《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》10. Baby steps


Servants kept the bags in his room. I thanked them and then entered his room. I took a deep breath to calm my 'fangirl' side and took a seat on his bed. I observed each and every corner of his room. His room smelled exactly like him.

I changed into my night clothes. After some time Jimin came into the room and surprisingly he passed me a SMILE. I was so shocked that I didn't even bother to return him the smile. I just stared at him.

"So, where will you sleep?" He asked.

I snapped back to my senses and tried to process what he asked. "Huh? Umm..."

"Couch? I guess that will be fine." He nodded and took out one spare pillow and blanket out of the cupboard. He placed them on the couch.

I didn't say anything but just observed him and tried to calm myself down by reassuring myself that atleast I am sleeping in his room.

"Done. If you need more blanket or pillow, they are available in this cupboard." He pointed at the cupboard from which he took out the spare blanket and pillow. "Bathroom is on the right side, I guess you already know that." He 'examined' me and noticed my changed clothes.

"O-okay... Thanks." I passed him a fake smile.

I walked towards the couch and made myself comfortable on it. Though, I was not in comfort at all because of it's size. It was very small in size, I was barely able to fit in it. Jimin also layed on his King-size bed. After shifting alot and taking deep breaths, I finally fell asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I turned on my bed side lamp. I started moving towards the bathroom when I noticed that Y/n's blanket was on the floor and she was shivering due to cold. I picked it up and covered her with it. The moonlight, coming from the room's window was falling on her face. Her face was glowing and she was looking very beautiful. I totally forgot about going to bathroom and stared at her for a few minutes.

After some time I realized what I was doing. I quickly went inside the bathroom. When I came back, I decided to check on her again before going to sleep. Thank God, I decided that. When I reached near the couch, I saw that she was almost going to fall off the couch but thankfully I catched her in time.

I placed her back on the couch. I stood there and observed her closely and then it clicked me. The couch was very small for her. She seemed very uncomfortable in it.

I picked her up bridal style and placed her slowly on my bed. I covered her with her blanket nicely. I layed on my side of the bed and looked at her. Then I realized that we were very close to each other. I shifted towards my side a little and made a 'border' between us with the help of the cushions to avoid any type of contact. I took a deep breath and slept back.

Y/N'S P.O.V.

Next morning, I woke up. I tried to stretch ,but my fingers brushed with something soft. I froze in my spot. I slowly opened my eyes and cautiously turned to look at the 'thing'. At this moment any normal person would be shocked but surprisingly I was mesmerized by the beautiful 'creature' sleeping right next to me. The only thing that was separating us was the 'border' of cushions.


I layed on my stomach and supported my face with my hands. There was nothing that could stop me from staring Jimin.

I was enjoying my moment and was recalling our bitter-sweet moments when suddenly it hit me, hard.

What I was doing on his bed?

I remember that I slept on the couch last night. And I am sure that I don't sleep-walk. I don't, right? I got scared. What if I really sleep-walked?

"Hey... Good morning." Suddenly, Jimin spoke in his sleepy voice. Ohhh god, that sounded sooooo sexy! But I was too scared to appreciate that. HE SAW ME ON HIS BED, SLEEPING NEXT TO HIM!

"Jimin... I-I... I don't....umm..." I was not able to make any excuse. And how could I? I myself was unaware of the fact that how I was beside him?!

"What happened? Why are you perspiring? Is everything okay?"

"Jimin, actually I, wait-" Wait... Why is he so calm? Why is he not reacting or shouting at me?

"Wait, what?" He raised his one eyebrow.

"Why are you so calm? I mean, I am sleeping next to you- I don't know how I came here, really!" I tried to defend myself.

He lightly chuckled. "Don't be scared. I brought you here." He sat up and stretched himself. He didn't know that but by doing that his muscles flexed. Oh God... I was not able to look at any thing else except his flexed muscles.

I shook my head and recollected myself. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Last night, when I woke up I noticed that you were very uncomfortable on the couch. Infact, you were even going to fall off the couch. That's why." He shrugged and went inside the bathroom.

For sometime, I kept on staring at the place where he was standing. Jimin brought me to the bed because was uncomfortable. He cared for me. I can't believe this.


I got ready and went downstairs, into the hall to be greeted by mom. She gave me a huge smile when she saw me descending the stairs.

"Good morning, mom." I bowed.

"Good morning, beautiful." She hugged me.

I shyly smiled. She is such a nice person. She loves me a lot. In her presence, I never feel absence of my real mom. She loves me like her own daughter.

"So, what's this smell. Something really nice is being cooked?" I sniffled and then gave her a huge grin with sparkling eyes.

She chuckled. "Yeah. I asked the maid to cook the meat. Do you like it?" She asked and cupped my left cheek.

"I love it!" I gave her a cheerful smile.

"Oh my... Jimin also love it. I didn't know that you both have a same choice of food." She smiled.

"Oh... That's... Good." I gave her a genuine smile.

Suddenly, the bell rang. As, I was standing in the hall, in front of the main door so I decided to open it myself. Why to bother the maids when I could also open it myself?

I opened the door. There was a man standing with a parcel in his hands.

"May I help you?" I asked with a soft smile.

"Ma'am, there is a parcel for-" he read the name on the parcel. "For Mr. Park Jimin."

"Oh... You can give it to me." I said.


"Sure ma'am, but if you don't mind may I ask what is your realtion with him? You know, some security issues." He smiled appologitically.

"Sure. I am his... Wife." I smiled after saying that. Finally, I was able to call myself 'his' wife.

"Please sign here, Mrs. Park." Ahh... It felt so good to hear the word 'Mrs. Park.'

I smiled and signed at the place where he asked me to. I received the parcel and thanked him. After he was gone, I closed the door and entered the house with an idiotic smile on my face, which I didn't even realise I was carrying since that man called me 'Mrs. Park.'

"Hmm... Looks like someone is very happy, huh?" Mom asked me in a teasing tone.

"It's nothing like that mom." I said while taking a seat on the couch, next to her.

"Really? Then why are you smiling like a maniac?"

"Me? No, I am not smiling." I said while trying my best to hide a huge grin from appearing on my face.

She giggled. "By the way, who was at the door?"

"Oh! I totally forgot!" I jumped up of the couch. "Mom, where is Jimin? I have to give him this parcel."

"Jimin? I guess he is in library."

"Ok!" I said and started moving. But I suddenly stopped when I realised one thing. "Mom...?" I turned back.

"Hmm..?" She hummed.

"Where is the library, by the way?" I gave her an awkward smile.

She looked at me for a minute and then started laughing, hard. "Seriously Y/n? It is on the left side, over there." She pointed in the direction.

"Okay... Thanks mom..." I gave her an embarrassed smile and wasted no time in running towards the library.

I knocked twice at the door before opening it. It was beautiful. It had two floors and a designer staircase which was connecting both the floors.

"Jimin?" I asked while carefully taking steps inside. I was about to go downstairs when something caught my attention. "NICHOLAS SPARKS' NOVELS?!" I got excited. I immediately kept the parcel on the nearby table and ran to the section which read 'Nicholas Sparks'.

I am a huge fan of him. His all the books are amazing. I don't think that there would be even a single book of him left which I have not read. 'The notebook', 'Dear John', 'Safe Haven' all are just amazing.

I was busy exploring his books when suddenly someone spoke. "So you also like Nicolas Sparks, huh?"

I jumped up at the sudden voice. I quickly turned around and kept a hand on my chest to calm down my beating heart. "Oh God... You scared me!" I said while breathing heavily.

He chuckled. "Sorry." He noticed the parcel and opened it. "So, what are you doing here?" He asked when he opened the parcel. It was a pack of five thick books. No doubt, why they felt heavy.

"I... Umm... Came here to give you the parcel?" I said in a way which sounded more of a question. Isn't it obvious?

"Oh... Thanks..." He nodded and kept the books in the nearby shelf. When he was keeping the book, I somehow noticed it's cover page.

I gasped. " Isn't it 'The trespasser' by Tana French?!" I quickly made my way towards him.

"Yeah... How do you know?" He asked a little shocked.

"I always wanted to read it but never got a chance." I stuck my bottom lip out.

"No problem... You can read it now." He shrugged and gave me the book.

"Really?! Thank you!" I gave him an eye smile and jumped up and down like a kid. I really wanted to read that book.

Jimin chuckled at my cuteness and kept on staring at me. He mumbled under his breathe "cute..." But it was loud enough for me to hear.

Jimin thinks Y/n is cute (1)

We both took a seat on the couch beside each other. "So, what kind of books do you like?" Jimin asked.

"I like all kinds of book. Fictions, fluff, romance, action everything..." I said cheerfully, "... except horror..." I said with a 'duh' face.

He chuckled, "Yeah... I know that you hate 'horror'." He said while rubbing his hand which was full of my scratches.

I gave him an appologitical smile. "What's your favourite?"

"Same, just I like horror too." He gave me a smile.

"Oh..." I nodded. "You know, I love writing as well."

"Really?! That's amazing! So, what have you written till now?" He asked. He seemed interested.

"I have written some short stories and a novel till now." I proudly said.

"Wohaa... How did you get the time for it?"

"Just... I utilised my free time." I smiled.

"Do you still have those stories of yours?"


"Can I read them, if you don't mind?" He asked with his puppy eyes.

I chuckled. "No need to act cute. Of course you can read them!"

Like that we had a long and genuine conversation for the first time after we got married. I was so happy to talk to him again like a 'friend'. For the first time, after I got married to Jimin, he was genuinely smiling at me and was talking. I was so happy... I didn't want it to end at all... Everthing was perfect at that time...

Maybe, I have my chances. Maybe, Jimin can accept me and love me back. Maybe, everything is settling... But still, it's.... 'Maybe'.


full of fluff. I hope you all enjoyed it. 😁

I am really sorry for irregular updates. From last days, I am very stressed out and depressed because of some problems going on. And my school life itself is a challenge now. I am overloaded with lots of homework and studies but still I am trying my best to write the best chapter for you all and at least do an update, once a week. I hope you all will understand my problem.

"Is everything changing? Is there any chance of Y/n getting the love she deserves and craves for? Is there any chance of Jimin loving Y/n back?"

Comment your answers and please forgive me for any mistake.

Love you all a loooooooot! 😘

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