《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[22] Protector
"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry."
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Scott pulls Stiles and Allison aside into one of the side classrooms to talk.
"Derek's waiting outside for Lydia and Isabel." He explains to the two.
"Waiting to kill them?" Allison asks, concerned as Scott shrugs.
"If he thinks one of them is the Kanima, then yes - especially after what happened at the pool," Scott explains.
"It's not her," Stiles demands. "And it's not Lydia either."
"Stiles, they didn't pass the test, man. Nothing happened." Scott sighs.
"No, it can't be her," Stiles mumbles to himself, placing his hands on his head.
"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's one of them." Allison breaths out. "So, either we can convince him that he's wrong, or we've got to figure out a way to protect them. Is it really right to not tell her? To not tell Izzy?" Allison sighs.
"Well, I really don't think he's gonna do anything here. Not at school." Scott answers. "And it's best if she doesn't know. I don't want to worry her." Scott says, running the hands through his hair.
"What about after school?" Allison asks, but Scott just sighs in defeat. "What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?"
"By three o'clock?" Stiles asks, voice cracking from the panic building in his body.
"There could be something in the Bestiary." Allison points out.
"Oh, you mean the nine-hundred-page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read? Good luck with that." Stiles sighs, pacing around the room.
"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it," Allison mumbles, thinking back to Ms. Morell.
"Uh, I can talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not either of them? But, if anything happens, you guys let me handle it, okay?" Scott begs. Allison frowns.
"What does that mean?" Allison questions.
"That you can't heal like I do," Scott explains, before noticing the annoyed look on Allison's face. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Allison stands, moving over to her bag and pulling out her collapsible crossbow.
"I can protect myself." Allison insists, holding the crossbow.
Stiles shrugs at the huntress and Scott looks off to the side, recounting his talk with Gerard.
"What? Did something else happen?" Allison asks as they meet eyes.
"I just don't want you getting hurt. Seriously, if anything goes wrong, you call me, okay? I-I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you as fast as I can." Scott insists. Allison gives a small nod. "We have until three," Scott tells her before leaving the room.
He quickly snaps back; catching an arrow before it hits him in the face. He gasps as he looks up, seeing Stiles holding the crossbow.
"Ah, sorry. Sensitive trigger on that." Stiles fumbles as Allison rolls her eyes, taking the crossbow back.
♰ ♰ ♰
"You seem different today. How are you?" Ms. Morell asks Isabel as she sits fiddling with her hands. Isabel looks up at the question but doesn't speak. "Coach Finstock told me what happened in Economics this morning." She pauses. "Your teachers have to tell me how you are in all of your classes. Just a precaution." She explains but all Isabel does is sigh.
She reaches into her bag, pulls out her notebook from Economics class, and hands it over. Morell looks at the girl confused before she opens the book to see "EMPLEH" scrawled across the pages in different directions and writing. She frowns at the page, before flipping to the next page finding the same again.
Ms. Morell looks up from her book, meeting her eyes. Isabel's eyes gloss over as her throat constricts in pain, holding back the tears.
"What's your professional opinion now?" Isabel's voice trembles as she speaks.
♰ ♰ ♰
"So, who do you know that can get into your house?" Matt asks Jackson as they sit in the library.
"What do you mean? Like, break-in?" Jackson questions, frowning.
"Or someone who has a key... who also knows how to edit out two hours of footage out of a tape and knows how to loop it..." Matt explains.
"I can do it. I write my own software, and I know your mom forgets to lock the kitchen door." Danny smugly shrugs.
"I could've done it, too, considering it's my camera. Actually, we could've done it together." Matt jokes as Danny smiles at him. "All right, I gotta go to my next class, but, uh," Matt trails off as he watches Isabel enter the library with Allison, Lydia, and Stiles. "I'll be back later to help if you guys want it." He continues, collecting his composure before leaving.
"Definitely." Danny smiles before turning back to Jackson who gives him a pointed look. "What?"
"Got a little crush going on there?" Jackson mocks, motioning toward Matt.
"No." Danny lies.
"Mmm." Jackson quietly chuckles.
"Shut up! It doesn't matter anyway." Danny sighs, returning his attention to his book.
"Why's that?" Jackson asks confused.
"Because, if you haven't noticed, he's completely obsessed with Isabel, so...whatever. Anyway, this is gonna take a couple of hours." He changes the topic, motioning to the video.
"So, you can't tell me who did the editing?" Jackson sighs.
"Is there anyone else you know who can get into your house?" Danny asks again.
Jackson thinks for a moment before looking over to Lydia; who still had a key to his house.
"Yeah... Actually, I do..." He trails off, anger building.
♰ ♰ ♰
"If we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" Isabel asks, being escorted out of the library by Allison.
"Because we're meeting up with somebody else." Stiles lies, watching as she rolls her eyes at his obvious lie.
"Hmm. Well, why don't they just meet us in the library?" Lydia interjects.
"Oh, that would have been a good idea. Too late." Stiles shrugs, rushing the ginger forward.
"Okay, hold on-" Isabel exclaims, pausing on the spot.
"Izzy, shut up and walk," Jackson demands, directing the two girls out of the school.
♰ ♰ ♰
"If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?" Lydia asks as they enter the McCall house.
Isabel looks between the three that brought them both here in annoyance.
"Meeting us here, I think," Stiles answers, before turning his back to the girls. "I hope." He whispers to himself. Allison pulls Jackson aside.
"Thanks." She says, motioning to the two girls staring at Stiles in frustration.
"I needed to talk to Lydia anyway." Jackson sighs.
Stiles locks the door, before moving his hands over to the next lock and pulling it shut. Isabel and Lydia watch him concerned. He turns back, leaning against the door, and quickly stands under their gazes.
"Uh, there's been a few break-ins around the neighbourhood," Stiles explains, before he pauses and quickly grabs a chair and places it under the door handle. "And a murder. Yeah, it was bad." Stiles exclaims. Isabel nods slowly and Jackson sighs at the boy.
"There's about to be another murder. Even worse." Isabel threatens, crossing her arms in anger.
Lydia shakes her head at the teen. Allison motion to Jackson to take Lydia away.
"Lydia, follow me. I need to talk to you for a minute." Jackson says, motioning for her to follow him.
"Seriously? What is going on with everyone?" Lydia breathes out before following. Isabel watches her leave before turning back to Stiles.
"What on earth is going on?!" She quietly seethes.
Stiles' eyes widen at her sudden anger. When he remains silent she shakes her head and storms off into the house.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Oh, geez." Stiles breathes out, watching the three wolves outside, hidden behind the curtain. "What are you doing?" He asks watching Allison pull out her phone.
"I think-I think I have to call my dad." Allison anxiously explains.
"No, but if he finds you here, you and Scott," Stiles rambles, alarmed.
"I know, but what are we supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia and Isabel." Allison emphasizes.
Stiles watches her in sympathy as she places her head in her hands.
"I got an idea-just shoot one of 'em," Stiles whispers, catching sight of her crossbow.
"Are you serious?" Allison asks incredulously.
"We told Scott we could protect ourselves, so let's do it! Or at least give it a shot, right?"
"Okay." Allison nods.
"Look, they don't think we're gonna fight, so if one of them gets hit, I guarantee they'll take off. So, just shoot one of 'em."
"Which one?" Allison asks, peeking out of the window.
"Uh, Derek. Yeah, shoot him. Preferably in the head."
"If Scott was able to catch an arrow, Derek definitely can." Allison reminds Stiles.
"Okay, uh, just shoot one of the other three, then."
"You mean, two." Allison corrects, staring at Boyd and Erica.
"No, I mean three." Stiles counters, looking out of the window in a panic. "Where the hell is Isaac?" Stiles asks, worried.
Allison backs away from the window in fear, pointing the crossbow toward Erica, preparing to shoot.
Isaac approaches from behind, Allison notices at the last second but it's too late. Isaac knocks the crossbow from her hands and throws her aside. He turns to Stiles and effortlessly throws him to the floor.
Stiles scrambles onto his back, watching in fear as the wolf stands over him, eyes glowing yellow and fangs out. He begins to walk toward him but freezes.
"Get away from him." Isabel hisses through her teeth, grabbing Isaac's attention. He turns to the girl he was after with a smirk. "If anyone is gonna kill him, it's going to be me." Isaac tilts his head humourlessly.
"Just the girl I was looking for." Isabel rolls her eyes and builds her energy, flashing her red eyes at the beta.
He cracks his neck, ready for a fight; only to be thrown aside with ease by Isabel's chaos. Stiles looks at her with widened eyes as she moves toward him to help him up. He looks into her glowing crimson eyes and shakes his head.
"You are terrifying, you know that?" He tells the girl as he takes her hand to pull him up.
"I'm going to take that as a compliment." She laughs, keeping her hand in his for a minute longer than needed. She lets go, hearing Lydia in the other room.
"Good because I wasn't sure if it was one or not." Stiles breathes out, watching as she rushes off.
"What's happening?" Lydia cries out, slowly moving toward the commotion.
"Get back!" Isabel quietly demands, her heart sinking as she takes in Lydia's terrified expression. "Someone's trying to break in, okay?" She lies, feeling the panic building up in her body as she watches Lydia. "Go, Lydia! Go!" She shouts, causing the girl to run off to Scott's room.
She looks around for Jackson, noticing he was no longer there.
"Jackson?" She cries out, before running off into a different room, closing the door shut behind her as she pants in fear.
She locks the door and yells in fear as another bang echoes throughout the house. She quickly pulls out her phone and dials 911.
"Hi, I-I need the police." She cries out to the operator, she whimpers as she hears another thud and quickly turns the lights out as not to draw attention to her location.
Allison enters Scott's room, locking the door behind her as she makes sure the room is clear. She looks over to the open window and gasps as she watches the venom drip down the open window.
"Stiles, it's here!" She shouts out, aiming her crossbow toward the window in precaution.
She moves further into the room and banging on Scott's bedroom door tells her someone is knocking down the door. Erica kicks open the door, coming face to face with Allison; aiming a crossbow at her. Erica looks down to the laser-sight pointing at her heart and chuckles.
"Hmm... This might make me sound like kind of a bitch, but I've always wondered what it feels like to steal someone's boyfriend. I bet it's a pretty sick rush of power..." Erica trails off, crossing her arms. "I think I might try it with Scott." She laughs. "You know what? I don't think it's gonna be that hard... because why would he be waiting around to steal ten minutes with you when he can have me anytime he wants?"
Allison pulls the trigger to the crossbow, letting the arrow fly. Erica effortlessly dodges the arrow, catching it in her hand as she mockingly laughs at the attempt. Allison breathes a sigh of relief and lowers her crossbow as the wolf turns back to face her, a smirk on her face.
"You didn't really think that would work, did you?" Erica teases.
"Actually, I did." Allison lowly speaks. Erica frowns and looks down at the arrow in her hand.
Her face drops as she realizes it's covered in Kanima venom. She feels the tingle travel through her hand and makes its way through her body as she looks at Allison in disbelief.
Erica drops to the ground with a grunt as the venom paralyzes her.
Allison smirks at the wolf as she crumples to the ground, helpless, and makes her way over, leaning down and moving a piece of hair that covered her face. "I thought you were psychic, bitch!"
Isabel fights off Isaac, the wolf unable to get close to her due to her powers of chaos. He angrily growls in frustration as he can't get close enough to fight. Outside, Derek watches the lights in the house go out, hearing the sounds of objects crashing and smirks, thinking his betas must be winning.
The front door of the McCall house opens, causing the smirk to vanish from the Alpha's face as his two betas are thrown onto the grass beside him. He sighs in frustration as he looks up to the doorstep, watching as Scott exits the house. Allison and Stiles follow behind.
Isabel rushes through the house, calling Lydia's name as she tries to find her. Lydia peeks out of the doorway, crying out in relief as she rushes forward to Isabel. Isabel holds her tightly as she cries into her chest, terrified.
"It's ok." Isabel comforts, holding her close before telling her to go to the exit. She makes her way around again, looking for Jackson this time to make sure he is ok.
"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an Omega - you're already an Alpha of your own pack. But, you know you can't beat me." Derek threatens, smirking. The sound of distant sirens causes the smirk to fall.
"I can hold you off until the cops get here." Scott counters.
Derek pauses, listening to the sirens before his head snaps to the roof; hearing the scurrying of footsteps. The three standing on the McCall doorstep look up, hearing noises above them. Scott moves forward, looking up onto the roof as Allison and Stiles follow.
Everyone freezes at the sight of the Kanima crawling across the rooftop as it freezes in place. It stares them down, before roaring at the group. It runs off, leaving everyone standing in shock. Derek looks down at his other two beta's.
"Get them out of here," Derek instructs Boyd.
Lydia rushes out of the house, as everyone looks at her in relief.
Lydia wasn't the Kanima.
But when Isabel doesn't follow behind, everyone shares worried looks.
"Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!" Lydia angrily calls out.
Everyone is silent as they try to process the information. A few seconds later, the sound of footsteps running reveals Isabel as she rushes out next to Lydia. Everyone shares a breath of relief knowing that Isabel wasn't the Kanima either.
"I don't know where Jackson went. I can't find him." Isabel breathes out to Lydia quietly, catching her breath as she clutches onto Lydia's hand.
"It's Jackson," Scott whispers.
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