《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》9. Mom


Jimin and Y/n returned back from the amusement park. At home, they found their mom already waiting for them. They both greeted her and had a little conversation. After sometime Jimin excused himself.

Jimin got up from his seat. "Mom, I want to talk with you a looot but please give me few minutes, I want to freshen up first." Jimin smiled.

"Sure, my child." Mom smiled.

Jimin went upstairs to freshen up. I also got up from my seat but she held my hand and pushed me on the sofa again.

"I want to talk to you, Y/n." She said.

"What is it, mom?" I asked her. She seemed little worried.

"Not here. In private." She sounded a little serious.

I gupled. "Okay."


I took mom to my room. We both take a seat, beside each other, on the couch which was placed near the entrance door. . Our back was facing the door.

(Take the help of picture to imagine it properly. Y/n and Mrs. Park are sitting on the left couch and behind them is the entrance door.)

"Wow, whose room is this?" Mom asked while observing the room.

"Umm.. it's mine, mom." I said while looking down.

She immediately looked at me. "Yours? What do you mean by yours?" She asked a little disappointed.

"I sleep in this room." I pursed my lips.

"But you should be sleeping with Jimin!" She slightly raised her voice.

"Mom... You know he never wanted to marry me. He hates me." I sadly chuckled.

She held both of my hands. "Y/n-ah... I am sorry... I am really really sorry..."

"Sorry? For what?"

"You know..." Tears started falling out of her eyes. "You didn't want to marry him, but I forced you to. I thought only about his life. I forgot that if you will marry him you would get nothing but pain. You would never get the love that you deserve."

"Mom..." I also started crying.

"You denied. You wanted ' to be happy, but I became selfish and forced you to save my child by marrying him. I am sorry. I am really sorry." She started sobbing. I couldn't control myself so I hugged her tightly.

"No mom, It's not your fault. You only wanted 'him' to be happy. That's fine. I am happy. And you never forced me. You gave me a choice but I willingly accepted this one, you don't need to be sorry..." I hugged her tightly and cried on her shoulder.

I entered my room and went straight to the bathroom. I started undressing myself and suddenly, I felt like playing songs. I was feeling very light hearted and cheerful so I wished to listen songs while bathing. I searched for my phone in my clothes which I was wearing but it was not there. I left the bathroom and went into the room. I searched everywhere but it was no where. Suddenly, I remembered that I kept it in the living room's table. I sighed.

I quickly wore my robe. I really wanted to listen songs so, I decided to grab my phone from downstairs. I left my room and started walking towards the living room. But, I came to a halt when I saw mom and Y/n sitting in 'her' room, through the half opened door.


What the hell? Why is Y/n talking to mother? Is she complaining about me?

I decided to eavesdrop. I can't afford my mom to be angry with me because of her. I walked towards the door and opened it a bit more. Thankfully, they didn't notice me. And then I focused on their conversation.

"Mom... You know he never wanted to marry me. He hates me." 'he'? I think they are talking about me. So, I was right. Y/n is complaining about me.

"Y/n-ah... I am sorry... I am really really sorry..." Why mom is sorry?

"Sorry? For what?"

"You know..." Tears started falling out of her eyes. Why is she crying? What is going on? "You didn't wanted to marry him but I forced you to. I thought only about his life. I forgot that if you would marry him you would get nothing but pain. You would never get the love that you deserve." I was shocked. What is she saying? Mom forced Y/n to marry me? But I thought that Y/n herself wanted to marry me, she willingly wanted to end the relationship between me and Sara.

"Mom..." She also started crying.

"You denied. You wanted ' to be happy. But I became selfish and forced you to save my child by marrying him. I am sorry. I am really sorry." She started sobbing. I was dumbfounded. I was not able to understand what to do. All this time, I was wrong. I was totally wrong. I misunderstood Y/n. She never wanted to marry me. She denied for the marriage but mom forced her. And... I always hated her thinking that ruined my life.

"No, mom. It's not your fault. You only wanted 'him' to be happy. That's fine. I am happy. And you never 'forced' me. You gave me a choice but I willingly accepted this one. You don't need to be sorry..." I was also on a verge of crying. I was not able to hear their conversation more so I went away. I went back into my room and barged into the bathroom. I removed my robe and stood under the shower. I didn't even care to wait for the water to turn hot.

I was very shocked and confused. It was not Y/n's fault. Mom forced her... But why did mom force her. Why she wanted me to marry her, not Sara? I know she hates Sara but I never thought that her hatred for Sara would exceed this much that she would force someone else to marry me.

I don't hate mom, I can't. I know, definitely there must be a reason for her to do this. But one thing was cleared that Y/n is not the guilty one here. She doesn't deserve my hatred and rude behaviour. Though, I don't love her but I can't even hate her. She agreed to marry me just, according to her and mom, for my sake. She happily agreed to 'destroy' her life for me. I can't hate her for this, I can't...

Y/N'S P.O.V.

After recollecting ourselves, mom and me decided to cook something. We went downstairs and decided to make lasagna.

"Let's have a competition." Mom said while tying her apron.

"What kind of competition?" I asked.

"Let's see, who will cook better Lasagna. Jimin will decide the winner." She grinned like a child.


I chuckled. "Okay."

We both started making our separate Lasagna's. It was not like a typical competition. Mom and I were continuously talking about random things like we were some college friends. She even told me about her college's crush and boyfriends. She seemed pretty famous in her college. No doubt, Jimin gained his beauty from her.

After we were done, we set our dishes on the dining table and decided to call Jimin. I was almost going to go upstairs when I saw him already descending the stairs. I smiled at him expecting a usual cold look in return. But to my extreme surprise, he smiled back!

I was shocked. I went back to mom and stood beside her.

"Hey beautiful ladies." Jimin said while taking a seat. "So, what do we have here?" He rubbed his hands together.

"Me and mom cook lasagna." I said.

"Yeah! Eat and tell who cooked better!" Mom jumped like a little kid.

Jimin and I chuckled.

"Okay... So whose is whose?" He asked while observing the lasagna.

"Really? You think we will tell you so that you can say that Y/n's one is better. Eat it and tell which one is better." Mom crossed her hands in front of her chest.

"Okay." Jimin chuckled.

He took a bite from both of the Lasagna's. I crossed my finger. I really wanted him to like mine's. He kept the fork back and wipped his mouth with tissue.

"Hmm... Both are amazing! Choosing a winner is very difficult. So, you both are the winners." He smiled.

"No!" I suddenly raised my voice. After I realised that, I looked down and said in an innocent voice. "Please tell which one is better." I really wanted him to like mine's. I worked very hard on it.

"I liked the left one more." He said while taking another bite from it.

My mood lighten up. It was mine! He liked mine!

"Wow. It is Y/n's... Congratulations Y/n." Mom said and gave me a warm smile. She was really happy for me.

"Really, it is very delicious. I can't stop myself from eating it." Jimin said and gave me a eye smile. I got paralyzed.

Jimin praised me... He praised me... HE PRAISED ME!

I wanted to jump around in the house like a kangroo. But to maintain my dignity, I smiled and said, "Thank you... Do you want more?"

"No, Thank you. Please now both of you also eat. I will not be able to eat properly if you keep on staring me." He said especially pointing me.

I nodded and brought the other Lasagna's. We also started eating. For the whole time, mom kept on praising me and my cooking skills. I thought that this would annoy Jimin but to my surprise, he was smiling and enjoying his Lasagna. Something was definitely wrong with him. He was changed.


"Mom, in which room do you want to sleep? You can take any." Jimin asked.

"Hmmm... I would like to take the one next to yours." Mom said. But that one is mine.

"Next to mine? But... You can't take that one." Jimin mumbled the last sentence but mom was able to hear him.

"Why? You said I can take any. And why do you need that one, by the way? You both have a room and I guess there is no other guest in the house?"

"Yeah... Yeah. You can take that one. No one sleeps over there and we both already have a room." Jimin said and looked at me.

I said nothing. I didn't want to interrupt their conversation. I knew that it was somewhere for my benefit only. Mom was doing that for me only.

"I'll ask the servants to clean it." Jimin said and called three female servants to clean it. "Y/n, you can go with them to guide them."

I nodded and followed the servants. I knew why he wanted me to go. He didn't want mom to find out that we both sleep in separate rooms so he wanted me to make sure that none of my stuff was left behind in that room.

Two servants cleaned the room and one helped me in packing up my stuff. After around one hour the room was clean. There was just one problem and that was my bags. My bags became 'homeless'. I didn't know where to keep them.

I kept my hands on my hips and started thinking. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jimin.

"All done?" He asked.

"Yeah. Where is mom?" I asked.

"She is in the garden enjoying the view of night sky."

"Oh..." I looked at my bags and then again at Jimin. "Jimin?"

"Hmm?" He hummed and looked at me.

"Where do I have to keep my bags?"

"What do you mean?" He furrowed his brows.

I pointed at my bags. "These." I said.

"Of course in my room." He said with a facial expression saying 'obviously'.

"In room?" I asked to confirm. Maybe my ears betrayed me. I don't know.

"Yes. In room." He copied my accent. "Of course you will sleep in my room till mom is here."

"Oh..." I tried to keep a straight face. But inside, I was screaming like a fangirl.

As if he read my mind, he said "Don't faint, okay?" He smirked and winked and then left the room. Once I made sure that he really left, I let my body fall onto the bed. I closed my eyes and lived that moment. I was able to feel my whole body burning. That was one of the wonderful moment of my 'messy' life.


Hey my fellow readers!!! I missed you all sooo much! I am back! Finally, my exams are over and I got some peace. 😇 I can't promise for the regular updates because only my exams are over, not the school but... I will try my best to publish as regular as possible! I hope you don't hate me for this. 😅

"What new turn Y/n's life would take now? Jimin neither hates Y/n nor love her. What will happen when they both will sleep under the same roof? Will Y/n be able to make it alive?? 😉"

Now the chapters are gonna take a new turn. There will be more drama, more suspense, more fluff and of course the brand new romance of Jimin and Y/n!

Love you all a looooot! 😘

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