《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》19. Mo' Drama



If this bitch says one more thing to me I will punch her in her silicone filled face.

Excuse me.

I am just utterly done with Dominique. She goes out her way to try to tear everyone down, me specifically. Whether it be due to my size, my work, my ethnicity, or whatever reason she comes up with to justify her attack of my character.

I am just tired of her. I know that I stay on Neil's case about keeping his cool and staying within his character. I know that I annoy him with it too.

It is just that I think that at least one of us needs to have our heads on straight in case the other pops off. I am usually the designated calm one amongst the two of us, but everyone has a breaking point.

Mine just so happens to be Dominique. Nathaniel knows this as well, which is why Monica Daniels, a classmate and friend of mine, has his number on speed dial. It is also a plus that Monica is one of the chillest people you will ever meet. She is not one for drama, but if drama is brought to her she will definitely shut it down.

She only calls him when there is a code 'Ominous' situation going on. Which there will be of this bitch makes one more snide remark towards me.

"Ew! That design is atrocious and is that a grease stain? Double ew! I bet that Naomi was pigging out as usual, because you know that she can't do anything without food,and she wasted some on her work. She should of thrown it out just li..."

"Yup, the bitch is at it again... She is about to pop off big time...You got about five minutes max to dash that ass over here... Uh-huh... Yeah... See you then, bro", I heard Monica on the phone.

She had called Nathaniel already.

"The last time I checked, you are no-one to be judging someone else's work", I retorted.

She scoffed, "And last I checked, you're way too fat to be wearing that outfit, honey", she insults.

I chuckled humorlessly, "Well my husband picked this outfit out for me to wear. So if you have a problem with it, please feel free to take it up with him", I said sweetly despite wanting to bloody her nose.

This bitch had the nerve to smirk at me.

"Oh, Nathaniel. I will definitely take it and something else up with him", she taunts.

I rolled my eyes, "Nathaniel is a lot of things, but desperate is not one. He literally knows better and can do a helluva lot better than you", I dismissed.

"Yet he is with the likes of you? What is it? He accidentally knocked you up and got stuck? I noticed you're fatter than usual lately", she sneered invading my personal bubble.

There was the go signal I needed.

"You toothpick buil-",

"Baby, don't!"

"Nope, she went there, Nathaniel. She brought our baby into her bullshit", I denied gathering my hair to place in a low bun.

"She is desperate. Everyone knows that these hoes be desperate", he said sounding out of breath.

I turned my head directing my attention to him.

"Did you run here?", I asked in concern finishing my hair.

He huffs, "Yup. Can't have my pregnant wife arrested, now can I?", he huffed out.

"I wasn't going to get arrested", I denied.

He raised an eyebrow at me challengingly.

"Hey, Nathaniel. I need to talk to you for a minute."


The both of us directed out attention to Dominique who wore a flirty expression upon her face. I rolled my eyes.

"No, thank you. I'm good", he dismissed.

"Periodt", I tacked on.

"No-one was talking to you, Ms. Piggy", spat Dominique.


"Nathaniel!", I snapped at him before he could utter the word.

No matter how much she truly is a bitch, I will not allow for my husband to disrespect a woman in such manner. Even if she was anything but that of a woman. That is my job. He takes the males and I take the females. Team work, baby.

"Bitch, if it were not for the reminder of the life in my tummy I would of been beaten your ass. Jealousy is not a cute thing on anyone, especially not you. So mind your damn business, stop making passes at people, and if you have some morals, please stop whoring yourself around campus. Your reputation is not flattering at all and it proceeds you", I hissed.

"That's right, baby. Tell her desperate good taste having ass off", Nathaniel hyped.

"You think that you are all of that, but you're not", Dominique said abrasively.

Stepping in between us Nathaniel stood with his back facing me. He was stiff he was so tense.

"I suggest you back the fuck up off my wife, little girl. I may cannot hit a female, but I damn sure will dropkick one for trying to cause my wife and unborn child harm. Try us, Dr. Draken", Nathaniel sneered.

"Whatever, Nathaniel", she dismissed folding her arms across her chest.

"Baby, relax. She is not slow. She will not touch us. Can you help me gather my stuff? My back is starting to hurt", I said lowly to Neil.

I was over this. She had nothing to say. She would not touch me. Therefore this exchange is over.

Then a thought occured to me. No-one saw what happens next coming. I shoved Nathaniel aside before punching Dominique in her face.

She let out a pain filled cry grasping at her face as she staggered backwards tripping over her own high heel clad feet, falling to the floor.

"That's for tripping me the other day, bitch. You knew that I am pregnant and still did some crap like that. I was on the stairs. What if I had fallen and hurt myself. If it had not of been for Tristian catching me, I-let me hit this bitch again!", I spat taking a step forward to hit her again, but I was restricted my Nathaniel stepping between us pulling me into a hug.

I had not known it until Neil pointed it out to me, but I was crying.

"Shh, Omi. It's okay. You both are safe", Neil cooed rubbing my back soothingly.

Burying my head into his chest I hugged him back. I needed the comfort that his embrace always gave me. I was angry and hurt that someone could be so evil. I have never done anything to that girl and for her to try to harm me while knowing that I am carrying life inside of me, it is disgraceful as you can get.

"Nothing yet, ma'am, but there sure as hell is about to be", I faintly heard Monica retort before the sound of skin hitting skin resonated throughout the room. I frowned pulling my head from Nathaniel's chest to see what the commotion was.

I let out a laugh watching Monica beat Dominique's behind.

"Let go of my hair you crazy bitch!", screeched Dominique trying to pry Monica's hand from her bird's-nest of hair now.


"Nah, you wanna start shit with pregnant women! You wanna pick on people that can't defend themselves, well now you gotta answer to me, bitch!", Monica barked while continuously punching Dominique in the face.

She could not seem to escape the onslaught of Monica's wrath. Despite my feelings of resentment towards the girl, I sent Nathaniel to collect a raging Monica.

"Nah, put me down, bro! Let me hit her just one more time! Put me down, Nathaniel!...", Monica ranted as she was literally carried out of the classroom by my husband.

I gathered both mine and Monica's belongings before telling our teacher that I will email them later about what had occured during their absence. Then I took my leave stepping out onto the hallway to find Monica and Nathaniel whisper-yelling with one another.

Walking over to them I wordlessly handed Monica her belongings and Neil mine.

"You alright, cuz?", asked Monica while slinging her bag over her shoulder.

Did mention that Monica and I are cousins? No, my bad. Monica is one of my cousins from my mom's side. Her mom married my uncle and poof, our lovely Monica was born.

"I'm tired and hungry. You coming with or you doing your own thing?", I responded as we all began to walk.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, food sounds amazing right now. We should go to shake shack and grab something. They have this new meal I want to try", she agreed.

"I want some pizza though", Nathaniel added his input.

"Well baby and Mommy wants a fat ass burger with some chili cheese fries. So mommy's pick it is", I dismissed the both of their suggestions.

There was two separate groans but I did not care. I was craving again. I am the pregnant one and I have had a tiring day. Let me live people.


"Stop touching my food, Nathaniel", I hissed pointing my fork at him threateningly.

"I think I'm bleeding", he said dramatically while craddling his hand against his chest.

"I will make sure of it if you reach for my food again. Eat your own food", I retorted snidely before taking a big bite out of my double bacon cheeseburger.

Monica snickered popping a fry into her mouth. Neil scowled at her before rolling his eyes and quietly sipping his drink.

Pandamonium ensued. People had ran around like chickens without a head screaming. Meanwhile, Neil, Monica, and I sat calmly eating.

I looked over at Neil taking a sip of my nearly empty Sprite. His eyes met mine leisurely. Widening my eyes slightly I batted my lashes at him.

"Hey, baby", I said in a sultry voice.

He smirked raising a brow at me questioningly.

"What do you want, babe?", he asked lowly, his voice dropping an octave.

I shuddered clenching my legs together. Ignoring the scoff from Monica and her muttering about how nasty we are with no morals, I slid my cup across the table to in front of him.

"Can you please get me some more soda, papi?", I asked sweetly while looking at him through my lashes.

"Anything for you, Mami", he retorted before sliding out of our booth with my cup in hand.

I let out a victory squeal before continuing to stuff my face with food.

"Y'all are dead ass nasty", Monica commented.

"Sometimes", I admitted.

"That's why you're pregnant now", she retorts.

"Okay. And what about it?", I challenge.

"Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus", she stated sounding like the mother on 'Bad Boys II' making me burst out laughing.

"And you need dick my friend", I laughed at the face she was making.

The boys were rubbing off on me. I was actually fine with it.

She scoffed, shoving another fry in her mouth. I eyed her curiously as she rubbed the excess salt from her fingertips.

"Christian asked me out", she stated indifferently after a moment.

I had just taken a bite of my burger when she spoke again. She did it on purpose. I know that she did. I accidentally swallowed and the food went down the wrong pipe. I began to choke. Fortunately, Nathaniel was already on the way with my drink that I downed a quarter of before I was able to regain my composure.

"Vitro?", I asked rubbing my sore chest.

"Yup, him", she said nonchalantly dipping a fry in some ketchup before eating it.

"Please, don't tell me that you fucked my idiot ass cousin?", Nathaniel groaned sliding into the booth besides me after he was done checking me over.

The eye roll that Monica gave was legendary. She nearly looked possessed as her irises disappeared completely being replaced by white.

"We can't all be cover girls. Also, I have a bit more self-respect. I said that the boy asked me out, not turned me out", she retorted blandly.

"That's disgusting, but for some reason I find that funny as shit. Especially the cover girls bid", Nathaniel snickered.

"Oh!", I muttered.

It made sense now.

"Oh? What's oh?", Nathaniel asked.

"Chris' told us this, baby. Keep up. Do your math", I responded vaguely not wanting to out his cousin to my cousin.

Though I think that they would be so cute together, it was not my place to spill the tea like this. Therefore, I may sprinkle a bit though. If Monica were not interested in Christian, she would not of even mentioned him. She gets asked out plentifully, but she does not entertain the attention.

"I don't even give a shit", Neil dismissed taking a big bite of his own burger.

"Shh, this is not about you, Nathaniel. Mo, did you say yes?", I retorted dismissing Neil who rolled his eyes continuing to eat.

"I told him that I will think about it", she responds.

"So you not like him all that well or something?", I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"Or something", she retorted.

Letting out a sigh of frustration for both Christian and I with my cousin's antics.

"Okay, then why not just tell him 'yes' and see where your possible relationship goes?", I questioned.

She smirked, "I gotta make these boys sweat first. I ain't easy, sweetie", she responded coolly.

"That's my girl! Pound it!", Nathaniel encouraged offering her a fist bump that she accepted happily.

I worry about him sometimes.

"You do realize that she is talking about your cousin, right?", I asked him.

He shrugged nonchalantly seemingly not caring the slightest.

"So?", he bluntly retorted.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance with the two. Maybe it was the hormones or maybe it was the simple fact these two were extremely annoying together and individually at times? I think that it is the first one. I could be wrong.

"The two of you are giving me a headache. Anyways, everyone is coming back inside now. I guess that they realized that it was an immature ass prank", I said changing the subject.

You heard right. The 'fire' was a prank. It is a new trend started by some bratty kids on Tik Tok. It is like the 'tripping in fast food restaurant' pranks or the 'rat' prank. Sure, those were funny until someone got hurt. It is funny until those things really happen and no-one believes them. Which is why people need to be careful of what they joke about.

The prank Christian and I had done on Neil had not been a break-up prank at all. It was a prank about letting him think that he was pranking me, but it had gone wrong for him. Serves him right.

We spent a while longer eating and talking before the fire department finally made their grand appearance. I bet that that was some conversation between them and the employees. We were had drove back to campus to drop off Monica to her car.

Just as she was getting out the car she paused.

"Aye, cuz? Why does Dominic have beef with you?", she said asking the million dollar question as she climbed out of the car then closing the door with a slam.

"Don't be slamming my shit", hissed Nathaniel to which she rolled her eyes while muttering for him to 'stop being a bitch'.

"Oh, about that. I have no beef with the girl and you know that her name is not Dominic", I chided snickering a bit.

She waved me off.

"Okay, then what's her beef with you and don't say nothing? Everybody knows that sis sounds like a bro, so don't even", she retorts causing Neil to cackle like a hyena.

Rolling my eyes I plaster a smile on my face before responding.

"No. Fucking. Way!", Monica exclaimed incredulously.

"Way", I assured.

"Wait, I need more details. How did this even happen? Girl, spill the tea. Pour me a cup", Monica encouraged leaning against the trunk of her car.

"I would but, you gotta make these people sweat first. Have a good day, cousin", I called just before we pulled off.

Standing up straight I saw her trip over her own foot, bit she quickly regained her composure.

"Naomi, you ain't shit!", She yelled after the car.

Sticking my head out of the window before we got too far away I responded.

"I love you too, MoMo!", I called out the window waving to my pouting cousin.

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