《My famous boss (gxg)》Chapter 28


Today Chris and I are driving to my place. He told me he'll help me clean since I bet dust is everywhere. I didn't open those doors in six months. I bought groceries and a new toothbrush. When we arrived to my place I first checked my mail. Which was filled completely. I took the stash of mail and put it in one of the bags I had in my hand. I opened the doors and was met with a very dirty house. It was covered in dust and spider webs.

"Let's not bring in food until we clean everything Chris" I say to him. He agrees and we both go inside. I open all of the windows to get some fresh air inside. You could barely breathe here. I then went to get all the cleaning supplies we'll need in order to tackle all of this.

"How about we don't use the broom at all? If we sweep the dust will just rise up and we'll have to wait for it to settle. Let's take a mop and a vacuum and just go for it." Chris says

"Sure. I like that idea. I'll get the vacuum and you get the mop." He nods and we start cleaning. I play us my cleaning playlist. Yes I have a playlist for every situation. I'm aware of how weird I am. We finished the living room in just a few minutes. I then went to the kitchen and started working there. We'll need to eat soon so I have to make everything nice and ready. While we were cleaning I heard my doorbell ring.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Chris asks turning the music down.

"No, It's just you and me." I say

I open the door to find Jeremy and Mackie in front of my door.

"Well hello you two."

"Heeey we came to help." Mackie says and Jeremy just nods.

"You didn't have to." I say smiling at them.

"Yes we did." Jeremy says and picks up a box full of cleaning supplies.

"You know we could have handled this." I tell them, sort of embarrassed now.

"We're friends Lena, that's what friends do. Get used to it." Mackie says patting my shoulder.

Turns out that we really did need their help. They carried everything away so I could vacuum even underneath the couch and I could wipe everything now that there were more than two people here. Jeremy cleaned my bathroom and Mackie did my guest room. I cleaned my bedroom. In two hours my place looked amazing.

"Wait wait don't walk here." Chris tells me as I walk into the living room

"Why?" I ask

"I just mopped the floors with the fancy shit Jeremy bought. It smells and looks amazing." He says showing me the bottle.

"That's great. I'll go into my room then." I tell him and I walk back to my room.

"Hey, you scared me." I jump as I see Mackie and Jeremy in my room.

"Sorry we didn't mean to do that. We just walked in here since Chris is acting like Gandalf or some shit." He says looking through the window.

"You got a pretty cool room" Jeremy says.

"Thank you. I tired my best to make it the most 'me' room in here." I say

"I heard from a little birdie that you have a watch collection." Jeremy says smiling at me.


"Chris? Did he tell you?" I ask

"Yeah, he talks a lot when he's drunk." he says smiling.

I walk to my desk and take out the entire drawer from it. I put it down onto the bed.

"Here, you can take them out and try then out if you want. Just put them back when you're done." I say and go to the kitchen to make us something to eat.

I decided to make some spaghetti and meatballs. I made a bigger portion than I am used to. I have three men in my house who can eat like three me. I have to make big portions. After I cooked the pasta I made the meatballs. While I was stirring the meat Chris walked in.

"Hey, what are you making?" He asks sitting in one of the barstools.

"I am making some spaghetti and meatballs. I just finished stirring the meat." I say walking to the sink to wash my hands.

"Do you need any help?" He asks

"No, but thank you. I just have to cook these and make the sauce." I tell him

He kept me company and we talked about Selena. More so be talked about her and I listened carefully. I didn't want to interrupt him while he talked so I hummed and nodded a few times for him to continue on.

"What about you? How are you and Scarlett now?" He asks

"I don't know if we're being honest. She and I talked obviously, but nothing happened since." I tell him as I cook the meatballs.

"What do you think about Colin?" He asks

"He's a nice guy. Sometimes he's even funny."

"You didn't get me. What do you think about Colin with Scarlett?" Chris asks again.

"I've seen them together only two times I don't really have much to say." I tell him

"He seems off to me, I don't know why." Chris says.

"Who are you two talking about?" Mackie asks walking in.

"Colin" Chris and I say at the same time.

"Yeah, I definitely have an ick about that guy." Mackie says sitting on the counter.

"Right! I mean I don't have anything against him. I just think something is wrong."

"Not wrong but just bad. Like if I was a girl and I saw him coming towards me I'd walk the other way." Mackie says

"I didn't get that feeling." I say.

"Yeah, probably because you were looking at Scarlett." Jeremy says and sits next to Chris.

"For your information I didn't see Scarlett in six months before that." I say to him.

"You didn't see me either!" Jeremy says laughing

"What are you making?" Mackie asks

"I'm making spaghetti with meatballs and right now I'm about to do the sauce." I tell them.

"It smells amazing." Jeremy says

"Thank you." I say shyly

I finish making the food and the boys set the table. I pull out some beers from the fridge and some water for me. I still can't drink anything so I don't bring out any for me.

"Now that is what a call a MEAL." Mackie says as he takes his first bite.

"I'm glad you like it." I say

"Like it! I love it. I didn't know you were Gordon Ramsey in this bitch." Mackie says and we laugh at that.


"See now you would be a much better fit for Scar, in my opinion." Jeremy says sipping on his beer.

"I agree! Like she's perfect! She cooks, she makes AMAZING cupcakes and she has an amazing music taste." Chris says

"Right! I'd marry you right now." Mackie says smiling.

"Thank you three, but I don't think it is that simple. Besides I doubt I'll ever get married." I say eating my food.

"Why's that?" Jeremy asks

"I just can't picture my life like that" I say

"I get that. It's alright. You're still a catch though." Mackie says and he puts his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. I nod and we finish our food. Chris volunteers to do the dishes and I can't say no to that. Mackie had to go so we say goodbye to him and Jeremy and I chill in the living room.

"You've got in impressive watch collection Lena" He says

"Thank you, it is not something you see every day huh?" I say

"No, I've never met anyone with as many rolexes as you." He says smiling at me.

"I don't like to flaunt my financial status so could you possibly not mention this to anyone else?" I ask

"About that.. I already sent a picture of me wearing three of your rolexes to the group chat." He says apologetically

"Oh Jeremy! I didn't know you would do that!" I say embarrassed

"Why are you acting like that? You literally drive an Audi Q7. Everyone knows you have money." He says

"Well they don't know I have THAT much money." I say

"Don't worry they all think it is cool. See even Mark asked for a spin on the blue one." He says showing me the text message.

"Fine. But I will kill you." I say

"I'm done with the dishes. How are you feeling?" Chris asks me, walking into the living room.

"I'm alright. A bit tired though." I say

"Well we did work our asses off today and it is 7pm." He says looking at his watch.

"Should we head out? Do you need to rest?" Jeremy asks me.

"I'm fine guys, don't worry about me." I say

"Can I see your wound? To check it it's all healed." Chris asks

"Knock yourself out." I say raising my shirt.

"I'm gonna give you some privacy." Jeremy says getting up.

"Oh you don't have to do that. It's just my stomach silly." I say

Chris sits next to me and inspects my stomach. He smiles at the tattoo and lowers my shirt.

"How are you ripped still?" Jeremy asks

"Huh?" I say laughing at him

"It's just that you have fucking abs even after a month of doing nothing." He says smiling at us.

"It's because of me. My shield keeps her strong like vibranium." Chris says getting up.

"You mean Captain America's shield?" Jeremy says

"I'm getting an arrow tattoo next." I say to Jeremy

"As in Hawkeye?" He asks

"Sure, why not." I say

"Can you put it somewhere cool?"

"Imagine if you put it on one of your butt cheeks" Chris says laughing to himself.

"That would be a cool place." Jeremy says

"It's not like you would see it." I say taunting him.

"True. When did you plan on getting it?" He asks

"Some time after RDJ's birthday." I say

"Cool. Well let me know so I can gloat to the rest of the team." He says smiling at me.

Chris and Jeremy leave around 9 pm and I realize I have nothing to do until I go to bed. I still have a pile of mail to go through but I decide I'll do that tomorrow after breakfast. Right now, all I need is some me time. I don't need anyone right now and it feels amazing to be just independent. I hear my doorbell ring. Who in the world is here now? Maybe Chris forgot something in the apartment. I get up as I hear another ring come from the doorbell.

Behind those doors I didn't expect to see the most amazing looking green orbs. But, I did. She looked very tired and like she's been crying. I open the door a bit more and let her come in.

"I know I should have called I just, I was close to your place and I thought you wouldn't mind. I'm sorry if I disturbed your peace." She rambles

"Hey, don't worry. Did something happen to you?" I ask her

"Colin and I had a fight. It got ugly and I didn't know where else to go besides here." She says

"Thank you for coming here, do you want to sit down?" I ask her and she nods at that. We sit down in the living room.

"Is this your first fight?" I ask her

"Not really. We had other smaller disagreements but this one got ugly." She says

"Would you like to tell me what happened?" I ask her

"Only if you want to of course." I add

"We were laying in bed watching a movie like we always do on friday nights. He started getting sexual with me and I told him I was not in the mood. I just wanted to cuddle and fall asleep in his arms. He didn't like how I told him no so he pushed more. I started getting angry and I got up from the bed and went to the living room to cool off. I thought I was the problem. He followed me and we started to argue about how we don't have sex often and how he has to wait for me for way too long. I said some things and we fought for almost an hour. I grabbed my keys and just left. I couldn't stay there and fight with him anymore." She says crying now. I reach to her hand and she gladly takes into her own.

"It's not your fault. It is never your fault when it comes to situations like this. You're allowed to say no and you're allowed to be able to express your feelings." I tell her.

"Have you eaten anything?" I ask her.

"Yeah I had a burger for lunch." she says

"Jesus Scarlett that was hours ago. Come with me. I'll make you something to eat." I get up from the couch and offer her my hand to take.

"I shouldn't. You're still injured." She says

"I'm perfectly fine Scarlett. Now come on." I say again

"Sometimes I don't think I even deserve you"


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