《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[1] Pilot
"Suffering is good for the soul, right?"
♰ ♰ ♰
"Stop acting weird. You're freaking me out." I hear my father's voice, stern but with slight fear hidden behind it.
I stay where I am hidden at the top of the stairs, cautious not to make a sound. I hear a laugh, it's mother, yet it sounds nothing like her.
"Don't you know?" She starts, a shrillness behind her voice. "Can't you feel it?! There's a sickness in the air." she pauses, and I can hear her pacing back and forth, her bare feet against the wooden floor.
"The worst kind. The kind that tears invisible claws through our souls until there's nothing left but aching scraps." This time she screams, sounding terrified. "Do you know what that feels like?" For a moment all is quiet, just harsh breathing. I hear her give out a laugh, it sounds exasperated. "You don't believe me." She quietly chokes out. "I can show you. I can show you." She chants, and I hear my father give a big sigh like this isn't the first time.
"That's enough." He demands, cutting off mother's chanting. "You are going to wake Isabel. This isn't right. Something is wrong with you!" He bellowed, slight raise in his voice.
I feel my hands tremble and my body starts to involuntarily shake. I feel a cold teardrop onto my leg.
"Please, just hear me out." Mother cries, and I hear a scuffle. It lasts a few seconds before it goes quiet. "Something is wrong. Something is happening!" She shouts, making me jump.
I hear running on the floorboards before the sound of the door being swung open, letting in the cold English air.
"Willow!" My father shouts, footsteps pounding after her, "Willow!" He continues to scream.
I am abruptly awoken in a cold sweat as Lydia gently shakes my arm. I let out a small gasp for air as I slowly sit up in what is now my new bed. She gives me a gentle smile.
"You were having a nightmare." She consoled quietly, still holding my arm lightly.
I push my hair back and hold my face in my hands as I catch my breath. After a few seconds, I move my hands and meet Lydia's eyes, offering a small smile back.
"Sorry." I apologise, trailing off back to my thoughts again.
She rubs my arm before pulling me in close, for a gentle hug. I let out a breath and place my arms back around her.
"What time is it? Sorry if I woke you." I question sheepishly. Lydia pulls back from the hug, a big smile now on her face.
"You didn't wake me, silly." She teased, "You are just in time for your first day back at school makeover!" She squeals. My face drops as I realise what I am in for.
"Wait, Lydi-" She doesn't let me finish before she is pulling me out of bed and drags me into her room.
♰ ♰ ♰
I compose myself and continue walking up towards Beacon Hills High School, following Lydia and one of her friends. I feel as though there are eyes on me everywhere as we walk through the teenagers around us.
"Hey," Lydia turns to me, snapping me out of it. I look at her in surprise and she gives a small almost silent laugh. "Earth to Isabel." She sings. "So later on, you will meet Jackson - you remember Jackson right? And then we are going to plan the party this weekend." She continues.
I daze out of it, looking straight ahead as not to draw attention to myself. I look ahead at the students in front of us, moving out of the way and staring. I forgot Lydia was the most popular girl in school. Even though it's been 2 years, I can't put names to faces.
"Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome." I hear a guy say as we start to head up to the school doors. "I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since -" The guy trails off, I look up from next to Lydia to see him staring at the strawberry blonde. "Since the birth of Lydia Martin." I find a small smile crawl across my face, knowing what Lydia is like and exactly how this is going to play out. "Hey, Lydia - You look -" He starts, before trailing off as his eyes meet mine.
His face drops like that of shock, and he never got the chance to finish his sentence before Lydia has escorted me past him and out of earshot.
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott looks at Stiles, holding back his laugh at the failure of talking to Lydia Martin. Scott smacks Stiles' arm, effectively snapping him out of it as he watches Lydia, one of her clique and another strawberry blond Scott didn't recognise walk away.
"Dude." Scott laughs. Stiles turns back to face him, mouth still open in shock. "Why are you so surprised? You knew she wasn't going to talk to you." Stiles looks at him like he is an idiot.
"Wait- you?- You didn't see that?!" He exclaims, arms flailing. Scott raises his eyebrows, slightly moving back so his side isn't in reach of Stiles' limbs. Stiles facepalms at Scott lack of awareness. "That-" He starts, "-was Isabel Martin!" Scott quickly looks back at the three figures with a confused face.
"No way-" Scott scoffs, "she moved to England, what would she be doing back?" Scott finishes, confused.
"I don't know!" Stiles exclaims, "Oh god-" He stops himself. "This is all your fault! She's never gonna talk to me!" He starts pacing. "You're the cause of this, you know." Scott raises his brow, before giving in and agreeing to shut him up. "Draggin' me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been scarlet - nerded by you." Stiles cries out.
♰ ♰ ♰
I am lucky I wasn't the only new student today, I approach a brunette that is sat on the seats outside with the Vice Principal. I offer her a friendly smile and she does the same, putting her mobile down as she sees us approaching.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." The Vice Principal apologises, "I picked up another new student along the way, perhaps you two can bond over starting a-fresh together?" He gives a small smile. "This is Isabel Martin, and this is Allison Argent."
We give each other acknowledgment before we start to walk together with the Vice Principal towards the school.
"So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grew up?" He restarts the conversation with Allison. Allison offers a smile.
"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family." She tucks her hair behind her ear in the wind.
"Isabel here is back from her time in England, so hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while girls." He directs us into what I assume is our class. "Class, these are our new students, Allison Argent and Isabel Martin." He tells the class, thankfully not telling us to introduce ourselves. "Please do your best to make them feel welcome."
Allison and I give him thanks and a nod before going to the two empty seats near the back. Thank goodness, I was sitting near Allison. I feel all the class's eyes on us as we settle into our seats.
"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis, on page 133." The teacher instructed.
We all get our books out, I quickly search along the books we were given to find the correct one. The boy in front of Allison catches my eye as he turns, causing us both to look up.
He holds a pen in his hand and offers it to Allison, before looking over in my direction. Allison smiles and takes the pen, he then turns back into his seat.
I turn to look at Allison and she does the same back, smile on her face, and gives me a small shrug. I let out a small laugh before carrying on with class.
♰ ♰ ♰
Allison and I walk out of class towards her locker, continuing our conversation. Allison pauses mid-sentence and I follow her eyes across the hall to the guy she was sitting behind in class.
I look between the two with a smile. I hear heels behind us and as I turn I am greeted by Lydia, and encased in a hug. Allison turns back towards me to see what is happening.
"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" Lydia asks Allison, as she lets me go.
Allison looks confused at mine and Lydia's exchange before giving Lydia her full attention.
"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." Allison answers, a smile on her face. Lydia gives a smile back, looping her arm through mine.
"And you are my newest best friend. Other than Isabel of course, I didn't forget you, little cousin." She plays along.
Allison has a look of understanding as she looks between us. If the strawberry blond hair we shared didn't already give it away.
"Hey, Jackson." Lydia greets as she lets my arm go, allowing me to lean on the lockers next to Allison.
I give her an apologetic look but she just smiles and loops her arm through mine. I give a grin back. Luckily, we didn't catch Lydia and Jackson kissing in front of us.
♰ ♰ ♰
Scott listens in on the conversation, unsure how he can hear the group across the hall. A girl from his and Stiles' class approaches after leaving the classroom, heading to her locker. The group of four catches her eyes and she gives a jealous look. She turns to Scott and Stiles.
"Can someone tell me how the new girls are here all of five minutes, and they're already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" She breathes out, and the three turn to watch the girls and Jackson.
"Because they're hot." Stiles answers without thinking. "Beautiful people herd together. Plus don't you remember Isabel? She only left for a few years." Stiles quizzes the girl.
Scott tunes out as they begin arguing and continues listening to the conversation. He watches as Jackson leans over Isabel on the lockers, giving her a smile and a welcome back.
"So, this weekend, there's a party." Scott hears Lydia continue.
"A party?" Allison questions and Isabel just nods along.
"Yeah - Friday night. You should come." Jackson invites, knowing Isabel would be dragged along by Lydia whether she liked it or not.
"Uh," Allison pauses, "I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking."
"You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage." Jackson persists, "Plus, Isabel will be there, right?" He insists as he towers over the smaller ginger girl. She turns to Allison and offers a small nod.
"You mean like football?" Allison asks.
"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years." Jackson laughs, and Lydia laughs too.
"Because of a certain team captain." She gushes, leaning into Jackson's side.
"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else-" Jackson trails off.
"Well, I was going to-" Allison starts but Lydia cuts her off, grabbing her arm.
"Perfect - You're coming." She grins, hooking her arms with Allison and Jackson leads Isabel towards the pitch.
♰ ♰ ♰
We find seats on the bleachers, and I find myself sitting between Allison and Lydia. Allison looks at the pitch, interested. I follow her gaze.
"Who is that?" She asks. I put my phone away and watch the guys on the field.
"Him?" Lydia questions, following Allison's stare. "I'm not sure who he is. Why?" She asks, confused.
"He's in our English class." Allison responds, and I finally recognise who she is talking about, the same guy she was sharing lovey eyes with in the hallway. After watching him play, she smiles "He seems like he's pretty good." Lydia watches him too, before nodding.
"Oh, very good." Her eyes trail off to see Jackson next to try and get the ball past Allison's lover in goal.
Jackson shoots, but it is caught by the mystery man in the goal. Allison smiles and Lydia stands, hollering and giving applause. I can only imagine she is doing it to piss off Jackson.
♰ ♰ ♰
Later that night I turn from my bed to my phone that has been chiming. I pick it up from the side table, unplugging the charger. I swipe to unlock the phone and see messages flooding in from Allison.
You'll never guess what
I hit a dog with my car
I rushed to the vet and guess who is there working!!
Hmm... Your prince charming from the lacrosse field?
Oh shush lol. His name is Scott
Scott? As in McCall?
Yeah! Did you know him before? You didn't seem to recognise him?
I'm not sure... Maybe just in passing?
Well he's taking me to the party Friday!!!
Haha, I knew family night was a lie!
I smile before turning the screen off, putting it back on the side before heading back to sleep, trying to ignore Lydia and Jackson across the hall.
♰ ♰ ♰
I try to move through our living room, but I am slowed down by the dancing teens drinking in the house. I hold my cup as I try to get through, bumping into someone's chest. I catch the glass and cover the top with my hand so none splashes out.
"Nice reflexes." A voice chuckles, and I realise I am still pressed up against the figure I bumped into.
I gasp, pull back, and look up apologetically. I see the same buzz-cut and cute face from the beginning of the week, the guy hitting on Lydia.
"I am so sorry, I didn't spill any on you did I?" I apologise with a small smile, he looks down at me before checking over himself, running his hands down his torso and I instinctively follow his hands down.
I blush red as I realize he just watched me do that. He has a cheeky smile on his face.
"No!" He answers, still grinning, "You can spill some on me if you want?" He offers, and I look at him in shock until I realise he was joking,
I lightly smack his arm before laughing along with him. When he stops laughing, he looks back at me with a smile on his face,
"Isabel? Right?" He asks, and I'm surprised he knows who I am. "Lydia's cousin?" he carries on. "Whole school is talking about you. I'm um,- I'm Stiles. We used to play in the mud as kids." I give him a gentle smile back.
"Ah, yeah- Lydia's cousin. Nice to meet you, Stiles." I concede, I was fine with just being 'Lydia's cousin'.
He seems to notice my smile falter and places his hand softly on my bare shoulder, I flinch at the shock that seems to dance across my skin, and for a moment we just stare at each other. The moment is ruined by a body crashing through the crowd. Stiles jumps and looks at who it was before his eyes widen.
"Yo, Scott, you good?" He questions, trying to hold Scott up, but all he does is rush through the crowd, ignoring him.
Without another word, Stiles follows after him, leaving me alone in the sea of teenagers. I pause for a second before Allison catches my eye trying to make her way to the front door.
I pass my drink along to one of the people around; who graciously take it, and follow quickly behind Allison. I catch up outside as she stares out in the road, and I can tell she was going after Scott.
"Allison?" I call, and she turns to me. "You ok?" She only nods, "Hey, I know what will cheer you up," Allison looks up into my eyes, "Sleepover?" I offer and a smile reaches her eyes.
She looks behind me and I turn to see who it was, maybe it was Stiles? A dark-haired man stands behind me and I step back next to Allison.
"Allison? I'm a friend of Scott's. My name's Derek." He introduced a friendly smile on his face. "He had to go, but he asked me to take you home." Allison looks over at me.
"Oh,-" and a small smile appears on her face, seemingly glad Scott didn't forget about her. "Yeah- we are both going to mine if that's ok?" She asks, looking between me and Derek.
All he does is nod and take us to his car and before I know it we are at Allison's house, discussing what on earth happened at the party as I text Lydia telling her I am at Allison's.
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles quickly pulls upon the Argent driveway, almost falling out of the car. He stumbles up to the door shaking before knocking on the door like a madman. He better not have done anything, people saw Allison and Isabel get in Derek's car.
What if he killed them? Isabel and Allison just came to town and within a week they have been killed by some crazy werewolf.
His thoughts are cut off by the door opening slightly, an older lady with a dyed red pixie cut standing in the doorway. He takes a deep breath, not thinking this far ahead of what he was going to say.
"Hi, Mrs. Argent. Um - You have no idea who I am. I'm a friend of your daughter's. Uh - Look, this is gonna sound kind of crazy, um - Really crazy, actually. You know what? Crazy doesn't even describe -" He spurts out, but Mrs. Argent cuts him off.
"Allison! It's for you." She shouts, looking back at Stiles like he was crazy.
Stiles takes another breath, he lets it out as he sees Allison appear on the stairs landing.
Thank god Allison was ok, but what about-
"Everything ok, Ally?" A soft voice speaks and Stiles can finally breathe as the strawberry blond he was searching for appears at the top of the stairs next to the brunette.
All Stiles can do is smile.
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