《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》18. Spring Day
You ever just look at you friends and question, 'How and the absolute fuck did we become friends again?' That is what I am wondering right now as I watch these idiots goof around. Oddly enough, I would not trade any one of them for anyone else. We are all friends, brothers for a reason.
"Okay, idiots. Enough. We are supposed to be moving furniture not whatever this is you children are doing", I called taping up the last box sealing the last of my possessions away for the moment.
I felt a feeling of nostalgia wash over me. They must of felt the same.
Lucky, the flour child, smiled looking around the box filled room. "I'm actually going to miss this place, man", he commented.
"Yeah, we had plenty of fun times here", Chris' added.
"Not going to lie, this place became a second home for me. It feels weird knowing that I won't be coming back here anymore after today", Markel admitted.
I had thought so. Markel did not have the sugary life that he portrayed himself to have. Although my friend and brother smiled often, there were times where his inner light never shown. Still he smiled though, even if it were not real.
It is real now and I am proud that it is. He deserves to smile and be carefree. I know I come off as an asshole, but I care. I just rather show my care with my actions instead of my words. Words are easily misunderstood and can be uttered without the slightest sincerity behind them. But actions, actions speak volumes. Sometimes, actions speaks volumes on their own that are far greater than you can express with words.
I remember those nights when he would show up to my place. It was always around the same time dressed pretty much the same as the previous time. Markel is a spontaneous guy, but he is still a man of habit.
"Hey, Nate. I know that it's late, but can I come in? Sorry to bother you so late. I'll ju-"
I shook my head letting out a groan of annoyance. "Get your ass in here, Kel", I grumbled reaching outside grasping his hoody yanking him inside.
He was letting out all of my good ass air conditioning.
"Damn, I can walk", he grumbled shrugging my hand from his hoody.
I released him with ease walking away towards the kitchen. I grabbed two beers from the fridge before joining him in the living room on the sectional siting across from him. In passing I had dropped the second beer onto his lap before taking my seat.
"Thanks, bro", he said appreciatively.
I did not say anything. I knew that he would talk when he felt like he was ready to. Markel being him, it did not take long. It was literally three seconds after I opened my beer.
"She's not doing so well. I try to be there for everyone and be the strong one, but it's hard. Who is going to be strong for me? Who is going to be there for me, Nate?", he exasperated.
I could hear the pain in his voice. I did not like it. Markel was one of the most easy going happy people I knew. Now here was about to break in my living room.
I let out a sigh. "I can't sit here and lie to you. I don't have it in me to sugarcoat shit for you, bro", I paused taking a swig from my beer bottle before lowering it. "I don't know how you feel. I have never had to be the strong one. My family and I all equally lean on one another so we are all the strong one, and even we are not. We make the other one stronger. I don't know how to make you feel better, but I'm here for you, dude", I said.
I took another swig of my beer. "Maybe not at this time. Like, you couldn't come during the day or at a fucking reasonable time? The fuck is going through your head, Kel?", I added.
He let out a chuckle, it sounded tired.
"A lot. My nana is dying, Nate. She doesn't have much fight left in her. I fucking hate cancer, man. Like, if even see a cancer I might snap, bro", Markel expressed.
I nodded my head understanding.
"Christian, is going to have hell then, huh?", I commented with a smirk.
"You-you ain't shit, Nate. That's your cousin. He's like another brother for me. I still might deck him though", he chided letting out another chuckle.
I snickered thinking about Christian's face when Kel decks him. I have to be around to see this shit first hand.
He shook his head finally opening his beer taking a long swig from the bottle.
"He'd probably fight me", he commented after a while.
"Ya think?", I asked sarcastically.
"He wouldn't win, so what difference does it make?", he retorted.
"He's a Vitro", I stated.
He tisked, "Okay, and? I got international hands, fuck does an Italian boy mean? Notta", he scoffed before taking another swig of beer.
"True, but Christian is hella goofy, an idiot at times, a whole ho, a puppy, a-"
"Hey! Ain't nobody got time for a biographical description", chided Markel.
I paused, "What was I saying about Chris' again?", I asked loosing my train of thought.
"Shit, at this point, I don't even know", he responded.
We both shared a laugh.
"That goofy ass boy is my cousin. Don't underestimate him. You know how my aunt gets down, a whole crazy bad bitch like any woman in my family", I said remembering my train of thought.
"Amen", Markel agreed.
I cut my eyes at him. "What are trying to say exactly?", I asked.
He rolled his eyes, "Your family is full of crazy motherfuckers", he stated.
I stared at him blandly for a moment. "Yeah, can't argue with that", I agreed taking a swig of my beer.
It was true so why lie?
"Neil, where are you? Your ass better not of snuck off again for another food run", came my baby's voice from down the hall.
Kel snickered but did not comment. He quietly continued to drink his beer as she came into view rubbing at her eyes. A smile instantly graced my face.
My baby was so cute. She had on a cat onesie with the feet in them. Her hair had been up in a messy bun but it had fallen leaving her hair to freely cascade down her back and over her shoulders.
"D'awe! Hey, Naomi", Kel cooed.
I turned my head, my eyes set into a glare. Don't nobody coo at my baby but our moms, nanas, and me. I'm about two seconds from punching Kel in the temple.
"Oh! Hey, Markel. Are you alright? It's really early in the morning. Did something happen?", my baby responded concerned.
He waved her off taking another swig of his beer. "I'm fine", he muttered.
She eyed him for a moment before walking fully I tot he living room taking a seat between the two of us. She placed a chaste kiss to my lips before directing her attention to Markel.
"You're lying", she stated.
"How are you g-"
She raised her hand silencing him. "You are lying. You never come over at this time unless you were already here. Is it your nana? I know that we are not nearly as close as you and Nathaniel are, but I am here for you too, Kel", my baby said.
He stared at her silently for a few seconds before looking away. "My nana is dying, Naomi", he muttered.
I felt the sadness roll off Markel like a tidal wave. I could also feel the sadness from my baby.
"I don't fucking need your pity", Markel suddenly snapped glaring.
The sudden change in his voice had startled my baby. He had done fucked up.
"Oh, hell no. What you won't do is come up in this bitch and talk to my wife any kid of fucking way. Especially not after she offered to be there for you", I spat.
"Man, leave me alone. I don't fucking need neither anyone of y'all pity", he spat back.
I rolled my eyes letting out a humorless chuckle. Was he really serious right now?
"You have got to be shitting me right fucking now? Pity? Who the fuck are you Melanie Martinez?", I leered.
"Neil, calm down. The both of you calm down, please? It's too early for all of this", my baby tried to reason.
"Man, whatever. I'm leaving", Markel dismisses before downing the rest of his drink then slamming the bottle down onto the table.
"You better put that shit on a coaster", I warned.
I do not care how upset he is. He is not about to ruin my coffee table. My grandparents bought it for me straight from Italy. He better get some got damn manners.
"Fuck you", he leered before leaving slamming the door shut behind himself.
"You two are unbelievable", my baby muttered before leaving the room also, heading back down the hall.
Kel did not come back over for a few days. When he had he was piss drunk and crying. His nana had passed. She lost her battle with cancer. Naomi and I had sobered him up and sat up with him until he had fallen asleep.
Then it had became a thing. He would come over at least once a week drunk out of his mind and would cry and talk about his nana. He took her death very hard, harder than anyone in his family knew.
Markel has eventually gotten better but he still came over at least twice a month. It would be to just destress or have a couple of meaningful conversations. No-one knew about this except him, my baby, and I. Those nights are what made our friendship stronger.
"I bet the landlord will be happy to know that the apartments are no longer being hunted by a blue-eyed asshole", I chided glancing at Lucky.
The others snickered while he gave me a flat look.
"Obviously. You are moving out", he retorted blandly.
I rolled my eyes, "I was talking about you", I stated.
He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "I said what I said", he retorted dismissively.
"You sound like a bitch", I stated.
"And you are a bitch. Next comment", he retorted sarcastically.
"I don't like you", I told him.
"But your mother-in-law loves me", he growled doing the salsa.
This bitch.
"Ooh! In snitchin'! I'm tellin' LaLa on you Lucky Charms", laughed Christian.
"Shut the fuck up", Lucky spat.
"Make me, powder faced ass fucker", challenged Christian.
"Hey, chill, bro", called Markel trying to play the peace keeper.
"No, no. Let them have at it. I haven't seen a good fight in a minute", I chided waving him off.
"Chris', you better not or I am telling mama. Lucky, I will suck the soul out-"
"Eeew!", we all chorused at a smirking Tristian who stood with his arms folded across his chest.
That is until his boyfriend stepped up from behind him grabbing his shirt at the collar. My cousin looked scared as his eyes met his lover's.
"You will do what now to who?", Antonio sneered.
We all snickered watching the two interact with one another.
"N-No-one, babe. I would never do anything with anyone but you, my man", he said sweetly while widening eyes feigning innocent.
"You better not", stated Antonio before laying one on Tris'.
I cringed looking away. I think I saw tongue. I am all for equal rights, but that was disgusting. I do not want to see anyone tongue kissing unless it's me and my baby. Especially not anyone I am related to.
I shuddered in disgust.
"You really are a power bottom", Lucky's evil ass drawled.
I shook my head tuning everyone out. I knew that there was about to be an argument and I wanted no parts in it. I just wanted to be laid up under my baby in our new house rubbing her bump. The quicker we got this done the better.
"-with your big headed ass! Ugh, I can't stand you, you big eyed demon!", bellowed Tristian.
"Okay, super bottom", Lucky dismissed nonchalantly.
I saw Tristian take a step towards the demon spawn but he was pulled back by his boyfriend.
"You are always talking shit, bitch! Come step to me...."
Tristian began ranting and raving in Italian, his voice dropping an octave as he did. Although my cousin's ascent sounded Australian usually when he speaks English. Tristian's Italian flame comes bursting out of him when he livid. His voices naturally drops and he becomes a loose cannon. Sometimes I think he is secretly in the mafia or some shit, but you didn't hear that from me.
"Enough, baby!", shouted Antonio silencing Tristian.
My eyes widened in admiration for the man. He shut Tristian up, a feature that not many have mastered. He tamed my cousin. If I had respect for the guy then I have a drop more for him.
"What the hell kind of BDSM fuck me daddy mind control bullshit is this?", muttered an wide eyed Christian.
I nearly fainted at the visuals I had received from his little description.
"Shut yo' ass up, Chris! Damn!", the rest of us chorused except for the equally amused Antonio and Tristian.
"All of you are fucking disgusting", I spat picking up a box and leaving.
Sometimes they really disgust me. I carried the box out to the truck before heading back inside. The idiots were cracking open beers when I walked in.
"Seriously, why are you here if all you are doing is creating more work for me? I want to go home and lay up under my baby. So get to work", I scolded the idiots.
The flour demon rolled his eyes holding out a beer towards me. "Here because you're an even bigger bitch when you don't have booze in your system", he drawled.
Snatching the beer from his hand I cracked it open chugging a bit of it. I needed this beer after dealing with them for the past four hours. We all took a seat on the sectional, not that any of them really needed to take a break when they have yet to actually do some real work.
Everyone began to reminisce about our time here in this apartment. Meanwhile, I was doing some reminiscing of my own.
"Nathaniel, I never thought that I would sound like the bitch that you are, but I am freaking the fuck out, dude", Lucky complained pacing the floor.
I did not say anything. I merely turned up the volume on the TV. I was watching an old Teenwolf re-run. The episode was finally getting good.
"Dude, seriously!?", Lucky exasperated.
I turned the TV volume up a bit more. I was not trying to hear about his twisted life's tale. I had already knew what he was talking about. People around campus talk way too much and mind other people's business even more.
"Will you shut the fuck already!? Can't you see that I am trying to watch TV!?", I said glowering at him.
He rolled his eyes letting out a groan. My boy looked hella frustrated. Did I care though? No. He was interrupting my show with his drama. Ain't nobody got time for one of his Demon Tales.
"Dude, fuck your TV. I need advice you lanky asshole", he spat.
I smiled placing a hand on my stomach. "Thank you. My baby got me into that cardio shit and I thought that I was the only one that noticed it really working. Thank, bro", I retorted sarcastically while caressing my abs.
The dead look he gave me was something wicked.
"I could always kill you and eat your soul", he stated.
I made a cross with my fingers. "No you can't, demon. I'm a child of God. So try again", I denied hissing at him.
I knew that he was joking. This was just his dark humor. He thought it was funny that people referred to him as a spawn of Satan because of his sense of humor.
"Look here you unseasoned cracker, you are going to pay me attention. You are going to pay attention to my bitchin' and complaining because I am going through some real shit right now and need a fucking friend. Unfortunately for me, Naomi wasn't available so i'm stuck with your ass", he hissed.
"Wow! Here I was thinking that our years of friendship meant something to you. I risked my wings for you, man", I chided.
He rolled his eyes again letting out another frustrated groan. Then a couch cushion hit me in the face. I cackled tossing aside the cushion. I loved pissing him off.
"I hope you step on a Lego", he said snidely.
I shrugged my shoulders, "Already have and the shit hurts like a bitch. You might want to prepare for that by the way. Kids leave shit every fucking where, dude", I said nonchalantly.
"Why did I fucking come here?", he sighed.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I was doing just fine watching my shows and eating. Then you showed up, flour demon", I retorted stuffing an entire chip in my mouth.
"I'm fucking serious. This is fucking serious. I'm about to have a little spawn depending on me, man", he glowered.
Again I shrugged my shoulders. "You should of kept your dick in your pants. Drunk sex is about the dumbest shit anyone can do and what do you know? You did it. Now you have a kid on the way. Suck it the fuck up. It's not the fucking end of the world", I told him.
He plopped down onto the couch with his head thrown back. "My parents are going to fucking throttle me", he groaned.
"Totally", I agreed directing my attention back to the TV.
"I'm scared", he admitted after a while of us both quietly watching TV.
I hummed, "It's normal. You're going to shit a brick when the kid's born though", I responded remembering the birth of my baby sister.
Never again will I let my curious mind rule me during child birth.
"Thanks man", he said sarcastically.
"Yeah, now shut the fuck up", I dismissed turning up the volume some more on the TV.
I was done with the conversation. It honestly should of only taken a minute to have before it was over. It was his reality. He may not be ready, but he better grow a pair and get the fuck ready. Because Parenthood is not a fucking game.
"You little fucker!"
I remember Omi finding us both on the floor wrestling after class. The little bitch had snatched the remote from my hand and threw it at me, hitting me square in the forehead. Long story short, I had speared his ass and we began to fight.
Then there was that time when Tristian had gotten into a heated argument with my uncle. They did not always see eye to eye as any parent to child relationship would. However, the argument had been over my uncle pulling a gun on his then boyfriend, Jonah.
The little shit had literally pissed himself as he stared down the barrel of my uncle's gun. Tristian had not liked that and an argument ensued. They made up literally the very next day. After I called my uncle and told him where he could find his son whom came crying to my baby at two in the morning, he wasted no time getting over here to make amends with his son.
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