《Book boy [DNF]》[9] "Willow tree march"
hey so um
im sorry if this sounds weird but
i told my friend about you and now he really wants to meet you so like
d'you wanna hang out sometime?
if your not busy ofc
alright tell me if you wanna :DD
George was through the roof, yet somehow he felt grounded and alive, hyperaware of everything that passed by him and everything that didn't.
Of course, when he first found the news he was excited, happy, a grin grinning on his face as he pulled a pillow up to it and listened to Tommy and Tubbo as they explained the story of how Dream had started following them, followed by yells and screams of laughter and passion.
But now, as he walked towards the front of the library where Dream wanted to meet, he didn't feel as jittery as before. Perhaps it had settled in- That it wasn't Dream he was meeting, it was an old friend, someone who he felt could never be as huge as Dream was, but a small, calm thing.
He picked at his oversized white and black stripped sweater, his sleeves lazily rolled up, with jeans ripped around his knees, topped off with his converses. And red-yellow, green, pink and orangy-yellow bracelets around his wrists (one for each of his friends).
When he reached the place, he saw Dream put a hand to his mouth as he talked to the one and only, Sapnap. Sapnap? The Sapnap? It didn't seem real.
He didn't think he'd survive today.
He kept yelling at himself as he walked over, he's just a person, a god damn person George, not a zoo animal you get to crowd around. "George!" He lifted his head at the sound of his name and saw Dream waving wickedly at him, the widest grin on his face.
George let out a breath and all the nervousness that built up on his chest was slightly wavered. He waved from where he stood and pushed his glasses up, waiting for the light stop to turn green before he strided over to the two of them.
"Hi." He waved nervously and Dream strung a hand around his shoulder. Sapnap looked down at him with a small smile. "George, this is Sap! Sapnap, this is George. You know him, right?" He turned towards George with a cocky smile and George wished to wipe it off his face, forgetting about his nervous jitters entirely.
Dream gave him a smirk.
"Oh, stop looking at me like that!"
Dream wheezed at him, "Look at you like what?"
"Like that! Exactly like that!" George pointed up at him and only made him laugh more.
"Alright, I hope you two lovebirds are done." Sapnap clapped and took the two out of their strange state that George didn't even know they were in, coating his face in a nice shade of red. Lovebirds? "We better go before we get smuggled. George, d'you like muffins and just like- pastries in general?"
He nodded and Sapnap smiled, "Great. We're heading there now then."
Just as they were about to turn heel and walk off, Sapnap's and Dream's phones both danged. They pulled their phones up and began reading what was sent to them, George standing there awkwardly in Dream's grip, hoping he wasn't too red.
"Ah, shit." Sapnap swore and rolled his eyes. "Of all the times they could call us-" He let out an exaggerated sigh of anger and put his phone in his pocket.
"We have to go back to the studio." Dream explained in turn, putting his phone in his pocket. He looked at George and then to Sapnap. "Couldn't we just take him?"
Sapnap clicked his tongue. "If they let us, that's the question."
"I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem, like- What can they do?"
Sapnap thought for a while. "Fair enough. I'm pretty sure he'd die, though." Sapnap snickered at George and George looked back at him with a questioning glance.
"D'you want to come to the recording studio with us? We have to be back in like, five to ten minutes. It's just about that time 'a walk." Dream explained to him. George didn't know what he wanted to do- His inner child wanted to scream and shout like he was Tommy, but with a small shake and a reminder they were waiting for an answer, he nodded. "That works fine."
"Alright then. To the studio!" Sapnap pointed left dramatically.
"It's the other way, Idiot."
Dream pushed the doors of their current home open, and let George and Sapnap pass in first before he went in behind him.
George looked around in the corridor- Looking at the bright red walls, the loose floorboards, the posters on their walls, sounds radiating from the rooms, a very homy feeling stringing them together, something that he couldn't describe filling his lungs and heart.
"Surprised?" Sapnap butted into his thoughts. "Nice place, really. But our one in the states is much better." George couldn't understand how it got better then this.
It wasn't that he was financially unstable, or anything of sorts, but growing up was a tough time for him. His moms never had enough to go around and had to work a lot. This stretched into his adult life also, having to share a rather small apartment with his friends.
But it was all he could ever ask for.
Sapnap went to a door and grinned at George, "Ready? 'Don't wan't to blow your socks off."
George stood nervously while Dream scoffed. "Hurry up, Sap."
Sapnap rolled his eyes pushed the doorknob down to reveal a large room with a mock stage in the right middle of the room, chairs away from it.
There were four boys standing on the wooden floor, with grins and frowns alike.
George could recognise them immediately as if they were letters of the alphabet and he tried not to look unnatural and jumpy when in reality all he wanted to do was scream into his pillow case and tell anyone who would hear about this crazy experience.
Karl was the first to turn, glance at George with his strange, almost nymph like stare and grin, a wild one, like a child finding out they would go to a friends birthday party. "Hey guys!" He gawked when he saw George. "It's him!"
With his words, three more heads turned, two frowning and one with a small smile. Karl bounded up to him and took his hands in his own, raising them to the air. George tried his very best to not freak out in the face of the man.
"Your him! Your-" Sapnap shot him a sly smirk and in the corner's of his eyes, he saw it and smiled. "Your the one that's made Clay a huge nerd." Dream scoffed at the words and pushed past Karl and George with Sapnap.
"Fuck off." He swore, without throwing a single finger. Quackity and Skeppy bounded up to Sapnap like children and Bad came to stand beside both Karl and George.
"What's your name?"
"Er- George."
"D'you know about us?"
"Are you surprised or something? You seem a little shocked. Hey, geek out if you wanna, I don't mind. I'd probably be screaming if I met someone famous." Karl let go of George's hands and stared patiently at him.
George didn't know where to begin.
When he looked at Karl and then turned to Bad, all the words died on his tongue and he couldn't conquer up any questions or words to ask or say. "Your really cool." He smiled.
"Thank you." Bad pushed his square glasses up the bridge of his nose and Karl tipped his head.
"That's all? 'Thought you'd have something else to say." He cocked an eyebrow.
"I'm just really excited right now."
"Okay okay, break it up, break it up." A new voice seethed it's way to his ears and a hand slithered up his shoulder and pulled him closer to a figure. A finger was pointed at his chest and he stared at it wide eyed. "We're gonna need some personal info on Clay over there. When did you two start meeting up?"
"Shut the fuck up, Q!" Dream, or rather- Clay? Why were they calling him Clay? Oh- His real name was probably Clay.
The voice, identified as Quackity, whispered sharply into George's ear. "Forget him, tell me everything."
"Well er-" George gulped and let out a laugh. "He came in and asked for a good read, and I gave him dead poets society-"
"Oh, that's the book you cried about all week!" Karl lifted an arm and threw a pointed finger at Dream who lifted another finger at him.
"What else, what else? We need blackmail here, c'mon." Quackity begged and Bad stifled a cough and broke apart the two.
"Your bothering him to much, let him and Clay have their own secrets without you two poking holes in everything he does." Bad seethed and the two before him rolled their eyes.
Karl chuckled as Quackity brought an argument to Bad's face like a silver platter. "You ruin everything Bad, c'mon, don't you want to know how Clay is when he's awkward?"
"So much for his persona." Skeppy called from behind and Dream swatted a hand at his back, making Sapnap laugh out loud. They were cluttering and clinking at the stage, and George hadn't the slightest idea what they were doing.
George couldn't keep his excitement in.
"Hey- It's not our place to know!" Bad yelled back and Karl crossed his arms and leaned on the doorframe with a wide grin on his face.
Quackity pulled George along and whispered in his ear, "Don't listen to Darryl, he's a fucking pussy, 'never does anything fun."
"Hey, language!"
They laughed in his direction and went about their day with bigger smiles then before. In all honesty, Bad's and Quackity's dynamic reminded him a lot of Wilbur and Tommy's.
He'll have a lot to tell them when he goes back.
"Hey! Get your asses over here!" Sapnap called over to the four of them and they bounded up the stage with a small wave to George.
Karl, in particular, strided towards Sapnap to reach his keyboard and was met with an unmoving stare, fully of cocky optimism that Karl loved so.
"You look pretty today," He mumbled and pressed a kiss onto Karl's head, earning a scoff from Karl and an explosion of complaint from anyone who wasn't George or Bad.
"Yeah yeah, shut up!" Sapnap snapped his head up, fixing his posture, and sending a glance to Quackity, who scoffed and lifted a finger at him.
"Rude." Sapnap muttered and strummed his bright red electric guitar. Dream stood in the middle of all the mess and chaos of their band preparing: Skeppy drummed at his lap distractedly, Bad fiddled with the strap of his guitar, Karl switched his keyboard on and off, Sapnap stared at Quackity and Quackity muttered curse words at him.
George fiddled with his hands and bit his tongue, looking at his side, and walking up a chair and sitting on it quietly, his knees brushing one another self consciously.
Dream glanced at him and grinned.
George looked back and grinned at him too, making him scratch the back of his head. Sapnap elbowed his shoulder and he looked towards him with a slight frown.
The door bursted open to reveal a man with a few executives and helpers following suitably behind him. Some went up on the practice stage and took a good look at them and what they were holding, deeming them well before hopping off of the stage and going away.
The man clapped and turned to look at them.
"You two." He pointed at him and Sapnap. "Your late." George cocked an eyebrow at Quackity rolling his eyes and Dream opening his mouth to speak.
"I'm sorry, I was just-" The man turned from them and to George with a pinched look and a pointed stare that made his bones feel like rocks in his skin. "And, Who are you?" He threw a hand at him and George struggled to find an answer.
"He's a friend," Clay hopped off of the stage and took a step in between where George sat and where the man stood. He towered over him. His height was a frightening fellow. "We invited him."
The man stared into his piercing emerald green eyes and Clay wouldn't dare look him. The man scoffed and opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by Sapnap. "Can we get on, please?"
George looked at Dream's hands that had been balled into fists, feeling a sense of fear coming from him before all fell away and he gave George a reassuring smile, going back on stage, pulling the microphone from its stand.
Another two men appeared from the door and walked inside, check boards in hand. "Who're those guys?" Karl was the first to point and George never felt so out of place.
"Their inspectors. Making sure everything's right for the show in a few weeks." The man clapped and Karl went back to place without another word of complaint. "Ready, then?"
"What song are we singing?" Skeppy spoke up.
"Willow tree March."
"Okay.." Dream shuffled rather awkwardly and turned to his side, to look at Sapnap with a confident smirk that was only left for his onstage personas. "Ready?"
"You bet."
Dream coughed into his arm and let t he first sounds of music reach his ears before he and Bad began to harmonise. And then he began to sing, his voice soft and tender, a nice contrast to the raspy and dark melody that they bore like the laces of their shoes.
"You fall through the trees
And you pray with your knees on the ground
For the things that you need
With your lust and your greed weighing down
And you weaken your love
And you hold it above your head
Success is a song of the heart, not a song of your bed
And we all still die
Yeah we all still die
What will you leave behind?
Oh we all still die"
Sapnap bobbed his head as the song went on, Karl drove his fingers around the keyboard like a roadman, Skeppy drummed harder and harder like his life depended on it, Bad harmonised like an angel, Quackity's excitement was shown in the way he slammed his fingers on top of the strings, masking them as chords. And Dream- Oh Dream.
Dream's voice was soft like honey, seething through and right to the ears of anyone who would listen. He captures them in a deadly state, reaches out to them only to pull his hand away and grin, grin as you would stare at him with excited, bloodshot eyes.
He was beautiful.
"You fall through the trees
And you pray with your knees on the ground
For the things that you need
With your lust and your greed weighing down
And you weaken your love
And you hold it above your head
Success is a song of the heart, not a song of your bed
And we all still die
Yeah we all still die
What will you leave behind?
Oh we all still die"
George couldn't believe he was sitting here, listening to the band that had saved him.
"Marching away from the stream
This tree it will die without leaves
Marching away from the stream
This tree it will die without leaves
This tree it will die
This tree it will die
And we all still die
Yeah we all still die
What will you leave behind?
Oh we all still die
And we all still die
Yeah we all still die
What will you leave behind?
Oh we all still die"
When the last chord plaid and Dream held his tongue, when everything was over and done with, the silence seeping through and whisking away any remains of their confidence, George clapped.
The motion was a small thing but the sound was the loudest, and caught all of the band mates attentions, even the man that bore no name, and even Dream.
He looked up at George and smiled softly when he first heard the sound and Sapnap elbowed at his shoulder with an all knowing grin.
"That was great!" He said after the man had left and the rest of the band were left to do whatever they pleased. Dream scratched the back of his head with a grin, laughing at George's optimism and complements.
"Who was that guy?" He suddenly asked and Dream cocked his head up. Sapnap overheard them and went to go and answer the question.
"Manager. His names' Harry." George had to bite his tongue to stop himself for referencing his favourite series of all time, Harry Potter.
When Sapnap left Dream said the words.
"Hey!" George pushed at his shoulder and Dream chuckled in response. "I could see you were thinking about it!"
"Percy Jackson nerd."
"Eh? Excuse me? Your inlove with a series where they just yell abracadabra at eachother!"
"Hey, take that back!"
"Heh, no."
"Well, your inlove with a series about sea boy and his dumb folks!"
"Don't diss the gods like that! And the campers, my camp half-blood heart- You'll go to Tartarus for that."
"Hey, if I'm going your coming down with me."
Dream wheezed at the comment. "What! No way, your on your own."
As Dream and George bickered to one another with their smiles as wide as watermelons and their happiness bouncing off of them like their reflections, Sapnap smiled.
He turned to Karl and ruffled his hair. "He's totally smitten, right?" Quackity asked, Karl chuckling at the comment.
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