《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》The Crown Prince


It seemed Queen Kaikeyi had bad news.. Her father King Ashwapathi was very ill and was in his last moments. He had asked for Bharat and Shatrughan with their brides. This was why she had called Bharat to her chambers the time he was talking to Mandavi. Bharat had agreed to go at once. He had spent most of his childhood at Kaikeyi under the tutelage of his uncle Yudhjeet in the art of warfare for his mother wanted him to master the art. Shatrughan had tagged along with him to keep him company. He had spoken to Mandavi regarding this and she had agreed to go. The four of them were to leave to Kaikeya the next day. The next morning, the royal family was at the entrance of the palace. King Dashratha looked weak. He still hadn't recovered but his temparature was stable. Queen Kaikeyi gave Bharat a letter to pass on to her father. She blessed the four of them. Queen Sumita had gently told her youngest son to always listen to his brother's words. Shatrughan nooded his head with a smile. At that moment, the wiseness reflected in his face. The brothers shared a warm hug, the love and care they had for each other reflected in the hug. The sisters shared a tight hug. Mandavi wanted to speak to her sisters regarding Manthra's talk to her last night. But the circumstances were such that she couldn't even have a word with them. She hoped everything would be fine. Shrutikeerti had a tear rolling down her cheek but she had wiped it away giving a brave smile to them all. The four of them set off to Kaikeya. Days passed. The palace was quieter with two of the sisters away. Urmila found herself spending more time with her paint palette. Sita spent her time in the kitchens and her responsibilities. Being the oldest daughter-in-law, she had more responsibilities than her sisters. In the royal hall, King Dasharatha was having a meeting with his ministers. Ram and Lakshman were present there too. The King looked at his sons. Lakshman asked "Father.. What is it ? Are you troubled ? What is the matter ?" Dashratha smiled at his younger son "No Dear Lakshman. I am not worried.. This is some happy new that I am to share." Lakshman smiled a little. Ram calmly said "Please Father.. Do share your happiness with us.." King Dashratha's eyes softened at his oldest son. He stood up from his throne and announced "Ministers of The Royal Court of Ayodhya. I proclaim my heir to all of you.. My eldest son Ram shall be crowned as my successor tomorrow." There was a buzz of approval from all around. Lakshman's eyes twinkled in pride. His Brother Ram was going to be king.. He was the happiest person in the world. He hugged his brother out of joy. Ram stayed calm. He looked at his father "Father.. Is this your decision that I accept the throne ?" The old king looked at his son with pride "Ofcourse son.. Yes." Ram gave a nod of approval. Unseen to the others, the old king heaved a sigh of relief. He had not been keeping well for the past few days and his nightmares had become worse. He wouldn't tell anyone of his nightmares though, for he wanted it to be a happy and joyous affair.


The news apread around Ayodhya of Prince Ram's coronation. The city was bursting with joy and decorations. The people loved Rama and were esctatic at the news. The queens were sharing their happiness with each other. Queen Kausalya had tears of happiness in her eyes. Queen Sumitra retained a calm smile on her face as if she knew this was going to happen. Queen Kaikeyi was in her chambers calling to her maids for some arrangements adfter the news reached her. Lakshman rused to his chambers, his eyes shining with excitement. Urmila was putting te finishing touches to her painting. She turned to look at her husband panting for breath and raised an yebrow "Did a hurricane chase you here, Soumitra ? You look flushed.. And very excited." Lakshman smiled widely "The news is such Urmila. Even you will be dancing in joy." Urmila smiled at her husband. He looked so much like his twin with that wide smile and she felt a pang of sadness in her heart. She missed Mandavi and Shrutikeerti. Lakshman exclaimed "Brother Ram is to be crowned Prince tomorrow." Urmila dropped her brush in surprise. A million thoughts rushed to her mind, most of them being the happiness at the news. She smiled, her full lips curving into a pleasant smile at the news Lakshman continued "You are to help Sister Sita with the ceremonies. You are to dress her up. It is going to be so hectic. Everyone will be so busy. Why would they not.. It is their favourite prince's coronation." Urmila's face dropped to a thoughtful look "But Soumitra.. Why not wait for Brother Bharat and Shatrughan to return from Kaikeya ?" Lakshman replied "I don't know Urmila. Father says he wants it done tomorrow. He has not been keeping well since the past few days. Even if Brother Bharat and Shatrughan were here, he would have done the same thing." Lakshman walked into the bath chambers leaving Urmila thinking. Lakshman was right.. She was thinking too much. She rused to her sisters chambers. Sita was seated upon a soft cushion, rubbing her hands. The news had been very surprising to her and she looked lost as to what to do. Urmila walked into the chambers "Sita.. My dear sister.. Congratulations.." She held Sita's hands and hugged her. Sita relished the warmth radiating off her sister and she relaxed "Oh Urmi. Thanks for coming. I can't believe Ram is going to be king tomorrow." Urmila broke the hug and put on a mischievous face "Does this mean I have to call you Maharani from tomorrow ? Sita softly glared at her with a smile "I will have you thrown into the dungeons for calling me that." Both burst out laughing. Urmila laid her head on her sister's shoulders and sighed "I wish Mandavi and Shrutikeerti were here." Sita sighed "I wish too, Urmi."


Urmila straightened herself up "Ok.. So I will help you get ready for tomorrow." Sita sighed in relief "Thans Urmi. I am to sleep with you today as is tradition that only at coronation should the kind and queen see each other. Maa Kausalya gave me a list of norms that need to be carried out." Urmila asked "Doesn't it make you feel like a blushing new bride again ?" Sita blushed.. Urmila laughed. She stayed back at Sita's chambers for the night. Early in the morning, she got up and woke Sita too. The sky was still dark. The sun still hadn't come up. Sita was taken for a bath by the maids while Urmila arranged the ornaments and asked the maids for something or the other that was required. By the time Sita came out, the sun had apeared but he was soon gone and the clear sky was replaced by grey clouds. Sita was made to sit down infront of the mirror. Urmila was giving instructions to the maids for the silk shawls and ruby ornaments. Urmila fit in the intricate pieces of ornaments into the rights places. Sita looked like a queen. Ram was in Lakshman's chambers. He was dressed in golden line white robes. He was to first perform the Narayan pooja and then for the rajyabhishek that would take place later. As Lakshman put the armlets around his brother's arms, Ram smiled at him "My dear Lakhman.. Don't you think you should get ready too ?" Lakshman smiled "Brother.. It is your day.. It is you everyone should be thinking of." Ram caressed Lakshman's hair "Lakshman.. Get ready.. I don't want Sister Urmila to think you just dot out of sleep.. We wouldn't want that now, would we ?" Lakshman laughed a little "No we wouldn.t But just this one.. And then I will get ready." Lakshman got dressed in robes of royal blue and they made their way towards the prayer hall. A guard came running to them. Ram asked "What happened ? Is something wrong ?" The guard folded his hands "Prince Ram. Your presence is requested by the king at Queen Kaikeyi's chambers." Ram asked " So be it.. I will come along." He turned towards Lakshman "Brother.. Go to the prayer hall.. I will be coming along." Lakshman started "But Brother.." Ram persister "Lakshman.. Just go.. Don't worry. I will be fine.. You go along." Lakshman nodded and made his way towards the Prayer Hall. Sita was taken to the prayer hall for the Narayan pooja , post which Ram would take oath as the Crown Prince. The hall was decorated lavishly with flowers. Sage Vashisht was present in his place, looking through the pooja arrangements with his fellow sage sishyas. Queen Kausalya and Queen Sumitra was present there dressed in their royal best. But Ram was no where to be seen. Neither was the king noe Queen Kaikeyi. Lakshman walked into the chambers alone. Urmila walked towards Lakshman "Soumitra.. Where is Brother Ram ?" Lakshman replied "With Mother Kaikeyi. I was bringing him down when a guard brought news that his presence was requested by Father at Mother Kaikeyi's chambers." Urmila simply nodded her head. Maybe Mother Kaikeyi wanted to bless Brother Ram first before he took his oath as the Crown Prince. She adored him. So that must be it, thought Urmila.

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