《Panic Room • Stiles Stilinski [1]》[3] Pack Mentality
"You're not going to go away again, are you?"
♰ ♰ ♰
Isabel walks through the school hallway with Allison, trying to help brainstorm for a date idea for her and Scott. She told Allison about Stiles' confession yesterday in the hospital, and Allison gushed about how they can double date.
Isabel jokingly hit Allison's arm. As they turned the corner, Allison drops her books as someone runs into her. Allison lets out a shocked gasp and begins to pick up her books with the help of Isabel, who quickly chased after a loose paper that went flying. Allison looks up to see Scott and laughs.
"You scared the hell outta me." She breathes out.
Scott lets out a relieved sigh, before helping pick up the books. "You're okay." He murmurs and Allison laughs.
"Once my heart starts beating again, yeah. What?" She asks, realising he was staring. Scott shakes his head, helping Allison get to her feet as Isabel returns the rogue paper.
"I'm just happy to see you." He gives a lopsided smile. The speaker rumbles to life above the students.
"Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night on one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled."
Allison smiles at Scott, before hooking Isabel's arm to head to class.
"Save us a seat at lunch?" Allison asks. Scott nods and watches the pair walk away.
♰ ♰ ♰
"No, you're not cancelling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life. We'll figure it out." Stiles says to Scott, as they sit at a lunch table. A strawberry blond approaches and takes a seat next to Scott.
"Figure what out?" Lydia questions and the two boys stare at Lydia baffled and worried that she had heard too much.
"Just, uh, homework." Scott lies.
"Yeah," Stiles agrees, before leaning closer to Scott. "Why is she sitting with us?" Stiles asks, but before Scott can respond, a group of students approaches.
Allison takes the seat on the other side of Scott and gives him thanks for saving the seat. Isabel approaches from the other side and takes a seat next to Stiles and opposite Allison. Stiles turns at the sound and looks up in awe.
She gives a beaming smile as she sits next to him and begins to eat. Stiles cannot pull his eyes away. Jackson approaches behind one of the other guys from the lacrosse team.
"Get up." He demands.
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" He huffs. Danny snickers.
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny answers and Isabel scrunches her face at the comment. "So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar." Danny changes the subject, sat on the other side of Stiles.
"I heard mountain lion." Jackson interjects, and Isabel rolls her eyes.
"A cougar is a mountain lion." Isabel and Lydia correct at the same time. Jackson gives them both an unbothered look.
"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." He comments carelessly. Isabel shakes her head in disgust at Jackson.
"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles offers, holding his phone out for the group to see.
His heartbeat quickens as he feels Isabel moves closer, he can smell her fruity perfume.
"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."
"I know this guy." Scott says
"You do?" Allison asked, shocked.
"Yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver." Scott answers, seeming breathless. His eyes connect with Stiles' across the table.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were handing out tomorrow night, right?" Lydia says and Isabel shakes her head.
"Lydia!" She tries to shush, Lydia furrows her brows at her cousin giving a 'What?!' Look. Allison gives a thankful smile to Isabel but knows it's futile.
"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do. Isabel was trying to help with ideas."
"Well, I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the six of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun."
"Six?! What are you talking about, Lyd?" Isabel exclaims.
"One, two" she counts, for herself and Jackson, "three, four," she counts for Allison and Scott, "five and six!" She finishes, pointing to Stiles and Isabel.
"Hanging out? Like, the six of us? Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?" Scott asks Allison.
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Allison shrugs, slightly disappointed their date was ruined but still glad she could spend more time with Scott.
"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." Jackson gives a sarcastic smile.
"How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia offers, turning to Jackson.
"Yeah, with actual competition." Jackson laughs, shaking his head. Allison furrows her brows.
"How do you know we're not actual competition? You can bowl, right?" She asks Scott.
"Sort of." Scott shrugs.
"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson rolls his eyes.
"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler." Scott lies.
"Well, I don't know about you guys but I hate bowling." Isabel sighs. Lydia gives her a look.
"Isabel you can just watch and play on the claw machines of something." Lydia suggests, and Isabel slumps back in her seat. She turns to see Stiles staring at her.
"At least you can keep me company. Don't think you're getting out of this if I can't!" She whispers to him, and they both share a quiet laugh. Allison watches the pair with a smile.
♰ ♰ ♰
Stiles and Scott walk through the halls at the end of the school day.
"You're a terrible bowler." Stiles laughs, shaking his head. Scott gives Stiles a defeated look.
"I know! I'm such an idiot." Scott exclaims, throwing his hands to his face.
"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase." Stiles rambles.
"Hang out." Scott finishes and sighs. Stiles shakes his head.
"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You, me, and Danny can start hanging out."
"How is this happening? I either killed a guy or I didn't." Scott blurts.
"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles babbles.
"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asks, turning to Scott.
"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now—now I'm gonna be late for work." Scott complains, before running off, leaving Stiles by himself.
"Wait, Scott, you didn't - am I attractive to gay guys - you didn't answer my question!" Stiles calls, before sighing as he watches Scott leave through the school doors.
He turns on his feet, before jumping back as he sees Isabel standing behind him. She gives a small laugh.
"Do you want to be attractive to gay guys?" She chuckles, and Stiles' face drops.
"Uh- no! I mean, well - um." Stiles stutters, and Isabel shakes her head.
"I'm just joking Stiles, don't worry." She hums, and Stiles' body relaxes. "I wanted to ask you something." She asks, and Stiles immediately nods. "It's just about tomorrow."
"Uh- yeah, anything!" Stiles exclaims, and a part of his is worried she won't want to go with him. He prepares himself.
"I, uh- was just wondering if you wanted to grab something to eat afterward? I know group things can be awkward, and maybe we could get something to eat - just us?" She asks, a blush adorning her cheeks. Stiles' heart stops for a moment. She was asking him out? "Maybe like a - proper date? If you want to of course!" She babbles and a grin appears on Stiles' face.
"Wow-" He starts, "Hell yeah, that would be amazing. I'd love that." He replies breathlessly. Isabel gives a shy smile.
"Cool, I'll uh- See you tomorrow then."
"It's a date." Stiles grins. Isabel gives a beaming smile back, taking steps backward.
"It's a date." She confirms, before turning around and leaving. Stiles stands in the same spot, trying to figure what on earth just happened.
♰ ♰ ♰
Lydia, Isabel, and Allison sit in the Argent girl's room. Isabel and Lydia are dressed and ready, as they help Allison pick out an outfit. Lydia sprawls herself across Allison's bed, holding her head up with her arm.
"Mmm, pass. Pass. Let me see. Pass. Pass. Uh, pass on all of it." Lydia responds to each outfit Allison pulls out. "Allison, respect for your taste is, uh, dwindling by the second." Lydia sighs.
Isabel stands from the bed before moving over to Allison's closet. She quickly skims through before pulling out an outfit.
"This." Isabel smiles, Allison looks at the outfit with a nod of approval.
The two girls turn to Lydia who stares at the outfit for a second before approving. The door to Allison's room opens and the three girls turn at the noise. Allison's father enters the bedroom as Allison gives him a look.
"Dad, hello?" She exclaims.
"Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock." Chris Argent says sheepishly.
"Hi, Mr. Argent." Lydia and Isabel greet, Lydia, giving a sultry look.
"Dad, do you need something?" Allison questions in annoyance.
"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight." Chris responds and the three girls look at him in shock.
"What? I'm going out with my friends tonight!" Allison answers. Chris shakes his head.
"Not when some animal out there is attacking people."
"Dad, dad, I'm-uh -" Allison starts, but Chris cuts her off.
"It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 P.M. Hey, no more arguing." Chris demands, before leaving and shutting her door.
Allison looks defeated, as Isabel places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Someone's daddy's little girl." Lydia quips, and Isabel looks at her in disbelief.
"Sometimes. But not tonight." Allison responds, before heading to her window and opening it.
"What are you doing?" Isabel quietly asks, as not to alert Allison's father.
Lydia stands from the bed and the two follow after Allison, watching as she climbs out of the window and jumps, before landing gracefully. The two girls stare in shock.
"Eight years gymnastics. Are you coming?" She quietly shouts back. The two girls share a look before shaking their heads.
"We'll take the stairs." They laugh.
♰ ♰ ♰
"You look like you know what you're doing." Scott compliments, watching as Allison checks the bowling balls on the rack, trying to pick her weight. Allison gives a bashful smile.
"Used to bowl with my dad. When was the last time you bowled?" She questions.
"Uh, at a birthday party-" He gives a sheepish smile, before turning away. "When I was eight." He mumbles.
He watches in the distance as Isabel and Stiles stand in the back at a claw machine, Isabel jumping up and down excitedly as Stiles tries to win for her. The claw latches onto a pink bear before it loses grip at the last moment and drops back into the sea of stuffed animals.
"No!" The two exclaim, throwing their hands up.
"It's rigged!" Stiles demands, before reaching into his pocket for another quarter.
Scott turns at the sound of Allison's laughter and sees her watching their two friends as well.
"How cute are they?" She smiles and Scott smiles back.
They make their way over to where Lydia and Jackson begin the game. Jackson wraps his arms around Lydia, helping her throw the bowling ball, but it goes straight into the gutter.
Scott feels a sense of relief as it misses. Lydia grabs another ball, and Jackson helps her again. This time it knocks two pins.
"I'm so bad at this." Lydia sighs. Allison picks up her ball and makes her way over, lining up before throwing the ball.
A smile graces her lips as she throws a strike. Scott gives a proud smile and as Allison sits back down Lydia gives her a grin.
"Somebody brought their "A" game." She compliments, and Allison gives Scott a high five.
"Good job." He smiles, before turning his head to the floor and feels the nerves build up.
Jackson lines up, before throwing a strike. Lydia hollers as Jackson comes back to the seats.
"You're up, McCall." Jackson insists, both him and Lydia turning their heads to Scott. He sits for a moment, trying to prepare himself.
"You can do it, Scott." Allison encourages, giving a light elbow to his side.
Scott stands and grabs a ball, slowly walking up and trying to hope for the best as he throws the ball straight into the gutter. Jackson immediately begins laughing loudly.
Allison turns, annoyed. "Jackson? Mind shutting up?"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just flashing back to the words "I'm a great bowler." Jackson continues laughing.
Over at the claw machine, Isabel turns to Stiles who looks at the machine determined.
"You can do it, Stiles." She encourages, "I believe in you." Stiles turns at her words, giving a look of awe before cracking his fingers and placing them back on the machine.
His eyes fall onto a small stuffed giraffe. The machine begins and he aims for the animal, before hitting the button and the claw descends. Isabel watches closely, slightly jumping on her feet.
"C'mon- c'mon," Stiles chants, watching as the claw closes around the giraffe's neck, the head big enough for the claw to remain attached. His eyes widen.
The claw moves back to the dropbox and the giraffe lands inside. Stiles and Isabel shout in excitement, before wrapping their arms around each other and jumping.
Stiles reaches down and presents the stuffed toy to the beaming girl. She graciously takes it, before pressing her lips to Stiles' cheek. His face flushes red but gives a bashful smile.
"Thank you so much!" She grins, before grabbing his hand and pulling him over to where the other group was, Stiles looks at their interlocked hands with a beaming smile.
"Maybe he just needs a little warm-up." Isabel hears as they approach.
"Yeah, maybe he just needs the kiddy bumpers." Jackson quips back, Scott walks to grab another ball and watches Stiles and Isabel, giving a defeated look.
"Just - just aim for the middle." Allison suggests. trying to help.
"How about you aim for anything except for the gutter?" Jackson snarks, making Lydia laugh.
Isabel and Stiles sit next to Allison, and Isabel places a hand on Allison's back comfortingly, sensing the tension.
"Let him concentrate." Isabel defends, and the pair shut up.
Allison gives her a thankful smile, before noticing Isabel and Stiles' hands are still interlocked.
"Come on, just one pin, please." Scott begs himself, before throwing the ball.
It carries on straight down the alley before swerving into the gutter. Scott sighs. Isabel gives Lydia and Jackson a glare, telling them not to laugh.
"Great job, McCall. Man, you are a pro." Jackson shakes his head, ignoring Isabel. Scott takes a seat on the other side of Allison. She places a comforting hand on his leg.
"Don't worry. We only just started." She insists.
On Lydia's next turn, Jackson helps her again and she hits 3 pins. Allison and Jackson get a spare. Scott slowly stands, preparing himself for more embarrassment. Allison sees this a follows him up, as Jackson rolls his eyes.
"Scott. You're thinking too much." She whispers. Scott gives her a defeated look.
"I know, I'm sorry. I'm ruining this." He mumbles back. She shakes her head.
"No, no, not at all, but I wouldn't mind shutting them up, so just clear your head and think about something else." She clarifies. Scott looks at her confused.
"Like what?"
"Anything. Think about me. Naked." She whispers in his ear before running back to the seats, Isabel gives her a kind smile.
Scott takes a deep breath, smile on his face, and focuses on the middle of the pins, before shooting and scoring a strike. Jackson watches shocked as Lydia turns to Allison.
"What did you say to him?"
"Uh, I just gave him something to think about." Allison smiles, as Scott takes his seat next to her.
Isabel gives him a well done as Stiles watches in shock. After a few more rounds, Scott is in the zone and continuously scores strikes, Stiles gives him a proud pat on the back.
"That is seriously amazing. Jackson, uh, how many strikes is that?" Allison brags.
"It's six. In a row." Jackson responds, annoyed.
"Something just clicked, I guess." Scott smiles at Allison, and Isabel watches Lydia suspiciously as she turns to Scott.
"Maybe it's natural talent." Allison comments, happily.
"I could use some natural talent. You mind helping me out this time, Scott?" Lydia asks. Isabel narrows her eyes at her cousin.
"No, you're good. Go for it." Scott answers, looking between the three girls around him.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Lydia snaps back. Isabel shakes her head.
"Hey, I'll help." Jackson offers, but Lydia shakes her head.
"How about I just try this on my own?" She answers before Jackson takes a seat. Lydia gets a strike and squeals. "I think I'm getting the hang of it." She lies.
"That was sort of perfect form." Allison whispers to the girl. Lydia gives a nonchalant look. Isabel rolls her eyes and chuckles.
"Was it?" She responds, trying to be clueless.
"Maybe you should stop pretending to suck just for his benefit." Allison suggests, and Lydia rolls her eyes.
"Trust me, I do plenty of sucking just for his benefit."
After the match, Isabel and Stiles say their goodbyes and get into Stiles' jeep together. Allison and Scott watch with a smile. They head over to one of the local burger joints and take a seat in the booth opposite one another.
Isabel looks down at the menu as Stiles watches her lovingly. He can't believe this is happening right now. Isabel's eyes look up and catch him staring. Stiles blushes in response.
"So," Isabel begins, "Curly fries?" She smiles and Stiles grins and nods.
"Curly fries sounds amazing." He answers, before sitting back in his seat as the waitress arrives. She was an older lady and gave a wrinkly smile, her hair tied back in a bun.
"What can I get the lovely couple?" She gives a smile, holding her pen to her notepad.
"Oh- Uhm, we ar-" Stiles begins to stutter before Isabel cuts him off.
"Can we get a large plate of curly fries to share? And a large chocolate milkshake? Oh, with extra cream please!" Isabel beams at the waitress and Stiles watches her in shock.
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