《The Ramayana - Lakshmila's POV》The Exile
The anger that coursed through Lakshman knew no bounds. What was supposed to be joyous day for Ayodhya turned to a mourning one in a matter of seconds. He still remembered the calm face with which Brother Ram announced to the people in the hall that he was not to be the Crown Prince. Bharat would be Crown Prince instead and that he was to follow orders of Father to dedicate fourteen years of his life as a vanvasi. Lakshman was furious at his father. How could the man do such a thing !! And Mother Kaikeyi.. Wasn't Ram her son !! How could a mother sentence her son to such a predicament. Queen Kausalya had fallen into Queen Sumitra's arms at the news. She was lamenting in her chambers at the unfair conditions bestowed upon her son. Umrila found herself in her chambers with her husband. She could feel the rage radiate off him and she didn't knew what to do. Sita had followed Ram into their chamber. If she knew her sister, she was trying to persuade Brother Ram into taking her along. She put a trembling hand on her husband's shoulder. Furious eyes turned to look at her "I will not spare either of them !!" Urmila's eyes went fearful at his anger "What are you going to do !!" Lakshman took up his quiver of arrows and bow in his hand "Put an end to this.." Urmila's eyes widened in fear. She knew her husband well enough to understand what was going on in his mind. She ran behind him pleading for him to stop but Lakshman did not spare a glance at his wife. His mind was occupied with only the thought of the predicament bestowed upon his beloved older brother. He charged into Queen Kaikeyi's chambers with a furious anger. Urmila knew what she had to do. Lakshman's voice coursed thtough Queen Kaikeyi's chambers "Queen Kaikeyi !!!" The regal queen looked up from where she was seated, her eyes devoid of all the love that once reigned. All that was left of her was a sense of hauteur and empty eyes. She stared straight at him never flinching even for a moment. Manthra was standing next to her with her evil eyes looking to and fro from Lakshman to Queen Kaikeyi. Lakshman raised a shaky finger to accuse the middle queen but was stopped by a calm voice from the door "Lakshman.." The effect was immediate.. The furious Prince softened at the call of his name by his protector.. His brother Ram. He turned around to see Ram standing near the door with a scared Urmila behind him. The bow fell from his hands and down fell Lakshman onto his knees "Brother !!! O Brother !! What is this unfair punishment !!! You who have never done anything wrong.. Why is this being bestowed upon you ?? Is this not fair !!" Ram's calm voicre resonated through the chambers "Dear Lakshman... Being a descandant of the holy Raghukul Clan, it is our first Dharma to keep up our promises. Our promises define us.. I am merely keeping up with the tradition that has been followed by every Raghuvanshi." Lakshman looked into the eyes of his older brother "If it is so Brother, then please take me along with you. For I have no reason to be here when my everhything is being taken away from me. Please Brother.. Do not cast me away for I cannot bear it." Ram smiled "So be it, dear Lakshman." No one noticed a pair of feet walk away from the chambers, her heart shattered into a million pieces.
Lakshman got up from his brother's feet and looked into his calm eyes. Ram wordlessly pulled him in for a loving embrace. The moment was brokren by a cold voice "All this is fine.. I do expect the three of you to leave as soon as possible for the forests so as that your exile starts early. Any delay and it may lead to your exile to prolong further." Lakshman wanted to cut in. For a moment, he couldn't believe that Mother Kaikeyi was saying all those words.. Hadn't Ram always her beloved son.. Where had all the love gone ?? Or was it all only a pretext for gaining the throne.. Deep down, he knew the answer to all his questions.. The reason for all the chaotic events happening.. Manthra !! He wanted to strangle the old woman and along with it, he malicious schemes. And the three of us !! Was Sister Sita coming along too ?? His dear Sister Sita had to endure fourteen years of tedious exile.. His heart wept at the thought of that. His insides roared with anger. But Ram's hand on his shoulder calmed him down "Ofcourse Mother.." With that the brothers left the chambers. Lakshman walked to his chambers. He was blocked at the doorway by his wife who had a small smile on his face. But the smile somehow did not reach her eyes. It was then that Lakshman realized that at the middle queen's chambers, he had conveniently forgotten about his wife. The realization of the predicament that the fourteen year exile dawned upon him. He would not see his wife for fourteen years. He was brought out of his thoughts by Urmila "Soumitra.. We do not have time.. Come along Soumitra.." She held his hand and dragged him along with her to the middle of their chambers.She spoke of irrelevant things; like how grey the sky was, that it might rain and how she found a squirrel run away with a nut. Lakshman stood still, not moving a finger. He knew she was hurting. He hadn't thought of her while he had asked his brother to take him along for the exile. When he thought of the exile, he realized that Sister Sita was going along with them while Urmila wouldn't. He wouldn't let her either.. The forest was no cakewalk. There were threatening dangers that loomed at every step.. And he was going as a protector for his Brother Ram and Sister Sita. He caught her hand as she walked around the chambers. She fell against his hard chest "Mila..." Urmila's doe-eyes looked up at him. And her resolve broke.. All the strength that she had mustered so as to not break down infront of he husband washed away the moment she looked into those eyes of her husband. The pain reflected back. Tears pooled into her eyes and ran down her rosy cheeks. Lakshman did not speak a word and gathered her in his embrace.. He let her cry. Urmila broke down in his arms. She let out wails of grief. He let her wail. He did nothing to stop her except run his fingers through the tresses of her hair. Her wails reduced to silent sobs. She broke the embrace and looked at him. Lakshman gently wiped the tears with his thumb "Urmila... I.." She put her hand to lips "You need not speak a word, Soumita.. For I understand." Her words held so much maturity and determination in them that Lakshman couldn't help but feel proud of her. proud that this wonderful woman was his wife.. Proud that such a strong woman had come into his life. He cupped her cheek with his hand. She leaned into his soft touch "Soumitra.. Please do not break my resolve.. I might melt into it.." She slowly brushed his hand away from her cheek "Remember Soumita.. When at Mithila, we spoke about the equation between us and I had promised not to come inbetween your duties to you brother..." Lakshman nodded wordlessly. Urmila continued "The time has come for me to fulfill that promise.. The time for me to keep up my word has come. Go Soumitra.. I will not stop you.. Your Brother and Sister Sita need you. Protect them and come back to me. For I cannot live if you don't" Lakshman covered Urmila's lips with his palm and nodded negatively "No Urmila... Never speak about death for I cannot take it. You are my strength.. You are my soul. I am taking your determination along with me, my Mila. For that is what gives me strength. I want to take a picture of my smiling Mila with me.. Please Mila." And she did.. She smiled.. A tearful smile. Lakshman wiped the tears away "Give me your word, Mila. Give me your word that for these fourteen years, you will not shed a drop of tear from those doe-eyes of yours.. For my heart constricts in pain everytime I see them." She closed her eyes in silent agreement. Her hands shakily lifted up the clothes made of saffron. Lakshman's hands reached towards them but he was stopped by a soft NO from his wife "Let me Soumitra.."
In Ram's chambers, Sita sat devastated on the bed. Ram had told her about Lakshman accompanying them to the forest for fourteen years. Her eyes scrunched up in tears at the thought of her younger sister. Her support, he strong pillar, her Mila.. She knew her was a strong woman but fourteen years was such a long time. Had it been her, she wouldn't have had the soul to live. Her younger sister was so strong and she felt proud to have such a sister. She wanted to talk to her, hug her for one last time, caress her head for one last before the journey through the forests started. Ram had understood her restlessness "Sita.. Let us go to Urmila.." They were clothed in clothes of saffron, a reminder to all of their journey for fourteen years. Her feet made their way restlessly towards Urmila's chambers. Each moment filled with dread as to what to expect. The chambers were dimly lit. As they walked inside, they found Urmila tying up her husband's thick hair into a knot on the top of his head. Her face was expressionless and Sita felt her heart break into pieces. Her ever-chirpy sister was now devoid of emotions. Ram's voice resonated around the room "Urmila.." Lakshman and Urmila turned to look at Ram and Sita. One look at her sister and Urmila found herself running into her arms.. Sita wrapped her arms around her sister, gathering her in her arms. Urmila embraced her sister for one last time. Sita's voice shook with tears "Urmila.. My dear sister... How are you so strong !!!" Urmila smiled a little "Sita.. I do not have to worry for I always have Soumitra with me, in my heart.." The sisters broke the hug. Sita kept Urmila in arms leangth "But Urmila.. Fourteen years.." Urmila interrupted her "I know Sita.. Remember all those years ago, when we were young girls we had a lesson with Mata Gargi ? About sacrifice.. All that is about to come true today.." Sita cupped her face "But Urmila.. Aren't you worried ?" Urmila placed her palm on top of Sita's hand "For what Sita ??? Soumitra is going with you and Brother Ram... He is like your son Sita.. And I know you will take care of him like a mother does a son.. And with Brother Ram with him, I need not worry for Soumitra's heart is filled with the name of Ram.. Nothing will happen to him. Ad do not think for one moment that I am not with you Sita.. I am sending my Soumitra with you.. With him with you, I will feel as if I am with you." Sita's eyes filled with tears "Urmila.. You are the one of the strongest women I have ever met.. I am proud to have you as my sister." Urmila smiled at her "It is time Sita. You three need to proceed towards the Prayer Hall. I will join you in sometime." The prayer hall looked gloomy... The flowers hanging from the pillars and the walls showed the eminder of a perfectly wonderful day with the crowning of their beloved Prince Ram. Queen Kausalya was brought in with support from Queen Sumitra.. They looked devastated. No one had seen King Dasharath after what had happened. The old king was still in his chambers. The guards and the maids stood stiff as the annoucement was made that Ram, Lakshman and Sita were arriving to the Prayer chambers. A few moments passed and there stood in the doorway three people clad in robes of saffron. Ram looked every bit the regal prince he was, despite the saffron robes. Lakshman looked royal, though the robrs looked out of match on his lithe bosy. Devoid of any jewelary Sita looked ever beautiful, staying true to her title "Bhoomija" Kausalya burst into tears at the sight of her son and daughter-in-law. She fell into Ram's arms and wailed in grief. Ram patted the top of her head "Mother.. Do not worry.. I am just keeping up the tradition of Raghukul. I am following Father's orders." Kausalya held on to him "But how am I supposed to survive without you, my son... How will this old mother live !!" Ram continued gently "Mother.. I want you to take this smiling face of your son in your heart for fourteen years.. When I come back, I want to see my Mother Kausalya with her hand filled with a bowl of my favourite food that she will feed me with her own hands." Kausalya gave a weak smile to him. Lakshman walked towards his mother who had a brave smile on her face. He fell on her feet to take her blessings and stood up to face her. Sumits cupped his cheek lovingly "Lakshman.. For fourteen years, you will live in the forest. Take care of your Brother and Sita.. The forest is a dangerous place. For these fourteen years, Ram is your father and Sita is your mother. Protect them, my son." Lakshman closed his eyes and agreed silently. Sumitra pulled him into a warm embrace "Worry not, Lakshman.. For Urmila will be with me."
The old king's chambers looked darker than ever, with the curtains closed shut not allowing any light to course in.. His days had become like that - dark.. He was ashamed of himself.. Ashamed of his existence, having given his word stupidly. His Ram was going into the forest.. For fourteen years.. How was he supposed to live with that !!! Perhaps it was his destiny.. A sin he had committed long back was coming to get him now. His weak eyes could see people coming into his chambers. He squinted his eyes peoperly and his eyes widened as he saw the people... Ram, Lakshman and Sita dressed in safron robes and his two queens behind them. Ram had a pleasant smile on his face as he touched his father's feet "Father.. Give your blessings for I am going to fullfill the word I gave you." Dasharath lamented in grief "No Ram !! No !! Do not leave me son !!! For I cannot live without you... I will cast away my word I gave to that wretched woman !!! How have I been so stupid to have not seen thorugh her schemes !!! " Ram walked over to the bed and caught the old king's palm "Father !!! You are not wrong.. You had given your word and now you are keeping it up... It is the tradition of Raghukul to keep up their word." The king closed his eyes and let tears fall down his eyes. Sita touched his feet for blessings and stood beside Ram "Father... Worry not... For you are in safe hands.." The king saw Sita and more tears fell from his eyes "Daughter.. I have done wrong with you.. You deserve to live in happiness and splendour.. Yet, here you are dressed up as a forest dweller.. Forgive me, daughter.." Sita replied "No Father... I am merely following my husband as he goes into exile.. It is my Dharma." Lastly, Lakshman bent forward to touch his father's feet. He stood on the other side and he faced his father. A sliver of pain course through the old king's face "Lakshman.. My dear son.. Forgive you old father for his stupidity.. I am evil for having to seperate you from your wife... Oh !! How will I face you, Lakshman... I do not have the courage.. How will I face Daughter Urmila for what I have put her through !!" Lakshman caught his father's hand "Take care Father.. And do bless me that I would be successful in protecting my Brother and Sister Sita" That was what he said and moved back. Dashrath's weak hands touched the top of Lakshman's head. Sumitra who had regained her composure called out to one of the maids to bring in the thali to send them off.. She was stopped mid-sentence by a voice "No need of it Mother.. For I have brought it with me." They turned towards the doorway to see Urmila. Gasps of shock were heard around the chambers. Urmila had a serene smile on her face.. She was devoid of all her jewellary, except for he speck of vermillion adorning her forehead. Her royal clothes were discarded and shewas dressed in simple clothes of saffron. She held a thali in her hand. No one was more surprised than Lakshman. He looked at his Mila and felt guilt course through him. Urmila's eyes travelled to her husband and she smiled a little. Sumitra asked "Urmila.. What is this ?? Why are you dressed in roes of saffron ?" Urmila replied "Mother !! I am following my dharma.. Sistar Sita is following Brother Ram into the forest to fullfill her dharma fo being a wife.. I am foloowing my dharme of being a wife.. I cannot follow my husband into the forest but I can spend my life as a forest dweller inside the royal palace.. I shall follow the same dharma as my husband. I sall discard my royality for fourteen years and spend my time in meditation. I shall sleep on the floor and eat the same roots and fruits as my husband does. Please do not try to talk me out of it." There was silence for a moment and then a sigh of pride from Lakshman.. He had fallen in love with his wife all over again. He had proud smile on his face. She was his pride, his soul, his Mila.. Sita walked towards her sister and pulled her into an embrace "Dear Sister.. You make my sacrifice seem smaller when compared to yours... You are a strong person Urmila.. Not even a thousand Sitas can equal to one Urmila." Urmila replied "But Sita.. I am not going into the forest.. Unlike you, I will spend my time in the palace while you will walk on hard grounds and thorny paths." Sita cupped her cheeks "Yes Urmila.. I do.. But I have Ram and Lakshman with me who would not allow anything to happen to me.. But you Urmila.. You do not.." Urmila smiled " Sita... YOu are always in my heart.. How can I ever be alone !!" Sita smiled through her tears. Ram walked towards Urmila. Urmila shifted the thali to her other hand and bent down to take his blessing "Brother Ram... Please be careful." Ram smiled "When I have a sister like you who keeps me in her prayers and thoughts every minute, how can anything happen to me ?" Urmila smiled..
The old king lamented again "What has my idiocacy put you through !! I cannot help the guilt that courses through every vein in my being.. Oh Daughter Urmila.. I am your sinner.. Please forgive me, child." Urmila walked towards the old king "Rest Father... You are weak... You are not my sinner, Father.. Do not call yourself that.." She turned back to the people in the room and walked to Kausaya and Sumitra.. She handed over the thali to Kausalya's shaking hands. The aarthi was done with soft sobs from Kausalya. Sumitra held herself and took the aarthi with a strong smile on her face. She was a sensible woman and knew that right now she had to be strong to make the situation lighter. As the thrio proceeded towards the main entrance of the palace, the people of Ayodhya gathered around with tearful eyes to watch their beloved Prince venture into the forest. Lakshman turned towards the entrance to catch a glimpse of his wife. There she was, smiling at him encouragingly.. That was all he needed. The courage that his Mila gave him.. He smiled at his wife. Urmila mouthed "Come back to me Lakshman.. Promise me." Lakshman closed his eyes in acceptance to her statement. He let go of her hand and proceeded towards the chariot that would taken them to the outskirts of Ayodhya. Urmila wanted to cry. Tears pooled in her eyes but she controlled herself.. She would not give up on her promise. Her Lakshman wanted her to not shed a drop of tear in his absence. She felt a comforting arm on her shoulder. She turned around to face her mother-in-law, Sumitra. Sumitra gave her a comforting smile "Dear Urmila.. Fret not... Lakshman will be safe." Urmila nodded her head "I know Moter.. Nothing can happen to him.. His entire being is filled with Brother Ram's name." Their conversation was interrupted by a maid who had come to inform them that the kings's health had worsened.
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Darren is just an average guy, not rich, not poor, not too fat, not too thin, just about everything regarding him is in the 'Goldilocks Zone'. He spends his leisure time playing VRMMO's, but he isn't the righteous hero or conniving villain, instead, he spends his time hunting down the rarest resources to craft the most powerful items he can. Today Karonite Industries newest VRMMO is launching and Darren is ready to play. Join Darren in a new world on his adventures in Age of Gods! ------------------------------------------- I had previously started writing this story but became dissatisfied because of my lack of experience. Now, Age of Gods is relaunching with the same premise but many many changes. I hope you will all enjoy this journey with me! (Just a quick note, any reviews dated before 12/10/2018 are for the previous version of this story.) I did not make the cover if the owner of the art wants me to take the image down please just send me a message and I will comply immediately.
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So a sad day begins when you wake up to find out you’ve been kidnapped, stashed with a bunch of strangers in a strange place, and you’re riding on a steam train headed God knows where. An awesome day begins when you kill the crap out of a zombie, survive a train crash, outrun a hungry horde and wake up the next day with super powers. A freaky day begins when you die without dying and a tank of talking fluid tells you you’re being recruited as a representative of humanity to decide if they’ll fight in a galactic war or get left in the dust. I love my life.
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The Heretic Legion
Cover Art: Undead Master by Changling Assassin. Located at: http://fav.me/dbm60ex Used under license Creative Commons attribution non-commercial 3.0 per bottom right of the linked page. Summary: Just the story of a necromancer and his eventual army. Currently, the only major thing of note is a pretty fleshed out magic system. No set list of spells or specific incantations. Just rules similar to the laws of physics, within those laws you can do whatever is possible. Updates: I work Sunday thru Wednesday and updates tend to revolve around my scheduled days off. Currently, I release content as I feel it's ready for release because that's what I myself would prefer from an author. Warnings: This story is graphic. blood/necromancy magic that requires self-harm to use. explicit descriptions of sexuality. (though fairly tame outside of the marked chapters, at least compared to said chapters) and is generally darker in tone. If you're concerned you might start to read only to be turned off by these elements. See 7. Teetering on the Edge for an example of the graphic nature of violence or 9. Explicit Content for a fairly self-contained example of the most explicit of the sexual content.
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