《ʜᴇʏ ᴇᴍᴏ ʙᴏʏ | xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜰɪᴄ》Part 21


"Y/n was there when it happened, after all."

The silence that remained after that was deafening.

"What?" Xiao whispered to himself in disbelief. "What do you mean Y/n was there? That can't be right. Why would they ask about it then?"

"That's what I've been wondering as well. Perhaps Y/n doesn't remember it, which wouldn't be so surprising." Zhongli walked over to Xiao and patted his shoulder.

"I wanted to tell you about it sooner but it didn't seem right at the time. I apologize for that."

The teal headed boy sighed. "What was Y/n doing there?"

"They... were the one driving the car. And according to their father, they got distracted and noticed the girl too late."

Xiao was simply in disbelief. He didn't notice how wide his eyes opened and how hard his heart sunk the moment he heard Zhongli speak those words. He felt all kinds of conflicted emotions. The boy didn't know what exactly to feel.

"Y/n... was the one who was driving the car..." he could feel himself getting dizzy just by thinking about it. He quite literally couldn't believe this.

"Will you talk to Y/n about it?" Zhongli glanced over at Xiao.

"I don't know, should I? I don't even know what I'll say. What can I even say?"

"It's up to you. If you wish to talk to them about it, then you should." Zhongli patted his shoulder once more.

Xiao brushed his front bangs backwards with his hands as a bitter smile was plastered onto his face. "Dammit... why don't you ever give me a straight answer?" he mumbled.

Zhongli simply chuckled in response, not saying anything more.

But he did feel bad that he couldn't do anything more for Xiao.


did you know abt y/n and the accident

huh know what

they were in the car

oh shit

i had no idea

yea i expected that

why didn't y/n say anything abt it

zhongli says it's possible that their memories were affected after it happened


are you going to ask them abt it

idk if i should

this entire thing is weird


man i hope this entire mess gets sorted out soon

yea same

this might be a bad time but

any news on qiqi?



Seen at 4:22pm


i'm assuming zhongli already told you what he told me

what'd you find out

he told me abt the accident


did you find out anything else?


i actually had a few more questions

but wasn't able to ask at the time since it didn't feel right

what other questions do you have

i wanted to ask what happened to the girl afterwards

she was taken to the nearest hospital

how is she?

i don't know


sry i shouldn't have asked

it's fine


abt the students you fought with

what happened to them

two of them got expelled, while one was suspended

why was only one suspended

since ig he didn't actually contribute to the fight

do you know who they are


why did they fight you

that, idk


now, i have a question for you


do you rlly not remember anything abt the accident?

huh wdym

how would i remember anything, i wasn't there

zhongli said you were


is that why he was acting weird

wait what

you were in the car


think you guys mixed me up with smn else

he's certain it was you

but that can't be right

i don't remember that happening


it's possible that your memories were impacted

maybe you don't remember it, but it did happen


sry i genuinely don't know how to respond

so you really don't remember anything?

i swear i don't

what was i doing in the car

driving it, apparently

that can't be true...

i don't remember getting in an accident

like i said before, your memories might have been impacted


this has to be a misunderstanding

try to remember what happened

i am trying sjsd

wait you didn't see me, did you

you would've seen me if i was the one driving the car

zhongli said i was already taken away before you came out of the car

taken away where

me, along with the others, were taken by the authorities for questioning


this is all really weird

you might remember more later on

but then

so then

that accident was my fault

no, i could have prevented it

but i could have too

i'd rather not talk abt whose fault it was rn

i'm sorry

i didn't know any of this

so you really weren't aware

yeah i promise

this is as surprising for me as it probably is for you

have you ever gotten in a car accident before?

none that i could recall

alr then

are you mad

why would i be?

if it weren't for me, that girl wouldn't have gotten hurt

accidents happen

besides, it's my own fault for not being able to save her in time

but that's not your fault

like i said before, let's not talk abt whose at fault

right sry sry

ima go now

oh bye then

Seen at 4:57pm

You placed your phone down while letting out a shaky sigh.

This entire scenario was puzzling to you. You only wanted to know more about what happened to Xiao and found out more about yourself instead.

You couldn't help but feel guilty. You did start regaining small bits of the memories from the incident.

When you had dreams about it previously, you simply shook it off as meaningless nightmares and nothing more. Who would've known those dreams actually happened?

But one thing stuck out to you: Xiao blamed himself for this accident when you clearly played a large role in it as well.

And those students who fought with Xiao. Who exactly are they? Why did they fight with him? What about the one who was only suspended? What will happen when he returns? Will he return?

Besides them, you felt anger towards yourself. How could you allow something like this to happen? It was all extremely bizarre to you that you didn't pay attention to the road and hit someone as a result.

Thinking about all of this was exhausting. You wanted it all to end when it had only just begun.

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