《Book boy [DNF]》[10] "Don't call me Dream"
"There's even more?!" Clay asked as he stared down at the book in George's grip, Midnight.
"Yep. It's a full fledged series, it's still being written into the ground." George spoke, placing the book on his desk, tracing a finger over the cover, gazing at the small splashes of colour that mixed and contrasted with each-other.
"Are you going to read them then?" George asked, looking up to meet Dream's gaze.
He tipped his head in thought. "I kind of don't want to. But Cinderpelt-" He pulled both hands to his face and hid them, making George chuckle slightly. "AH, I can't do this."
"Do you want me to spoil her later arc?"
"What type of a question is that?"
"She dies in like- the 5th book of this arc."
Dream's mouth dropped and he stared at George, his pupils large. George couldn't help but laugh. "What, why would you say that?!" He seethed, trying his best to whisper, and George couldn't stop laughing.
"Well there's no way I'm reading that now, bye warriors, you were terrible." George's mouth became wide as he pushed his glasses up and stared back at Dream.
"Your offending so many people right now. Including me."
"Don't care, s'not my fault you guys are a bunch of furries."
"You read it to! If your calling all of us furries, look at yourself first."
Dream stared into George's chocolate brown eyes and a soft smile lifted the edges of his lips, silencing his mock angriness, and sending him in a fit of a pounding heart and a grinning grin.
"D'you want to hang out?"
George looked up from another book at his fingertips, The secret garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. He began to grin as Dream's eyes searched his.
Dream nodded, "Any Ideas?"
"Oh- um. I'm going to have a film night with my friends tonight, if you'd- If you'd like to join us, of course, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." He cursed himself for stuttering.
Dream grinned. "Sounds nice."
"Good then, I'll send you the details, Dream-"
"Don't call me that."
George stopped. Dream began to explain himself, "I mean- Don't use my stage name. Call me Clay, not Dream. It's too weird."
"Okay, Drea- Clay. Clay."
Dream chuckled. "You say it weird."
George laughed and hung his head, much to Dream's laughs.
When he went home, everything was chaos.
One thing led to another and now everyone in his household knew that he was going to meet up with Clay that day.
At first, he was blown away and pushed to his door, stared at by Tommy and Tubbo with loud, piercing eyes.
Wilbur was the first to talk, and the three had demanded to know if George was going on a date. George denied it almost immediately but the three told all the walls and furniture of the house that he infact was going on a date.
"Ugh- Its not a date! We're just going to hang out." George yelled through gritted teeth. Tommy was just about to open his mouth and retaliate, but Niki stopped him with a stare.
"Leave him alone, stop pestering him. If he isn't going on a date, then he isn't, and if he is? That's none of our business."
She stood up from the sofa and pushed George up with her. As they passed, Tommy stuck his tongue out to George and George stuck his out in turn, making Tubbo yell and Tommy call him the dumbest idiot he had ever known.
Niki closed his door and sat on his bed, waiting for him to follow pursuit. "Um- What's this?" He asked, sitting down next to her.
She shrugged. "I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around them. Boys."
George laughed in turn, and she smiled at him. She but the inside of her cheek and the room grew silent, only for George to observe her and then ask; "Is anything wrong?"
"Hm?" Niki snapped her head up and George looked at her. "You seem sad."
"Oh, sorry. I've just had a lot on my mind lately." She said, shifting her position so that she sat crossed legged on his bed.
"Well, go on then. I'm all ears."
Niki chuckled at the term. It took a while for her to speak, but soon the words croaked out of her throat and made their way to George's ears. "I don't think I'm straight."
George listened carefully. "Like- I've been experimenting. For a couple of months now, and like- It's strange, it feels strange, but I don't think that I like men that much. I mean, their alright, I've liked them before but- But I've also liked girls too."
She sighed. "What I'm trying to say is that, um- I might be bisexual." George's eyes glimmered. "I've known for a few weeks now but um- I'm not good with coming out speeches and whatever so, I thought- maybe you could..."
"Niki." George's eyes shone. "That's the most amazing news I have ever heard. Yeah of course, I'll tell the others for you, if you'd like? But woah- Niki, that's sick!"
Niki laughed, pulling a strand of her hair to her ear. "Can I respectfully bully you about it?"
"Pfft- Why are you even asking? You can."
"Thank you." George grinned a proud smile and Niki laughed again. Quite suddenly, George pulled her into a hug and drew his hands around her. "I'm really proud of you."
He swore he caught a sniffle from her response. "Thank you, Gogy."
"Guys, she's gay." George pointed at Niki and Niki's hands caught her face as all she could do was laugh. Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo started up at them weirdly, as George tried to fight the smile that crawled up his face.
"That's cool, Nickel." Niki dropped the hands from her face and stared at Tubbo, who grinned at her. "You- I told you to stop calling me that!"
"Sorry, Nichole." Tommy put in and got up from where he stood. He walked up to Niki and gave her a big hug, towering over her as he was a full few feet taller.
It was weird to see that he was taller then half of them. Wilbur surpassed him of course, yet it was so strange that Tommy, little Tommy that ate mud and grinned like a maniac, being taller then him. What was the world they live in.
"I'm proud of you, mate. But we're still gonna bully you either way. Now you've gave us more material, so thanks quid." Niki rolled her eyes and George laughed in turn.
Tubbo got up, hugged her too, and now, together, all clustered around one another like they were family that hadn't seen eachother in years, they stared at Wilbur.
"Get in here, Will!" George called.
"Yeah! C'mon, get you arse over here!" Tommy grinned back and Wilbur suddenly stood, taking small agonising steps towards Niki, head down. He suddenly glanced up, and smiled when his eyes met hers, stretching out his large arms for them to hug, and in turn, they did.
All except Tommy, who was pushed in by both Tubbo and George. "Eugh- You guys are so clingy. Your worse then Tubbo."
"Shut up Tommy."
Clay opened the door of their studio with the widest grin on his face, burying his face in the secret garden, his face a number of bright, twinkling stars strung together like the fabric of his clothes. A red hue spread across all of it.
Sapnap lifted his head at the sight of him. "Oh, hey Clay." But he never got a response. Clay passed by without a word and left their hangout spot, disappearing into the hallway.
Quackity looked up. "What the hell was that?" Karl leaned into his side whilst Bad and Skeppy sat closer to eachother, scrolling through Twitter, turning to eachother if only to look at fanart or kind words shared by their fans.
"There's something up with him, I swear." Skeppy put in.
"It's George." Sapnap said, straitening himself. "It's him, I know it is." He stood up and abandoned whatever he was doing beforehand, pulling down the door handle. "I'm going to check up on him."
They bid him a short goodbye and the man left, wandering down the halls of their studio. It seemed that Clay had fully disappeared by the time he checked every room in the studio, and he couldn't find him. Suddenly, something caught his eye.
In the far corner of the hallway, there was a small, out of place suitcase hanging out like no man's business. Sapnap strode up to it, and pulled it out of the way, finding a trap door on the ground that made way to a larger room. Huh.
Sapnap crawled in without much struggle, and found Clay reading a book in the tiny room. He must say, it didn't look so bad- fairy lights strung around the room, conducting an anthem for the rest of the objects in the room to follow. Pillows, a blanket, a small sleeping bag, books, a computer and a plug.
"Woah." Clay jolted up, lifting his head to face Sapnap with a widened expression. "What's this?"
Clay let out a sigh as Sapnap came to sit beside him. "Hide out spot."
"Woah. How does this room fit in there?"
"Dunno. 'Found it when we got here."
Sapnap chuckled. "Your good at that, aren't you?"
"I guess."
They grew quiet for a moment before Sapnap dared asked, "So what's going on with you and George?"
Clay hummed quietly, a noticable hue of red sprinkling his cheeks. "S'Nothing."
"Oh, c'mon."
"Okay fine." Clay shut his book and finally allowed a grin to form on his face. "I'm meeting with George later today, and I'm too excited."
Sapnap raised his hand and drew it around his back, only to pull his head closer to his grinning face and rub it. Clay tried to move away but Sapnap's grip was too strong.
"I can't believe little ol' Clayton is finally going on a date!" Clay pulled away, cheeks a loud shade of red. He scoffed, "Fuck off. And my name isn't Clayton."
"Oh yeah, okay. Defiantly." Sapnap sank on the wall behind him, and stared up at Clay with the same grin. "Things are weird, aren't they?"
"Hm?" Clay hummed quietly.
"We've only been here 2 months and you've already got yourself a boyfriend. My brother." Nick spoke, raising a hand for Clay to take in his own, a means to protect themselves from the world, a strange bond, a melody, that was plaid for them and only them.
Clay had known Nick for a long while, ever since Middle school, and the two were irrespirable. They couldn't go one step without eachother, and as time passed and they grew, it was the same. When Clay was about 16, he'd realised this underlining passion for music and had dragged his friend, who had already been into it since the age of 14, with him.
And now look where they stood, on the top of the hill, with a couple of drinks, cd's and a cd player at their side.
It was amazing. Clay slapped his hand onto Nick's and Nick squeezed it tightly. They sat like that, just like that, for a single minute, before they began to laugh, chiming with each-other.
"So, are you going to tell George you like him?"
"Shut up."
Logical Labyrinth
This story is now being rewritten under the title of World of Tala. The link is http://royalroadl.com/fiction/11167
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A small town girl in a foreign city is never a good thing. Nevaeh Hart got into her dream college and she's finally free.But what happens when one afternoon on her way to town she gets kidnapped on the side of the road? And along the way learns the dark truth about her past.•"Why are you always quiet when I tell you what I'm going to do to you?" He asked and I bit onto my bottom lip."Answer me, Nevaeh." He said slowly."Because you catch me off guard." I told him. "Why would that throw you off guard?" He asked and I stayed quiet. He leaned forward in his seat before looking deeply into my eyes. "You're a virgin." He stated and my eyes widened. "Am I the first man that has ever licked that pretty little pussy of yours?" He asked before pulling me towards him by my legs. I simply nodded and he smirked."Did you like your punishment?" He asked before pushing my legs apart and I nodded. "Now be a good girl and answer me." He demanded."Yes, daddy." I said while watching his hand remove my panties."Do you want another punishment?" He asked and I shook my head at him. He kissed the inside of my thighs before looking up at me."Why not?" He asked before licking the sensitive skin near my hole."You'll leave again." I shuddered."I won't." He said before licking my clit. I gripped the white sheets beneath me before moaning in pleasure.The Sequel of this book is named HER HUMAN HELL!•1 in #mafiaboss1 in #daddysgirl1 in #punishments1 in #stockholm2 in #daddy-dom3 in #possessive3 in #lighthearted4 in #wattys4 in #kidnapped4 in #18plus5 in #sexy(Book cover by _navyblueee_)WARNING THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN 18!
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