《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[28] Invitation
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
♰ ♰ ♰
"Uh, I can't drink tonight..." Scott tells Lydia as she places a glass of punch into his empty hand.
"All right, what is with the two of you?" Lydia asks, exasperatedly.
"Oh, no, Stiles is drinking." Scott answers.
"Not Stiles - you and Allison." Lydia explains. "I don't care why you have to keep your little love affair so secret, but right here and now seems like the perfect time just... to have a good time." Lydia breathes out.
"You know something? You're right." Scott chuckles, standing up from his seat.
He raises the glass to his lips and takes a sip of the punch as Lydia watches closely.
"See? Isn't it good?" Lydia smiles.
"Actually, yeah. Really good." Scott grins at Lydia before she leaves, taking another swig of the drink.
He looks over to where Allison stood across the pool, only for her to no longer be there.
♰ ♰ ♰
Allison directs Matt into one of the rooms in the Martin house, setting her drink down as she turns on her heels to face him.
"You get two minutes." Allison sighs, crossing her arms at the boy stalking her best friend.
Matt moves to close the door but Allison raises a brow at his actions. He freezes and re-opens the door as he coughs.
"Okay... Uh, right." He says awkwardly. "So, I know I took some pictures of Isabel that I should've told her about... But, is it really that bad that - that I think she's beautiful, and I think she should be the subject of a perfect photograph? Did- uh you tell her yet?"
"No, I haven't told her yet, but, um - Matt, some of those pictures, I... I don't even know how you took them." Allison explains.
"Telephoto lens. I mean, come on, Allison - photographers call them "candids."" He attempts to explain, Allison awkwardly laughs.
"Well, police call it "stalking."" She counters.
Matt looks at her in disbelief. Allison looks to the hallway, spotting the Kanima's tail slinking down the staircase.
"Stalking?" Matt scoffs. "So, I'm-I'm a stalker now, that's-is that it? You-you think my bedroom is wallpapered with her photos? You think I'm the kind of guy that's gonna say something, like, "Well, if I can't have her, no one can!" Well, you know what? All of you need to get over yourselves, because there's another pretty girl walking through the room every five minutes." Matt angrily responds.
Allison looks at him in shock at his sudden anger, Matt's face falls as he realises what he said.
"Well, then, all you have to do is wait for another three. Leave her alone." Allison coldly responds, starting to walk past Matt.
"Allison, wait-" Matt speaks, grabbing her arm to stop her from leaving.
Allison grabs the arm holding her and uses her other hand to grab his shoulder, pushing him off of her and down onto his back. Matt groans in pain and looks up at the brunette shocked.
"What is the matter with you?" He exclaims.
"I'm sorry. I'm so- I'm so sorry." Allison stutters, quickly moving out into the hallway of teenagers that watched the interaction.
Everyone stares at Allison as she rushes away. Allison pauses in the hallway as she spots a hooded figure, looking down to see a crossbow in their hands.
"No... No, not here..." She whispers. "Scott... Scott!" She shouts as the figure gets closer, aiming the crossbow at her before pulling the trigger.
Allison grabs her stomach in shock, gasping as she holds the arrow embedded in her abdomen. She looks up in fear, only to realise the hooded figure is herself.
"Look at you, yelling for help - always yelling for help. It's pathetic, Allison. You- you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this." She sharply speaks, aiming the crossbow to shoot her again.
Allison gasps as she is pushed out of the way by teens moving past. She looks down, still holding her abdomen only to find there is no wound, no arrow at all.
♰ ♰ ♰
"You feeling okay?" Stiles asks Scott as they walk around the pool.
"It's not the moon - it's different." Scott coughs out, clearing his throat. Scott carries on walking as Stiles freezes, hearing his fathers voice.
"Why am I wearing black? What are you, an idiot? I just came from a funeral - you know, people wear black at funerals." Noah angrily seethes at a teen. Stiles watches in shock.
"Dude, chill! It was just-"
"Get out of my face!" Noah cuts the boy off, pushing him away aggressively.
He turns, catching sight of Stiles, bottle of Jack almost empty in his hand.
"It's you - it's all you." He tells Stiles, the group around them all turning to watch. "You know, every day, I saw her lying in that hospital, slowly dying, I thought, "How the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own? This hyperactive little bastard who keeps ruining my life?"" Noah speaks harshly.
Stiles gulps as his throat burns, eyes stinging with tears.
"It's all you. It's you, Stiles. You killed your mother, you hear me? You killed her... And now, you're killing me." He finishes, angrily throwing the bottle of Jack at his son.
Stiles flinches back behind a pillar, trying to protect himself from the assault. He looks back when he doesn't hear a smash, not seeing his father anywhere and the people around still dancing like nothing happened. He quickly wipes away his tears, trying to work out what just happened as he sinks to the floor.
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott stumbles up the stairs, pausing to catch his breath as he exhales heavily, sweat beading on his skin as he burned up. He looks up, watching in horror as Allison and Jackson lay on a couch at the top of the stairs, Jackson hovering above Allison as the passionately make-out. Scott watches angrily as Jackson runs his hands up Allison's body, kissing down her neck to her chest.
Within a moment, Jackson changes into the Kanima before Scott's eyes, snarling at Scott as he begins to uncontrollably transform, Allison's head turning to watch.
Scott looks down, desperately trying to get his transformation under control. He looks back up, panting as he sees no one is there. He feels the sweat drip down his skin.
"Lydia..." Scott whispers, realising what was happening.
♰ ♰ ♰
Isabel stands in the bathroom, freezing in place as she feels fingertips dancing across her neck. She looks up into the mirror, spotting her mother in the reflection, smoothing out her hair and looking at her daughter with a proud smile before turning to face her in the mirror. Isabel remains silent as they maintain eye contact.
"I never got to say what a beautiful girl you have become." Willow gently speaks. Isabel's breath hitches in her throat. "If only your chaos wasn't red." Willow sighs. Isabel frowns at her mothers words.
"What do you mean?" She asks, turning to face her mother.
Willow softly turns her daughters head back to see her own reflection, her eyes burning a wild red.
"Did you know you were a twin?" Willow changes the subject.
Isabel's face drops at the statement. Willow nods slowly.
"You had a twin sister." Willow breathes out. "You killed her." Willow's voice turns harsh. Isabel glances over to see her mother glaring at her in the mirror.
"What?" Isabel chokes out. "What do you mean?"
"You killed her. You were selfish. You took everything, and starved her; killed her right there in the womb." Willow shakes her head. "It's why your chaos is red." Willow explains, Isabel watches in confusion as Willow turns her head back to face the mirror.
Willow's eyes burn a bright purple, unlike the red that surrounds Isabel's eyes. The chaos seems to take over Willow's body and dance from limb to limb with a fiery lavender. Isabel's breathes heavily as she comprehends her mothers words.
"Purple is the color of chaos. Red is the color of those who take an innocent's life." Willow finally speaks, watching as the tears fall from Isabel's eyes. "There's no need crying now. What's done is done. Now you harbour True Chaos." Willow spits out, disgusted at her daughter. "The power of not one; but two Chaos Witches."
Willow angrily throws a purple ball of energy at the mirror, smashing it into pieces, fragments flying out. Isabel hisses in pain as her face burns from the cuts now covering her face.
She turns around, grasping tightly at the sink behind her to see she is alone. She turns back around, seeing the mirror still in one piece and her face completely fine with no cuts.
She glares at her reflection, the blood red chaos swirling around her eyes. Finally, she shatters the mirror herself, watching as the glass falls into the sink below, chaos swirling around the remains.
She jumps as the door opens, but breathes out in relief as she notices it just Lydia. Without a word, Lydia grabs her hand and pulls her closer. With her other hand she brings it to her cousins face, before blowing wolvesbane into Isabel's face.
Isabel jumps back as the purple powder burns her eyes, nose and throat before she feels the burn in her lungs and her eyes start to droop.
Lydia grabs the girls arm, putting it around her shoulders to move her easier and takes her out of the house, smirking as she walks down the Martin driveway and toward her car.
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott rushes around the party, asking everyone possible if he has seen Lydia. Some ignore him and carry on partying while others give him no clear answer.
He quickly pulls his phone out to call Derek, but he just tells him to call him back later. Scott rushes outside to where he last saw Stiles and finds him sat down against a pillar, completely out of it.
"Stiles, look at me." Scott tells him urgently. He grabs his bottle of water and tries to pass it to him. "Drink the water, Stiles. Drink it. Something's happening, and I need you to sober up right now. Come on, Stiles!" Scott begs, feeling helpless.
"What do you think you're doing?" A girl from their class approaches. "You wanna sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it." Danielle explains.
"You can do better?" Scott asks.
"I can do best, boy!" She grins, grabbing Stiles and shoving his head into the pool. Scott gasps in shock as he watches Danielle. She holds him in the cold water for a second before pulling him back up. "Woo! How do you feel?" She asks as Stiles coughs and splutters.
"Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl." Stiles sarcastically responds. Danielle grins.
"He's sober." She tells Scott, who is still looking at her in shock.
Danielle leaves, letting Scott explain to Stiles what happened. They split up and search around the party, realising Isabel and Lydia were no where to be found.
♰ ♰ ♰
Derek re-binds Isaac up after he helped put Erica and Boyd out for the night. Isaac sits, still transformed but fully in control.
"Think you'll be okay now. Looks like you found an anchor." Derek tells the young wolf.
"My father." Isaac answers. Derek frowns as he continues chaining Isaac up.
"Your father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you."
"He didn't use to." Isaac quietly says as Derek finishes binding him.
Derek gets up and exits the train cart, looking aside as Lydia approaches. He looks at the girl confused as she stops right next to him.
She pulls her hand out of her pocket, blowing the same purple powder into Derek's face. Derek jumps back before he falls to the ground unconscious. Lydia drags him and places him into the car, where she had left Isabel.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Hey, I can't find Lydia. And dude, I can't find Izzy either." Stiles breathes out in worry. "Anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out." He tells Scott.
"I can see that." Scott sighs, looking around the party to see people jumping into the pool and throwing each other in.
"What the hell do we do?" Stiles asks, turning to Scott.
"I don't know, but we gotta-" Scott stops himself mid-sentence as he hears Matt shouting across the pool.
"I can't swim! No, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim!" He panics, but the teens don't listen, carrying him to the pool before throwing him in. "I can't-I can't-" He chokes out, bobbing up and down in the water as he struggles to stay afloat.
Scott and Stiles watch in shock as realisation dawns on their faces. Jackson drags Matt out of the water and they stand side by side. Stiles and Scott watch the pair. Matt looks around, soaked by the water.
"What are you looking at?" He angrily says to the surrounding teens.
He starts to make his way forward, pausing as he comes face to face with Stiles and Scott. He glares at the two as he passes them by. The sound of sirens interrupt and teenagers begin to quickly rush out of the house.
"The cops are here! Party's over!"
Scott rushes out of the house, pausing as he spots Matt across the road stood glaring angrily at him. Teens pass by, cutting off his sight but when they move past Scott gasps. Jackson - now in Kanima form crouches next to Matt, his tail protectively wrapping around Matt's legs.
Matt breathes out heavily as he watches Scott, his fists clenched. Another group of teens run past, and when they are gone, so are Matt and Jackson.
♰ ♰ ♰
Lydia drags Derek out of the car, and up the steps of the Hale house. As she starts to pull him over to where she had already placed Isabel, Derek begins to wake.
"Lydia?" He weakly asks, trying to blink away the blurry vision in his eyes. "Lydia..." He tries again.
He turns his head when she ignores him, spotting a hole in the floor where he had put Peter under the floor.
His heart races as he notices Isabel unconscious, already next to the hole in the floor, clad in a no-longer white dress; covered in dirt and leaves. Lydia drops Derek's arm, placing him the opposite side of the hole.
"Lydia, stop." He breathes out watching helplessly as she mindlessly takes one of Isabel's arms and moves it into the hole; wrapping one of Peter's hands around her wrist. "You don't know what you're doing." He coughs out as Lydia moves over to him, doing the same as she did to Isabel, but placing Derek's arm in Peter's free hand.
Derek watches as Isabel's eyes slowly blink open, staring right back at Derek's. Derek looks at her sadly as she frantically takes in her surroundings, too weak from the wolvesbane to move.
Lydia stands, moving over to the gap in the ceiling, allowing the light of the full moon to come through the hole. Isabel turns to see Lydia grabbing a mirror and looks at her confused.
"Derek?" She asks, her voice scratchy. "What's happening?" She coughs out.
Before he can respond, Lydia positions the mirror under the full moon, reflecting the light across multiple mirrors she had already set up so that the light reflected down into the hole onto Peter.
Isabel looks down at her arm to see Peter's burnt body clutching hers and Derek's wrists. She panics as she looks back up to Derek, a low growling coming from Peter as he absorbs the light of the full moon.
Isabel gasps in pain as Peter digs one set of his claws into her skin, the other into Derek's. Derek and Isabel groan in pain as Peter's eyes snap open. Derek writhes in pain as Peter takes some of his power, his eyes snapping open to see the red Alpha glow disappear.
Isabel freezes as she feels the energy sucked out of her body, only thing she could do is pant in pain as Peter stole all the power of her wolf side and took it all as his own. She closes her eyes and exhales sharply as she feels the last of it disappear.
Lydia watches the scene take place before her, breathing heavily as she watches Peter break the floor boards as rises from beneath them, covered in dirt and dust. Derek breathes out in shock as Peter is revived, crawling out of the hole he had put him in.
Lydia breathes heavily, moving over to Isabel's motionless body as she watches Peter rise from the ground in awe. Derek tries to sit up, but all he can do is watch as Peter finally stands.
"I heard there was a party..." He speaks. Peter looks at his nephew with a smirk. "Don't worry, I invited myself." He smiles down at Lydia and Isabel as Derek breathes out in disbelief.
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