《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》5. Dance For You
Nathaniel is such a brat. He is my brat though. We are out shopping and he is taking forever. I like shopping just not as much as he does. A couple of hours, four tops and I am done. Nathaniel needs damn near the whole day to shop.
Me liking to annoy him at times, especially when we are shopping. I make little slick comments every now and then. "And here I thought I was the woman in this relationship", I commented glancing up at him from my phone. He is currently on the phone talking to one of the club owners at the club he is playing at tonight.
I know that he heard me. The way his eyes slightly narrowed indicated it and it made me smirk to myself.
"...Yeah, that's perfect man. I'll see you tonight. Bye", he said before ending the call and beckoning me over to him. I walked over to him coming to a stop within his reach. He reached out grasping my hand in his yanking me forward so that I was kneeling on the bench between his legs. "You gon' quit talkin' shit 'bout me, Omi", he said lowly capturing my lips with his in a tender kiss. I nipped his bottom lip grinning as I hugged him around his midsection. Neil is already a good couple of inches taller than me and our current position just serves as emphasis of the fact.
"I love you", he whispered staring deep into my eyes, our faces a centimeter apart with his arm wrapped around my shoulders holding me against his body. "I love you", I said before closing the distance giving him a chaste kiss to his plump lips. "So... are you getting all of these, sir? Or are you still shopping?", asked a sales associate ruining the little atmosphere we had created between us. Neil sighed tilting his head to look at the woman. "I'm still shopping and I would like a pair of each shoe in women's size 6 1/2", he responded rubbing my back. I do not even know what the associate responded for being too busy getting lost in his scent as I snuggled against him.
"Don't you fall asleep on me", he said lowly, his chest rumbling with each word. I bit my lip, damn he sounded so sexy. "That was hot", I complimented snuggling against him even more. He chuckled, his hand traveling down my back to my butt giving it a spank. "Thank you, bae", he responded. "You're welcome, boo", I cooed kissing him on the chin.
Do not laugh, it was all I could reach at that moment. He chuckled tilting his head downwards kissing me deeply. A minute later he broke the kiss placing a peck to my lips, smiling softly at me afterwards. "C'mon. I want to go to another store real quick", he said. I raised an eyebrow at him as to say "Really!?". He rolled his eyes, "You're so shady to me", he said wistfully making me giggle as I rose to my feet standing in front of the bench.
"I try, baby. I try only for you", I laughed adjusting my clothes so everything was where it was supposed to be. I did not need a wardrobe malfunction. "It better only be for me, don't nobody deserve your efforts but me and our babies", he said seriously making me roll my eyes a his possessiveness. Despite myself, I felt a small smile slip upon my face. He hopped off of the bench standing flush against my back side wrapping his arms around my waist. His chin resting on my shoulder as he hugged me from behind.
"You my shade tree wit' yo' fine self", he said kissing me on the cheek making me burst out laughing.
He raised one of his eyebrows, his eyes still focused on his phone screen. I sipped my drink through the straw as I watched for his reaction. It only took a few seconds before he was staring at me with a flat look upon his handsome face. "Did you really have to be so damn petty?", he asked popping a french fry in his mouth. I smirked, "I took a good a picture of you though, right?", I said coyly dodging his question. He leaned forward a bit reaching across table taking my hand into his.
"Right, but that caption though. You tryna fight me, Omi? You want ya ass whooped, don't you?", he responded, a smirk slowly appearing on his plump lips. The picture had been a selfie he had taken on my phone after I had bought him a rose from this nice man that was selling them on the street just before we came inside of the restaurant. He was feeling some type of way and decided to take a new photo for my background of him holding the rose with his teeth. Knowing it would get his attention, I posted it.
I tisked around my straw staring directly into his eyes, deeply staring into them. He groaned leaning back in his seat, our hands still connected as we held hands and continued eating. "What is bothering you, baby?", I asked curious about why he had groaned. "Stop it", he mumbled staring at me intensely.
I tilted my head to the side sipping my drink through the straw. "Stop what?", I asked. He groaned again giving my hand a squeeze. "Being all sexy 'n' shit. You know we're in public and I can't do shit", he grumbled causing me to chuckle. "Well", I began running my hands over my curves. "I can't just turn all of this off. It's not my fault that you are still as hormonal as you were back in high school", I teased.
"You will never let me live that down will you?", he wistfully asked. I grinned, "Eventually", I told him. He shook his head, "You act like you weren't a part of it too. If I remember correctly, you loved when I did circles all up in that pu-", I interrupted him not wanting him to finish what we both knew he was going to say. I was sure that I was red as a tomato I was blushing so hard. "Neil!", I exclaimed. He had the nerve to smirk at me, but then again, was I really surprised?
Nope. Not at all. This is Nathaniel we are talking about. His entire family is like this so I really had no-one to tell on him to. It was my job as his Misses to scold and chastise him in moments like this. Hell, I sometimes have to scold his mom too. I seriously feel Dad Vitro's pain when it comes to his carefree wife. She is actually where Neil gets a lot of his mannerisms and personality traits. He has his dad's looks with his mom's everything else.
"Awe, babe. You're blushing", he cooed sitting up straight, a chuckle leaving his mouth. "I highly dislike your behind", I said then sticking out my tongue at him. He chuckled again, "Careful, Omi", he taunted licking his lips. I bit my lip turning my head to look out of the window. His gaze was too intense for such a setting and I did not plan on leaving a wet spot on my seat when we leave. "You are so nasty, Neil", I mumbled picking up my drink bringing the straw to my mouth and sipping from it.
"Yet, you're always being nasty with me", he commented.
"Give me your phone, Nathaniel", I demanded turning my head to glare at him. He smiled sheepishly, "Check your notifications first", he compromised. I huffed but agreed doing as he requested. I grinned looking up from my phone screen to my awesome man that sat across the table from me. Leave it to Neil to annoy me and make me smile all in the same instance. He had posted a collage photo of me on his Instagram with a cute caption that was purely my baby.
I scooted out of the booth taking the couple of steps that separated us and kissed him sweetly on the lips. "Yours as fuck always", I told him breaking the kiss. He grinned before placing his lips on mine kissing me deeply. "Mine always just as I am always yours", he mumbled against my lips before deepening the kiss. "We gone wind up pregnant for sure if we keep this up", I mumbled slowly pulling away from him. With a nip to my bottom lip he he grinned boyishly.
"I would not be opposed", he beamed making me shake my head. "I know, baby", I said wistfully. Grabbing my drink off of the table. He rose from the booth placing two twenties down on the table for our meal that costed less than twenty dollars, giving our waiter a nice little tip. "Let's go big booty", he said smacking me on the butt in passing taking my hand in his pulling me along after him.
It is packed inside of the club. There are people from all over drinking, dancing, and having a good time. I do not too much care for the club scene, but I always love a good scene. Tonight definitely looks to be one. "Okay, babe. I'm about to go up and do my set, wish me luck?", Neil said into my ear over the loud music as we swayed to the beat of the music. I smiled encouragingly giving him a chaste kiss. "You got this, baby. Now go up there and do your thing so I can gloat about you being my husband to salty people", I encouraged.
He chuckled, "You're awesome, Omi", he complimented. "I would say phenomenal, but awesome is good too. Now go do you, boo", I said gesturing towards the DJ booth. "Yes, ma'am. Make sure that you give me something to look at while i'm up there. Shit can be a drag sometimes with all of the thirsty ass people trying to get at me", Neil called over the music making me slap his chest laughing. I pecked him on the lips, but that was not enough for him. He grasped me by the back of my neck while his other hand was on my butt as he pulled me in kissing me deeply.
Slightly panting after he ended the he smiled at me lovingly. I returned his smile hugging him tightly. "I love you, Neil", I mouthed. "I love you more, Omi", he mouthed back before pecking my lips one last time and heading up to the DJ booth. I flagged down a passing waitress and ordered another drink. Tristan had finally shown up a few minutes later along with his boyfriend, Hudson. Christian had came to the club with Neil and I, but he was off somewhere with some girl.
I was dancing with the duo putting on a show for my baby. I do not consider myself sexy but I know that I can be. So I let my inner seductress out or tried to. He wanted something to look at so I did my part. I watched him watching me from behind the DJ booth as I put on a show for him.
Dancing was not really my forte, but I could move a little something.
"Damn", I heard someone mutter behind me. I thought nothing of it so I continued dancing imagining that he was with me. I saw his eyes narrow and his jaw clench, but he did not say a word. He did not have to. Whatever caught his attention was not anything good in his book. I stared at him bewildered rocking my hips to the music.
He gave a curt nod indicating to something behind me. Chancing a glance back I noticed a guy slowly creeping up on me. When he came into my personal space I shoved him back. Tris' and Don (Hudson) having noticed the foreign object in my space, they took up post in front of me like my own personal bodyguards. "Back up, bitch", Tris' called over the music, his feline like eyes narrowed into slits. "Who the fuck are you, my dude!?", the guy yelled in anger over the music.
"One of her boy friends so I suggest that you back the fuck up before I put you on your ass", Tristan yelled back squaring his shoulders. "Nah, ain't no way a fat bitch like her could pull more than one guy at one time, bruh. So I know you lying", the guy called laughing to himself, attracting onlookers. Tris' stepped forward fist drawn back about to swing when Hudson grasped him around the waist hauling him back, allowing me the opportunity I needed to step forward. I stood in front of my friends with my hands on hips staring the guy down.
"Pardon, but you do not know anything about me to be speaking on me. Those two guys are my boy friends and that sexy ass man at the DJ booth is my husband. You need to learn to respect women. What, is your penis so small that you have to make up for it by being the biggest one you can be? I may be fat, but I am beautiful. No scratch that. I am fat and beautiful. Stop being so shallow and as I recall, you were interested in this fat bitch. So I obviously got the juice. Anyways, I suggest you run along or find someone as insecure and shallow as yourself to throw a line to because I do not want it. I am fine dancing with my boys until my baby gets back to me", I said over the music.
"You tell 'em, bae! Hey, douchebag? Get the fuck away from my wife before I jump down from this booth! Bitch, don't make me come down there!", Nathaniel's deep voice called over the microphone at the DJ booth. I saw people looking around to find whom he was speaking of making me turn beat red in embarrassment. I just shook my head and took my drink from the waitress thanking her before knocking it back like a shot then handing her back the glass. I grabbed Tris' hand and Don's pulling them along with me towards the DJ booth. We came to a stop a few feet away from the booth not wanting to get mixed up in the crowd of groupies that surrounded it. I spotted Christian off to the side of the booth making out with the girl he had ditched us for earlier.
I smiled softly continuing to dance with the guys shaking my hips, gyrating to the beat. I looked up towards the booth catching Neil's eyes. He grinned leaning over the booth picking up the mic. "This next song is for you, baby", Neil called over the mic making me grin in elation. The beat dropped and I felt my body move on its own. My baby is playing the song that we had made love to last night as I muttered the words to him airily.
I swayed sensually running my hands up and down my body as I danced getting lost in the music. "Ven aquí, mi esposa sexy", he called lowly through the mic. I bit my lip, him mimicking my action. He made the come hither gesture, beckoning me to him. With my eyes locked with his I sauntered through the mass of dancing bodies making my way through the groupies who were trying to get Neil's attention. When I was close enough this groupie stepped in my path. I went to side step her but she blocked my path again. "Where do you think your fat ass is going? Certainly not up there to the DJ booth with my man", she sneered over the music.
I tilted my head, she was a couple of inches taller than me. "Who exactly is your man, honey?", I asked. She scoffed placing her perfectly manicured hands on her small waist. "Bitch, I to-", she did not even get to finish her little insult as she was painfully interrupted. I swung my fist hitting her in the face, my fist connecting with her nose. She staggered to the side into some dancing bodies screeching in pain holding her nose.
"Listen, bitch! That man up there DJing is NOT your man! That is all me and any of you groupie ass whores try me again I will have your ass rolled out of here on a stretcher! I do not like violence, but I am tired of people fucking with me!", I quipped sending the bitch a menacing glare before continuing on my way to Nathaniel who was grinning like the Cheshire cat my way. I rolled my eyes walking up the three steps to reach my very amused baby. "Dance with me, Omi", he demanded pulling my body flush against his, swaying our bodies from side to side. I smiled draping my arms around his broad shoulders.
We were practically glued to one another from then on. We remained attached to one another, touching one another at all times in anyway we could. He was literally DJing around me because he did not want to let me go. His set was coming to an end and he just told me that I was picking the last song. I tried to decline, but it is a known fact that my hubby is stubborn. "Pick the song, Omi", he told me.
I shook my head "No". "No, thank you, baby", I denied. "Babe, pick the song. I want you to", he encouraged. "No. You already had your whole playlist set picked. Just play the song you picked", I dismissed. His eyes narrowed, brow twitching slightly showing signs of him becoming irritated. "Naomi, if I really wanted to play the song I would, but I want you to pick one. The song playing now is almost over and I need a last song. Pick one and you are going to play it", he demanded lowly.
I huffed grumbling to myself about how much of stubborn mule he is. "I love you too, Omi", he muttered into my ear, gently kissing the love afterwards making a shiver wrack through my body. "Bite me", I bit out searching through the songs quickly. A second later I felt his teeth sink into my neck right on my spot. It stung a bit, but it felt so good. My eyes rolled back into my head as I practically melted into his body.
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