《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》20. Modern Olden Times
"Bro, put the damn phone down already"
I rolled my eyes checking my messages again. I had been waiting for an important message, but my phone was as dry as Lucky's humor.
"Seriously, stop acting like a bitch and put your phone down. Naomi isn't going anywhere. She'll text you back when she can, bitch", Lucky commented, once again adding his two cents.
"Seriously, mind your fucking business, flour", I retorted shoving my phone into my pocket.
"You two argue like an old married couple, man. I promise y'all do", commented Markel.
I rolled my eyes feeling my phone vibrate within my pants pocket. Reaching into my pocket I retrieved my phone holding it up to my face unlocking it. I smiled seeing a text from my baby.
"She finally texted you, didn't she?"
"Why don't you shut the fuck up, Lucky?", I retorted snidely while opening my baby's text.
My smile instantly fell into a frown. I stared at her text for a moment longer almost willing it to change to something more. It did it not. My fingers glided across the keyboard as I typed my response before pressing send.
What the hell do you mean 'what?'? Where's my cute texts? Where's the sweet text letting me know my baby is alright and made it safely to her destination? Huh, where's any of that?
That hurt. How could you?😢
Your big baby
I'm just going to assume that it's just the hormones for now.
So i'm going to let it go
For now
But only for now
Because when I get home that ass is mine, gorgeous 🤗
But we're out
And they're fucking lame and annoying
I want to come home. Flour demon keeps fucking with me, Chris' is his usual annoying self, Tristian is Tristian, and Markel is cool. I need new fucking friends.
"Will you please put your bitch chip down already so that we come up with somewhere to go that everyone's cool with?"
I raised my head. My eyebrows furrowed together on their own accord as I met the icy blue orbs of Lucky.
"The fuck did you just say, demon?", I demanded.
Markel and Tristian let out a collection sigh. They were well aware of what was to come next. Christian had a look of amusement upon his face.
"I said to get off your bitch Doppler? You dead now, Vitro? You hard of fucking hearing? Get off the fucking phone", Lucky retorted snidely.
("Okay, so Tris' what you up for?")
"Says the moody bitch in the room? I have a pregnant wife and she doesn't get nearly as bitchy or moody as you do and she has mood swings every couple of fucking minutes. What, mad that your phone is as dry as your crusty ass lips? Be jealous, bitch", I sneered.
("I was thinking some Mexican food then a movie maybe.")
"Shut the fuck up, Nathaniel. You always have to talk shit", Lucky spat.
I feigned offense.
"Who me?", I asked innocently.
("Yeah. I can eat a good ass taco right about now.")
("Dude, seriously? We have a whole damn drama in front of us and y'all are talking about food?")
"Exactly you, asshole", he stated.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm the asshole, but you're the one always talking shit but the sensitive bitch can't take what he dished without getting in his feelings? Grow a fucking pair. I know that you can't grow facial hair but at least grow some pit hair you, bitch", I retorted dismissively.
He glowered at me. I was not the slightest bit phased. Lucky us been a moody bitch lately.
He keeps trying me like this and his moody ass will finally get some pigmentations in his skin from this ass whooping he's been begging me for.
It's annoying. As I said, I already have a pregnant wife. I do not need another. My baby is more than enough for me, thank you.
("Food is life. The hell you mean, Chris'?")
("I told mama about dropping you on the head as a child. I told her that you might suffer some form of mental handicap, but old lady didn't listen to me.")
("I am not slow you asshole!")
("Look at him, Kel. Poor thing doesn't know any better.")
("I knew that you looked a little touched, but you my boy so I kept that to myself.")
("Fuck the both of you.")
"You are the last motherfucker to talk. You literally have a bitch chip and doppler. Naomi can barely take a deep breath without you being there to inhale her fucking air. You're annoying as fuck. You literally track her whereabouts and share yours every two minutes like some pessimistic ass parent. News flash, she's your wife, not your child. Let a bitch breathe. It's amazing that she hasn't left your annoying ass yet. I'm positive that she doesn't give a fuck where you are at all times. You act like you will the fuck drop dead if you are near her. Do you even know who the fuck you are apart from Naomi?", Lucky spat.
("Awe, shit.")
("Shit just got real.")
("Got dammit! Now i'm never getting that Mexican food!")
"Pardon?", I asked incredulously.
"You fucking heard me", he sneered.
"Who are you to say some bullshit like that to me?", I questioned, my hands unconsciously clenching at my sides into fists.
"I'm supposed to be your best friend, your bro, but I don't know anymore. You aren't the same anymore. You haven't been the same for a while. I've been, we've all been ignoring it for a while now. But it's just plain fucking annoying now", he responds snidely.
I scoffed.
"Of course not, Lucky. What was I supposed to do? Be selfish? Worry about just myself? I have a wife and children. I have a family that comes first for me before anything else. You have a kid of your own. If anyone should fucking understand that it should be you. So fuck if I have changed, only fool doesn't. That's not the real problem here though. The problem is with you. So why you bitchin'?", I retorted vehemently.
He rolled his eyes, "Fuck you, Nathaniel", he spat, his nostrils flaring angrily.
"Is it because you're a little bitch running from his responsibilities?", I baited.
"Shut up, Nathaniel", he said through clenched teeth.
"Oh! That's it, isn't it? The guilt finally caught up to your bitchass as it should", I spat.
I have never been so disappointed in Lucky a day in my got damn life. He has disappointed me before. Who hasn't? It's a natural thing to disappoint others in your lifetime.
However, I never thought that he would disappoint me, us in such a way. Why was this time so different?
"I said shut the fuck up, Nathaniel!", he snapped loosing his cool.
I rolled my eyes.
"Make me, flour demon. You made another spawn. Man up and fucking be there! How could hurt LaLa like that!? I thought that you loved her!?", I bellowed.
"I did! I do!", he shouted angrily.
"Then why is she is she over at my house crying behind your sorry ass!?", I snapped.
How is she doing?
I'll talk to him about it. I've known Lucky practically our entire lives. I know that there's a reason.
No matter how stupid of a reason it is. I know that there is one.
You're pregnant. I'll help instead. I gotta go right now. Lucky's bitchin' again.
I love you baby. I'll see you when I get home, beautiful. 😍😘
"It's nothing", he mumbled backpedaling.
I was having none of it. He was going to fess the fuck up right fucking now. You cannot just walk out on your pregnant girlfriend after she told you about your developing child with no explanation. Hell no, shit does not work like that.
"Bullshit", I retorted.
"Leave it", he growled.
"Fucking make me. Why did you walk out on her? You already have a kid so why are you making a difference now?", I quipped.
"Leave it alone! It's none of your business! But the fuck out!", he snapped.
"You made it my business when your girlfriend showed up at my house crying to her best friend, my pregnant wife about your sorry ass! Why!? You fucking owe an explanation!", I spat.
"Leave it", he hissed.
I pushed him even further. I wanted him to snap. When he snaps he will spill his reasonings. Lucky is very fucking stubborn. He will never outright admit to needing help or having a problem. You have to prod him until he does. A prideful asshole is what he is.
"Why!?", I bellowed.
"I'm scared! Is that what you wanted to hear! I'm fucking scared! I already have a kid! We're still in college and our relationship has barely just begun! A baby changes everything! Everything will change and I don't know if I can deal with it all right now!", he shouted jumping to his feet pacing the floor like an angry caged animal.
There was a moment of silence between all of us. Of course things would change between them. However, that does not mean that the dynamics of their relationship that makes them them will. Sometimes I could just swear that I surrounded by fucking idiots.
But, before I could voice my thoughts, someone else had spoken up.
"You are such a selfish, asshole."
"Shut up, Tristian. You're gay. You wouldn't understand", Lucky retorted snidely.
Tristian scoffed.
"I wouldn't understand? My sexuality does not determine my comprehension. Surely you would know this as fact due to the fact that I can clearly see that you are a dumb ass. LaLa loves you. You love LaLa. You two fucked, made love, or whatever the fuck you call sex unprotected or the condom broke. Now you two share a child. Shit happens. That is a chance every time that you have sex as a heterosexual couple you asshole. Just because I am gay does not mean that I do not have dreams of having my own family someday. Whether it be today, tomorrow, or years from now. I would cherish every single child that comes into my life. Now get your head out of your ass and make shit right with LaLa. She's in a very vulnerable state right now and she needs you. If you truly love her than show her. Show your unborn child as we'll become that baby was made from that very same love. Nathaniel, wrap this shit up because I want Mexican and I will bite a bitch right about now", Tristian quipped before snatching his car keys from the coffee table and making his exit with a dramatic slam of Markel's apartment door.
The room became silent once again.
"We'll let the two of you finish up. We'll be downstairs in the car. Make it quick because I'm hungry as hell too", Markel said breaking the silence while pulling along a protesting Christian that had wanted to stay and finish watching the drama unfold.
Thought everyone else had left, neither of us made a move to say more. After a short while I rose to my feet ready to follow in the others' footsteps. It was obvious that this conversation was going nowhere. Everything that had needed to be said had been.
"You are a selfish dumbass, you know that right?", I called feeling my stomach beginning to rumble in hunger.
"I know", he muttered with his head bowed.
"Good talk. Now let's go eat", I retorted before taking my leave.
A couple of minutes later we were all seated in Tristian's car heading to the aforementioned Mexican food place of his choosing.
The car ride had been tense, but Christian quickly diminished all signs of tension amongst the group by simply being himself. Soon we were all talking about what we planned to do after eating.
The drive to the restaurant had not been a long one. The place had shitty parking though. So we had to park a little ways from the place and walk there on foot the rest of the way.
I was excited to finally eat. My stomach was eating my damn back by the time that we were seated inside of the restaurant. We ate good food, cracked jokes, and had one of our usual senseless debates. Everything had been going good.
We were just walking and goofing around like any other people. We had decided at the restaurant to walk around a bit to see what we came across to do. It sounded like a good plan to most of us. Tristian had been against the ideal at first worrying if something would happen to his unattended car while we were gone for a while. All it took to get him on board was me assuring him that he could be Lucky and Christian's asses if anything did.
We were minding our business when the Erving of an engine caught our attention. We all turned our heads at the sound of car doors slamming shut.
"Good evening gentlemen. Where are ya headed?"
We had all shared a glance with one another.
"We are just walking around looking for something to do, officers", Markel answered respectfully.
One of the officers hummed placing his hand on his holster.
'What the fuck?', I thought taking note of the action.
"And where were you coming from, boy?", the same officer questioned Markel.
"From the same place as us", Lucky retorts with a hint of attitude.
"I was not talking to you son. I was talking to the boy here", the officer bit out.
"The boy, has a name and I don't appreciate the way that you are speaking to me officer", Markel responded.
"Are you getting smart with me boy?", the officer hissed.
Without the two officers noticing Christian had slipped his phone from his pocket and began recording. I was standing too close to the street for the action to go unnoticed if I did so as well.
"Nah, but this is not the olden days. I am not a slave nor are you my master. My parents named me and boy is not my name. My friend answered your question. Why are you singling me out, officer?", Markel retorted.
"Don't you know that I can arrest you, boy? You disrespecting an officer of the law. I can take you straight down to county where you belong", sneered the bigot of an officer.
"Are you hard of hearing? His name is not 'boy', pig", I interjected.
"Stay out of this, son, or you can join this guy down at county too", quipped the officer.
"Or, how about you continue on your fucking way and stop harassing our brother?", sneered Tristian stepping to the forefront coming to stand in front of Markel.
"I suggest you shut your mouth, tinker bell. They'd love a fairy like you down in county. I am an officer of the law-"
"That's fucking abusing his power. We been knew from the moment 'boy' left your mouth. As my brother said, you can continue on your way. Don't be surprised officer. These men are my annoying ass brothers, all fucking four of them. So if you have a problem with any of them then you fucking got one with me too", Lucky interrupted stepping forward to stand beside Tristian while Christian and I flanked their sides practically shielding Markel from the two officers.
"Are you planning to shoot officer? Why is your hand resting on your gun. All that we are talking to one another and trying to reach an understanding of why you approached us", I sarcastically questioned the other officer having noticed that he had unlatched his gun holster.
"Just in case", he coldly stated.
"Just in case what? You come across a diverse group of men that's not bothering anyone? You planning to shoot us because we somehow look suspicious? Because one of us is black, one of us is gay, we have tattoos, we all hangout together with despite our small differences? It is because you want there to be a problem so bad that you will finally get to use that gun on her hip? You want to hurt our brother for simply being because you like our shit ancestors are racist self-righteous cowards. Well too damn bad. We won't let you. If you want to use that gun then make sure that you finish the job because if not each and every one of us will beat your scum asses. Go ahead officers. Do it. Use your weapon of destruction, but people all across the globe will witness this bullshit live on Instagram. Smile, assholes. You're live", quipped Christian showing the two officers his phone with a sarcastic smile upon his face.
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