods at her instructions. Before long, the party fills with drag-queens and hundreds of teens from Beacon Hills.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?" Stiles asks, looking over to where Allison and Isabel stood with punch in hands.
Stiles couldn't take his eyes off of Isabel's body as the dress she wore wraps around her waist snugly. Allison turns her head slightly, eyeing Scott and giving a small awkward smile.
"Why should I apologize?" Scott frowns, looking away from Allison and up at Stiles.
"Because you're the guy! It's, like, what we do. How long do you think I spent grovelling to Izzy before she forgave me?" Stiles explains, motioning over to the red-head.
"But I didn't do anything wrong." Scott insists.
"Then you should definitely apologize. See, any time a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, it means he's definitely done something wrong." Stiles breathes out, still watching Isabel.
"I'm not apologizing." Scott mumbles defiantly.
"Is that the full moon talking, buddy?" Stiles asks, taking a sip of the punch Lydia made.
"Probably. Why do you care, anyway?" Scott sighs.
"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right, here! I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying, I got my dad fired, you're gonna be held back in school, Lydia has turned into a nut job, and if I gotta watch as I lose Isabel to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face!" He exclaims, flailing his arms around.
"Don't stab yourself in the face." Scott says quietly, standing up and looking into the distance.
"Why not?" Stiles questions.
"Because Jackson's here." Scott tells the boy, causing his head to look over watching as Jackson enters the party.
They watch as Lydia approaches him and hands him a drink, he sips it as he looks around the party, surveying the scene before wandering off. Scott shakes his head, turns to Stiles only to see him no longer watching Jackson.
"You should tell her. I guarantee she feels the same way." Scott tells his best friend. Stiles looks at him like he has gone mad.
"No, definitely not. Definitely not doing that. It's nice you want this to finally work out for me, but I really don't think it's going to turn out the way you think." Stiles sighs, taking another sip of his drink.
"I'm friends with idiots. Like, exclusively, with idiots." Scott sighs, before watching as Isabel breaks away from Allison.
Lydia makes her way around her party, looking for people with empty hands. She approaches Matt, handing him a glass of punch which he takes with a small nod and smile. Matt notices Isabel and immediately heads over to her.
Stiles takes a big gulp of his drink as he watches Matt and Isabel. He pats Scott on the shoulder, Scott turns to him confused.
"I need to tell her." Stiles determines. "That-" He says, motioning to Matt. "That is not happening." Scott grins as he watches Stiles make his way over. Stiles interrupts the two and takes Isabel away, inside the party.
Matt sighs as he watches and shakes his head. Allison makes her way past him, but Matt watches as she pauses, catching sight of him and quickly looks away. He watches her in frustration as she leaves, throwing his drink aside into the trash.
Inside, Stiles holds Isabel's hand and takes her aside into one of the quieter rooms on the first level. Isabel watches him as he closes the door to shut out all of the noise. She looks at him expectantly as he turns back to her. He sighs as he takes in her face.
"I'm sorry, I-I couldn't just let it happen right in front of me." Stiles explains, Isabel frowns at his words as he looks down at the floor.
"Let what happen?" She asks, watching his face closely.
When he doesn't respond she moves closer, placing her hand on his bicep. He looks up at her touch, gasping softly as he sees how close she is now.
"You and Matt." He breathes out quietly. "I can't sit back, knowing there's a possible chance of something amazing between us and him ruining it all-" He rambles.
Isabel cuts him off, moving her hand up and placing it on his cheek, directing his face down to hers. Stiles' breath catches in his throat as he looks into her eyes.
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