《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[21] Venomous
"You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it."
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"Dude, I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news..." Stiles rushes out, grabbing Scott on the shoulder as he sits in class. Scott turns to him.
"I think I already know," Scott responds, before turning to face one of the students in class.
Stiles follows his eyes and takes a deep breath as he realizes who it is. Isaac smirks as he listens to the two, feeling the stares in the back of his head.
After class, Scott and Stiles exit together as Stiles explains his research. He spent the night looking up information about the Kanima after he spent the night trapped in the school's pool by the creature. In between his research, he messaged hundreds of apologies to Isabel but had no response back.
"All right. I only found one thing online called a Kanima- it's a Werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles recounts, but Scott shakes his head.
"That thing was not a jaguar..." He comments.
"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer," Stiles interjects.
"Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you. And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead." Scott theories, not noticing as Stiles freezes in place at his words. He looks at Scott in disbelief.
"You know, sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship.'" He exclaims, offended before running to catch up with Scott. He passes Jackson and Danny on the way.
"It took forever, but I found a program that can recover your video. I'll run it in my free period this afternoon." Danny smiles at Jackson.
"Yeah, just let me know when it's done," Jackson says, hidden relief in his voice.
He needed to know what happened in the two hour cut of his recording on the full moon. He winces in pain and gasps as the sound of bracelets jingling loudly echoes around his head.
"So, Derek wants this done during chemistry?" Jackson hears Erica ask Isaac.
He freezes in place at the sound of the two that helped Derek torture him the night before and listens to their conversation.
"Yeah, if it's Lydia, she's all yours. But if it's Isabel, I'm gonna kill that bitch, all right?" Isaac seethes, wanting revenge for when he lost the fight with the were-witch.
"We have to test them first." Erica reminds Isaac, he looks annoyed but nods his head anyway.
"Kanima..." Isaac trails off, remembering what Derek called the creature.
Before Jackson can continue listening the school rings out, causing him to grab his ears in pain as the sound reverberates around his head.
Jackson collects his composure and heads to his next class. He spots Stiles and Scott sitting next to each other and makes his way to sit behind Scott. He places his books on the desk and quickly sits down before leaning into the two teens.
Isabel watches the teen rush into class and quickly looks away as she spots Stiles. She takes a deep breath and zones all the voices out of her head, focusing on the book in front of her.
She looks to her side to see Lydia giving her a sympathetic smile. She had told Lydia about being ditched by Stiles and was grateful for her support as she ignored the teen. She wasn't going to forgive him yet.
"Hey, Testicle Left and Right," Jackson calls out, causing Scott and Stiles' heads to lift in annoyance. "What the hell is a Kanima?" He asks.
Scott and Stiles' faces drop in shock and turn back to Jackson. Scott opens his mouth to respond but Coach slams papers on the desk, grabbing everyone's attention.
"All right, listen up! A quick warning before we begin our review - some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own study groups because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult - I'm not even too sure I could pass it Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Who's got it, huh? Come on, let's go, buddy." Coach Finstock motions for a boy to come to the front.
"Paralysed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson whispers irritably.
"I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles comments.
"Wait- why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it's you?" Scott asks.
"How should I know?" Jackson defensively retorts. Stiles puts two and two together, realizing it had to do with the bites not healing.
"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" Stiles quietly asks, leaning in.
"I don't know! All I heard was her name and something about chemistry... and then Isabel's name was mentioned." He trails off, stopping as he catches the fear in their eyes.
"Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?" Coach interrupts, stomping toward the three.
"Umm... Just an undying admiration for my-my coach..." Jackson lies, causing a smug smile to show on Coach's face.
"That's really kind of you." He thanks Jackson before his face suddenly turns serious. "Now shut up! Shut it!" He exclaims before turning back to the board.
"How do we know it's not either of them?" Scott asks, eyes following Lydia as she approaches the front of the class and begins answering the question on the board.
He glances back over to where the other red-head sat, scribbling away in her book.
"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil." Stiles explains. "And, when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see fifty percent evil." He pauses, "All right, maybe sixty. You know, but no more than forty on a good day!" He corrects himself.
Jackson and Scott share a look of disbelief.
"And Izzy, the only time her eyes looked evil was when she was under Peter's control." Scott gives a small nod of agreement before pausing in realization.
"Stiles, that's not a very good argument..." Scott trails off.
"I'm aware of that, but I swear it's not either of them. It can't be, all right? They're both fine." Stiles sighs, trying to convince himself as well.
Isabel looks up to where Lydia is writing on the board and freezes as she sees the person standing next to her cousin. She looks down at his back, the brown hair, and the leather jacket. She's unable to move her body as she watches Peter as he writes on the board; forming a spiral.
She looks around, to see if anyone else can see Peter. The eyes of all of the class burn through her skin are they stare right at her. Her breath hitches in her throat as her eyes flicker around the classroom, feeling the anxiety rise. She looks up to the board again and forces her eyes shut.
She re-opens her eyes and finds herself in an empty room, Lydia and Peter still at the board. She looks to the side and spots her mother, her eyes glossing at the sight.
Peter turns around, and Isabel gasps as he grabs her mother by her hair, pulling her against his body. Without any emotion in his eyes, he rips her mother's throat out and her body falls to the floor motionless.
Her mouth drops in shock, but her body refuses to move and her mouth dries as she tries to call out. She quickly snaps her eyes to Lydia, panic in her eyes as she watches Peter follow her gaze with a smirk. Isabel lets out a whimper; the only noise her body was capable of producing.
Peter grabs Lydia by her hair and throws her forcefully to the ground with a sickening snap as her head hits the floor. Tears run down Isabel's face as she watches helplessly as her body refuses to cooperate.
Peter turns back to Isabel, as he slowly stalks his way toward her, throwing desks out of the way. She flinches at the sound of the desks smashing against the floor and lets out a sob at the sight of him stepping over her mother and cousin's bodies.
As he finally gets close to her, she flinches out of her seat, scrambling to the back of the wall. She presses her body as close to the wall as she can, wanting it to swallow her whole.
Peter stops as they come face to face, he stares monotonously into her eyes as she whimpers out and teeters on the edge of a panic attack.
She finally finds the courage to look him in the eye and lets out a sob as she meets his gaze. He raises one of his hands, caressing her face. With the other hand, he crumbles the chalk in his hand, raising it in a fist toward her. He releases his fist as it sits in front of her face, and blows the residue into her face.
"Lydia! Isabel!" Coach shouts, snapping the two out of their trance.
Lydia breathes heavily at the front of the class, re-opening her eyes from her trance. Isabel stands heaving against the back of the class, tears falling down her face.
The two look around to see the stares of the class flickering between the two as they all mumble between themselves. Lydia and Isabel catch each other's eyes and a look of realization falls onto their faces, almost a look of relief knowing they didn't go through it alone.
Stiles watches Isabel worried, fighting the urge to jump up and hold her.
"Okay, then. Anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?" Coach asks sarcastically, motioning to the gibberish Lydia wrote on the board. "And Isabel." Coach sighs. "Sit down, would you?"
Lydia looks back at the board in confusion, looking over what she had scrawled across the board. Isabel collects herself, wiping her tears as she catches Stiles' worried gaze when she sits back down.
"What is that, Greek?" Scott asks, trying to decipher the writing.
"No, actually, I think it's English..." Stiles breathes out, taking a photo and flipping it to showwritten. He shows Scott as they share a concerned look.
♰ ♰ ♰
"Derek's not gonna kill either of them without proof," Scott explains to Stiles as they enter the chemistry classroom.
"All right, so he tests them like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where?" Stiles asks as they look between the two girls.
They sit at their desks, Lydia reads through her books as Isabel fiddles with her fingers.
Scott looks at the back of the classroom, spotting Erica and Isaac sauntering towards the front of the class; toward Lydia and Isabel. Scott's face drops as he realizes.
"I think here and now." He tells Stiles as Erica and Isaac smirk at Lydia and Isabel.
Scott and Stiles follow their eyes before looking back over to the two wolves. Erica and Isaac look over to Scott and Stiles before making their way over to the girls. Scott and Stiles quickly rush over to the girls, getting there first.
Scott jumps into the seat next to Isabel, knowing she wasn't speaking to Stiles; while Stiles clambers into the seat next to Lydia.
Erica and Isaac look at the boys annoyed. Lydia looks over to Isabel in annoyance as Stiles sits next to her. Isabel gives Scott a small smile, knowing why he sat next to her.
Allison enters the classroom, looking at Scott confused as he wasn't sitting at their regular desk. Scott shakes his head before motioning to Erica and Isaac to sit behind. Allison looks over to see Erica smirking at her before she returns her eyes onto Lydia and Isabel worriedly.
"Einstein once said, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity... And I'm not sure about the universe." I myself have encountered infinite stupidity." Mr. Harris speaks, placing his hand on Stiles' shoulder.
Lydia holds in a laugh as Mr. Harris targets the boy next to her. Scott glances back to see Isaac staring at the back of Isabel's head.
"So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments! Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or, in Stilinski's case, less than one." Mr. Harris sighs. "Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with-" He pauses as he looks up, seeing all of the students with their hands up. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down." Mr. Harris snaps. "Start with Mr. McCall."
Scott slumps in his seat as Erica smugly looks at Allison. Mr. Harris continues putting the class into pairs, where Allison and Isabel are placed together.
"Whatever you're thinking about doing? Wait. Give me a chance to talk to Derek." Scott quietly begs Erica as she begins to make the mixture.
"Why don't you talk to me instead?" Erica seductively smiles, leaning in but Scott's face shows anger. She leans back, feigning confusion. "That's funny - in school, you guys act like you're broken up, but she's all over you." Erica chuckles, watching Allison as she helps Isabel with the experiment.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Scott says evasively.
"If I were Allison," Erica starts, placing her hand on Scott's thigh and running it slowly up his leg. "I'd be wanting you - all the time." She grins, gripping his thigh.
"Never? You never get jealous?" Isabel whispers to Allison, watching Erica as she attempts to seduce Scott.
"Why would I?" Allison asks, frowning. Isabel motions to where Scott and Erica sit.
"Because that right there," She pauses, shaking her head. "That requires some jealousy." Allison follows her eyes and gives a small sigh.
"You're not my type." Scott lowly comments, grabbing her hand and forcing it off.
"I'm exactly your type," Erica growls, twisting Scott's arm back and flashing her beta eyes at the fellow wolf.
"Switch!" Harris shouts as the timer dings.
Allison begins to pack up her books and turns to look at Isabel worried. She knew the group had decided to keep her out of it but was unsure of the decision. Allison leans into Isabel, who looks at her confused.
"Listen to me, okay? Don't talk to Erica or Isaac." Allison instructs. Isabel looks at her worried.
"Why?" She asks, eyes flickering over the two wolves.
"Just don't," Allison begs.
"Let's go, girls. Next station." Harris tells the girls, rushing them forward.
"Trust me, all right?" Allison asks her best friend before she leaves her seat, leaving Isabel sitting at the station concerned.
Stiles watches worriedly as the seat next to Isabel remains vacant, but Scott quickly jumps into the seat.
Stiles breathes out in relief, facing the front of the class. He jumps as he spots Isaac leaning next to him and stares at the wolf. Isaac turns his head, revealing his smirk. Stiles sighs, starting with the next step of the experiment.
"If you harm one perfect strawberry-blonde hair on her head, I'm gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present." Stiles lowly threatens, gritting his teeth as Isaac chuckles.
"Really? I've never actually been to one of their big, invite-only birthday parties. I did ask her out once, though..." Isaac recounts.
"Sounds like the beginning to a heartfelt story. I'm gonna pass, thanks." Stiles sarcastically responds, not looking the wolf in the eye.
"It was the first day of freshman year just before she left for England-" Isaac begins.
"And you thought everything was gonna be different for you in high school, but she said 'no'," Stiles interrupts annoyed.
"Yeah." He chuckles. "Yeah, Lydia even laughed as I asked her. Told me to come back and ask Isabel again when the bike I rode to school had an engine, not a chain."
"Mmm. Unrequited love's a bitch, but so is her cousin. Maybe you should write about it in English class, you know? Channel all that negative energy..." Stiles trails off.
"Nah... I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her." Isaac deadpans as Stiles looks at the wolf in disbelief. "I'm not very good at writing." Isaac jokes as he smirks. The bell dings as the time is up.
"And switch," Harris calls out.
Stiles moves to the station behind, sitting next to Scott. Scott and Stiles look over to see Isaac slide into the seat next to Isabel.
Stiles immediately jumps up, but Harris slaps his ruler onto his hand. Stiles exclaims in pain as he takes his seat again, clutching his hand in pain.
"If you're trying to test my patience, Mr. Stilinski, I guarantee it will be a failing grade." Harris comments.
Isabel ignores the interaction, trying to focus on the experiment but looks up as Isaac leans in close to the red-head.
Scott nudges Stiles, motioning over to where Erica was sat smirking next to Lydia. They feel their hearts drop as they realize they played right into their hands.
"You look absolutely beautiful today," Isaac whispers into Isabel's ear.
She jumps slightly at the sensation of his breath trickling across her neck. She pauses and looks into his eyes, not realizing how close they were. Stiles watches the interaction, feeling the anger bubbling.
"Thanks." Isabel quietly responds, watching as Isaac's eyes drift down to the lips, lingering for a second before returning to her eyes. He gives her a smirk as she turns back to the experiment.
Scott's eyes drift between Erica and Lydia and Isaac and Isabel, worried at what was going to happen.
"Time!" Harris calls out one last time as the bell rings. "If you've catalysed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal," Harris explains,
Isabel looks into the jar to see the crystal he was talking about. Stiles and Scott look at theirs confused as it resembles a sort of bread mixture. Isaac uses the tongs to pull out the crystal from their glass. Isabel looks back to Harris as he continues.
"Now, for the part of that last experiment, I'm sure you'll all enjoy... You can eat it."
Isaac smiles at Isabel, motioning the crystal toward her. She smiles back at him as she grabs the crystal from the tong, an almost slimy residue to it. Erica does the same to Lydia, who takes it gratefully, and looks it over in interest.
Isabel raises the crystal to her lips, Scott watches closely and freezes as he sees the drip of Kanima venom encase the crystal as Isabel holds it in her hand. Before she can take a bite, he jumps up out of his seat.
"Isabel!" Scott shouts, making the whole class jump.
Isabel freezes and looks at Scott in shock as he stares at her in fear.
"What?" She asks, looking around at everyone staring at her. Scott looks around, catching the same substance dripping off of Lydia's crystal as Erica watches her closely.
"Nothing." Scott awkwardly coughs, taking his seat again as he realizes it's hopeless.
Isabel takes a breath as he eyes meet Isaac's. He motions for her to continue. She gives a small smile before taking a bite of the crystal and eating it, not noticing Stiles and Scott watching her worriedly.
Lydia does the same, eating the crystal with no issues. Scott and Stiles share a look of worry as they realize neither of the two reacted to the venom. Scott notices Derek standing outside in the parking lot, having watched the whole thing from a distance.
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