《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》6. Boy!
'Kill me right fuckin' now. Scratch that, kill my entire family right now, Jesus 'cause I ain't leaving them behind. We live together, we gone die together. Scratch that too, just kill . She ain't got shit to live for other than bothering me. Do me this one favor, bro", I thought listening to my ex ramble on and fucking on about whatever. Our teacher as punishment sentenced me to an atrocious fate. That evil woman partnered me up with my clingy, self-centered, bitchy ex-girlfriend who still to this day tries to find her way back into my life. All because I told her that all of the hoes at the Wii Sports Resort gone have to hide their mans from her when she hit the scene after I saw her car selfies on the school's Instagram page. It was not my fault, dammit.
"Naomi's gonna be on his ass, bruh", a classmate laughed, Tyrone. He was a cool dude from the track team that I chilled with from time to time. Then again, most of the track and field team were cool people. I guess, Tyrone and I are friends. "Shut the fuck up, Tyrone", I grumbled making him and his little group of friends snicker at my expense. Fingers were snapped near my hear causing me to flinch away from the offending hand.
"Nathaniel, pay attention to me", she said. Yes, she will be referred to as she because she does not deserve for me to call her by her name. It is either she or scandalous bitch, take your pick. She tried to break my baby and I up numerous times going as far as to cyber bully her. She had obviously forgotten who the fuck I am fore I got all of her shit deleted, not suspended. I do no play that bullying bullshit, especially not when the target is my baby.
"Bi-", I began, but was interrupted by my oh so wonderful professor before I could utter a word. "Nathaniel, behave!", she chastised. I rolled my eyes grumbling to myself about how I could not wait to get the hell away from these people. "Alright, so class is almost over and we have a lot to cover. So who's dorm are we going to meet at, mine or yours? You still remember my dorm where we had al-", I interrupted her not wanting to be reminded of my past foolishness. "Nope, it is just like you are, forgettable. We can work on this project in the canteen after class next time at around 5-ish. My baby won't be out of class until about 4:30 so we won't be able to meet you until about 5. Sounds good?-" "No, it does not sound good. Why are you bringing that cow along? We are supposed to be working on our project, just us. And why do we have to meet in the canteen? Why not one of our rooms for more privacy like old times?", she said interrupting me.
I stared at her blandly not, no I do believe that she would say and try such bullshit. This is her after all. "We, as in Naomi and I, will meet you after next class in the canteen at 5. If I don't see you as soon as we walk in then consider our work session null and I will do the work my damn self. You keep testing my patience little girl and it is really pissing me off. So shut your dick hole and do not speak to me until then", I stated smiling sarcastically at her before gathering my things into my backpack. We still had a few minutes left of class, but I was done for the day so without a word I rose from my seat and walked out of class waving by to my evil professor. I had shit else better to do so I decided to go down to the football field an get some work down for the assigned project. Despite my behavior, I get shit done.
"Yo! Nathan!?"
I had no idea at the moment who was calling me, being too focused on my work to fully pay attention.
I hit save before saving my work and shutting down m laptop. Only then did I acknowledge whomever was trying to get my attention. Of course, it was Christian. He came strolling up the bleachers, sweat dripping down his face dressed in his practice clothes. I had forgot that today the football team had practice. If I had remembered then I would have gone to the library or even better, home.
"What?", I asked bluntly, putting away my laptop into my backpack in it's proper place. "Hey, to you too cuz. Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be running home to MiMi (Me-Me) or something by now?", he said. I rolled my eyes. I tend to do that a lot at school. Constantly being around dumb people will do that to a person. "I would of if she was there, but she was hanging with her girls after class leaving me all on my lonesome to deal with you idiots around me", I told him blandly. He rolled his eyes, "You are such a bitch, Nathan", he commented.
"Bitch? Me? Says the bitch that cried at the end of 'E.T.' when E.T. was saying his goodbyes, but i'm the bitch", I responded sarcastically. He scoffed, "Dude, that was so long ago", he said dismissively. I smirked, "Dude, that was just last weekend", I mocked. He tisked, "You're still a bitch", he grumbled making me laugh at his embarrassment. "Anyways, can I catch a ride with you? Tris' has the car, work", he said finally getting to why he had approve to begin with.
I shrugged my shoulders rising from the bleachers. "If you meet me at my car in five minutes, sure. If not you better find another ride", I told him before walking down the bleachers with him trailing behind me. Once at the bottom we wet our separate ways. I walked the required distance to my car in the student parking lot, him catching up with me on the way. "You smell like wet dog", I commented unlocking the doors to my car. He shot me the bird before getting in the car plopping down inside. "Don't just be plopping down in my shit. You better respect my baby or walk yo' ass home", I said getting in the car myself earning a scoff in response. We bickered nearly the entire way to my place.
"Omi!?", I called walking from the kitchen down the hall to my bedroom. I handed Chris' my camera, giving him the go ahead to set-up the camera for what was about to come next. The sound of the shower going could faintly be heard alerting me of my baby's presence in the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom, steam seeping out of the room fogging my vision a small bit. I closed the door behind myself walking over to lean against the banister watching my baby in the shower. This woman never ceases to amaze me.
She is so fucking sexy, man. Just doing something simple as taking a shower excites the hell out of me. I become brainless around her. "Baby?", I called gruffly. She looked over her shoulder at me humming in acknowledgement.
"You have no idea how bad I want you right now", I admitted. "I have an idea, baby. However, you will have to wait until later", she told me making me groan in annoyance. She laughed turning back to finish showering. I stood upright, "Chris' is here. We're in the living room watching TV", I informed her before leaving to the living room to join Tris' who was lazing around flipping through the channels on TV. He took a seat on the furthest end of the sectional relaxing into the couch. We waited a couple of minutes before finalizing things for the prank we were going to pull on Naomi.
A while later she joined us in the living room dressed in all black. A black T-shirt with red print on it she had tied in the font paired with black skinny jeans, along with black suade boots on her feet. She had on her everyday look of make-up. With or without the make-up, my baby was looking fine. She gave Chris a hug before coming to sit beside me placing a tender kiss to my lips. We all sat watching some shitty reality show on some shitty network for while.
It was during one of many commercial breaks that I turned to my baby. "Omi?", I called for her attention. I waited until I had her undivided attention before continuing. "Yes, baby?", she responded. I bit my lip, a habit I had during one of those super rare moments when I was nervous. "I think we should break-up", I blurted out feigning reluctance.
She stared at me for a solid two minutes, staring into my eyes. She was searching for something and I had not of kept up my gaze of indifference then she would have definitely seen right through my lie. Another few seconds and she nodded her head curtly. "Okay", she agreed easily shocking me. I almost told her no the fuck she doesn't, but I had to keep up this charade for the prank. "You are single now and so am I. Now we can see other people and not have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings", I lied straight through my fucking teeth.
She rolled her pretty brown eyes. "I know what single means and intels, Nathaniel. I'm about to go over my Mama's for dinner. I will see you later", she said dismissively, a hint of attitude in her voice as she rose to her feet. I watched her walk away down the hallway towards my bedroom. I heard the door slam shut a moment later making me snicker. Chris' looked over at me shaking his head, snickering as well. A few minutes later Naomi was coming back own the hall with her purse hanging from her shoulder with her phone and car keys in her hands.
"I'm-", ping! She had been interrupted my home pinging me alerting me of a new notification. I held up the universal sign for her to give me a minute while I checked my phone. It was a notification from Instagram. Her Instagram to he specific. I unlocked my phone clicking on it opening it. What I saw had sent the prank right out the motherfucking front door with a swift kick to the ass.
"What the fuck is this shit, Naomi!?", I all hit growled shoving my phone in her face so that she could see what I was talking about. She took the phone from my hand holding it at eye level looking at the post of my phone before handing it back to me. "A post, Nathaniel", she answered nonchalantly. I tisked, "I know what the fuck it is, Omi. What the fuck I up with the caption?", I quipped. She shrugged, "I was just letting everyone know that i'm single now", she again responded nonchalantly like it was no big deal.
She posted a picture in the bedroom through the mirror with her tongue sticking out grinning. Do you know where her location was? Her ex's place. I ain't her fuckin' ex. I'm her man. Don't even get me started on her damn hashtags.
If she wasn't a woman I would karate chop her in her got damn esophagus. "But you aren't single", I quipped. She raised an eyebrow at my statement. "According to my Instagram post and you, I am. I got a date to be gettin' to so I should be on my way before i'm late", she retorted dismissing my statement. I bet several blood vessels popped inside of my body from how fast my blood pressure raised. "Date? The fuck you think this is, woman!? You ain't goin' on no damn date without me, so who we doubling with?", I sneered, fuming at her audacity.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder looking at me boredly. "That's none of your business, Nathaniel. Now i'm leaving", she said pivoting on her tip toes. I reached out grabbing her by waist of the back of her jeans halting her. "No, you gone sit yo' ass down on the couch. We are not over. We are still together. You belong to me. You are mine, Naomi Vitro. The only way we parting is by death and even then i'm gone haunt yo' pussy so every fuckin' guy that even tries to come close will know that it's still mine. Your ass is not going anywhere so sit down, woman before I lose my shit", I barked.
She stared at me blankly for a while, me doing the same to her. Then the most unexpected thing happened. She burst out laughing. She hunched over hands on her knees cackling like a hyena. Even Christian was laughing and it only added fuel to the already blazing fire inside of me. "What the fuck is so funny!?", I snapped.
"You. I got you. It's a prank, baby", she laughed, tears spilling from her beautiful eyes. I stared straight ahead seeing nothing in particular as many thoughts raced through my head a million miles a second. "Neil, are you okay, baby?", I faintly heard her ask. I shook my head slowly coming out of the haze I had fallen into. My eyes narrowed into slits as I stared my wife down. "I should divorce your ass", I hissed.
She smirked, her pretty brown eyes alight with amusement and mischief. "But you would never. You love me way too much. Besides, it was only a prank, Neil. Chris' had been the one to come up with the idea and I thought that it would be fun to play a little harmless joke on you. I love you, Neil", she said. I hummed stepping towards her invading her personal space. I kissed her on the forehead before excusing myself and going to my bedroom for what I needed. I grabbed it from the closet before making my way back to the living room where my unsuspecting target still laid lazing about. I jabbed him in the back of the head with the end of the steel bat earning a hiss in pain from him.
"This was you idea, Chris'. You set me up and that's where you fucked up. You got to the count of five for your head start", I told him pointing the bat at him. "Bro, seriously-"
"1", I began counting.
"Nathan, chi-"
"2", I counted lowering the bat down to hang at my side.
"You can't be serious!?", Chris' said sitting upright on the sectional staring at me incredulously.
"3", I counted hitting the bat on the soles of my boots.
"Naomi, get your man", Chris' he exclaimed jumping to his feet slowly inching towards the door wide-eyed, never taking his eyes off of me.
I smirked practicing swings with the bat.
"4", I counted nonchalantly swinging the bat, stopping it mid swing bringing it to rest on my shoulder.
"Chill, Na-", he did not even get to finish his sentence beore I finished my countdown.
"5", I stated before hopping over the back of the couch.
His eyes bulged as he took off for the door with me right behind him. The little bitch left his everything except his phone when he ran away out of my apartment like fire was under his ass. I snickered closing the door behind him locking it after his abrupt departure. I was not going to beat him with a freaking bat over a damn prank. I am crazy, but not that crazy. My aunt would kill me then channel my spirit through a medium and do the shit all over again. She's just that crazy.
Anyways, I sat the bat beside the door in the umbrella holder before pulling my shirt off over my head. "Neil?", my baby called from the living room. When I walked into the living room she was sitting on her heels leaning over the back of the couch watching at me with a small frown on her face. "You aren't off the hook neither, Omi", I said lowly walking over to the couch to stand before her. She gave me a nervous smile that made me smirk smugly. I leaned forward bringing my mouth to her ear.
"You don't get a headstart, babe", I said into her head. She mushed me in the face turning in an attempt to gain an advantage but that did not work at all. I jumped over the couch tackling her down onto the couch. "Neil", she whined squirming making me roll my eyes. "Neil", I mocked her pushing her shirt upwards exposing her bra that I was sure she wore the matching panties to. "Leave me alone you bully", she whined turning onto her stomach after I gave her room to, doing exactly what I wanted her to.
"That hurts coming from you, babe", I responded feigning being hurt by her words as she continued to squirm under me attempting to get away. My height makes up for the weight I do not have and I use it to my advantage every opportunity that is presented to me. "Neil!?", she groaned just lying beneath me, her fight seemingly gone. Not going to lie, I was hard and I am not ashamed to admit it. She had been rubbing up against me in all of the right ways and I obviously got excited. Which led to her earning my forgiveness and me giving Chris' a pass. Before joining her in Dreamland I posted a picture of my own on Instagram that I tagged her in.
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