《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》Days At Ayodhya
The sisters had beautifully settled into their roles as the daughters-in-law of the Royal Family of Ayodhya. Their welcome had been a festival of sorts. There were dancers, flowers showered upon them and the people greeting them at every step. They had met Ram's sister Shanta on the outskirts of Ayodhya and her husband Sage Rishyasringa. Shanta had been elated at meeting the brides of her brothers. She had taken care of them like her own children and made them feel at home. At Ayodhya, the sisters were given the customary welcome aarti along with their husbands. Queen Kausalya was a dignified and sweet person who welcomed her sons and daughters-in-law with happy tears in her eyes. She was the oldest of the queens and the most modest. Ram had inherited her calmness. Queen Kaikeyi looked regal in her beauty and her eyes shined with valour and bravery. Urmila knew she was a cherished warrior too having told by her father during one of their story times at Mithila. Queen Kaikeyi had a proud smile on her face at the sight of her sons. Bharat had inherited Kaikeyi's beauty. He was her biological son but she never showed any difference in the love for all the four brothers but Urmila thought she could see the pride in her eyes for Ram. Queen Sumitra was a calm and welcoming person and her smile made the girls feel at home. She hugged the four sisters and was sweet with her words and wise with her actions. She was the youngest queen of King Dasharatha and the mother to twins Lakshman and Shatrughan.. Urmila noticed the similarities the twins bore to their mother. As she did the aarti of Shatrughan and Shrutikeerti she had comforted Shrutikeerti that Shatrughan could be a handful with his humor but he was a golden hearted person. Shrutikeerti had blushed at the compliment. When she came to Urmila, she exclaimed "Atlast !! My Lakshman has met his match.. I never thought that was even possible, given his temper." Urmila smiled at her comment.
Right now, the sisters were sitting in Mandavi's chambers. They never got to spend time together after their wedding due to their responsibilities but they made it a point to squeeze in sometime and meet in any of their chambers for some sister time. They had chosen Mandavi's chambers for the day. Mandavi was arranging a stack of books on the shelf "Everyone's been so busy.. We hardly have time for ourselves." Shrutikeerti piped up "Isn't that why we are here together ?? To spend some time together.." Urmila looked through the sprawled over books on the table and frowned "Mandavi.. You really need to organize this table.. The poor thing looks like tis about to break." Mandavi replied "Hmph.. You are one to talk, dear sister.." Urmila's frown deepened.. Sita chided softly " Don't start one of your tiffs now, Mandavi and Urmila." Urmila turned to Sita "What about you Sita ? You've been awfully quiet ?" Sita added "Me ?? Oh nothing.. I have been in the kitchens ofcourse.. Ayodhya's kitchens are bigger than Mithila's and one can get to learn so many recipes here." Urmila noticed the shine in Sita's eyes "I don't know what is so great about cooking. Its just putting few spices together and making a dish." Sita smiled "Just like mixing two colors of fresh paint together and making a beautiful picture, cooking is a mixture of spices to bring out a beautiful dish." Mandavi added in "And that is how Sita wins and Urmila loses this game." Urmila glared at her cousin but Mandavi's smile only deepened. Urmila muttered "Very funny Rakshasi." Shrutikeerti asked "I thought you both don't call each other that anymore ?" Urmila replied "Ofcourse not.. We are alone.. I have every right to call her Rakshasi." Mandavi retorted back "You are the Rakshasi here." Sita walked upto them and put a hand on each shoulder "Now now.. Let us not be audience to one of your infamous squabbles.. Let us talk about us.. Its been long since we've just talked.. Tell me sisters. What have you been doing ? Shrutikeerti ?" Shrutikeerti blushed lightly "Nothing Sita. Younger Soumitra is really sweet. Mother Sumitra was right when she told he could be a handful. His humor is so additive. I feel myself opening up more when I am around him." Sita smiled "What about you Mandavi ?" Mandavi piped up "Kaikeyinandan is very calm. He is very patient and listens to what I want to speak. He is a very sorted person." Sita's eyes turned towards Urmila "Urmila.. What about you ?" Urmila smiled at the thought of her husband. He might be the fearsome prince of Ayodhya but Urmila knew he was soft and caring.. They had been here for months and she understood her husband very well "I don't know. We have understood each other quite well over the last few days.. He likes to watch me paint.. I made him a portait of the palace of Ayodhya and all he tells me is that I should paint him so that my brushed would be blessed." The other three laughed at her comment. Mandavi wondered "I never thought Sumitranandan would have a sense of humor. He looks ready to claw all the time." Umrila muttered "Ofcourse he has a sense of humor.. A very dark one at that." Urmila turned towards Sita "What about you Sita ? How is Brother Ram ?" A calm smile spread across her face as she was reminded of her husband "Raghunandan is very calm and responsible. He took me out to the gardens yesterday and even into the city. People love him so much." Mandavi smiled "Ofcourse.. He is the to be king, isn't he ? People will love him.."
They were interrupted by a maid anouncing the arrival of a woman. Mandavi smiled and asked her to let her come in. Urmila asked "Who is it ?" Mandavi smiled "Its Manthra. She was Mother Kaikeyi's wet nurse and has been like a mother to her since childhood." At that moment, an old woman stepped into the chambers. She had greying hair, beady eyes and a hunch at the back. She smiled at Mandavi and conveniently ignored the other three in the chambers "Mandavi, my dear.. My sweet Princess. How are you ?" Mandavi smiled at her "I am fine Manthra.. You haven't had the time to meet my sisters properly.. Here they are." She pointed towards Sita, Urmila and Shrutikeerti. They smiled politely at her and they got a small smile in return. Manthra turned back to Mandavi "Princess.. I have got you some mangoes picked up ripe from the garden.. You like then, don't you ?" Mandavi smiled at the basket in the old woman's hands "Ofcourse yes.. Urmila do you remember ? In Mithila, we used to climb the mango trees and munch on mangoes.. I am reminded of those times." Urmila smiled at her cousin. She also remembered those times in Mithila. Mandavi took the basket from her hands and thanked her for the mangoes. Manthra greeted Mandavi sweetly, gave a look at the other princesses and left the chambers. Urmila felt something off about her. She decided to ask Mandavi about it "What a sweet old lady !! She loves you, doesn't she ?" Mandavi replied "Ofcourse she does. She adored Bharat a lot and so in turn, she loves me too." Urmila carefully said "Yes ofcourse.. And the other princes.. She doesn't." Mandavi looked at her cousin frowning "What do you mean ?" Urmila shrugged "Nothing.. Just that she adores you so much and us.. Nothing. SOmething is not right about that lady and her manners." Mandavi brushed it off "Oh Urmi... Come on now.. Don't be so critical.. She is meeting you now.. She might be apprehensive.. Now do you want these mangoes or are you going to miss a fine treat ?" Urmila just nodded and went to join her sisters in the mango treat.
Urmila returned to her chambers to get some painting done.. Her hands ached for the brush and palette. She was about to start painting on her sisters and herself on their wedding day when she heard her husband come in.. She kept down her palette and brush and walked towards him "Long day Soumitra ?" Lakshman nodded "Ofcourse Urmila.. Father took ill all of a sudden." Urmila exclaimed "What happened ?" Lakshman answered "He has a fever.. He is his chambers.. Brother Ram and Mothers are with him. How was your day ? I heard you sisters camped up in Sister Mandavi's room.." Urmila sighed "Yes we did. I was good." Lakshman raised an eyebrow "What aren't you telling me Mila ?" Urmila had her questions about Manthra but she didn't knew if they were to be asked. She didn't like the old lady that much. She went against her thoughts and told Lakshman all about what had happened in Mandavi's chambers. Lakshman frowned "I don't know how I had missed telling you this for I should have done this long ago." Urmila looked at him "What is it ?" Lakshman sighed "Stay away from that woman, Mila.. She is pure poison.. We put up with her for Brother Bharat and Mother Kaikeyi" Urmila exclaimed "What !! But why ??" Lakshman continued "She is Mother Kaikeyi's wet nurse. When Mother Kaikeyi got married, she brought her along to Ayodhya. She is the reason there is a situation here." Urmila couldn't help but ask "What situation ?" Lakshman explained "When Mother Kaikeyi married Father, there was a condition placed by her father that the Mother Kaikeyoi's son would be the king. I am guessing that proposal was put forward by Manthra." Urmila looked thoughtful "How can you be so sure of that ?" Lakshman explained "Mila.. I know the woman in and out. She is capable of that. She even tried to drive us brothers apart." Urmila looked shocked "What ?? " Lakshman sighed "Yes. She did.. But we brothers saw through her and our bond only strengthened. She has a special animosity towards Brother Ram." His eyes fired up at the thought of anyone having animosity towards his Brother Ram. Urmila placed a hand on his shoulder "Any reason ?" Lakshman grunted "She says it is because Brother Ram hit on her hunchback with a stone.. But the real reason is because he is Mother Kausalya's son which makes him the oldest son of Father and because Father seems to favour him more than any of us." This information made Urmila get thoughtful. Was Manthra trying to poison Mandavi's mind to drift the sisters apart like she tried to do to the brothers ?? The brothers became stronger than ever but willthe sisters ever remain the same ? She knew Mandanvi was strong-headed and intelligent to decipher any such thing but the anomisity towards Brother Ram was what she was worried about. She knew now that Mother Kaikeyi too had a special preference towards Brother Ram.. How was this all going to end...
Bharat had just reached his chambers. He found Mandavi reading a book on one of the tables. He smiled to himself. Mandavi noticed him and got off the table feeling embarrassed. Bharat smiled "Its ok Mandavi. Its only me.. You can continue your reading.. By the looks of it, you were really engrossed in it." Mandavi's face broke into a smile "Yes.. The book in interesting." Bharat teased he lightly "Perhaps you can engross me to the book too." She smiled at the remark. A maid came in with the request that Mother Kaikeiyi wanted to see Bharat in her chambers. Bharat excused himself and went towards his mother's chambers. She was interrupted by Manthra.. Mandavi smiled at the old lady. She couldn't understand why Urmila found her not trustworthy. Mandavi greeted her "Princess.. How are you ?" Mandavi replied politely.. Manthra continued "Sweet Princess.. Whenever I look at you, I don't seem to understand as to why your place is not higher than your older sister's." Mandavi frowned at the remark. What was Manthra trying to say "What do you mean Manthra ?" Manthra replied non differently "Nothing.. I am just stating the fact.. A fact that the royal family has burried into the ground." Mandavi was agitated "Explain clearly Manthra.. What do you have to say ?" Manthra took up a soft tone "That day.. When will that day come when my Bharat will be crowned as the king !!" Mandavi felt her temper rising "What are you talking Manthra !!! That day will never come.. For Brother Ram will be the King of Ayodhya.." Manthra threw her an exasperated look and shook her head "You are foolish as Kaikeyi is.. Even she doesn't understand what is good for her." mandavi cut her off "And you do ??" Manthra retorted "Ofcourse I do.. I always wanted the best for my dear Kaikeyi and her family which includes you.." Mandavi exclaimed "If you wanted her happiness, then you wouldn't be trying to ruin what she has now." Manthra grunted "She doesn't know what she want.. She's always been naive that way.. She fawns over that Sita who isn't even of royal heritage.." Mandavi had had enough and she exclaimed "Enough Manthra !! I will not have you saying another word against Sita.. I've known her since I was born and I won't listen to another word that maligns her. What is your problem with my sisters !! They haven't done anything wrong to you." Manthra scoffed "Not to me Princess. But to you.. Sita is upsurping you position, Urmila will follow her and little Shrutikeerti will follow them too for Shatrughan is Lakshman's twin.. And you my dear, will be left alone." Mandavi raised a hand to ask her to stop.. She was quivering with rage "Stop it Manthra !! I will not have you say another word against my sisters. As far as the throne is concerned, that responsibility rests with the king.. And the king decided who would be his successor.. And that matter is something that is strictly confidential between Father and sons.. Do not bring me into this.. From the moment I've stepped into the palace, you have always fawned over me and given the cold shoulder to my sisters. I will not take it anymore.. Urmila was right when she told me that something was not right about you.. Now leave Manthra..."
The old lady continued "Oh.. So that Urmila has told you something about me, isn't it ? I have never seen such a princess who doesn't care for the traditional norms of kitchen and spends he time painting. Sita is better than her. I sometimes wonder if Urmila is the adopted daughter." Mandavi shouted "Manthra !!!" Her eyes were filled with rage as she pointed a finger at the old lady "Not one more word.. Leave from here Manthra.. Will you leave by yourself or do I have to ask my maids to show you the way.. And believe me. It won't be good." Manthra shook her head at her "Now you don't understand.. One day, you will.. You will come to me thanking me.. I will wait for that day, dear." Mandavi turned away from the old lady not wanting to hear any other words from her. Manthra left and Mandavi turned to her direction and smiled.. Urmila was right. Manthra definitely was a person to keep away from. Did Manthra really think she would nod her head to every demand of hers !! She had a mind of her own and Mithila had shaped it up really well to think with.
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