《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》16. Hard Candy
'-I'm locked up,
They won't let me out,
No, oh, they won't let me out,
I'm locked up,
They wo-'
"Nathaniel shut the fuck up!", dad leered from across the jail cell.
Yup, you read that right. Jail cell, with my old man. That's not even the biggest plot twist in all of this. I will save that for a little later though.
"Daddy, i'm bored", I groaned.
I was lying on the trashy ass bed with my head hanging off the side of the bed while he sat on the top bunk with his legs hanging over the edge.
I seriously felt him rolling his eyes. "Nathaniel, shut up. I already have enough stress going on as is and I do not need your whiny voice or shitty singing to add more to it", he said sternly.
"That's cold old man", I chided.
"Ow, fuck!", I yelled in pain clutching my forehead.
The old cook had hopped from the top bunk and kicked me in the forehead.
"Shut up, bitch", he sneered adjusting his clothes slightly.
"I'm telling mama on you", I grumbled rubbing what felt like the forming of a new bruise.
He rolled his eyes. "It's not like she isn't already going to kill me. Why not give her another reason, coglione di merda", he said blandly.
I scoffed, "Perche'mamma ti ha dovuto scegliere? Deve allenarti di nuovo, vecchio mut. Inoltre, non sono uno stronzo di spia. Smettila di fare la femminuccia e prendi la punizione come un uomo, vecchio mio", I retorted sitting upright on the bed allowing my hand to fall away from my sore face.
Dad tisked plopping on the bed beside me. "You could of fooled me, son", he grumbled.
It became silent between us for a short while. He let out a deep sigh.
"How angry do you think our wives will be when they get here?", he asked thoughtfully.
I bullshit you not that I saw my whole life flash before my eyes at the thought of my baby coming to bail me out of jail. She was surely coming to kill me first before my mom or my aunts could.
"It was nice living while we could", I retorted honestly.
He groaned loudly. "I hate you, boy", he groaned.
I was appalled. None of this was nor is my fault. Yet, here he is blaming me for our predicament.
"It's not my got damn fault we are in a jail cell awaiting our untimely deaths, old bat", I retorted snidely.
He scoffed, "You was the one to throw the first punch", he countered.
"The old bitch shouldn't of been talking about my mama. If anything, you should of decked his ass first", I leered.
"I never got the chance to Jumping Jack Flash. I was about to stomp a mud hole in his ass for speaking about my baby like that. Again, I could not do shit for trying to pull you off of him and getting jacked up by those steroid fed ass bouncers", he spat, fire in his eyes.
"Sure", I said simply before there was a resounding click from the door.
The door was slowly opened to reveal an officer with a smirk on their face.
"Vitro, you're free to go", called the officer letting out a snicker.
'Well fuck you two then! Just release me to my damn death. The justice system ain't shit!', I thought letting out a sigh as we rose from the bed and walked out of the cell.
We were escorted to the the front to pick up our belongings. We stood right there and checked our wallets at the window before being escorted to the lobby where mama bear was pacing back and forward like a caged animal. My baby sat in one of those plastic chairs mindlessly rubbing her bump as she stared ahead of her. She was pretty much the epitome of peaceful while mama was chaos waiting to be unleashed. Aunt Marian was throwing phantom punches in a corner a short distance from the two while nana sat beside my baby with one leg crossed over the other reading a magazine.
I heard a large gulp. I rolled my eyes turning to face the men of my family.
"Smettila di fare le stronze Ingoia il rospo e lascia che le tue palle si impicchino. Sono le nostre mogli e le nostre madri, perche'di piu possono farci davvero?", I hissed.
They were acting like bitches and mama did not raise no bitch.
"Ha ragione. Siamo uomini adulti. Non dovremmo avere paura, comportandoci come un mucchio di fighette", Uncle Mickey hissed in agreement glancing towards the women.
"For once, I am going to have to agree with you", Uncle Victor, Aunt Marian's husband agreed.
"Yeah. What can mom do to me, pops? I'm a grown man", my cousin, Angelo added in agreement to his dad.
"Yeah, man power", I encouraged lowly.
"Forza maschile!", they chorused lowly, except for my dad and grandpa who stood aside shaking their heads.
Yes, grandpapa was locked up right along with us. That is neither here nor there right now. As I was saying, the idiots even made a hand pile then breaking it chorusing 'Man power' once more before approaching the women.
'Fucking idiots', I thought gleefully.
"Ma, chill. I'm a gro-"
Well, Angelo was just backhanded by my aunt. Uncle Victor flinched raising his hands up on surrender when his wife turn her heated gaze onto him.
Out the corner of my eyes I saw nana dragging Uncle Mikey out of the police station by his ear with grandpa trailing after them.
My baby had not said a word to me. She had simply walked over to me, placing the car keys in my hands as she walked pass me wordlessly. It was daylight out meaning that we had spent the night in jail.
"Baby, say something, please?", I all but begged for the hundredth time as I drove us home.
"What do you want me to say?", she mumbled staring out the window while rubbing her bump.
I have noticed that she does that a lot now. It's so cute, but it also tells me that she is upset.
"Anything. The silence is killing me", I groaned.
"I'm upset, Nathaniel. I was up worried something had happened to you when you did not come home. Only to get a call from you telling me that you are in jail. What the hell were you thinking!?", she retorted, her voice gradually rising until she yelled at me.
"Baby?", I sighed.
"Shut the fuck up, Nathaniel. I don't want to hear it right now. I just want to go home and get some rest", she spat silencing my pleas for understanding before they could even begin.
We rode the rest of the way home in a tense silence. She did not even wait for me to open her door when I parked the car in her spot. She had gotten out on her own slamming the door shut behind her leaving me behind in the car to stew in my guilt.
Taking my time walking inside I grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and made myself comfortable on the couch. It took me a while, but I managed to drift off despite not having my baby lying beside me.
I woke up with the twins standing over me staring me in the face. Well, Aryan was hanging over the back of the couch hovering over me while Aiden sat beside me on the couch.
"What are you two doing, Things?", I sleepily muttered while sitting up.
"Where wuh you las' ni'?", Aryan asked sassily with her little hands on her hips.
"I'm grown and the parent. You're the child. Stay a child", I retorted pulling her over the couch onto my lap.
She squealed letting out a giggle as I began to tickle her.
"Girl, we supposed ta be mad", Aiden huffed.
I rolled my eyes pulling him onto my lap as well tucking the both of them and tossing them up in the air catching them. Their laughter must of woke up my baby. She came from the hallway dressed for the day a while later. I muttered for the twins to go get dressed while I eyed my baby.
I licked my lips trailing my eyes over her form appreciatively. She was so beautiful. Yet, she was missing something. Her smile. My baby was not smiling. Instead she wore a frown on her face.
"Hey, baby", I called to her but she ignored me.
"Naomi?", I called.
She ignored me again.
"Baby, I know that you hear me", I called getting up off the couch walking into the kitchen where she had gone.
I watched her move about the kitchen wordlessly. She did not once acknowledge my presence. That ticked me off.
"Naomi?", I called as she brushed pass me.
I firmly grasped her wrist pulling her back against my body wrapping my arms around her.
"Talk to me. Stop ignoring me, acting like I am not here", I said lowly.
She tisked rolling her eyes. "Let me go. I have things to do", she said blandly.
"I'm still upset, Nathaniel. Just leave me alone and I will come to you when I am ready to talk", she leered.
I stared into her angry eyes before letting my arms fall away from her, releasing her from my grasp. Without a word or second glance she left me alone in the kitchen.
I did not see her for the rest of the day. I was having ducking withdrawals. I was addicted to my baby. She was ignoring all forms of communication I was sending her. I was calling her once again when she came trudging in the door carrying grocery bags. I tossed my phone aside rushing to her side taking the bags from her hands.
"Thank you, baby", she said tiredly.
"No problem, Omi. Go sit down and kick your feet up. I got this", I responded placing a peck to her lips that she surprisingly allowed.
She did as told while I went into the kitchen and put the groceries away before joining her in the living room. I sat beside her on the couch taking her legs onto my lap gently messaging them and her feet.
"Can we talk now?", I asked after a while.
"Go ahead, Neil", she retorted wistfully, letting a sigh as I worked out a knot in her thigh.
"Well, deadass, I fucked shit up", I said simply.
"Elaborate, babe", she muttered.
"Wait, we need snacks first. This shit was a whirlwind", I muttered thinking about last night's events. Without waiting for a response, I went into the kitchen gathering us some snacks and drinks before carrying them back on a tray. Only after we were situated did I begin tell the tale of last night's fiasco.
"Old man, you suck. Pay up", I snickered watching eyeing my pops who was frowning at the pool table.
"Fuck you", he muttered dropping his stick on the table then taking up his beer taking a swig.
I rolled my eyes, "You better pay up you old fart or I will tell mom on you", I warned.
My old man was not afraid of anyone or thing, except for nana and my mom.
He scoffed, "Stop being a bitch", he retorted causing grandpa to laugh.
"You're such a pussy when it comes to my sister, bro. What kind of man is afraid of his wife?", snickered Uncle Mickey.
"A smart one", chorused the rest of us, except my cousin, Angelo who was single just like Uncle Mickey.
"A bunch of pu-nothing", Uncle Mickey retorted, but changed his mind at the look gramps casted him.
"A whole bitch still", Pops snickered.
"Get punched in the throat, bitch", hissed Uncle Mickey.
We were just hanging out like usually did every once a while. Just men bonding over drinks and games in a bar. Everything was fine up until some drunk old fucker came staggering by spilling his drink.
"Fuck! You assholes owe me a pint!", yelled the drunkard.
I rolled my eyes as many of us did as we continued our conversation ignoring his presence.
"Don't fucking touch me, dude!", I snapped shrugging the guy's hand off my shoulder.
I can ignore your presence, your voice even. Just do not put your hands on me, that's where I draw the line.
He laughed drunkenly. "You look familiar, boy", he slurred.
"You don't, therefore I don't know you", I retorted snidely.
"Tha-that's it! You look li' the fucker d-d-dat stole my bitch from me back in da day!", he stuttered drunkenly.
"Michael McGregor?", Pops muttered.
The drunk whirled to face him stumbling around before catching his bearings.
"You!", he exclaimed.
"Long time no see, chump", Pops said coolly, smirking at him.
The drunk returned his smirk. "Dis ya kid?", he asked.
"Yup", Pops retorted popping the 'p'.
"Figures. He has ya bitch face. Where's my old bitch? She dump ya too and hop on another dick?", the guy said snidely.
Dad paused.
"Pardon?", pops asked at the same time I stood from the table stepping to the idiot.
"The fuck you say about my mom?", I sneered.
"She ol' ho! Ju-"
"Did you punch him in the mouth?", my baby interrupted.
"Shh! Let me finish", I retorted shushing her then continuing.
"You better watch your fucking mouth, boy", grandpa quipped.
"Wha' ya gon' do, old bastard? The bitch is fucking who-"
I punched him. I was tired of him talking shit about my mom. My mom is my mom. I will be damned if I let a bitch talk shit about her and not get hit.
"Talk shit about my mom and you get hit, you stupid motherfucker", I spat.
I should of expected it, but I was too engrossed in high five-ing Uncle Mickey And Angelo to notice the drunken idiot charging at me. He tackled me against the table punching me in the jaw.
That was the beginning of a brawl. Apparently the fucker came along with friends. While I was beating his face in I was kicked in the side sending me sprawling out beside him on the floor letting out a groan of pain. That shit hurt like a bitch. I will probably have the bruise to her prove it too.
"You done fucked up, now!", yelled Uncle Mickey.
While I was down the fucker took advantage getting in two good ones before I regained the upper hand. I sat on top of him punching him in the face repeatedly before I was yanked off him by my old man. To be old my pops was still fucking strong. Not being able to get free from his old I settled for a few kicks, kicking him wherever I could.
The sound of glass breaking distracted me from fucking up the fucker any further who was curled up on the floor with his arms protectively placed around his head. I turned my head to see some bitch swinging a broken beer bottle at my grandpa. I was released and forgotten as dad made his way over to aide his old man, only for some of the coolest shit I have ever witnessed happened.
The guy swiped the broken bottle at Grandpa once again after faking a left hook. Granps blocked the punch taking a step back avoiding the glass throwing a hard jab to the jackass' throat that sent him sprawling to the floor clutching his throat.
"That's my fucking, grandpa!", I exclaimed giddily throwing phantom punches.
Next thing I know, big ass bouncers were jacking us up escorting us out of the bar.
"Yeah, fucking pansy's! Tell your whore mother Michael said 'hi'", called the asshole after us.
I whirled around only to be snatched up once again by a bouncer.
"Say one more fucking thing about my wife and you will come up missing, motherfucker!", shouted Dad being drug out of the bar by two bouncers.
I laughed humorlessly as I was drug out the bar as well. I probably looked like a freaking psychopath, but the fear that I saw flash through that idiot's eyes was well worth it.
"The cops were waiting for us outside. And that's how I wound up spending the night in a jail cell with my old man. I was merely holding the fort", I explained taking a sip of my drink.
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