《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[2] Second Chance at First Line
"Love isn't beautiful but with you it was"
♰ ♰ ♰
Allison's eyes land on Scott at the bottom of the stairwell at school, a smile graces her lips as she meets his eyes. She makes her way down to him.
"Hey." Allison greets. Scott looks down to his phone, before looking back up and offering a greeting in return with a smile. Allison looks at his phone in his hands. "Busy?" She asks, he looks confused at the question before Allison gestures to his phone. Scott quickly shakes his head.
"No, no, it's just, uh, my mom, she's nothing. I mean, it's nothing. Uh, I'm never busy for you." He stumbles, before giving a small smile, worried he mess up. Allison grins.
"I like the sound of that. I have to run to French class, but I wanted you to know that I'm coming to see you play tomorrow." Scott tries to hide his face falling.
"You are?" He questions with a gulp. Allison nods.
"And we're all going out afterward. You, me, Lydia, Jackson, Isabel, and Stiles!" She lists happily. "It's gonna be great. Save me a seat at lunch. I gotta go." Allison waves and leaves Scott alone with his thoughts. Scott holds his head in his hands.
"God." He sighs, before heading to his mathematics class.
After not paying attention and trying to figure out how he was going to solve the issue with the lacrosse game, the teacher calls on him and Lydia Martin to solve a problem on the chalkboard.
"Why is there a rumour going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" Lydia questions, side-eyeing Scott.
"'Cause I'm sort of not." Scott answers, but Lydia is not happy with his words. She pauses from solving her math problem to narrow her eyes at Scott.
"I think you sort of are. Especially when you brutally injure my boyfriend by ramming into him." Scott scoffs at Lydia's words.
"He brutally injured himself ramming into me." Scott corrects. Lydia keeps her eyes on the board.
"Jackson's gonna play tomorrow. But he's not gonna be at his peak, and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance." Scott furrows his brows, trying to work out where the red-head was going with this.
"Okay?" Scott hesitated, and this seems to annoy Lydia more.
"I date the captain of the winning lacrosse team, and if they start off the season losing, I date the captain of the losing lacrosse team. I don't date losers."
"Losing one game isn't gonna kill anyone. In fact, it might even save someone." Scott breathes, Lydia puts her chalk down.
"Fine! Don't play. We'll probably win anyway. Then we'll go out after like we were planning - and I'll introduce Allison to all the hot players on the team." Lydia threatens. "And Scott McCall can stay home, surfing the net for porn." Scott's face drops at her words.
"Plus, I know your friend has a crush on Isabel. I'm sure some of the guys are dying to get to know her." She continues, "And then you get to explain why he lost out on Isabel." She gives a fake smile, wipes the chalk from her hands before flipping her hair over her shoulder and strutting back to her chair.
Scott watches as she walks away in shock. The teacher shakes his head.
"Mr. McCall, you're not even close to solving your problem." He chastised.
Scott sighs in defeat. "Tell me about it."
Later after class, Stiles finds Scott in the hallway and gestures for him to come closer.
"Hey, come here."
"What?" Scott asks, looking around the hallway to make sure no one was listening. Stiles gestures for him to come closer again.
"Come here. Tell me what they're saying. Can you hear 'em?" He points towards where his father and another officer stand, with the principal outside one of the offices. Scott listens to the conversation.
"I want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their home by 9:30 p.m. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately." Sheriff Stilinski orders, and the principal sighs.
"Look, we don't-" Scott tunes out of the conversation, having the necessary information.
He turns back to Stiles. "Curfew because of the body." He answers, and Stiles shakes his head.
"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants." He rants.
Scott shrugs, "Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek."
"I can do something." Stiles assures and Scott looks at him confused.
"Like what?"
"Find the other half of the body."
"Are you kidding?" Scott questions quietly, making sure no one around could hear.
As he looks around his eyes land on Lydia, Allison and Isabel, and two of the guys from the lacrosse team. Without thinking, he moves toward the group, hearing Stiles follow behind.
"This is Allison, and this is my cousin Isabel." Lydia introduces, "Aren't they gorgeous." Lydia compliments.
The two guys swoon. "Hi. Nice to meet you." They say, introducing themselves back.
Stiles watches Isabel intently, why would she be talking to the guys from the team?
"They are the new girls. Allison just moved here. And Isabel moved back from England, super tragic we won't discuss it." Lydia babbles, and Isabel looks to the floor, before trying to give Lydia a 'shut up' stare.
Lydia catches the stare and shrugs, reapplying her lip-gloss. Isabel knew something was going on with Lydia, she wouldn't normally act like this. Stiles catches the sad look on her face, and his heart wrenches for the girl.
"Oh, how do you like it?" One of the guys asks, Isabel is glad Allison takes the reins as she disappears into her own little world, looking up and her eyes landing on Stiles.
Without knowing, a smile makes its way onto her lips, and Stiles grins back, scratching his neck as his face blushes. Isabel is lost in her own world and before she knows it, Scott and Stiles are the only ones standing in front of herself and Allison.
"So Lydia's introducing you guys to everyone?" Scott asks, worry hidden behind his voice.
"She's being so unbelievably nice!" Allison gushes, Isabel has a frown on her face.
"I wonder why." Scott mumbles but Allison hears it.
Isabel shifts from one foot to the other and Stiles stifles a laugh watching her in her own world.
"Maybe she gets how much being the new girl can suck." Allison suggests, clutching her jacket. Scott's eyes fall to the jacket before he frowns.
"Where did you get that?" He questions, Stiles looks away from Isabel to pay attention to the conversation. He eyes the jacket in question. It was from the party.
"My jacket? It was in my locker. I think Lydia brought it back from the party. She has my combination-" Allison begins to explain, but Stiles cuts her off.
"Did she say she brought it back or did somebody give her the jacket?" Stiles asks, and his voice snaps Isabel out of her trance, finally paying attention to the conversation.
"Like who?" Isabel asks, "I was with Allison, so nobody else would have known it was hers other than Lydia."
"Someone like Derek." Stiles blurted, eyes snapping to Scott's. They share a worried look.
"Your friend?" Allison questions, giving Isabel a quick confused look. Scott and Stiles shake their heads, looking almost comedic.
"He's not my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you guys?" Scott probed.
"Mmm, not much at all." Allison answers.
"What does it matter?" Isabel asks.
"Well, what did you say?" Scott pushes.
"We - gotta get to class." Isabel shuts down the conversation, feeling the uncomfortableness.
She lightly grabs Allison's hand, gently tugging at her to signal they need to go.
"Allison-" Scott tries, but Allison allows Isabel to pull her away. She shakes her head at Scott.
"No, we really have to go." Allison cuts off before turning to Isabel and all Scott and Stiles can do is watch them leave. Scott was determined to go see Derek.
♰ ♰ ♰
After smelling blood at Derek's house, Scott and Stiles return to the hospital to try and prove their theory. Scott looks around the hallways to make sure no nurses or doctors are around to see him sneak into the morgue. Stiles feels nervous for him.
"Good luck, I guess." Stiles offers, before watching Scott sneak away through the hospital doors.
Stiles looks around awkwardly before doing a double-take. His eyes stop on a strawberry blond figure standing at the vending machine. His eyes drift over to the other strawberry blond sat on the waiting area chairs, completely lost in her phone. He quickly builds up his courage before attempting to casually walk over to the vending machine.
"Hey, Isabel." He greets, and he can feel his face burning up already.
His breath gets caught in his throat as he watches her turn, almost like he saw it in slow motion, her hair tossing over her shoulder as she jumps in shock.
Stiles thought she looked as beautiful as ever, even though she had changed out of her clothes from school into sweatpants and a tank top, a knitted cardigan hanging from her shoulders. Stiles can almost feel the electric shock again.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He gives a sheepish smile, "You probably don't remember me," he breathes out, "Um, we talked at the party on Friday." Isabel smiles, her heart rate had finally recovered from the shock and was finally relaxed again.
"I remember you, Stiles." Stiles' eyes widen, realising for once he wasn't hidden in the crowd.
"Uh, anyway, I, uh -" He stumbled. "I was wondering if maybe it'd be kind of cool to, get to know each other a little better." He finally lets out, a weight off of his shoulders. "Not that you have to or anything, it's just before you left for England I had a really big crush on you since - like - third grade, and then just like that you were gone, so- I, uh, didn't think I'd get this opportunity again, honestly." Isabel pauses, and her mouth drops slightly.
She feels a blush crawl its way up her neck to her cheeks before she realised she hadn't said anything back.
"Wow- Uh, Stiles-" Stiles looks down, ready for rejection, "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Of course, I would love to get to know you better. And I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk before. I guess, I, uh- I had a lot of stuff going on." Isabel continues.
Stiles cannot believe his ears. He tries to subtly pinch himself to make sure he is not dreaming.
Lydia stands as Jackson exits the exam room, "Okay. Did he do it?"
"He said not to make a habit of it, but one cortisone shot won't kill me."
"You should get one right before the game too. The pros do it all the time. You want to be a little high school amateur? Or - do you want to go - pro?" Lydia pressures, stroking his chest.
Stiles still believes he is dreaming as Isabel takes his phone from his hand, her fingers grazing his momentarily.
"Holy God!" He whispers, as he watches Isabel enter her number into his phone.
She passes it back after texting herself from Stiles' phone, saving her name under . Stiles looks at the contact in awe, before looking back at the ginger girl.
"If we are going to get to know each other, call me Izzy." She smiles. "By the way, do you know how to get these things to give me my candy?" Isabel sighs, motioning to the vending machine. "I think it ate my dollar."
Stiles puffs his chest before smacking the machine, and Isabel holds back her laughter. She watches him pull the machine from the back, trying to hit the back but jumps out of the way when she realises it's going to fall.
Stiles jumps back too as the machine hits the floor. Isabel couldn't hold her laugh anymore. Stiles blushes, embarrassed before attempting to pick it back up. Isabel bends down between laughs to help move the machine back.
They move it back against the wall before Isabel notices the candy bar is gone, she reaches down into the dropbox and grins.
"You did it!" She shouts, and Stiles looks just as shocked. "Amazing!" She jumps up and hugs Stiles, he freezes in response before he plays it off.
"Eh,- it was nothing just something I learned-" He stops himself with a scream as he feels someone behind him.
Isabel laughs as she watched Scott approach. Scott looks between the two confused, he wasn't even aware Stiles has spoken a word to his childhood crush let alone be stood hugging her in the middle of the hospital.
"The scent was the same." Scott says quietly, but Isabel still hears. She moves back realising she wasn't a part of the conversation.
"You sure?" Stiles responds, and Scott nods.
"Sorry, guys, I'll get going. I think Lydia and Jackson are about to leave without me." She smiles, starting to leave before turning back, "Text me!" She shouts and Stiles throws his fist in the air as Scott looks shocked. Stiles jumps about excited as Scott smiles.
♰ ♰ ♰
A few hours later, at the lacrosse game Lydia, approaches Scott.
"Scott - I just want you to remember one thing for tonight." Lydia says.
"Uh - Winning isn't everything?"
"Nobody likes a loser." Lydia corrects and all Scott can do is sigh.
"Please let this be okay. Please." Scott prays.
The match starts, and the entire team avoids throwing the ball to Scott. Scott sees the ball in the ground and runs for it, but Jackson catches on and pushes Scott to the ground before taking the ball for himself and scoring the first goal of the night.
Isabel watches in annoyance as Jackson goes out of his way to make sure Scott has a horrible game. Lydia and Allison cheer next to her before Isabel watches as her cousin pulls out a sign saying ''.
Lydia gets Allison to help hold up the sign. Isabel watches quietly as Scott and Stiles look and sees the sign. She watches Scott shake his head on the field.
"Brutal." Stiles grimaces. "Oh, this is not gonna be good."
Scott overhears Danny and Jackson with other guys on the team discussing them not passing to Scott. He feels his anger rising and begins to lose control of his transformation.
"You okay, kid?" The referee asks, watching Scott heavily breathe.
All Scott does is raise his head slightly in acknowledgment. The opposing team watches Scott carefully, concerned.
"Which one is Scott again?" Chris Argent asks his daughter, as she nervously bites her nails.
"Number 11." Isabel answers for the anxious girl.
"Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball this entire game." Lydia snarks.
"I hope he's okay." Allison mumbles quietly. Isabel nods in agreement.
"I hope we're okay. We need to win this. Allison. A little help here?" Lydia says, getting Allison to hold another sign saying '' and Isabel puts her head in her hands.
The game starts again and this time Scott has the ball. He jumps over one of the other team to run down the field, scoring another goal. Coach tells the team to pass to Scott.
Scott struggles to contain himself, fangs showing and one of the other plays sees this and is scared he tosses the ball to Scott. Everyone looks shocked as the opposition passes the ball.
"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Coach asks Stiles.
"Yes, I believe so, coach."
"Interesting. Goal! Yes! Yes! There you go. Wha- Way to go, McCall! What? The ball's in the net." Coach argues with the referee as the ball Scott threw went straight through the opponent goalies net. The point is awarded.
"No, no. Scott, no, no." Stiles worries, watching Scott on the field.
"Come on, come on." Melissa McCall chants, nervous.
"You can do it, Scott. You can do it, Scott." Scott hears Allison in the bleachers, and with 5 seconds to go, two of the opposing team charge Scott - but he manages to get the ball straight in the net; scoring the winning goal.
"Yes! Ha! Oh, my God." Stiles shouts as everyone cheers and rushes down the bleachers to the field to congratulate the team.
Scott runs off as his claws penetrate his gloves, ruining them and can't hold back his transformation. He runs to the toilets as Allison follows. Isabel runs down to Stiles, hugging him
"He did it!" She cheers and Stiles laughs, grinning back.
"Hell yeah, he did!" Stiles cheers back. Stiles watches his dad behind them as he is on the phone.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Stiles asks, and Isabel turns to Sheriff Stilinski worried by Stiles' tone.
Isabel allows Stiles and his father to talk, before watching Stiles' face, in shock at his father's words. He quickly runs off to the locker room to find Scott and pulls back as he catches Allison and Scott kissing. Allison leaves with a smile and Stiles approaches Scott, who has a love-struck look on his face.
"Hey." Stiles greets, out of breath.
"I kissed her." Scott chuckles.
"I saw." Stiles nodded.
"She kissed me."
"Saw that too. That's pretty good, huh?" Stiles nods again.
"I - I - I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad." Scott says, relieved.
"Yeah, heh. We'll talk later, then."
"What?" Scott questions.
"The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."
"And -" Scott interrupted.
"Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek's human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."
"Are you kidding?"
"No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID'd the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."
"Hale?" Scott questions in shock.
"Derek's sister." Stiles confirms.
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This story is being published on Wattpad, Tapas, and Royalroad only( looking at you novelhd :/) Please help me take it down if you see it somewhere else. Maze, a witch born in a forest close to a Circassian village, loses her mother and gains a kitsune father all at once. She grows up in Japan, in one of the kitsune villages and we follow her life as she tries to find a place where she belongs. This is the first draft of Maze. IMPORTANT: I'm looking for Japanese sensitivity readers, so if this story interests you, please do correct me whenever you find anything ignorant and/or harmful/offensive.
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