《Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN]》11. Story
After our lovely conversation, we both returned into the hall, together. Mom, secretly gave me a huge smile when she saw us entering the hall together while talking.
The whole day was normal, nothing really special happened but still because of the morning's time it was my best day! Jimin went to his office because of some work even though mom tried to stop him by saying that he was just married. He should atleast take some day's leave from business like I did. But as expected, work is more important for him than me.
"Hey mom, do you need anything?" I asked. Mom was in the kitchen preparing some special drink for God knows who. I asked for help but every time she either pushed me out of the kitchen or gave me a glare. And as expected this time also I received a glare, great.
"I am going in my room, then. If you need anything, just call me." I said and exited the kitchen.
"Thanks! But no thanks!" She shouted from the kitchen.
Sometimes, I really doubt if she is my mother-in-law or I am her one. She really has a very cute, joyful and bubbly personality. No doubt why Mr. Park fell so deeply in love with her.
I entered my room or rather say 'our' room. I took out the book that Jimin gave me this morning and made myself comfortable at one end of the bed. I started reading it.
After around an hour, Jimin entered the room. "Hey, you are back." I said and closed my book.
"Hey. You are finally reading your favourite book, huh?" He started unbuttoning his shirt to change into a comfortable t-shirt.
I couldn't help myself but to stare at his perfectly toned abs.
Oh God... Bless my life...
"Y/n?" I came back to my senses and saw Jimin giving me a 'what happened' look.
"Y-ye-yeah?" I stuttered. Urghh! Why am I like that?! I tried to remember what Jimin was asking. "Yeah... I am finally reading this book just because of you! Thanks!"
"Good. How is this?"
"Till now, it's amazing!" I grinned. He nodded and smiled.
"Do you know what mom is trying to cook?" He asked with a curious expression.
"Dunno. She said that she was trying to make some sort of a drink." I shrugged.
"Drink? But when I went to her, she was cooking something." He gave me a worried look.
"Cooking? Maybe she changed her mind. But, why do you look so worried?"
"Cause I am worried. Mom doesn't know how to cook!"
"You must be kidding me. She made an awesome lasagna!"
"Because that's the only thing she knows how to cook!" He widened his eyes.
Suddenly, I smelled something wierd. I sniffed "Wait. What's that smell?"
Jimin also sniffed. His eyes widened. "Holy f*cking shit!" My eyes also widened as I realized that it wasn't some normal wierd smell.
We both ran to the kitchen. Before entering the kitchen, I decided to take the fire extinguisher along with me. As we both entered, we saw mom standing in the corner with hands on her ears. She was screaming loudly. And the stove was on FIRE!
(FIRE~FIRE~ BULTORUNE! sorry, couldn't control my emotions 😅)
I ran to the stove and sprayed out the extinguisher till the fire was totally extinguished. Three of us stared at each other and the stove for two minutes in silence.
Suddenly, we broke out in laughter. Jimin laughed so hard that he even fell onto the ground. Tears started falling down my eyes due to laughing. And mom also started laughing without any reason.
"Why are you both laughing? It could have been serious." She asked with an innocent expression.
"Sorry mom. I thought that you're an awesome cook." I said and tried to control my laughter.
She rubbed the back of her head. "Well... Now you know that I am not." She smiled awkwardly.
"But mom you shouldn't have tried. Something serious could have happened." Jimin said and wiped off the tears that fell from his eyes because of laughing hard.
"Yeah. I know. Sorry." She pouted.
"By the way, what were you trying to make?" I asked with curiosity.
Her eyes lightened up. "Leave what I was trying to make. Talk about what I made."
"And what is that?" I asked.
She ran to the fridge and took out two glasses of some wierd looking, green liquid. "Here, try it." She handed me and Jimin one glass each.
Jimin and I gave each other a look and then together took a sip. It tasted HORRIBLE. It was so bitter and sour. And I think Jimin also didn't like it because the moment he took a sip, he immediately sprayed it out.
"What is this?!" He asked mom and wiped his mouth.
"What happened? You didn't like it? It's made up of bitter gourd, Indian gooseberry, Arugula and lemon."
"The hell?!" Jimin shouted. He kept the glass on the near by table and took a few steps back. "I am not gonna drink it!" He covered his mouth with his hands and shook his head.
"Why? Is it that bad?" Mom asked with a sad face. I felt bad for her. She worked hard to make it just for us.
"No mom, it is good. He is just overreacting." I gave him a glare. And he gave me a 'what the f*ck?' look. I gulped, took a deep breath and drank all of the juice in one go. Urghhh, it was literally terrible. I kept the empty glass on a near by table.
"Wohaa." Jimin applauded with wide eyes.
"Thank you." I closed my eyes and tried my best to not cringe because of the taste. I had to drink it because of mom. She made it for us with so much love.
|| Be nice to his loved ones.✓
"How was it, dear?" Mom asked with expectant eyes.
I gave her a small smile. "It's... Good."
She smiled brightly and took out one more glass of that juice from the fridge. My eyes widened. "M-mom... I g-guess one gl-glass is enough for m-me."
She chuckled. "Don't worry. It is for me." She took a sip and immediately spit it out. "It's terrible. How come you drink it?" She drank a full glass of water.
"Just because you made it." I gave her a smile. She looked at me with the loving eyes.
She gave me a tight hug. "I love you, dear. Thank you sooooooooo much. I love you."
I hugged her back. "Love you too, mom."
Step Gain love from his loved ones✓
We went back into our room as it got late. Before sleeping, I decided to read a few chapters of my story. So, I took a seat at my usual spot.
"Hey... Y/n?" Suddenly, Jimin called me.
"Yeah?" I placed the bookmark at it's place and closed the book to give my full attention to Jimin.
"Do you have your stories? The one you wrote?" He asked with expectant eyes.
"I think I have..." I tried hard to remember. I think I brought them with me.
He gave me a cheeky smile. "Can I read them?"
"Sure." I smiled at his cuteness. I got up from the bed and went to my unpacked stuff. I haven't seen them since I entered this house. I guess, I would have to work hard. I started searching my bag.
"You search and I'll just use bathroom for a minute." Jimin said.
"Okay..." I struggled. I was literally fighting with my things that were recklessly stuffed in my bag.
After few minutes Jimin returned back from the bathroom. "Umm... Y/n?" He called.
"Hmm?" I hummed. My all the stuff was spilled out and still my books were missing. Wow... Just WOW! I decided to unpack my second bag.
"Can you please clean up the bathroom?" He asked in a tone which showed urgency.
"Jimin I am busy right now. Do it yourself please." Though his request was totally senseless at that time and I got more irritated because of it. I still managed to speak in a polite way.
"I can't, Y/n. You will have to do it yourself." He said in a calm tone.
"Jimin, don't disturb me. I am searching for the books. I don't even remember where they are. Clean up yourself." I flipped my bag completely and threw everything out that was inside it. Where the hell did I keep my books?!
"You sure?"
"Yeah." I started searching in the mess I created.
After sometime, I heard a voice behind me. "Hmm... 32B? That's nice..."
"What?" I turned my head in the voice's direction and it was Jimin. He was standing there with my undergarments in his hands. In one hand he was holding my bra and was reading my size. There was a light blush and smirk on his face.
"The f*ck?!" I cursed under my breath and ran to him. "Give them." I tried to snatch them out of his grip but he took a step back.
"What? You asked me to clean myself. So let me." He said with a smirk.
"I didn't know what type of 'cleaning' you were talking about!" I was continuously struggling to reach to his height but that 'pervert' was not letting me. He raised my garments up in the air so that I was not able to reach them. For the first time in my life I regretted my short height. He was laughing at my struggle.
At last when no other option was left, I stomped on his leg. He groaned and fell onto the bed. Seeking the opportunity, I quickly snatched my garments out of his grip and started running towards the bathroom. I didn't even bother to check if he was following me, I was as red as a tomato. Jimin was laughing hard but I am sure I definitely heard him mumble 'cute'.
Jimin thinks Y/n is cute (2).
I threw the garments into the laundry basket and made sure to cover them properly with other clothes. I took a deep breath and returned back into the room. Jimin was sitting on the edge of the bed with a smug look on his face. I swear, for the first time in my life I wanted to punch hard on his beautiful face only to remove that look.
I ignored him and continued with my search of books. I decided to search for them in the mess I created. Surprisingly, I found them in one go! If only I would have found them earlier, then I would have went to 'clean' the bathroom myself. I really hate my books!!
"Did you find them?" Jimin asked with a mocking voice.
"Yes, I did." I handed him the books. He took the books from me with a smirk on his face. But I replied back with a glare.
"What happened?" He asked in an innocent tone which pissed me even more.
"F*ck off." I blurted out and went to my usual spot to continue reading my story, 'The trespassers'.
Jimin chuckled. He opened my book or rather say my rough draft and took a seat on one of the couch present in the room. He started reading it.
After around two hours, I got tired and decided to sleep. I expected Jimin to be already sleeping but to my surprise he was awake and was reading my draft curiously!
I walked towards him and called him. "Jimin?" He didn't respond. He was so engrossed in the draft that he didn't even noticed my presence. "Jimin..?" Still no response. "Jimin-ah?" This time I slightly raised my voice.
"Yeah?" He finally noticed me. "Do you need something?" He asked in urgency as if he was very busy.
"No... Aren't you sleepy?" I asked with curiosity.
"You aren't gonna sleep? You should sleep, it's late." I was a little concerned for his health.
"I would like to read more. You can sleep if you want. I won't disturb you, I promise." He passed me a smile and started reading the book again. Did he like my book that much? I was happy, really happy.
" Did you like my book that much?" I asked curiously.
"Yup. It's amazing!" He cheered like a child.
I smiled at his cuteness. "That's good, then." I started moving towards the bed. I wanted to jump like a kangroo. I was so happy. I always wanted everyone to love my writing because I wanted to be a writer. And Jimin loving my writing skills was beyond my expectations. I just wanted to scream out of happiness!
"Y/n?" Suddenly Jimin called. I turned to face him.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Did you aspire to become a writer?" He asked this question out of no where. I stood dumbfounded. It was something very private. I never told anyone about this, not even Sam.
"Umm... N-not really. Why?" My voice stuttered. I can't lie, at least to him.
"Your work says that. You have written each and every line with so much love and sincerity that anyone can tell that you have a great affection for writing. And there is no chance that the one who loves writing doesn't want to become a writer." He kept on staring at me with those suspicious eyes. At last, I gave in.
"Yeah... I wanted to become one."
"Then why did you become a business woman?! Why didn't you become an author?!" He sounded disappointed.
"Because everyone who 'want' to become an author can't become one! It's very hard!" I was already disheartened because I desperately wanted to become a writer and now Jimin saying that pissed me off.
"But your story is amazing! Your writing skills, your plot, your ideas, everything is just perfect! You have all the qualities to become a writer!" I know he wanted to just praise my skills n all but he wasn't knowing that by saying that, he was making me more disheartened and was forcing me to regret more. It wasn't my choice to become a business woman over a writer.
Tears started falling down my eyes. I still had a thing for writing. "We should sleep." I said and headed towards the bed.
"Y/n?" Jimin called out for me. I didn't respond and kept on moving towards the bed. When I heard his footsteps following me, I fastened my pace but he was fast enough to catch me. "Y/n, what happened? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" He asked in a worried tone. I didn't face him because I didn't want him to see me crying.
"Jimin, just let me sleep. I am sleepy." I tried to set my hand free from his grip.
"No, first tell me what happened? Did I say something wrong?" He forced me to face him. His eyes widened in shock when he saw me crying. "Y/n..." He guided me to the bed. "Sit." He demanded. I was not in a mood to argue, so I did what he asked me to.
He gave me a glass of water. I took a few sips from it. "Now tell me what happened?"
"Nothin-" I was cut off by him.
"And don't you dare to say 'nothing'." He said in a stern voice.
I sighed. "I wanted to become a writer, okay? I desperately wanted to become that. I never wanted to become a business woman because I never liked business n all." I started crying. All the flashbacks started playing like a movie in my mind.
"Then why did you become one?" He asked while caressing my hair.
"I was forced to become one. My father never gave me a choice in choosing my career. I was just told that I have to study business and handle my father's business like all the generations did. I was so weak in business but still I was left with no other option. I used to go to so many institutions and coachings that I barely used to have time for myself.
I was not allowed to attend the parties, go to clubs, go for night outs, hang out with my friends, bunk classes, go on vacations, NOTHING! I was restricted to do everything! Thank God I was allowed to atleast eat, drink and walk other than studying and attending coachings." I chuckled and started sobbing. I let all the anger out which I was carrying in my heart for years.
Jimin rubbed my back to calm me down. "Why didn't you tell him that you wanted to become a writer, not a business woman."
"Why do you think I never told him?" I looked at him with my tearful eyes. He was looking straight at me with sympathic eyes. "I told him but I was denied. He even took away all my novels so that I could not read. I wrote many more stories when I was in my college b-but he th-threw them-them al-all." I started stuttering. I was in so much pain. My father even slapped me once when I tried to go against him and started writing instead of studying business.
Jimin hugged me, tightly. I hugged him back. I didn't want him to go away. "It's okay, Y/n... It's okay." He caressed my hair. "It's not late, yet. You can still fulfil your dreams."
I looked up at him. "H-how?" I asked, confused.
He smiled. "You can still become a writer." He caressed my cheek. "I will help you in becoming a writer."
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