《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》21. Nap of A Star
"LaLa, we have to go!", I yelled clutching my phone tightly in my hand holding it against my ear.
My hands were shaking. My eyes began to water.
'Why?', resonates through my head like a haunting mantra.
"LaLa!?", I screamed, the shaking within my hands worsening.
"LALA!?", I screamed for her again.
"What!? What, damn? I almost fell in the got damn toilet."
"Lelita, we have to go. We have to go now! We gotta go!", I rambled hastily grabbing my purse along with my keys and cell phone charger shoving them inside of my purse.
"Slow down, Na, you might hurt yourself. What's goi-"
"WE HAVE TO GO!", I shouted, tears spilling from my eyes.
My vision blurred from my overflowing tears. I felt arms around me.
"Shh, Naomi. Calm down for a bit. Tel-"
"W-we have t-to go. We gotta go to the hos-hospital", I stuttered wiping at my tears frustratedly.
"Okay. Okay, we'll go. Just calm down before you hurt yourself and the baby. You're shaking, Na", Lelita cooed before releasing me from her embrace.
She had driven. I was too shaken up to drive. The drive to the hospital had been an uncomfortable one.
"Tristian!?", I called spotting a familiar head of bleached blonde hair.
He turned around, his face grim. His eyes were puffy and his red as he f he had been crying. His hair was messy and-
"Is that bl-blood on your shirt? Tris' what's going on?", I asked with LaLa quietly observing at my side.
"I-I can't", he muttered, his eyes watering.
"Tris', what happened? Where's everyone else? Where's-"
"They shot them. They shot him. They sh-oh, God!", he broke.
I quickly pulled him into my arms embracing him. I did not know what was going on just yet, but I knew that it was bad. He mentioned someone being shot. I could not panic right now. I could not break.
Tristian is already breaking right before my eyes. He leaned his weight against me. His legs giving from beneath him.
LaLa was quick to help me, before he fell taking me down to the floor with him. The three of us sat on the floor hugging one another as Tristian cried in the center of our embrace.
People walked around us casting us looks. All of which we ignored. We spent a while just like that before a nurse came and asked us to stop blocking the hallway.
We all managed to get to get to our feet and walk the required distance we needed to reach the others. When we reached waiting room there had only been Lucky and Markel waiting. Markel was sitting with his head bowed, dreads shrouding his face from everyone. While Lucky had been up on his feet limping about back and forth in a pace muttering to himself angrily.
Lelita left our sides rushing forward to engulf Lucky in a bear hug. He had looked stunned but he immediately embraced her back hugging her as if he were afraid she would disappear before his very eyes.
"I'm sorry, Lelita. I'm such a fucking idiot. I love you so much", he said, a tear spilling from his eyes as they gently swayed together while embracing.
"You scared me so bad you asshole, but I love you too. Don't think that you're off the hook neither. I still want to beat your ass", she retorted wiping his fallen tears with the pads of her thumbs before rising on her tiptoes placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
It was not until the couple had separated from one another did I realize just how disheveled his appearance was. In fact, all of the men appeared the same.
We all took a seat around Markel who still has yet to acknowledge anyone else's presence. We all sat in an uncomfortable silence. No-one said a word.
I held Tristian's hand as we all sat quietly waiting. He would squeeze my hand every now-and-then, but he would not utter a syllable.
"What happened?", I asked them finally breaking the silence.
The silence was eating at me. It was feeding my negative thoughts. No-one had told us anything other than Tristian's statement earlier.
I did not care who answered. I just wanted-no, I needed an answer. Where was Christian and Nathaniel? Why were they not here too?
"We should wait for the doctors", muttered Lucky solemnly.
That did not calm my frayed nerves in the slightest.
"What happened?", I asked again.
"I can't", breathed Tristian, a haunted look within his eyes.
"Markel?", I called.
He remained silent. He did not move neither. It was as if our friend had turned into stone.
"Will someone plea-"
We we all quickly rose to our feet. Tristian's hand was still in mine.
"We did all that we could to save him, but unfortunately the bullet had hit his spinal cord. We worked as diligently as possible to safely remove the bullet and stop the bleeding. Time was not on our side and he coded. We were not able to revive him. We are sorry for your loss."
It was as if everything around me became static noise. I felt Tristian's hand leave my own leaving a coldness in its wake.
I closed my eyes squeezing them tightly willing this to all be a bad dream. Cries of anguish could faintly be heard.
I do not remember sitting down once again. I had to be sat down. They said that I had been shaking as if I was about to seize in at any second.
I did not utter a word. I could not find any to say. My mind was a mess.
"Why!?", resonating my mind once again.
Amanda had finally shown up. I watched blankly as her and Markel embraced one another sharing a passionate kiss. I watched, jealous burning inside of me. I was never a jealous person, but in that moment I had been.
Only because I could not hold my husband the same. I could touch Nathaniel. I could hold him and offer him comfort. I could not kiss him. I could not be with him right now no matter how badly I craved to be.
His funeral had been long and painful. There had not been a dry eye in the house. The ceremony had been beautiful yet so dark.
His casket had been white with gold trimming. Just like he had wanted it to be. His flower of choice were royal blue roses with gold dipped stems.
It was what he had told us that he wanted if his time ever came before any of ours. At the time I had thought nothing of the conversation. I had took it in stride just the same as any other conversation we have all had at random late at night.
"Mommy, why does he look like that? Is he napping?", asked my curious baby Aryan.
I did not have the heart to tell her the truth. I did not know how to explain the concept of death to her. She is so young. So innocent and I did not want to taint that innocence even the slightest.
I pulled my children closer against my sides placing a kiss to both of their little heads. This was not just for their comfort, but that of my own.
"Yeah, baby. He's napping", I said in a hushed tone afraid to speak louder or my voice would surely crack.
I was still being strong. I had to be. Everyone was so affected by his death. Everyone had seemed to fall apart at the seems. There had been no choice on my behalf. At least one of us had to be the strong one. Unfortunately, I that very person had to be me.
"Wow, he sleeps like sissy", commented Aiden.
A sad smile formed on my lips, my eyes beginning to sting with I shed tears.
"Yeah, he does, baby", I agreed.
I closed my eyes listening to the current speaker speak.
'Don't cry, Omi. Don't cry, sweetie. Do NOT cry. DON'T CRY', I encouraged myself repeating this over and over again to myself mentally like a mantra.
I was about to break. I felt myself falling apart. I was crumbling as the minutes ticked by.
There were so many people here. I was surrounded by a sea of mourners, yet I felt so disconnected from the mourning crowd.
"Would anyone else like to speak before we close the casket one final time?"
"Come on up young man."
I opened my eyes. There stood at the podium was my husband with tears of sorrow in his eyes. He had dark circles around his eyes and his skin looked a bit paler.
This was the first time I was seeing him after a few days. He had spent those days away with his family mourning the loss of his beloved cousin and friend. I understood his absence, but it did not take away the sense of loss in my heart from it.
We spoke over the phone everyday. He would y'all to the twins and checkup on the baby and I. Other than that we would not speak much.
His eyes searched the crowd for a moment before finally finding mine. We stared into one another's eyes. There were so many emotions being shown in our shared gaze. He cleared his throat before he began speaking again.
He paused releasing a shaky breath.
he let out a scoff.
He paused again, his voice cracking. He took a couple of deep breaths before he began speaking once again.
he had snapped.
A lone tear escaped my eyes cascading down my cheek as I watched helplessly as my husband fell apart at the podium in front of everyone. The mighty Nathaniel Vitro had fallen. Fallen right before everyone's eyes.
My heart cried out for him, but I was unable to move. My body had been rooted to the pew I had been seated on with our two children clinging to my sides in fear. They were afraid. They had never seen their father this way before.
He wheeled loudly hunched over the podium. Though this was such a heartbreaking scene to witness. It was also such a beautiful one. He was joined at the podium by his brothers; Lucky, Markel, and Tristian as they all embraced one another tightly crying tears of sorrow over their fallen brother.
"Don't cry, mommy", cooed our precious babies.
I did not know it, but my strength had left me as well. Seeing my husband so broken tore me apart inside. A choked sob passed my lips as tears cascaded freely down my cheeks.
I was crying. I had broken as well.
I finally stood at Nathaniel's side at the graveyard. His hand had found their home within mine. We stood side by side watching as Christian's casket was lowered into the ground. Hundreds of blue roses floating down inside his grave to cover his casket in a blanket of roses as everyone said their final goodbyes.
Our hands hand been clasped together so tightly. Neither of us wanting to let go of the other. We were drawing strength from one another. The strength that we had left inside of us, holding onto the brink to hold ourselves together just a little longer. We were willing the other to hold on, even if by a single thread.
I awoke with a start. My chest heaved up and down as my eyes frantically searched the waiting room.
A placed was placed on my shoulder startling me. I jumped jerking away from the offending hand.
My wild eyes met those of blue concerned orbs.
"Na, are you okay? You were whimpering in your sleep", he said in concern.
'It was a dream. A very bad dream, but a dream', I thought, my breathing finally evening out.
"I'm fine. Has the doctor came yet?", I responded running a hand through my hair as I adjusted myself in the uncomfortable chair.
"Not yet. We are still waiting, but it shouldn't be that much longer. Amanda is here finally", he informs.
I let out a sigh nodding my head in acknowledgment of his words.
My breath hitched. My palms began to feel clammy as my nerves spiked. We all rose to our feet meeting the doctor half way.
"Hello, I am Dr. Youssef. I am the primary caretaker of the two gunshot victims, Nathaniel and Christian Vitro. May I ask whom you all are to the two patients?", Dr. Youssef introduces himself to us.
"We are their family. I am Nathaniel's cousin and Tristian is my younger brother. This is Nathaniel's wife, Naomi", Tristian responds taking my hand into his gently pulling me forward to stand beside him.
I went willingly though my feet felt as if they were rooted to the tiled floor. I quietly stood beside Tristian awaiting news on our love ones.
"I will start with Christian. Christian was the most injured of the two men. He was shot and the bullet entered through his back before exciting near his spine from the front. Fortunately, we were able to safely remove the bullet and patch him up without causing anymore damage than the bullet has already caused. The bullet may of caused Christian some minor nerve damage, but we will not know for sure until he wakes up. He is currently in recovery room 4A if you would like to see him", Dr. Youssef informed us of Christian's condition.
Tristian let a heavy sigh of relief before excusing himself to go sit at his brother's bedside. I watched him go with a small smile upon my lips, happy that Christian is still very much alive and recovering.
"Mrs. Vitro?", called Dr. Youssef regaining my attention.
"Yes?", I responded placing my hands on my bump caressing little patterns into my belly to soothe my now active baby.
"You are pregnant?", he asked.
"Yes, I am almost entering my third trimester. Can you please just tell me how my husband is doing? My nerves are very bad right now from worrying if he is okay or not", I responded curtly.
The doctor cleared his throat swapping out the two clipboards that he held in his hands. His eyes skimmed the paperwork before he looked up from the clipboard, his calm eyes meeting my inpatient ones.
"Your husband is fine, Mrs. Vitro. He was only suffered minor injuries. His right arm was grazed by a bullet and he has a sprained wrist. His injuries have been treated and he is requesting your presence as we speak. He is in recovery room 3A. I wish your family all of the best, and congratulations on your new addition. Have a good night, Naomi", Dr. Youssef informed before taking his leave.
I took a deep breath holding it before releasing it slowly a few seconds after. I felt tremendously relieved. He was okay. They were okay.
I did not know what his mental state was though. He may be physically fine, but that may not be the case for him mentally. For all that any of us know, all of them could be traumatized, scarred from this. All that any of us can do is be there to help them along the way.
I told the remaining two couples that I would be heading over to Nathaniel's room before doing just that. As I neared the assigned room I could hear his voice clear as day fussing from within.
'He's fine', I thought entering the room quietly.
"Lady, I told you that I am not taking no got damn pills without my baby hear to watch over me! So leave me alone before I hurt your feelings!", Nathaniel snapped at the poor nurse.
"Mr. Vitro, you have to take these pills to help with the pain. The doctor has already gone to get your sister-"
"Sister? Get out of my damn face! Naomi Vitro is my wife you dense lazy eyed flo-"
I called interrupting his rant before he did actually hurt the nurse's feelings.
His face that had been twisted up in disgust was now a bright smile as his eyes landed on my figure as I slightly waddled over to his side.
"Baby, I missed you so much. Send this witch away from me. She wants some of this, but she ain't getting none of this. This all yours, mama, and her breath smells like regurgitated ass", Nathaniel exasperated happily while puckering his lips like a duck.
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