《Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)》4. You're Special
Day One
This party seems just like all of the many others I had gone to. College kids drinking or smoking either chilling in a corner with their friends somewhere or on the makeshift dance floor that was the living area of the house. I came simply for a break from studying. All week I had been couped up in my dorm studying for a couple of coming up quizzes. I had been talking with Chris listening to him ramble on about some girl in his chemistry class that had turned him down when he had asked her out while sipping from a red solo cup full of Sprite. I was highly amused by this news as he went on to impersonate the girl as they argued about why she would not date him.
He suddenly got quiet looking at something behind me. I turned to come face to face with my most recent fling, Niya. She was this beautiful brunette with a cute smile, long hair, slim build with slight curves, and long legs that seemed to go on forever. She is pretty popular around campus being the next in line to take over as big sister of her sorority, Alpha Phi Alpha. "Hey, babe", she greeted invading my personal space wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me into a chaste kiss. "Hey bro, i'll holla at you later. I see that you're a bit busy. Niya", Chris said excusing himself as Niya practically wrapped herself around me. She had not even spoken to him or acknowledged Christian's presence as a common courtesy. It was public knowledge that Chris and her did not get along, but he was at least cordial with her for the most part.
Niya on the floor there hand was rude and bitchy towards him. That was the main reason why she would never be more than a 'booty call' her attitude. It was not attractive and her personality was terrible too. The only reason I even deal with her is honestly because of what that mouth do. It works wonders and that is honestly the only time I actually like her, when her mouth is occupied. Anyways, she was kissing up on me and hanging off of me everytime she even felt like a girl was looking my way.
Just plain fucking annoyed the shit out of me. I continued drinking my Sprite while letting her do her thing. I was not in the mood but I also did not want other girls approaching me either. Niya knew the rules of what we had going and no marks was my number two rule. I did not want her thinking I was hers or anyone else to. I damn sure did not want her claiming me neither, which brought us to rule number one.
For some reason I had felt the need to look around and when I did my eyes fell upon a gorgeous plus size woman laughing with a group of people. She was so beautiful and damn, baby was thick and then some in all of the right places. She had extra chub, but that did not take away from her beauty. She wore a cropped tank top with black stringed up skinny jeans with matching black sting up booties.
She looked good and she knew it. I found that sexy on her, confidence. I could tell that although she was confident she was not conceited nor arrogant. She just knew her worth and that she was beautiful despite the beauty standards of today. "Baby, what are you looking at?", Niya's called turning my head so that I was looking at her instead of the gorgeous girl across the room. I have always been a bit too brutally honest, but hey. I blame my parents, they're the same way as well as the rest of family.
"For starters, don't call me that. You are not my girl, girlfriend, or none of that so you do not have that privilege. And to answer your question, I was looking at the gorgeous girl across the room surrounded by her friends having a good time. Excuse me, I want to go get her number", I told her bluntly before shrugging her off of me and walking away from her leaving her gapping after my retreating form. I made my way through the crowd ignoring everything around me, my sole focus on getting to the beauty across the room. I was less than three feet from her when someone stepped into my path. I narrowed my eyes at the idiot blocking my path only to groan at the sight of Tristan, my cousin and Christian's older brother.
He sipped his drink staring at me over the rim.
"What?", I mumbled. He raised a finger taking another sip before lowering the cup. "I saw the way that you were looking at her and I don't like it. She is not anyone's, especially your play thing. She is so much more and if you think that I am going to let your fuck boy ass hurt her then you got another fucking thing coming, Nathaniel", he said glowering at me. "Are you done?", I sarcastically asked. He rolled his eyes, "Not even close, but I don't want to talk to you. I do however, know someone who does", he said giving a nod of his head towards me.
I did not turn around to acknowledge whoever they were because nothing else mattered to me except speaking with my gorgeous baby who did not even know that she was mine yet. "Tris, move", I demanded and he scoffed standing his ground as he continued to sip from his cup. "Tris?", a gentle voice called at the same time my own name was called, "Nate?" I sighed, "Leave me alone, Niya. Our arrangement is over", I called without even sparing her a glance, too busy watching my baby step forward with her gorgeous self. "Over? Why?", Niya whined over the music making me roll my eyes before turning away from my future wife to face my ex-fling.
"You're annoying, a bitch, rude, and thinks that the world revolves around you. News flash, Ni. It doesn't. I was only with you for your mouth and it damn sure was not for kisses or conversation. We aren't nor were we ever anything more than a quick fuck situation. I was waiting on the right woman to walk into my life and she has strutted right the hell on in. I refuse to lose her before I even get her so you and all of the other hoes must go. I will not have her doubting me behind jealous little girls", I retorted before turning my back to her.
"Hello, gorgeous. I am Nathaniel Vitro, your soon to be man, husband, the father of your children, and daddy", I introduced myself to her and she did the realest thing ever. She rolled her eyes. She rolled her eyes at my introduction with a less than impressed look upon her face. "Hi", she responded dryly causing Tris to snicker while her two girlfriends gapped at her. I chuckled, "Why the attitude, babe? Do you have a name or can I call you whatever I want?", I asked trying to strike up a conversation with her. "I'm chillin' my guy and I am not your babe", she said plainly.
"Naomi, do you know who he is?", a dyed blonde asked her. "Girl, if you don't want him i'll take him", said the brunette one at the same time making her roll her eyes, a look of irritation upon her beautiful face. "Both of you hoes shut the hell up", Tris ordered glowering at the two girls before my future could give a response. I was not the only one who did not like the other two girls. She gave my cousin a look before directing her attention towards me. "I know who you are, but I do not care, Mr. Big-Man-On-Campus. Now what do you want from me, Nathaniel?", she said bluntly.
"You", I blurted. She raised one of her perfectly done eyebrows in question. "Me?", she asked looking a bit stunned. "Let me clarify that for you, but yes, you. I want to get to know you and take you out on a date, Naomi", I said staring into her eyes so she knew that I had not been bullshitting her. "Okay, now let's say that I agree to getting to know you", she said. "And going on a date with me", I added.
She smirked, "Who said anything about a date? I said getting to know you, Nathaniel", she responded. I shrugged, "We'll wind up on a date so stop denying it, Omi", I told her cooly. She bit her lip, a small smile on her face. "Omi?", she asked, amusement shining in her eyes. "My new name for you. I am the only person to ever call you that, right?", I said. She laughed, it was airy and light.
"Yeah. I like it", she responded with a nod of her head. "Good. I'm the only person allowed to call you, Omi. You're my Omi one", I told her sternly and loud enough for others around to hear so it would he known. She smiled, "Star Wars geek, who knew?", she teased light-hearted. I smiled softly, her smile was contagious. "If you get to know me you will know a lot more than anyone else around here", I told her. She sighed wistfully, "Fine. Let's start now. I'll be back in a hour, guys. You, follow me", she said excusing herself from her little group then gesturing for me to follow her.
I heard one of the girls scoff and say something to the other, but I did not pay it much mind. I could tell a mile away that those two girls were fake bitches before I had even came over here so I was not surprised at all. They were jealous and jealousy can really bring out the bad in someone. I get it, but I would not allow it to rule and make me a fool. I followed my fluffy goodness as she led me through the crowd out back where there were few people and minimum noise. We had gotten straight to the point, her interrogating me and me answering her questions with ease and giving her some of my own as well.
I found out a quite a bit about her within that hour that we spent talking with one another. She was a breath of fresh air and I was even more enthralled by her. Once my hour was up she bid me goodnight before heading back inside to meet back up with Tris and those two fake bitches. It was not until she was about to disappear into the large crowd of bodies inside did I remember that I did not even get her number. "Omi!?", I called out gaining the attention of everyone outside. She paused at the door turning halfway to face me.
"Yes, Nathaniel?", She called back. "I forgot to get your number", I called to her. She smirked, "You are not getting my number tonight, Neil", she called back before continuing on her way inside leaving me staring after her. I grinned to myself watching her disappear from my sight. "We will see, Omi", I muttered before turning and leaning against the railing to face the view. It was a nice view, but Naomi makes an even better one. Damn, she already is consuming my very thoughts. She's something special.
Day Fifteen
"Neil, you are too much", Omi giggled running a hand through her hair. Damn, this woman is seriously something special. I have come to realize that her laugh was also contagious. I found myself laughing along with her. The story had been pretty funny within itself, but she just made you want to join in her fun. "Yet, I can't help but feel that you can handle me", I flirted.
She bit her lip, a grin taking over her beautiful face. "I probably could, but it's all a matter of wanting to handle you, baby", she flirted back, my heart picking up its tempo when she called me 'baby'. "So...", I said leaving it open. "So?", She asked. "Can I finally get you number? We have been seeing one another around campus for over two weeks and getting to know one another. We have these deep conversations about any and everything, but we seem to always run out of time. I want to talk to you every chance that I get without feeling like I have a time warden watching us over our shoulders. I want to keep our conversations going and get to know you more in depth. Plus, I just sometimes want to hear your voice and be able to let you know that your gorgeous ass is on my mind", I subtly begged.
"That was so sweet. No guy has ever told me anything like that before. However, nope", she denied making me groan in frustration. "Why?", I whined. "Although that was incredibly sweet, for all I know you could have said that to all of the other girls use to sleep around with. How can I trust a ho's word without really getting to know them first?", she chided. "But how are you going to get to really know me if I don't have your number? I'm a refined ho", I said pleading my case. She giggled, "These hoes ain't loyal", she sing-songed. I narrowed my eyes at her, "Now you're just taking the piss", I responded blandly. "Aww, Nathaniel wants my digits and he's getting frustrated", she teased making me roll my eyes.
"Give me your number, Omi", demanded. "Nope", she said simply.
"Yes", I said.
"No", she denied.
"Uh, yeah you are", I told her.
She tisked, "Uh, no I am not", she mocked.
"Yes", I ordered.
"No", she defied.
"Yea", I said sternly.
"Nah", she mocked in the same tone.
"Naomi", I warned.
"Nathaniel", she said coyly.
"Dammit, why not?", I exasperated making her snicker. She was very amused while I was annoyed. Why the hell would she not give me her phone number? She does not have a boyfriend nor is she dating anyone. So why does she keep denying me? "You haven't earned it fully yet", she said like it was the most obvious reason ever.
"Well tell me the numbers that I did earn. At this point I will take whatever the hell I can get from you", I said sighing in defeat. She smirked and told me seven numbers, but there was a catch. She did not tell me them in their direct order so I had to figure their order out. I groaned in frustration. "You're lucky I really like you", I grumbled trying to work out the numbers in my head. "That makes two of us that like me", she commented before taking a bite out of her burger.
"True, true", I mumbled to myself as I watched her as she ate some of her burger while eating my own.
Day Twenty-Two
We are at the movies after a long couple of competitive games of laser tag. The rounds had ended in a tie between our teams. The score had been two to two so we had just called a truce before teaming up and taking out our former teammates. I had learned something else about her, she was really competitive when she wanted to be. She also carried this grace about herself and was pretty light on her feet. The more time we spent together the closer we became.
My focus had been entirely on her taking in every word she said. Again I tell you, this woman is something special. "Neil?", she said bringing me out of the trance like state that I had fallen into as I listened to her voice while staring into her eyes. I hummed, "Yes, Omi?", I mumbled. "Is that my soda?", she asked lowly. I bit my lip smirking then took a long sip through the straw. "Yeah", I admitted around the straw.
She hummed and leaned in bringing her face closer to mine as if she was going in for a kiss. "You do look cute drinking my soda, but you ain't cute enough to be taking my stuff, boo", she said seductively, our lips brushing. Her breath smelt like cherry sours and her lips felt so soft. I wanted to kiss her so bad so I leaned in but before I could she snatched the soda from my hand leaning back in her seat bringing it up to her mouth taking a sip then putting it in the cupholder on the other side of her. I pouted and she grinned pinching my cheek making a kissy face at me. "Move, you got my hopes up 'n' shit", I grumbled gently grasping her hand in mine pulling it away from my face.
She giggled, "Stop being a big baby, Neil", she said. My pout deepened. "No", I protested folding my arms across my chest. "Neil?", she whispered, but I ignored her watching the previews on the screen instead. "Nathaniel?", she whispered. Again I ignored her. Then I felt her soft little hands on my face, cupping it then turning my head before I felt her lips on mine for a brief moment.
I was stunned. "There we go. Now wrap your arms around me and hold me close while watch the movie", she whispered with a soft smile on her beautiful face. Even though I could barely make out her face, she was still extremely beautiful to me. I did as told and man, it felt so right. It felt like she was meant to be in my arms. She even shared some candy and her drink with me, willingly throughout 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. It was nice and afterwards as when walked to the car I snuck and took a picture of her.
She had been walking ahead of me and was leaning against my car a cute little grin on her face as she waited for me to unlock the car.
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