《One Moment, One Breath》Chapter Seven
Aleesia's curiosity peaked when they drove past the dirt road that lead to the Culle's house and they kept going about a mile further before turning onto another road and pulling into a different driveway. As she stepped out of the car she saw a house she'd never been to before.
This house was Smaller than the Cullen's, with large windows facing the front that somehow nicely contrasted with the wooden framework. It blended well into the background, not looking even a little out of place among the trees. It was open and airy and she loved it.
Jasper moved around the car, coming to a stop at her side as Alice climbed out behind her.
"This is our house." Jasper spoke and Aleesia nodded, knowing he meant his and Alice's house.
"It's beautiful." She heard herself mumble as she looked around.
"Glad you like it!" Alice said happily, tugging her toward the front door.
The inside of the house was lightly decorated, each piece different but somehow looking like it belonged. There was a small kitchen that was open to a large family room, only separated by a rather large island with bar stools around it.
Instead of tugging her to the family room though, Alice tugged her to the back of the house and Jasper followed behind them silently, watching how the two women were interacting.
Alice opened one of the few doors and guided her into a large bedroom. In the center of the room was a large king size four poster bed with emerald sheets and a large black comforter. The back wall was completely made of glass and it opened up leading to a small balcony that backed onto the forest. On the wall in front of the bed was a decent sized TV surrounded by a rather large collection of movies on one side and books on the other. There was another door to the right and one to the left that she assumed led to a bathroom and closet. There were small things scattered around the room, each one making it more and more obvious that this was the room that the couple shared.
One thing that caught her eye was an odd collection of Medals that were framed in a shadow box that was hung on one of the walls. Curiously, she padded over to it, tilting her head as she examined them.
"War medals?" She asked curiously. They looked old but beautiful, each one holding its own story she bet.
"Mine, from the war." Jasper answered, coming to stand behind her and resting his hands on her shoulders, making her shiver a little.
"You were in a war? What one?" She asked, letting her curiosity get the best of her as she examined them.
"The Civil War." He replied, dropping his hands from her shoulders and heading for one of the doors. When he opened it she noted that it was a ridiculously large closet. She followed behind him, noting mentally that he seemed a little tense.
Aleesia heard water running from the other side and figured that was probably Alice in the bathroom so she decided to follow Jasper who was opening a drawer in the closet and pulling out one of his t-shirts.
"Woah, hold up! You can't just drop that bomb on me and walk away!" She said excitedly, "You were a part of the Civil War? How old ARE you?"
"I was born in Houston Texas in 1844. I joined the confederate army at the age of seventeen after lying about how old I actually was. It was easy enough and I was very convincing. I was turned at the age of nineteen by an immortal name Maria. It's not a happy memory for me." He answered, his voice a little distant and cold. He turned from what he was looking for and when his eyes met hers, his face softened.
He held out a pile of clothes and she took it, realizing it was one of his shirts and what looked like some of Alice's pajama pants she guessed. They were pink so she assumed they were Alice's and not Jasper's.
Aleesia watched him for a second then tilted her head, her curiosity peaking and asked, "Confederate army?"
He nodded and gave her a sad smile, "Not my proudest moment. I had to make a choice or starve, leaving my family to starve. I never agreed with the principles."
"Bath is ready!" Alice chimed in, pulling their attention from their conversation. She bounced into the closet, taking one of Aleesia's hand and pulling her through the room to a bathroom. The whole room looked so serene. Alice had lit a few candles on the white marble surfaces and there was a huge farmhouse style tub full of steaming water and what smelled like her favorite lavender bubble bath.
Alice pulled the clothes from her hands and set them on the counter before saying, "We want you to relax okay? Take your time. There's a towel here for you." She said, pointing to a large fluffy looking purple towel, "and you can use any soaps you want! When you're done you can take a nap!"
Alice bounced from the room, closing the bathroom door behind her, leaving Aleesia to stand there in stunned silence. What had just happened?
Aleesia pressed a hand to her chest, feeling a strange warm feeling. Her mate's were being so caring without even knowing what they were to her. It made her feel.....loved. She cringed, pushing that thought away. Alice and Jasper were just trying to be good friends. Good friends do this sort of thing right? They were just looking out for their friend. The thought made her both happy and a little uncomfortable.
She took a calming breath and stripped before stepping into the hot bath, letting her body sink below the bubbles. It had been so long since anyone had cared enough to do something nice for her. Honestly she couldn't remember a time anyone really had. The most her pack had done was make sure she didn't starve. This was....nice. She felt a genuine smile pull on her lips and relaxed further. Dipping her head under the water to wet her hair.
She found the soaps on a bench near the tub, a couple feminine, a few more masculine, all of them incredibly expensive and she sniffed each one before finding the one that smelled sort of like spiced apples. It reminded her of Jasper's scent, so she chose that one and scrubbed herself down with it, moaning slightly as the smell filled her senses.There was a loud thump from somewhere in the house but Aleesia ignored it and once more sank under the water, washing the soap away.
About half an hour later, when the water had cooled and she felt exceptionally relaxed, she climbed out of the bath and dried herself off. She pulled the clothes on, noting that she didn't have a bra, but ignored it. She would be fine without it if she was just going to be going to sleep.
She left the bathroom to find the bedroom empty but the covers pulled back on the bed which was practically begging to be slept in. It looked so fluffy and comfortable. She let her senses heighten for a moment and nodded. She could hear light sounds telling her Alice and Jasper were still in the house somewhere so she let her senses go and shrugged before climbing into the bed.
She couldn't help herself and a loud moan escaped her and she sank into the cloud like mattress before she whispered to herself, "Damn. This is the most comfortable bed I've ever been in."
There was another loud thump and aLeesia wondered what the two vampires were up to but her exhaustion got the better of her. She took calming breaths, enjoying being surrounded by the smell of cinnamon and peonies. Eventually her heavy eyes drifted closed and she fell asleep, barely registering the pair of cold lips that pressed against her forehead.
"Do you think we should wake her up? It's almost four in the afternoon." Alice whispered, watching the sleeping girl with concern.
"Let her be. She needs the rest. Don't Give me that look Darlin'." Jasper mumbled, pressing a kiss to his love's head when she gave him a knowing look.
"I'm just worried. I thought she was tired, not dead." Alice retorted, smacking Jasper's shoulder lightly making him smirk.
"You two could wake the dead with your yappin'." Aleesia muttered as she came out of her deep sleep, yawning and stretching out her limbs.
She felt the bed sink next to her and opened her eyes to see Alice perched there with a bright smile.
"Well good morning sunshine." She laughed, lightly brushing a strand of hair out of Aleesia's face.
"You said it was four o'clock." She mumbled, turning her head into the fluffy pillow and inhaling the relaxing scents.
"Come on, time to get up!" Alice laughed, tugging the blanket away from the tired girl while Jasper watched by the door with a smile on his face.
Aleesia rolled over, cocooning herself in the comforter and said, "No I don't wanna! Let me sleep, woman!"
There was a brief, slightly worrying pause before Alice said, "Jasper would you be a dear and-."
Before she had even finished her sentences Aleesia was air bound, as Jasper hoisted her up into his arms, carrying her out of the room. He carried her back through the house and into the living room before setting her on the couch which was almost as comfortable as the bed, but not quite as nice as Jasper's arms had been.Aleesia blushed, her thoughts going in a dangerous direction as she found she kind of like being manhandled by him.
She huffed and wiggled free of the blankets as Alice danced in behind them, heading for the kitchen, Aleesia's eyes following her the whole time. She glanced over at Jasper who was watching her with an odd expression. She quickly shot her eyes away toward the blank TV screen, thanking the heavens that neither of these particular vampires could read her mind.
No, but Jasper can read your mood. She reminded herself, internally cursing and did her best to adjust her train of thought.
Jasper joined Alice in the kitchen, she knew that because she heard him move away in the direction. She didn't dare look at them again, already struggling to control herself. If her brain kept going to the gutter she would lose her control and they would find out about the imprint.
The vampires joined her a couple of minutes later, Jasper on her right and Alice on her left. JAsper's arm wrapped around the back of the couch, resting on her shoulders and he held out a glass of water which she took and mumbled a quick thanks.
Alice tossed her legs over top of both Aleesia and Jaspes lap and relaxed, setting a plate of food in the middle for Aleesia to eat.
Aleesia's eyes lit up as the plate of lasagna in front of her and she grabbed the shiny silver fork and dug in. The flavors danced on her tongue, illiciting another delighted moan from her as she bounced happily in her seat. Lasagna was her all time favorite food. Nothing in the world could beat it! Well, except for maybe the corner piece of a freshly baked brownie with vanilla ice cream. It was a close call.
Aleesia felt Alic wiggle a little and Jasper shift at her side and she glanced up to see the two vampires watching her with dark eyes and knowing smirks.
"You guys don't play fair." She grumbled, shoveling another fork full into her mouth while pouting. They were using her weaknesses against her and they didn't even know it.
Jasper smiled down at the girl who was quickly forming her own special place in his heart. He could feel the complete happiness radiating off of her as she inelegantly stuffed her face with food. If it has been anyone else, he might be a little grossed out but with her he just found himself fascinated.
Alice beamed, happy that Aleesia enjoyed her cooking. She had been practicing every chance she got over the last couple of weeks, trying to perfect this particular dish. She wanted to be able to bring joy to the girl who she had seen in her visions. She felt giddy and her excitement grew every day as the three of them grew closer, making her visions solidify more and more. She still didn't know why she had gotten the vision or why the girl was somehow destined for them but she wasn't going to complain.
"All is fair in love and war!" Alice laughed, and the girl choked slightly earning a concerned look from the vampires.
Jasper reached over and gently patted her back as she regained her composure, a light blush making her skin glow.
Alice grabbed the TV remote and turned on a random documentary to add some background noise as the vampires patiently waited for the girl to finish her food. As much as they wanted to demand answers from her, her health came first which meant having a few hours of much needed sleep and a decent meal.
Eventually Aleesia finished and Alice grabbed the empty glass and plate from her, bounding into the kitchen to set them in the sink to wash later. She rejoined them back on the couch and reclaimed her previous position, this time pressing slightly closer to the darker skinned girl. Jasper grabbed the remote and muted the TV, sending the room into silence as they waited for an explanation.
Aleesia fidgeted in her seat, all too aware of the bodies pressed close to her own. She wasn't sure what to say. What could she tell them that would satisfy their need for an answer while also not revealing the secret she had been keeping?
After a couple of minutes Alice spoke up, "So, why did you disappear yesterday?"
"It's personal, Alice" She answered, hoping they would drop it and move on. They did not. They continued to stare her down.
"Look, I'm sorry I worried you but-" Alice cut her off with a look.
"I wasn't just worried, I was frantic. You left school in the middle of the day without telling ANYONE. We tried calling and texting with no answer. We almost formed a damn hunting posse." She huffed, her voice tight and filled with frustration.
"Before you pulled a disappearing act I felt a massive wave of anger and sadness. Want to tell me what that was about ?" Jasper asked, using his hand on her chin to turn her head toward him. He so badly wanted to use his gift to comfort her right now and make this a little easier but he wanted her to trust them enough to talk to them on her own so he resisted.
"I'm just dealing with something right now. It will pass. I don't want to talk about it." Aleesia answered, pulling her face from his grip.
"Edward knows." Jasper spoke, trying to keep the emotion he was feeling from his voice.
"Because Edward is an intrusive, mind reading twatwaffle. He was never meant to know. No one was meant to know and that includes you two!" She snapped, her frustration getting the best of her.
Alice flinched back like she had been slapped and Aleesia instantly felt regret pool in her stomach. She couldn't handle it. She couldn't handle the hurt look in Alice's eyes or the burning stare she could feel from Jasper's eyes on her.
She pushed Alice's legs off of her and pulled out of Jasper's hold, before darting out of the house and into the forest. She pushed her senses out, making sure she wasn't followed and headed for her house. As soon as she entered her house she slammed her front door and locked it then ran to her room to change out of their clothes. She put on a pair of black leggings and a gray sweater then ran back out of her home, making sure to lock it up, and rushed into the forest.
She didn't need to hunt but she had too much bundled up inside of her and she needed to get it out. She zoomed between trees, leaping over stumps and boulders as she went. She needed to get away. She needed some distance. She had been close. So close to telling them. IT was on the tip of her tongue but she stopped herself. Instead she snapped at them. Better they be upset with her than hate her. Especially for something she can't control. Not that she'd change it even if she could. She honestly couldn't imagine two better people, but she didn't want to ruin their happiness.
But didn't you just do that? Didn't you just hurt them? You saw the look in her eyes. You felt his body go tense. How could you do that to them? She asked herself.
She knew she did and she would never forgive herself for it. They were only trying to help. They cared for her. A part of her hoped they cared for her even a fraction as much as she cared for them. Her chest throbbed painfully and she kept running, doing her best to push the horrible thoughts away and gain some semblance of peace.
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