《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》17. Unpretty
My baby looks so cute in her little outfit. I had to take pictures of her to show Neil later.
"Two more baby, I promise", I cooed snapping another picture of her.
"Okay, there! You just look so cute, baby", I gushed pinching her chubby little cheek.
She whined taking a step back adjusting her blazer.
"Mama, stop. We gon' be late", she whined.
I checked the time on my phone and saw that she was right.
"Fine. Let's go little diva", I retorted putting my phone into my purse.
We left the house heading to meet the boys at Dave and Buster's. Both Neil and I had the time so why not spend it with our babies making more memories together as a family.
"Bro-Bro!", cheered Aryan as she ran towards her twin brother with her arms open.
"Sissy!", Aiden cheered running meeting his sister halfway embracing her tightly.
"Hey, what about me?", Nathaniel whined causing me to roll my eyes at his antics.
"Hi, daddy", Aryan said wistfully opening her arms for a hug from him.
He scoffed folding his arms across his chest.
"I am not your second choice. I'm the only choice", he sassed.
"After food", she concluded hugging her dad's legs.
I snickered concealing it with a cough when he casted a glare my way.
"Hey, mommy", Aiden shouted hugging me.
I hugged him back placing a kiss to his head.
"Hey, cutie. How was your day with your dad?", I responded.
He let out a sigh, although he wore a soft smile on his lips. That was all that I needed to know. I felt the same at times.
I patted his head affectionately.
"I understand", I said with a head nod ignoring the pout Nathaniel was casting the two of us.
"Be careful, babies. Stay where we can see the both of you and look out for one another", I instructed before allowing the twins to run towards the gaming area.
"You look so beautiful, baby", complimented Neil placing a kiss to my cheek.
We were sat side by side with our thighs touching. His arm was around me and he for some reason was unable to behave himself.
"Thank you", I retorted keeping an eye on the twins who were placing a racing game.
"I don't get a compliment back?", he asked.
I rolled my eyes. I could literally hear the pout in his voice. Sometimes Nathaniel is such a childish attention whore. Although, I should not complain when it is always my attention he vies for.
"No", I denied him.
"Baby, you would me. You practically forced little gofer and I to have a father-son day when all I wanted was to lay up under you", he complained.
"Neil, this ain't about you", I said rising from the booth to stand.
"Omi, why won't you love me?", he whined childishly.
"Bruh, this ain't about you. I love you always now get your cute ass up and let's go have fun with our children", I sassed before sashaying away towards the twins whom were occupied by their racing match to notice my approaching figure.
Soon I found myself laughing and playing with my family. Nathaniel and I are playing a shooting game currently while Aiden and Aryan cheer us on.
He is currently up by two, but I was determined to win. My determination would outweigh his skill I hoped.
"Yes! Go mommy! Beat daddy's butt!", cheered Aryan.
I scored basket after basket ignoring the curse coming from beside me as I passed Neil.
"Go mommy! Go!", cheered Aiden.
"Traitor! You were on my team!", called Neil indignantly.
I giggled scoring another basket.
"No dessert for none of you", called Nathaniel causing me to miss my basket.
He chuckled evilly as the buzzer went off indicating the end of the game. Our final scores were talked and it was a tie. I pouted and he noticed letting out another chuckle.
Pulling me into him he placed a chaste kiss to my lips.
"Awe, don't be upset, baby. There is always next time", he cooed childishly.
I rolled my eyes, "You cheated", I huffed.
He shrugged uncaringly.
"You say cheating, I say improvising to win", he retorted.
I reached out pinching him as I walked pass him causing him to let out another chuckle. I felt a slight sting on my butt. I turned my head sending him a playful glare before continuing on my way.
"Look at her. She's so fat."
"I bet he's with her out of pity."
"Poor thing, I bet he's embarrassed but is just putting on a brave face for the sake of the kids she trapped him with."
I had tried to ignore the rude comments people muttered. I really tried, but not every comment rolled off of me. Some seeped into my pores. Some of them had relit the insecurities I tried to never let rule my life anymore.
However, it was hard to ignore. The comments were not made by only jealous, envious, and disbelieving women. There were comments were made by men as well. I knew that I was no everyone's cup of tea nor was I really acceptable by society's beauty standards.
Despite knowing this, did that give justification for the way that people treated me and others of my stature? Because the size of my clothing are not single digits that makes it okay for people to disregard my feelings?
"I do not envy him, dude."
"I bet fucking her must feel like smashing two chicks at once."
"That's a lot of ass... and everything else."
"Eww, how can you let yourself get that big?"
I unconsciously began to recluse into myself. I became more quiet. The outing became less fun. I began to feel uncomfortable in my own skin.
"Baby, I just remembered that I have something to do. You and the kids stay and have fun", I whispered to Nathaniel after pulling him aside.
He stared at me eyeing me from head to toe. His eyes came to rest on mine, boring into my own. I felt exposed under his gaze but I remained solid in my composure. He did not look the least bit amused by my words.
"What's wrong, Omi? We were all having a fun a while ago then you started to shut down. Do not lie to me, Naomi. Tell me what is bothering my wife", he commanded sternly.
I tried to smile, only managing to form a small one. I had hoped that my smile would sway him, but it proved futile.
"Nothing. I just have a surprise for everyone that I need to go check on, Neil. I promise", I lied straight through my teeth lowering my gaze.
It felt wrong to hold his gaze. I was lying to him. I felt guilty and I could not bear to shoulder the weight his gaze held any longer.
His eyes narrowed into slits. Reaching out towards me he cupped my cheek in the palm of his hand taking my head higher to fully look at him.
"Naomi, I will see you at home", he said lowly before stepping away allowing his hand to fall from my face.
He was upset with me. I could not blame him though. Anyone would be upset when someone lies to their face, especially someone they love and care for so much. I just nodded my head letting out a sigh.
"I love you, Omi. Have a safe drive home", he told me wistfully before placing another chaste kiss to my lips.
"I love you too", I whispered sadly.
"Give the twins a kiss for me while I am gone", I told him before walking away.
"Oh my God! Do you guys feel the floor shaking? It feels like a level 5 magnitude."
I bit my lip continuing on my way out ignoring the laughing group of men and women sat near the entrance making jokes about my body.
I drove home to our new shared home. I may have have done ten over the speed limit. Fortunately, I had not been pulled over.
I found myself standing in front of the mirror in our bedroom in my underwear.
I knew that I was bigger than a lot of women around me.
I knew that I had spider web like stretch marks.
I knew that those very stretch marks would turn many people off at the thought of me.
I knew that I had rolls and flab.
I knew that I had a muffin top.
I knew that I had a double chin.
I knew that I was big, that I am fat.
Yet, today felt different.
I began to feel ugly.
I began to feel uncomfortable in my own body once again.
A feeling that I had spent so long trying to diminish from my thoughts.
Yet, today all of those negative comments brought the unwanted feeling back to life inside of me.
I cried.
I stood in front of the mirror and cried. I began to dislike my body. I began to see every comment they aimed at me today.
No longer was I the confident, self-assured Naomi Vitro I carried myself as. I was now merely an overweight insecure woman wishing to be accepted.
My legs eventually failed me sending me crashing to the floor onto my hands and knees. I felt a pain in my right wrist but the pain went ignored as the sadness completely engulfed me.
I sat on the floor in front of the mirror hugging my flabby body crying to myself. I had lost all sense of time. I had forgotten about the world around me.
I jumped started feeling arms wrap around me. I knew who held me immediately. His scent invaded my nostrils soothing me slightly. His hold around me tightened as he held me kissing my head.
Nathaniel did say anything. He simply held me. That was all of the comfort I needed.
"Do you want to talk about it? No, we are going to talk about. Omi, baby, what happened today?", he said lowly still holding me against his body.
I shook my head placing my hands on his chest to push his away. A pain shot up my arm from my wrist causing me to let out a cry.
"Omi, what's wrong?", he asked concerned.
"Just let me go", I cried shoving at his chest hurting myself once again.
"I think you hurt yourself. Get dressed so I can take you to the hospital to get you checked out", he said leaving no room for disagreement.
I complied getting to my feet with his help. Not wanting to be too constricted in my clothes I chose to wear one of my maternity dresses along with my Ugg boots and a cardigan.
The ride to the emergency room had been silent between a with the radio as background music. The wait between us had been silent as well. The doctor had informed us that I had sprained my wrist. I would be fine in few days and I was instructed to not put too much pressure on my wrist for the time being.
Instead of heading back home we made a detour to the store. I eyed him suspiciously but he said nothing as he exited the car coming to my side opening the door for me. He even went as far as carrying my hands it's for me.
I was not sure what we had come to the store for so I had quietly walked behind him as he grabbed the things he needed. I glanced in the basket every now and then mentally scolding him about his choices of items. However, I kept my disapproval to myself.
"Okay. Why do you keep picking up this rubbish?", I blurted not being able to contain myself any longer.
He paused placing the item in the basket before turning to face me.
"Because I know that you enjoy these things. Hell, I enjoy them too. I don't know what's up with you today, but I am still going to comfort you as best I can. We may be silently disagreeing about your behavior over the past hours, but I am still going to love up on you and make sure that you are good at the end of the day", he retorted passionately.
I felt my eyes begin to water.
"These damn hormones", I mumbled angrily wiping at my eyes.
He pulled me into his arms embracing me removing my hands from my face. His hand replaced mine gently wiping away my tears with the pad of his thumb.
"Let's go home, Omi. I did not mean to make you cry, but I was just telling you the truth, baby", he cooed.
I felt an overdramatic child. There I was in a store crying in my husband's arms on the snack aisle. I bet I embarrassed him. That thought only served to make me cry even more.
After my crying episode we paid for our items before making our exit heading home. The entire ride home was spent with Nathaniel trying to comfort me and me arguing that nothing was wrong.
I had gone straight to our bedroom kicking off my shoes climbing into bed under the covers.
"Baby?", he called.
"Leave me alone, Nathaniel", I whined sniffling.
He hummed before the blanket was snatched off of me.
"Neil", I groaned.
"Naomi, talk to me", he mocked flopping beside me on the bed.
"Leave me alone", I whined again.
"Totally, the fuck not", he said imitating a basic white girl.
I huffed our a laugh despite my sullen mood.
"Now tell me what's wrong, missy. I do not like for my wife to be sad and crying. I damn sure do not like for you to push me away when you obviously need me. So tell me what's up voluntarily? Or, we can do it my way where you tell me either way?", he said exasperatedly after a moment when my laughter died down.
I snapped my mouth shut. I did not want to tell him. I felt silly at the moment for even crying over something such as others negative remarks towards me. We had a staring contest.
I lost. He cheated again.
"Get to speaking", he ordered.
I let out a sigh beginning to play with my hands.
"I feel silly now", I mumbled.
"Why?", he asked softly.
"Because people were talking about my weight and I let it get to me. I even questioned why you truly married me and started a family with me, Neil. I-I was just being stupid", I muttered with a frown.
He side eyed me before rolling his eyes and left out a sigh.
"I could preach to you all day about how you shouldn't give a fuck what those assholes had to say about you, but I won't. I don't understand why their opinions matter, but to you they did. Those are just other insecure assholes that choose to bring others down instead of overcome their own insecurities. Baby, you are literally my dream woman. From your big doe eyes to your stretch marks. I love how you keep order in my life. I love how you make me feel invincible with you at my side. I love how you love our children. I love the way that you love me. You love me and that is more than I can ever ask of you, Naomi. You make me a better man, husband, and father. You truly have no idea just how beautiful you truly are inside and out. I love everything about you including your body and the annoying shit you do from time to time. All because it is you. My baby, my gorgeous wife that makes my life complete. If you ever feel down about yourself or something some negative asshole said about you upsets you. You come to me. I will whoop their ass for upsetting my baby", he passionately ranted.
I felt like crying all over again.
"What if the negative person if a girl?", I asked bitting my lips to keep myself from crying anymore.
He scoffed, "I will thump that bitch. I might can't punch a female, but I will thump one for my baby", he retorted sassily sending me into a giggling fit.
"You are absolutely crazy", I laughed.
He smiled pulling me onto his lap.
"Crazy for and over you, babe", he stated beginning to pepper my face with kisses.
I just laughed, all sense of being sad had left me. I felt carefree in Nathaniel's embrace as he showered me with love and affection. His affection and love serving as a remedy to all of my insecurities.
"Hey, where are the kids?", I asked in between my laughter.
He slowly pulled away so that I clearly view his face. A smirk was placed upon his face.
"They are at their grandparents for the weekend", he said coyly.
"Oh", I muttered.
"Yeah. Oh", he growled wiggling his eyebrows at me.
He spent the weekend pampering and loving all on me. Gosh, I love Nathaniel.
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