《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[26] Raving
"A little party never killed nobody"
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Noah Stilinski grins as his son enters his office, followed behind by the red-headed girl he hadn't seen in a while. Stiles wouldn't let Isabel go too far where he couldn't follow; constantly worried about the were-witch.
"Isabel!" He greets, standing to greet the two.
He gives his son a proud smile and pat on the back before he moves to the girl and encases her in a hug. She grins back up at him.
"Hey, Mr. Stilinski." She bashfully greets back, blush filling her cheeks.
He moves back to his seat, eyeing up the fast-food bag in his son's hands. Stiles and Isabel take a seat opposite the Sheriff at his desk as Stiles begins to pass around the food.
Noah immediately opens his box, grabbing the burger and taking a bite. Stiles passes Isabel her food which she takes with a smile, jumping as their fingers touch. Noah's face scrunches up at the taste and looks at his burger in disgust.
"Ugh, what the hell is this?" He groans, mouth full of food.
"Veggie burger." Stiles sings out, giving Isabel her drink.
Isabel laughs as Noah looks at his son in frustration. She takes a bite of her own veggie burger.
"Stiles, I asked for a hamburger." Noah scoffs.
"Well, veggie is healthier. We are all being healthy." Stiles holds up his food; a bowl of salad. Noah shakes his head, moving for the box that normally contained fries.
"Oh hell... Why are you trying to ruin my life?" Noah moans as he opens the box to find raw veggies sat inside.
"I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it, please? And tell me what you found." Stiles tells his dad, drinking from his soda.
"No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with teenagers." Noah scoffs.
Isabel glances behind the Sheriff and notices the board behind him.
"Is that it on the board behind you?" Isabel asks.
Stiles looks up and notices the board too. Noah sighs as he turns to look at the board. He turns back to the two teens, sitting up in their seats trying to look at the board.
"Don't look at that," Noah tells the two. They ignore him, looking around his body to see the board. "Avert your eyes." He demands the teens. Isabel gives a sheepish smile as she returns her attention to the veggie burger in front of her. "Hey! Avert!" Noah exclaims to his son.
"Just- it's just - I see arrows pointing at pictures!" Stiles sings, still looking at the board.
"Okay, okay, stop. Fine. I found something." Getting the two's attention. "The mechanic and the couple who were murdered - they all had something in common."
"All three?" Isabel frowns.
"Yeah. You know what I always say... "One's an incident. Two's a coincidence-"
"Three's a pattern." Stiles finishes.
"The mechanic, the husband, the wife? All the same age. All twenty-four." Noah further explains.
"Wait, what about Mr. Lahey? I mean, Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near twenty-four..." Stiles trails off.
"Which made me think that either A) Lahey's murder wasn't connected, or B) the ages were a coincidence... Until I found this, which would be C) Did you know that Isaac Lahey had an older brother named Camden?" Noah asks, passing Stiles the file.
"Died in combat..." Stiles reads aloud to Isabel.
"But, if he were alive today, take one guess as to how old he'd be." Noah finishes.
"Twenty-four." Stiles breathes out, sitting back in his seat as he looks over to Isabel. "Now, what if same age means same class? I mean, did you think of that?" Stiles asks, standing up and looking over the board as his dad joins him.
"Yeah. Yeah..." Noah quietly says, hand on his chin. "...Well, I would have. I mean, I - look, I just got Lahey's file two hours ago!" Noah exclaims defensively.
Stiles turns to his dad in shock. Isabel shakes her head as she reaches over for Noah's veggie burger he left and begins to eat it.
"Two hours? Dad, people could be dying." Stiles says exasperatedly.
"Yeah, I'm aware of that, thank you," Noah responds sarcastically.
"Same class..." Stiles mumbles, turning to his dad. They both rush around the office, gathering all of the related books. "Okay, this is it - class of 2006," Stiles says, flicking through the file. "They all went to Beacon Hills."
"Including Isaac's brother," Noah adds, showing the file he was looking through.
"All right, but... So, what if they all knew each other, you know? I mean, two of them were married, so maybe they all just hung out?" Stiles asks.
"Well, they could have had the same classes together. They could've..." Noah pauses as he reads through a file.
"What?" Stiles asks, Isabel stands with the two and looks at the file Noah was reading.
"Same teacher." Isabel breathes out, seeing Mr. Harris at the top of the class sheet.
"Harris..." Stiles mumbles as he looks at the photo. "They were all in his class?"
"All four. And I don't know how Mr. Lahey fits in, but this, kids? This is definitely a pattern." Noah says determinedly. "All right, give me the 2006 yearbook. These names? We need faces." Stiles and Isabel grab the books as Noah dials on his telephone.
"Which ones?" Stiles asks.
"Everyone in that chemistry class. If the killer's not done killing-"
"One of them's next." Isabel sighs, looking up at Stiles in worry.
"Yeah. Yeah, it's Stilinski." Noah answers on the phone.
Isabel flicks through to find the senior photos in the yearbook as Stiles helps. They spend the rest of the night helping the Sheriff put names to faces of possible future victims. When it gets late, Stiles takes Isabel home. They both sit in the Jeep for a moment in silence.
"Hey," Stiles breaks the silence. "We are - uh, we are good right?" He asks. Isabel tiredly turns to the boy with a small smile.
"Yeah." She quietly nods. "Yeah, we are good."
She smiles, running her thumb across the back of Stiles' hand. He watches her hand closely, almost begging for her touch to stay as she removes her hand and begins to leave the Jeep.
"Goodnight, Stiles." Stiles watches her longingly before nodding.
"Goodnight, Izzy." He whispers back as she closes the door and walks up to her house without looking back.
♰ ♰ ♰
"There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott asks Stiles as they jump out of his Jeep.
"It's a secret show - there's only one way, and it's a secret," Stiles explains. Behind them, Matt approaches.
"Hey... Either of you guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?"
"Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt." Stiles tells him evasively, before noticing Isabel approaching from behind Matt and he grins.
"I-I had a concussion..." Matt tells the boy. He frowns as he returns his attention to Matt.
"Well, no one got seriously hurt." Stiles corrects, focusing back on the red-head.
"I was in the ER for six hours!" Matt exclaims. Stiles looks at the teen frustrated.
"Hey, do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head?" Stiles irritably answers the boy, kneeling down and placing his hand an inch away from the floor. "Is about this high on our list of problems right now." Stiles finishes.
Isabel joins the group, looking at Stiles confused as he quickly gets up and dusts himself off.
"Hey, Matt." Isabel smiles. "Are you okay?" She asks.
Matt gives a smug smile to Stiles who watches annoyed before turning to Isabel.
"Yeah, I'm fine now." He explains to the girl with a smile. He turns to Scott. "So, you didn't get any tickets last night, either?" Isabel listens confused.
"Are they still selling?" Scott asks, hopeful.
"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online for me and Isabel." He tells the group. Each of the three look just as confused as each other, Isabel didn't remember agreeing. "You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's gonna be there." Matt smirks at Stiles before giving Isabel a nod and a wave goodbye.
"I don't like him," Stiles mutters to Scott who rolls his eyes. "Uh- so Matt? And you? You and Matt?" Stiles coughs out to Isabel. She shrugs in response, causing Stiles' heart to sink. "Hey, are you sure about this?" He quietly asks Scott, not sure he could do this if he had to watch Isabel with someone else.
"Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job. So, what do you think he's going to do this time." Scott explains as Stiles sighs.
"Be there to make sure it happens." Isabel answers, Scott turns to the girl and nods.
♰ ♰ ♰
Isabel drives to Matt's house and drives them both to the underground rave. Isabel gives a smile as Matt watches her and looks at her up and down.
She awkwardly looks away and exits the car, wiping her outfit down as she looks around. Matt offers her an arm which she takes as he escorts her into the rave.
The two make their way into the crowd, Isabel catching sight of Allison and looks over to Matt before grabbing his attention.
"Matt, give me a second, okay?" She tells him.
He nods, watching her make her way over to Allison, and smiles at her. Allison catches sight of Isabel as she approaches and smiles at her.
"You here with Matt?" Allison raises a brow. Isabel rolls her eyes.
"Apparently, I agreed while I was distracting him outside of the locker room," Isabel explains.
Allison giggles as she realizes Isabel didn't even remember. The two jump as Scott joins in behind.
"What are you doing?" He asks Allison.
"At a party?" Allison asks confused.
"No. You don't get it - we have a plan." Scott tells the huntress.
"You have a plan?" Allison questions, looking between the two in worry. "Okay. Okay. My father and Gerard, they're coming here-"
"What did you tell them?" Scott interrupts.
"I-I told them-"
"Allison!" Scott says in disbelief, realising why she was here.
"I-I had to tell them-"
"Oh, my God. They know it's Jackson." Scott mumbles to himself.
"People are dying, Scott. What am I supposed to do?" Allison exclaims.
"You're supposed to trust me!" Scott shouts back. Isabel watches the interaction awkwardly.
"I trust you more than anyone!" Allison counters.
"We've - We had a plan." Scott sighs.
"So do they," Allison tells him.
"This isn't going to work." Scott shakes his head.
"What do you want me to do?" Allison asks, tearfully. "Okay, I can-I can fix it. Please. Please, Scott, just tell me." She desperately begs.
"Just stay out of the way," Scott tells her, before leaving.
"Scott!" She shouts after him. Isabel takes her hand, stopping her from following.
"Stay out of the way!" Scott shouts back.
Isabel helps Allison dry her tears before holding her hand and escorting her over to where she left Matt.
"Hope you don't mind, I found Allison!" Isabel tells him over the music.
Matt covers his disappointment with a smile, nodding in agreement. Allison nods at him with a smile before looking around awkwardly. The three dance in the crowd, Allison pulls out her phone and texts her dad.
"Wanna move closer to the DJ?" Matt asks the two.
Isabel and Allison share a look before nodding and following behind Matt. They bump into Mr. Harris and a young girl on the way. The three look at him in shock before looking over at the girl. Harris follows their eyes.
"She's twenty-one!" He tells the group before grabbing her hand and dragging her off. "I told you I'd see a student here." Isabel hears him say as she lets out a laugh.
"You okay if we take a seat?" Isabel asks, noticing Allison's face looks frustrated.
"Not having a good time, are you?" Matt asks Isabel as she watches Allison stressfully check her phone.
"Ever feel like you have only the best intentions, but you're just making one mistake after another?" She breathes out, wishing they had involved Allison in the plan.
Allison and Scott were already on rocky terrain, and now this? She gives a sad look to Allison as she closely watches her.
"No. Unlike the rest of humanity, I'm perfect." Matt jokes.
Isabel laughs, turning back to face Matt only for him to lean in and try to kiss her. She jumps back, caught off guard, and gasps in shock. Matt pulls back too.
"Uh... I'm-I'm sorry. That-that was-that was a huge mistake. I'm sorry..." He stumbles.
"No, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Isabel breathes out, looking up to see Allison had gone, and sighs. "Actually, it's not okay. But, I have to go make sure Allison is okay, so..." She trails off before leaving.
She searches around the area, pushing through the groups of people to look for Allison but can't find her anywhere. She suddenly clutches at her chest, starting to feel tight; almost like she couldn't breathe.
She rushes out of the rave through the back exit, searching for air. She stumbles out, coming across Erica and Isaac crouched down just outside the door. The two turn to her in confusion before rushing to her side without question. Stiles looks to see what was happening and quickly runs over. Derek watches the girl closely before shaking his head.
Erica helps Isabel lower herself to the ground while Isaac steadies her from behind. Stiles holds her hand tightly, trying to get her to focus.
"Scott," Derek mumbles, looking around aimlessly. Stiles looks over at him confused.
"What?" He asks, before returning his attention to Isabel.
"Break it," Derek demands, motioning to the mountain ash seal.
"What? No way!" Stiles scoffs, not even bothering to look at him.
"Scott's dying!" Isabel chokes out, lifting her head to meet his eyes. Erica and Isaac turn to her in fear.
"Okay, what? How do you know that?" Stiles stammers.
"Oh, my God, Stiles, I just know! Break it!" Isabel cries out, grasping at her chest.
Stiles immediately rushes over and breaks the seal. Derek immediately rushes past the seal, leaving the three to look after Isabel.
Isabel jumps in pain as she feels as though she was stabbed in the back, Erica holds her tightly so she doesn't hurt herself. Stiles watches as the two wolves look after the witch, his heart echoing around his head.
Isabel gasps as fresh air fills her lungs, falling back into Isaac's grasp as Derek drags Scott out and toward the group. Stiles looks between Scott, Derek, and Isabel in wonder as he notices the blood dripping from Derek's shoulder.
Derek puts Scott into the back while Isaac helps place Isabel with him. Derek jumps into the passenger seat, telling his betas to return home. Stiles clambers into the driver's seat, taking them to the Animal Clinic - the only place he could think of.
Deaton places Scott onto the table, covering Derek's wounds before returning to Scott. Stiles holds Isabel as she breathes out weakly against his chest.
Deaton catches Stiles' worried look. "She's okay." He tells him. "It's rare. But she's connected." Deaton explains.
Stiles furrows his brows as Deaton confirms what Derek thought.
"She's an empath. An empath is a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them." Deaton further explains. Isabel listens in confusion. "Except in the case of witches, this means physically too." Stiles worriedly looks down at the red-head, gripping her hand. "If she manages to connect to someone, for a period of time she will feel everything they feel."
Deaton finishes up on Scott, looking up to his face as he feels him begin to come around. He places a hand on his head, giving it a gentle pat before beginning to leave the room.
"Thank you." Derek weakly speaks, checking between Scott and Isabel periodically.
"I can't decide if I admire your sentimentality or despise it." Miss. Morell speaks as Deaton leaves the room.
"If I want your opinion, I'll make an appointment with the guidance office," Deaton responds.
"From the state of things, I think you could use a little guidance. Are you really going to leave all of this up to a couple of kids?" She asks.
"They're more capable than you think. Especially the Chaos Witch."
"And, are you going to tell them what's coming?" She finishes.
"They've got enough to worry about." Deaton sighs, looking over to the room he just left.
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